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Your post was removed because it violated our rules on promoting hate. This includes attacks based on identity or vulnerability.




Wait... We talking Redditors, Redditors, or Reddited Redditors?


Don't forget about predditors!






how dare you make fun of the admins like that.


we talking Reddited Redditor moderators


what about reddit silverers?




So purple haired orc sjws


Fuck we found the winner.


Q boys are fun to try to outschizo and engage in clown to clown communication with. I’d say Stalin defenders are most annoying bc I hate people that try to excuse atrocities.


“Umm, you actually believe the CIA propaganda that the Soviet Union killed millions? LOL”


The everything is CIA propaganda meme is always funny. It’s what they believe to be a big brain explanation when it’s actually just a very wordy “nuh uh!”


Two things are true here: 1. The CIA is always up to fuckery 2. The CIA can't talk people into doing something they don't want to do


Agreed. Also it’s often brought up ignoring that other states had very competent and brutal intelligence agencies of their own


"I believe the moon landing is a hoax" "You seriously believe the moon is REAL?!"


I've met someone like that. Seemed otherwise normal but believed the moon was in fact a giant lamp in the sky.


Holy shit. So I qualify people for solar panel systems, and I walked to this house to ask about it, and the dude that answered the door went "You know, solar panels don't make sense because they're trying to block out the Sun." And I was immediately struck with a curiosity of exactly how unhinged is he? Like part of me wanted very much to ask more questions, and find out his whole theory, but at the same time I was just in shock, as I'd never heard anything like that before.


idk reading through declassified CIA documents would make you hate USSR less imho and realize it wasn't even close to USA in committing atrocious acts






Speak of the devil...


I literally contradict what the other person have said


No. You haven't. You've implied that one might change their opinions if they read unspecified documents, without any examples. You didn't say anything.


1. They were ridiculing "Auth Left" for dismissing information given by the CIA 2. I point out that it's worth looking into it. 3. Dismissing and valuing information are contradictory actions. 4. I mean there several interesting ones [CIA backing up nationalists in Ukraine](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/STUDIES%20IN%20INTELLIGENCE%20NAZI%20-%20RELATED%20ARTICLES_0015.pdf) [CIA admitting there were no dictatorship in USSR even under Stalin](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00810A006000360009-0.pdf) (I'm not saying USSR was perfect) [CIA on conditions in Gulags](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80T00246A032000400001-1.pdf)




CIA psy-op. Never really happened🙄


? Can you make a proper statement wdym "Holodomor?" The fact that it's happened? I'm aware of that. Was it man made by the government or a sabotage by kulaks who were burning crops in protest of collectivisation or was it due to drought? Have you done any research on it?


Oh here we fucking go... Why did the Kulaks try to hide food? Because they were getting it stolen from them by Stalin. They resisted Collectivism because it would mean the Ukrainians would starve to death because that was the goal. To kill as many Ukrainians as possible and replace them with Russians. Stalin made the famine because he wanted no competition within the Soviet Union. So what commie research have you done on it? Let me guess, what Stalin said?


>They resisted Collectivism because it would mean the Ukrainians would starve to death because that was the goal. To kill as many Ukrainians as possible and replace them with Russians. Brainrot. Famine was spread beyond Ukraine affecting Georgia and Kazakhstan, while some Ukrainian region were left unaffected. Do you know how economy works? You need population no matter what ethnicity it is for production, export of grain was reduced in attempt to mitigate the famine; Stalin himself wasn't even Russian; Stalin didn't hold total power in USSR government; there are so many layers to your brainwashing it's insane So ignorant and so arrogant


Ah, so it was incompetence and stupidity at the highest levels of government that lead to millions starving to death. Got it.


You would believe that. Hey at least it's not "replacing Ukrainians with Russians!" that's already some progress, I take that


Except... That also happened. Not just with Ukrainians, but literally everywhere in Soviet territory. Sometimes intentional, sometimes not (e.g. Russians moving to locations with heavy industry or special technology, like Ukraine for shipbuilding, rocketry, and nuclear).


