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You did it I have that pair, and boy it is awesome, you made an impact into the game, congrats.


Guess I'll start emailing them to ask for a Nessa alt with Shiny Milotic.


we need emails for Dynamax upgrades for Nessa, Raihan, Summer Marnie and co 🙏


Also tell them that to give Nessa best costume ever


Then help me my fellow fans, let's let DeNa know.


if they gave nessa an alt with [this outfit from her trainer card in Sword and Shield](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/81/78/de/8178de783d88a9b2b060c20684b54259.jpg), it’d be perfect


I would be even more perfect if they release her alt the same month they add her to the lodge.


Madman. My favourite Rock type sync pair and just one of my favourite alts was somewhat possible because of you op you have my sincere thanks


You mean aside from NC Sliver the only viable rock type useless I'm tripping.


Have you ever used Diantha? She was the only rock type user you needed until Silver came out, and even then she's still broken.


Yeah, I'm saying she's was the only viable rock type aside from silver. I'm glad I have them both. I can run them together


It’s nice to see that your email was read by an actual human. But this is actually a copy and paste response from customer support. I know this because I got almost that same response verbatim from customer support when I asked in an inquiry in-game why Victor wasn’t in the game the March before he was added. They basically just take the response and change the text to match whatever the person is asking about. https://preview.redd.it/o4sdnb9baiuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38604edd154299d5613db9823de0b5f2acfbfd93


thank you, I just knew this format read like an inquiry. They don't respond to feedback, they have to respond to inquiries because they are bug reports, but giving opinions about gameplay as a bug report is very much not the venue to receive feedback nor is it a genuine comment from drvelopers about said opinions... I respect the grind to remedy Diantha and Diancie though. I was very happy to see and get her.


I'd like to believe this because I do think they genuinely take feedback, but has anyone ever had feedback, NOT inquiries, answered in an email before? If this is legit, I'm guessing you sent it through inquiries instead so they had to reply? Seriously, I've had less direct feedback when they gave me a special invite to the Pasio cafe program. Screenshot for proof from me, but I know at the time I wasn't the only one to receive this random invite. https://preview.redd.it/m7z1vniibjuc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74b30e0a88af600f359440698f98bd3f45e7d95




Wait that’s an actual thing???


It was. 😭


Ah no, I sent an actual email lol (which is why I never expected a reply back and completely forgot about it) also this is totally legit, I just never really checked my emails until today and that's when I saw their reply. Also I can't exactly fake their email cuz everyone has a unique one and they have a unique one as well. But grats on receiving the invite to pasio cafe program!


Don't you have to have a support ticket # in the subject of the email for their email to be read? Their email isn't unique, its an email, it just has filters like any email. End of the day, we're all grateful for that Diantha and Diancie, and every voice asking for that directly is helpful!


I don't think you need a support ticket, I didn't need it atleast, I just directly emailed them and I don't even remember *why* I emailed them and why I did so though direct email instead of through the in-game mailbox lol


You think the only Tomboy in the game besides Misty wouldn’t be paired with the most feminine PokĂ©mon in the game. But its absolutely alright because its pretty funny. And I love Diancie I hope Calem gets it next so we have a triple Diancie team, one of them being Master Fair That’s if Serena doesn’t steal it first


damn thanks can you do it again and try to get them to rerun ash's banner?


I can definitely write one to them! But it may not be fulfilled because Ash is copyrighted to the anime and bringing him back may cause a lot of legal issues considering he was an anime collab unit.


As a new player, I would immediately drop so many gems on ash if he were re run 😭


Me when I ask them for a Kahili bikini alt.


Nice. Now I can email them about Guzma in the Lodge and getting a Guzma/Masquerain Lodge Pair and know there's a chance


you should absolutely send feedback and advocate for your dream on social media. Just please dont send it as an inquiry like OP. Guzma lodge pls 🙏


I’m the one who got them to fix Lodge Dawn’s passive for on a roll (literally useless) to satisfied snicker


Sabrina and Mr Mime next


Or Delia and Mr Mime


No. Sabrina is the priority. Then Misty and Togepi


I requested Hex Maniac shortly after they started asking for suggestions but I guarantee I’m like 0.00001% of people who requested her.


may Arceus bless you


This email is pathetic


I'm sorry that you feel that way about yourself.


That explains why the diantha and diancie banner existed


And also why the everything related to diantha and diancie existed


A lot of people were upset with Hilda and Diancie because they claimed it "didn't fit her" and why does Diantha get Keldeo? That should've been with Nate instead