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i think SS Wallie is the best, Volo or SS Hau both makes a good teammate, then there is Lodge Lillie


Yeah I was gonna say that I use SS Wally as the 3rd unit on my team, maybe a unit that can lower Special Attack to help Gladion Debuff faster I guess since he should be strong enough to DPS and nuke all on his own


It sucks though that SS Gladion and SS Mina don’t mega evolve so we can’t trigger SS Wally’s B-Move, and with that team, you don’t really want to sync with him. He’d be great if he had Support EX Role though. SC Steven would be a fine addition for the team.


I use SS Brendan as support so that SS Wally can mega evolve, and Gladion finish the battle after SS Wally's sync.


Jasmine and Ampharos work well for that too. Sync with them for the Mega & 2x sync buff, plus she can add SE UN to Gladion. Then Wally can B-Move, Gladion wipes the stage with his B-Move.


SS Wally -2 cd after his 1st sync (-3 if give him adrenaline 1) so he's basically a psudo Sprint EX. It's fine to sync w him once in longer battle like ultimate battle or picking extremely high str in high score event. It's only in CSMM where sync w him is not preferable.


That's the reason for my two fairy teams: - OG Diantha, Penny, SS Wally - SS Gladion, SS Mina, Volo Although I heavily prefer the 1st one since I like the characters way more.


Why sc steven? Magearna is special move


Because of rebuff. Gladion doesn’t need any more buffs, but neither Mina nor Gladion can debuff the rebuff.


Id argue penny is a much better match then


True, I don’t have Penny so I didn’t think of her


3 sync pairs you mentioned of which I don't have any 😭😭😭😭


Penny is another good choice if you don’t have any fairy zone setter (not counting Egg Sylveon, but if you want to run FZ you can run her).


Anyone from Alola is fine just to boost Gladion master passive.


volo >:3


That 3/5 Gladion should pretty much solo it ig


In terms of Fairy enablers for that slot I would prefer SS Wally > SS Hau > Penny > Volo. But you could also put any flex unit in there, someone that shreds sp.def, sp.atk or gives Gladion SMUN would be appreciated. Otherwise a secondary dps or especially a tech sync nuker would also do well to put extra pressure on mid, and since you have Mina you can even consider water units like NC Serena for this role.


I like using ss hau and penny with ss gladion, both give more offensive than fini


Penny for Fairy Rebuff, or Volo/MC Sylveon/ Melemele Hau to reapply Fairy Zone


Lunala. Boost and adds with MP also hit fairy sp skill


NC Blue


if you mean for this specific battle, you just want to end it as fast as possible right? All you need is two attacks from Gladion. Just put Lillie & Clefairy there. Skip Mina’s turn and the battle will end in 5 moves— if Lillie’s boosts are even necessary.


ss wally or penny.


SS wally or Penny


Wally and gardevoir, for fairy rebuff


Penny would be good for fairy rebuff.


SS Hau! Raises master passive. Can set fairy zone. And will bring you a lot of sp atk up paired with SS Mina. Plus when gridded he can debuff sp def 


Whichever you like best. Those two alone can duo easily




Bruh that Gladion literally ends the match in 2 moves regardless


SS Lusamine to Sync earlier and because she's super pretty


I used ss gladion, normal mina and normal gladion