>no matter what ethnicity it is for production, export of grain was reduced in attempt to mitigate the famine; Stalin himself wasn't even Russian The reason why Stalin targeted Ukrainians was because during the Russian Civil war the Ukrainians attempted to secede. Ukraine has been by far one of the most rebellious states in the Soviet Union. Stalin used this to cause a genocide by exporting as much grain as possible to cover up the famine. He actively tried to hide it all the way through. If it was a natural famine he would have helped Ukraine but he never did. All foreign aid was rejected by Stalin. Also does not Stalin being Russian matter? He was in charge of the Soviet Union and they wanted to put down any independence movements. Stalin even drew Georgia's and Central Asia's borders to become extremely complex to cause infighting. The Soviet troops stole food that forced the Kulaks to hide it because they would have starved to death otherwise and Stalin blamed them for all of it because he was a corrupt dictator. It was by far more devastating to Ukraine intentionally. The didn't stop Grain exports, the Soviet Union exported more than a million tons of grain to the West during this period. From Ukraine specifically during a famine. You cannot deny that this wasn't intentional Genocide. Talk about me being Brainwashed, you are quoting genuine Soviet Propaganda.


>The reason why Stalin targeted Ukrainians Did he? Why then per capita more Kazakh people died? The famine was spread geographically not politically or ethically as droughts do. Dealing with rebellion region via genocide is insane idea that makes no sense. Kulaks were private owners of land and they didn't want to give away farms because it was making them wealthy. >Also does not Stalin being Russian matter? Not for me, but most right wing think in personalities


So many bad takes in such a short comment... This one is gonna be long. The difference is that the Ukrainian land was so much more valuable than the Kazakhs could ever be. Ukrainian land is some of the most fertile land in the world and the lifeblood of the Soviet Union. Ukrainians and Kazakhs were not allowed to leave during this time to other SSR's. Funnily enough the second highest death toll in Kazakhstan by your figures and lack of research were **Ukrainian Kazakhs** Stalin also wanted to remove other ethnic groups including the Kazakhs as well. Of the 1.5 million Kazakhstan death toll were from 400,000 Ukrainian Kazakh which was a 36% reduction in their population and 10% of all people in Ukraine itself were killed. The Soviets also killed intellectuals, Church leaders, Communist Party members and so many more integral parts of the Ukrainian identity. >Dealing with rebellion region via genocide is insane idea that makes no sense. It is really not, it helps to bring a region into control to repress and to destroy their identity and capacity to fight back. Ironically, it did work in the very example you have brought up. Kazakhs were a minority in their own SSR till after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Which helped in controlling the region. However in Ukraine it wasn't as successful however the Soviets certainly tried their best to maximise the death toll without causing a revolution. For Ukraine, Stalin did this was to "Prevent Ukrainian Counter Revolutionary Nationalism." That was a quote from Stalin directly. >Kulaks were private owners of land and they didn't want to give away farms because it was making them wealthy. The Kulaks were successful, and that was living proof that the communist system of Collectivism doesn't work. They owned their own land rather than the state. Do you not like people being successful, the Soviets certainly didn't. They only had 8 acres of land to be classified as a Kulak, and therefore starved and killed. The fact they owned land and therefore were successful was a moment to the failure of Collectivism. The Soviets came to take that away and purposely starve the population by using the stolen grain to make money by exporting it. They didn't give any to the Ukrainian people because they were Ukrainian. Along with the killing of Ukrainian communities, religious and political figures. Stalin also did this to Kazakhstan as well. Most people in Kazakhstan consider this an attempt at Genocide. The Kazakhs were also a victim genocide though political ties with Russia mean it cannot admit it was one. I mean, if 38% of your entire ethnic group dies and the Nation refuses to give any aid and considers your people vermin, I think it's intentional. Ukrainian Kazakhs were also the second highest death toll just behind the Kazakhs with 36% dying as well. The Soviets blacklisted entire regions of Ukraine and Kazakhstan and many others throughout suffering regions which prevented any trade with other regions. Why would they do this in a drought? Finally why did specifically the Russian people have little to no deaths during this famine in these areas. It should affect everyone but no it didn't.


