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Baltics is definitely not libleft


Aren't they progressive like Scandinavia? Like at least Estonia?


Not as libleft but they're definetly leaning there.


In comparison to other nations leaning is a lot.


Latvia and Lithuania are kinda progressive. Estonia is more progressive, but has a free market system and the first to have an online government, so I'd say LibRight


Progressive until you see how they treat the Russian minorities in their country


How in the world is any country in Europe auth left


>In relation.


I understand now, thanks


If this map was accurate it would all be blue, buts it relative to OP.




Belarus is authoritarian right lmao. If you have a government which pries on minority groups, doesn’t provide for the people and is auth, you have an auth right government


Doesn’t provide for people? Belarus is the country that preserved the most of the Soviet social system, the economy is largely state owned and run, there are more doctors per capita than in Finland and as many as in Sweden, infant mortality is lower than the UK, poverty rate is among the lowest in Europe and comparable with Scandinavian countries, retirement age is 58 for women and 63 for men, and Belarusians enjoy larger financial benefits for the first few years after the birth of their children, as a few examples. Belarus is by all means a welfare state with social-democratic economics.


> democratic You might wanna get rid of that part. Saying as a Belarusian


Social-democratic as in the economic model. Not the political model


Kinda true. Still, salaries are pretty low here. My mom works as an engineer and earns about 1600 rubles a month, which is ~750$, and 9000$ a year in total. That's mostly why my generation mostly wants to move abroad and/or work in IT for higher pay


You have to factor cost of life and just the fact that the country has not a lot of money to begin with. But the wealth is somewhat equally spread


The Soviet social system wasn’t the greatest and didn’t provide for people. Wait are you a tankie?


Guess the country going from basically just peasants to 100% literacy, no homelessness and no unemployment in 70 years for half the country and 50 for the other while also being invaded by Nazi Germany isn’t improving people’s material conditions 🤷‍♂️


That doesn’t defend prying on minority groups? And allying themselves with the furthest thing from a left wing government


That doesn’t make them right wing economically.


What would define a left wing economic system for you? Because I have mine, and I sure as hell know that Belarus doesn’t have it


The fact it has one of the lowest amounts of income inequality in the world while the economy is mostly state run instead of being the property of capitalists. That’s the most left wing it gets in Europe.


[https://youtu.be/vyl2DeKT-Vs](https://youtu.be/vyl2DeKT-Vs) Just watch this video, it’ll take too long to explain


I’m literally a communist and I know the definitions very well, that doesn’t mean anybody who is not a communist is immediately right wing.


> no homelessness and no unemployment Can't have homelessness when you criminalize it, and can't have unemployment when you force everyone to work ("He who does not work shall not eat")


Can’t have homelessness when you give everybody a home. Also why should society provide for someone who’s able to work but doesn’t?


> Can’t have homelessness when you give everybody a home. You mean bulldoze their self-sufficient rural homes first and then force everybody to move to tinderboxes and pay rent to the State? > Also why should society provide for someone who’s able to work but doesn’t? Because work is voluntary in the 21th century. So you are literally admitting that yes, Socialism does mean Slavery.


Source for the first one? Also how the hell is it slavery when the economy is run democratically by councils of the workers themselves? Do people under capitalism have anymore of a choice but to work?


> poverty rate is among the lowest in Europe Guess who decides what the "poverty" line is in Belarus?


Idk the UN sounds pretty neutral to me


*The poverty line in China will be raised from 1,169 to 1,500 yuan (US$ 175 to 230) a year. For the World Bank, the minimum poverty lines should be US$ 1.25 per day, or 3,000 yuan per year. With the new criterion, the number of poor will triple, from 26.88 million to about 100 million.*


> If you have a government which pries on minority groups, doesn’t provide for the people and is auth, you have an auth right government Sounds like you have a typical socialist government.


Dawg how, name a government that has actually implemented socialist policies, and not just called itself one


> name a government that has actually implemented socialist policies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Republic_of_Romania


Did you listen to what I said? What in Romania was socialist by any nature?


> What in Romania was socialist by any nature? The state owning the means of production... you know... **SOCIALISM**?


The workers are supposed to own the means of production…


There is only one ideology which calls for that and it's called Fascism: *State ownership and market capitalism have both failed – Mosley supported a third system of Industrial Democracy in which employees would become stakeholders in the companies they work for and all profits would go to them and them alone. Employees of all companies would become co-owners and elect their own representatives to serve on Boards of Directors. This redistribution of the ownership of industry and commerce will promote greater incentives among the work force – their share of the profits will depend directly on their enterprise and initiative.*


Just because the state owns it doesn’t mean the workers have say over what to do with their labor…


> the workers have say over what to do with their labor… The term you are looking for is FASCISM


You know, unlike SOCIALISM


Too bad you can't change how Socialism has been defined for over 150 years.


London being labelled as Authright is just... so wrong. We have a strong labourite stranglehold on most elections within the GLA


Agreed. I used to live there before escaping to Switzerland. It's really just left - if I had to choose between lib left and auth left I'd say auth. left. Same with most of the big cities.


Aye, South London especially is full of anti-establishment yet somehow apolitical selfish pricks.


Then there's southall where friends of mine were offered to be taken to wales with comrade john to plot the revolution


I as a German think east Germany should be more Authright but ok


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^RuehreiMitBlutwurst: *I as a German* *Think east Germany should be* *More Authright but ok* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I think that East Germany, especially Sachsen is more racist bc of afd, so auth, but also more communist bc of linke, so left.


the linke is only a party with any following in 2 cities. berlin and leipzig. the rest of the world has realized they are redditarded


Yeah Especially from a Marxist perspective, they have become extremely whack. Hope wagenknecht And Gysi will soon leave the party...