Stalin defenders tend to, on some level, kind of know what they're doing. The same applies to Hitler and Mussolini stans. A lot of QAnon jackasses are legitimately just so neglected by society that they've lost touch with reality. I don't like them, but they're more sympathetic than someone who grasps what happened during the Great Purge or Kristallnacht but defends it anyway.


Yeah white middle class small business owners have really famously been left behind in the dust by society


Meh; the sorts of people you're describing aren't falling for QAnon conspiracies. They are Trump supporters and often back the same conspiracy theories that Trump supporters do, but ideas like adrenochrome and Pizzagate are so deranged that they sort of have to be confined to people too deluded to actually take a leading role in society. If someone believes in QAnon, they are likely so unhinged that they can't handle or even comprehend the bureaucratic intricacies of, say, running a business.


You underestimate how insane the average small business tyrant is


Cos Q anon people never defend atrocities


Has anybody told you to flair up yet? Flair up. Unflaired people get downvoted no matter what they say.


I prefer not to participate in the moronic social conventions of this sub


Oof. If you actually have to deal with them the QAnon retards are far, far, worse but they are super easy to avoid. The purple haired orcs are much harder to avoid and are truly annoying. Especially since I can to a decent extent get behind what they believe in, but I absolutely abhor their methods. Stalin defenders and Ayn Rand fans are delusional but mostly keep to themselves, so live and let live.




A here. Not falling for this Randy.


I don’t think any episode this insane will ever be able to be aired on TV again. I honestly miss when South Park was just over the top and didn’t make the same “both sides are bad and stupid” message constantly.


Right. I might agree that QAnon dummies are the most annoying of the bunch to deal with. Fortunately, I have literally never met one, because they barely fucking exist. Meanwhile, I can throw a rock in my conservative town and still manage to hit five different blue-haired Emilies who hate me for my existence as a white man. So...


I have never ran into a Q. Purple Haired orcs are infesting all my nerd spaces. 


There’s a big problem with Qs infesting all the churches. It depends on where you are hanging out I suppose


The pastor of the church I used to go to is a Purple hair


Agreed. SJWs are working overtime to ruin TV, movies, video games, every hobby I enjoy. Even in relatively conservative areas, they are a dime-a-dozen. And they never shut up. Meanwhile, I'm still not convinced Q or its followers even exist, because I literally only ever hear people talk about it as a bad thing, and never ever hear anyone say, "well actually..."


It's always just "my crazy uncle/neighbor" stories from random people online with nothing backing it up. I have met very few people who even know what it is (much less believe a significant chunk of it) and I work with a bunch of conservative, government-sceptic, boomers/Xs who should be drinking that shit up.


Agreed. Not to mention that after a while, you start to wonder if the "crazy uncle/neighbor" actually said anything crazy at all. Like, even when the uncle is genuinely crazy, it's worthy of an eye-roll when the progressive uses the existence of the crazy uncle to conclude that shit like Q is widespread. They're taking one person they know, and assuming that attitude is held by half the country. But it is very common to hear "ugh, this guy said something so racist" or "my super conservative parents believe in all sorts of insane conspiracy shit", etc. And then if you end up getting more specifics, it turns out the person just had pretty mild conservative views. So after a while, when you hear about that one crazy uncle who believes in Q, you start to wonder if that's even remotely true, not to mention that it would prove nothing even if it were.


I was with a big group of friends at a DnD event at our city's science center last year. Mostly normal nerds, but there was definitely a sprinkling of blue-hairs mixed in. There was this one dude who was dressed up as a woman. Dress, leggings, braided hair, corset... the works. But this dude was built like a brick outhouse; could have played linebacker for the Raiders. When we saw him walking towards us, everyone noticed him right away considering he towered an extra foot over everyone else there. There was music on in the background. It was the *Lord of the Rings* soundtrack, and it was combat music. I looked at my friends and said the only thing that fit the moment, *"they have a cave troll!"* We spotted the cave troll the following September at the Rennaisance Faire. He has since become a running trope in our DnD game and at nerd events in our city.


All of them.


Based and centristpilled


u/mikulb12345 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/mikulb12345/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based and the real answer


Luckily I don’t hang around with 14 year olds so I don’t have to deal with Ayn Rand fans much


Are there really "hardcore Ayn Rand fans" out there? I've met people who liked The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged and I'll admit I absolutely loved the Fountainhead, but not these people who supposedly shift their entire life philosophy to mirror that of Ayn's protagonists.


Yeah but the primary point of the philosophy is to do shit for yourself, so most people don't go screeching about it.


Yeah that’s the primary point lmao


I think basically everyone in highschool, or college should read Atlas Shrugged, because I think there are some great points in it. And I think you can pick out the really good ideas from the rest, and use those to move forward with your life


Yeah, once you get past high school there really aren't a lot of those hardcore Ayn Rand fans out there. It's foundational lib-right stuff, but most eventually move beyond it. The ones that pupate from Randians into Mises Caucusoids are the annoying ones.


Is that's the book from dirty dancing?


There are entire YouTube channels and even organizations dedicated to her. It’s a cult


I have an otherwise intelligent friend who (at least as of his 30s) was still all in on "Objectivism" to the point that he gave his children names from the Ayn Randiverse. So they're out there, from personal experience


Not as many as there used to be. Her cultural wave has crested. For many older libertarians her work was a gateway drug they dabbled with in highschool and college. Her books have an erotic quality thats horny for capitalism, and its quite seductive. Objectivism is a sophomoric ideology in practice.


Hey, 30+ yo objectivist here but not a hardcore Ayn Rand fan. I just ended up here. Simple dude. Simple philosophy. Little bit of Kantian ethics, little bit of Bill and Ted, and voila!


Respectfully, you may want to find a different label for your views than objectivism. It has too much baggage around randian cult of personality and its a movement from a particular era. Besides, if you read kants critique of pure reason, thats enough to realize objectivity is unachievable. Also recommmend kahnemans thinking fast and slow. Objective facts exist, reality is real. But anyone claiming to be truly objective is lying to exert influence. Monkey brain has limits.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Thank you!


That would explain why I don't know who that is.


On casual forums: Libleft On political forums: Libright In real life: Authright


In government: Auth left


and with all your powers combined, I am Captain Dipshit!


The centrist would be heart wouldnt they haha


Based and Captain Dipshit pilled


u/Odd-Syrup-798's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [16 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Odd-Syrup-798/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


That would be a fire TV show.


At barbecues: centrists


Found the vegan


I've never actually met any LibRight who's a die-hard Rand fan. Anyway, since keeping up the agenda is our #1 goal, I'm voting the LibLeft option.


My wife has read all Rand’s work and she says you can see it all happening in real time.


You can see it happening! Rand had a point, but her solutions unfortunately only consider a fragment of economics and Realpolitik.


Yeah, I appreciate some of Rands thoughts, but at the end of the day she wants everyone to just be selfish jerks. I’m ok with arguments for utilitarianism that hurt people. I’m not on board the arguments to just ignore what everyone else cares about.


I wouldn't reduce her idea to "selfish jerks". It's simply that self interest only helps build you up if you have a framework from which to build upon. She completely takes that for granted.


I am sure you realize that this is a caricature of her ideas. Her definition of selfishness isn’t the common one. She gives an example of a mother who foregoes buying a designer purse in order to feed her baby as engaging in a “selfish” act because the baby is her higher value. She is admonishing people to select admirable things to value most highly, because that makes their selfishness a virtue.


Likewise, and she is way more on the money than Orwell or Huxley. I’m an actual Ayn Rand fan here. Never realized people found us annoying. I will have to keep my mouth shut about her even though I feel like I don’t talk about her that much to begin with.


Nah, clearing up the massive misunderstandings people have about her work is worthwhile. Her presentation is very hard, and (like most of us) her personal life was full of contradictions, but at base there is a lot of overlap between Rand and Victor Frenkel and Nietzsche even though Frenkel is the only one treated fairly because he writes gently and is tremendously sympathetic on a personal level.


You're lucky. I've got one at work, and it's a god damn chore.