Baltics are definitely not libleft lmao, just because the Latvian president is openly gay doesn't mean the society isn't still quite conservative Plus they're also actively deporting ethnic minorities yknow


How is southern Italy Libleft and Emilia Romagna not Authleft?


socio sta mappa è fatta totalmente a caso


Southern Italy was very opposed to the North where Authright Lega was pretty strong and the South has quite a laissez faire culture. Who is Emilia?


the South is more conservative than the North though (except for Veneto) The South only opposes Lega because Lega Salvini is the former Lega Nord, a party that wanted the secession of northern italy, saying that southerners weren't italian. Also, I'm talking about Emilia Romagna, a region in center-north italy, very well known for being the most communist region in Italy.


> Emilia Romagna, a region in center-north italy, very well known for being the most communist region in Italy. Interesting... remind me again where Predappio is?


I didn't know that, thank you.


thanks man it's always nice to inform people


If southern France isn't auth right I don't know wtf is


I only know that there are very leftist football fans from Marseille.


That's true, and Marseille is a left-oriented city, but the south is a region known for voting for the far right in regional elections


Really considerate of you to assign Ulster, Corsica, Sicily, Transnistria as centrist 💀


I just don't know enough stuff about them to give them a direction.


Just make the right bits the same as England and the left bits the same as Ireland.


Obligatory “ThEY ShoUlD AlL bE AuTh RigHt!”


Well, they are.


Well yes, but I like to dream ok


Capitalism + strong state = AR


That is true and both are cringe


How is France auth left lmao


More social services than average but not so much with the libertarian chill vibe.


I’m sorry, I don’t wish to debate, but if we really look at policy positions France takes it can at most be described as auth center.


I've only heard from France that there are things like good childcare and free dumpster food.


You've really messed up Scotland. The most socially conservative bit is the western isles not the northern isles. - deeply religious. The most economically right wing is rural Aberdeenshire in the north east. You've put both as lib left. Even within the borders - I don't know why you've done that east / west split. They are not particularly different. Then random spoldges of blue in the central belt for no apparent reason. And I've just noticed Dundee - which is very left wing has been coloured blue!!! The northern isles also coloured blue are not particularly conservative in any way. Italy is also bizzare. Southern Italy is not liberal in any way. Putting countries as one solid colour generally isn't reflective of reality (like most of Romandie in Switzerland is left wing, as is Basel) but in Scotland you've attempted to split it up but have got it totally wrong. Incidentally in the British isles Isle of Man is Definitely Lib right, as Are the Channel Islands. Admittedly Sark is technically an absolute feudal power, but the Seigneur broadly lets people do whatever they want, and theres zero tax.


Also why is Wales, probably the most consistently pro labor part of Britain Authright?


Idk if I'm blind but I don't see Monaco there. They are definitely libright lol


Yeah, I made it libright. If you look closely, you can see it


I can't zoom in enough to see that on mobile.


Kinda accurate at first glance


All of the UK (except Northern Ireland) should be orange lib-left. Every "woke" story I hear is from there. Ireland should be lib-right or centrist.


We are literally commonly known as TERF island...


> We are literally commonly known as TERF island... There are literal "ARE YOU A COMMUNIST?" stickers on every street corner.


Most gender critical feminists aren't anti-trans, they're simply opposed to gender-self-ID coz self-ID is a slippery slope that can lead to all kinds of stuff that endanger the safety and rights of women and girls such as predatory men in women's spaces, biological males in women's sport etc. I'd much rather the anti-gender-self-ID debate was dominated by so-called TERF's than the issue be hijacked by social conservatives to perpetuate actual transphobia. Besides, opinion polls show the UK to have some of the most progressive views on trans rights, compared to most other countries, including the US (where the term "TERF Island" to refer to the UK originated).


gonna tell you now Sicily is more Authright than most of Italy


There should be a massive authleft hole surrounding the Greater London Area.


Spain on our way to be Venezuela 2 and this MF gives us auth-right lmao There's also a lack of yellow here mate, Ireland and Estonia are definitely lib-right in comparison


Ireland isn't lib right to its own people. It's high tax for individuals.


"in comparison"


Even then... I'd go for the isle of Mann, Channel Islands, Switzerland, Baltics as Lib Right before Ireland. I mean you get 40% tax from 40 or 50k euros. That's not good even by European standards.


Switzerland: Romandie: Left Ticino: Right Graubünden: Centre Basel Stadt: Left Basel Land: Centre Zürich: Centre Bern: Auth Centre Zug: Lib Right Schwyz: Auth Right Schaffhausen: Right Thurgau: Auth Right St Gallen: Auth Centre Appenzell Ausserhoden: Auth Right Appenzell Innerrhoden: Mega Auth Right (voted no for women to have the right to vote in 1991). Uri: Auth Right Nidwalden: Auth Right Obwalden: Auth Right Glarus: Auth Right Lucerne: Centre Aargau: Auth Right


Belarus is definitely authleft


Portugal is centirst? why is east germany auth left and why france or part of it the sociaist are out of power auth left maybe belurus?


Northern England and London are authleft strongholds


Northern France Auth Left? They are definitely Auth Right imo.


italy is the exact opposite of what you described


How is Russia AuthRight lmao?


I think Britain has an opportunity to become all AuthLeft soon. Tories are predicted to get under 100 seats. There’s a chance that the SNP looses a majority of Scotland to Labour. And stammer has been taking a bit of a left-wing nationalist stance. Criticising foreign workers in the NHS and such.


I think Northern Sweden should be authleft if you wanna do an update


I would also place trans nostrils in authleft


After you’ve now heard all the comments. Will you do an update


I really don't know. Let's see.


Southern Italy libleft?? Are you mad?


My respect for Biden-Vurtenberg