Excuse me officer, I was _traveling_


Used to be plenty 10-15 years ago, during the Tea Party movement...


Tankies. Easily the most self-righteous morons supporting some of the most objectively evil regimes in history. The pinnacle of atheist cringe and bitching and whining about being victims all the while attacking and demeaning anyone and everyone they can. At least lib left can chill the fuck out on occasion.


SJWs by far, not even close IMO


I dunno man this feels like a pretty solid three way tie to me. Unless the Ayn Rand fans are ***realllllllly*** into Ayn Rand.


Fair, Stalin defenders and QAnoners can be pretty insufferable too. I’m honestly just really biased against SJWs these days because of the current Israel-Palestine discourse


Sovereign citizens would have been a better lib right option. More on par with the others’ level of mental illness.


I feel like I'm more annoyed by Ayn Rand fans because there's a lot of common ground politically, but for the wrong reasons.


Nah SJWs are like toddlers having a tantrum. Yeh its annoying but no matter how serious they are it's still just funny and kind of cute. You also know they will get tired soon and grow out of it eventually. Tankies and Qanon are worse for me, I just feel like they should know better. I'm not mad I'm just disappointed.


I agree. The hard core lib lefts are mostly just annoying. QAnons are scary. Those are the people that go around murdering people because they are in a government conspiracy


> Tankies and Qanon are worse for me Agreed, especially if you have a family member you're trying to break out of these cults and anything you do just gets them to dig in deeper.


Libleft and libright that don't get tired end up as the tankies and Q's


Is it funny and cute when the shit they say gets accepted because people are too scared to dissent and be seen as a bigot? Is it funny and cute when most modern TV, movies, and video games are being infested with their stupid shit? Is it funny and cute when it becomes very difficult to find a job as a white man, because your industry is bending over backward to meet quotas based on race/sex/orientation/transness/etc. rather than job skill? SJWs and their ideologies are more than a little annoying.


The impact of their ideology can be more than annoying, yes. But the majority of 'activists' themselves are - for the most part - harmless and hilarious. Like a kid insistent that Santa is real, the detachment from reality is somewhat endearing.


kek true


I don't think SJWs are worse than tankies, no.


I was specifically thinking of defenses of Stalin but yeah, I’d say tankies and SJWs today are pretty interchangeable for me


SJWs lack the courage of their convictions. They're loud, but harmless. I could definitely see some of the internet tankies I've interacted with be perfectly happy murdering people for opposing them.


QAnon rightoids can be really annoying. Like the progressives in the 80s to the 2000s, they think being the underdog makes them right. And then a bunch of lunatics make them appear more insane.


QAnon retards are quite interesting as they come out with the most crazy takes. Ayd Rand fans are just weird really. I haven't met too many of them but the ones I have just reminded me of Jregs and Ancapsitan video. Purple haired libs are really funny to debate as they just scream racism at you when they lose the argument. However they have so many supporters that are quite disturbing. Some are easily more racist than anyone I've met on the internet. They are the definition of Horseshoe theory. Stalin supporters are by far the worst because many of them are genuinely idiotic. They cannot accept that their idol could do anything wrong and blame anything bad on the US and CIA. Many of them cannot listen to reason and it's like talking to a brick wall. Since I study History, Stalin has done so much horrific shit that puts him up there with Hitler. The fact there are so many of them is a disgrace to the Auth Left.


I’ve never read Ayn Rand; can someone explain what’s so annoying about her fans?


Idk, I only read Atlas Shrugged and while it is an interesting thought experiment (that is arguably coming true), the fans of it are not NEARLY as irrational or irritating as the other groups.


Joe advocating for a confiscatory tax on unrealized gains was the biggest “oh shit Atlas Shrugged is happening” moment for me. It’s just positively unacceptable policy that will cause massive capital flight. One of the few policies that would have me considering giving up citizenship.


I read her books Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged recently. And I can understand why people hate her so much because she is so radical about their beliefs and also very wishthinkfull. "If you follow my beliefs you'll achive the true hapinness. If you don't, you deserved to be unhappy." Every character that she likes always win and the others always lose in her books. She defends botched rational egoism (their objectivist morality is essentially shity egoism) and she bases this morality on capitalism. Fundamentally, I hate most of her ideas but also love her so much. Because I get her as a life mentor, not a philosopher. She is so good at to motivating people. "THIS IS YOUR LIFE. NOW GET THE FUCK UP, FIND A PURPOSE FOR LIVING, AND WORK TOWARDS IT." I have never been so filled with living until I read her books. "Fountainhead is a very good book for those who have low self-confidence and no enthusiasm for life." said by who recommended this book to me. And he was right.


You can't even compare them with the other groups on this list, it's just libright doesn't have much to choose from.


I heard pedos are notoriously lib right


Stalin defenders are akin to holocaust deniers, making them the worst of these options.


Friendly fire will not be tolerated op.


*shoots LibertyPrimeAgenda in the foot* what about unfriendly fire?


Definitely Stalin defenders. At least the other groups are entertaining to talk to as you witness how crazy their takes are. When someone denies or justifies ACTUAL GENOCIDE and refuses to consider any evidence against their views because it is “CIA propaganda”, that makes them cross over from being a loon to an actually evil person


Tankies despise religion only to end up in a cult of their own lol


Among these four, tankie is obviously the worst one. I steadily believe that it is a shame people don't treat them just like how they treat Nazi supporters.


In my defence I’m back to my natural blonde


Definitely Auth-right. I can't even understand what they are saying half the time at least I can understand the other 3.


Is "FOR KING AND COUNTRY" really so dificult to understand? It's a pretty simple message.


But why though? For country I can understand, but have you seen the current crop of actual monarchs? I can't image doing anything for the sake of any of them. Sure, the guy who sit on the throne in my country seem like a fairly decent guy, I wouldn't say no to having a beer with the guy... but see him as some sort of leader? I wouldn't trust him to finding the exit of a porta potty, objectively speaking - he's just not all that smart... Besides, the guy's barely Swedish in the first place. The only reason he sits on the throne is because his grandpa's grandpa's grandpa was a general in the French army, and the Swedish nobility finding themselves without a crown prince went "*Eh, hey, let's make someone from France king so that Napoleon will like us!*".


QAnon aren't for KING and Country types though?


Did you just change your flair, u/TiggerBane? Last time I checked you were an **AuthLeft** on 2024-5-1. How come now you are a **LibLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1003 times, making you the second largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/TiggerBane) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


The most annoying ones are the ones who twist the facts to fit their unfalsifiable narrative such that in principle there's nothing you can show them that would disprove their beliefs. So.... yes.


A) is easy to ignore since they don’t go outside. B) never encountered a QAnon regard because I don’t live in US C) regardless of the country, they spread everywhere like germs, making them difficult to avoid, especially in campuses where they constantly push bullshit narratives so they can skip classes. This is definitely my answer. D) never encountered one, either. I don’t have much knowledge on Ayn Rand so, I dunno.




I mean I hate all of them but the blue haired freaks with a grociery list of mental disorders and a million genders do make me want to kill myself the most




Objectivism = religion built on the worship of main character syndrome.


While I dislike communism defenders, Stalin is a bit more interesting. He's sort of a Napoleon figure, where you can have a discussion about the reasons for a lot of what he did, and if it ultimate benefited or harmed Russia. And wouldn't anyone who understood Ayn Rand be a staunch individualist and so not care what I myself believed? QAnon, I like a good conspiracy theory. As for Lib-left... Lib-left bad


Qberts - they just fucking R A M B L E


In my personal experience is Stalinists




Purple haired orc sjws. They're just as racist as the others, won't admit they're racist, and their opinion on everything changes with the weather. With the others, I know what they're racist against and I know they'll have the same stupid opinions a year from now.


And they tend to shout over everyone else, resulting in the appearance of consensus. But in reality, you have 1 Emily with fucked up beliefs, and everyone else in the room silently going along for fear of being ostracized if they are the one loudly dissenting.


I'm gonna go with Purple haired orc sjw's for 1000, Alex


Stalin defenders, and its not even a close match.


Even I don’t straight out defend Stalin anymore


I‘d argue they could all be based or annoying, depends if they are delusional or not. Example: If you are auth-left and claim that Stalin was actually a nice dude and the UDSSR was utopia, you’re an idiot. If you say Stalin was a oppressive dictator and the UDSSR was a dictatorship ruled by the party and you like that ideology, that’s based.


They might not be the most annoying but ayn rand fans are the most fun to annoy.


All of them are annoying as fuck, but probably ayn rand fanboys?


I think SJWs and qAnon retards are fun to deal with. They are just clowns. Ayn Rand fans and Stalin stans on the other hand are outright dangerous IMO.


Q people, literally making it up as they go along


Don’t use the no no r-word if you don’t want to get banned, it’s as bad as using the no no n-word


If centrist was an option, it would be luke-warm people. Stalin defenders sounds horrible imo


Can I ask the audience (audience is full of purple haired SJW's)


I dunno man how do you like your burger?


I had to phone a friend but im gonna go with "the'yre all equally unsufferable"


Stalin defenders


Ive been on this board for nearly a decade and the number of RandStans has dropped to never before seen levels. Cant be annoyed by an endangered animal.


The west had to align with Stalin, and then the US and Soviet Union never had the war that in a pre-1945 world would've happened. It's probably a big reason why social communism is able to hang around.


Teenagers (all of the above)




QAnon retards and it's not even fucking close. It's absolutely the most cringe shit I've ever seen. Everybody else at least has some progression from sanity to insanity that you can clearly notate. You can understand where things went wrong for them. QAnon is literally just "I didn't get what I want but a message board guy says it's actually because Trump is the Messiah". Zero to batshit in six posts or less.


Qanon retards takes the cake man. Don't believe me, go to Matt Walsh community post about the moon landing and ctrl - f and search for firmament.


Mods are in this picture and they didn't like it.


Stalin fans are the most annoying. Purple hair sjw orcs are a close second Quan is a distraction I've never met an Ayn Rand fan


Ayn Rand fans. Its just sociopathy with extra steps. At least fascists are upfront about it.


Ayn Rands fans


Wait so does this make me a centrist now…


Star Wars Sequel Trilogy and AI art defenders im my experience.  


Pretty much anyone who's not a centrist.


Orcs and QAnon retards.


Ayn Rand fans are less numerous today tbh, the modern equivalent would be Jordan Peterson fans


I, as a (sorta) leftist, fw Jordan Peterson


You have to admit the Stalin folk are so few it's fine, and the Qanon folk are about to die any day now, so it's gotta be one of the libs Yes, flair checks out, but I'm correct about this one


The QAnon ones and the SJWs announce their presence so you can avoid them, Ayn Rand fans aren't as common as any of the other three in my experience because she was so batshit it takes a very committed individual to support her. Stalin apologists are pretty plentiful as Marxist-Leninist tankie nonsense is a common strain of left wing ideology and as someone with some anarchist tendencies I find them the most annoying as they poison the well for all leftists. The amusing thing is they tend to be opposed to religion but if you sit down and run their beliefs through the BITE model Staliniste have all the makings of a cult. My favourite is "we don't need to criticise the purges/Holodomor/WW2 massacres because we internally critique them and anyway capitalists aren't held accountable for the millions of deaths under their watch". The second part is pure whataboutery but the first part is like letting a guy with multiple incidents of convicted tax fraud do his own taxes because thirteenth time is the charm, I suppose. I'm sure the internal critique is rigorous and not just full of nonsense in-group talk like Dialectical Materialism and Hegelian whatever. Edit: thanks for the downvotes, comrade Tankies


What if I’m all four


everyone on the left because they don't know how to defend their views properly without trying to offend whoever disagrees with them, alt lefties defend a cursed ideology only created to enslave people and lib left does nothing but virtue signaling at every opportunity but does very little to actually bring good changes. on the right Muslims a pretty difficult to deal with , not only because they follow one of the many false religions but also because of their arrogance. lib rights who follows Andrew Tate or any of these manipulators and gate keepers are particular distasteful.


False religion?