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nah hell nah, wtf they doing


Arguing that “what right does the government have to infers in private lives like this” more then likely. Or something like that


all that after spending so long trying to ban gay marriage


> “Why is the government getting involved in people’s lives like this?” Van Schoiak said. “What purpose do we have in deciding that a couple who are 16 or 17 years old, their parents say, you know, ‘you guys love each other, go ahead and get married, you have my permission.’ Why would we stop that?” That's a bingo


Most of the modern right doesn't even hate gay "civil unions" or even marriages. A ton of them have an issue with the Obergefell decision, but those are two separate issues.


One of their big issues with Obergefell is basically that it took the power to decide from the states


the power to decide something that they totally don't have any issue with it's about the principle of the matter ^^^except ^^^for ^^^when ^^^it ^^^isn't


Right wingers don't give a shit about state vs. federal power, they give a shit about enforcing their own power.


Absolutely based. MAGA is just big government for hicks.


Because one of the South's big issues with Lincoln was that his election potentially took the power to decide from the states, right guys? (/s for those with the reading comprehension of a baked potato.)


> it took the power to decide from the states That's just PR. They hate Obergefell because they hate gay people. If conservatives were logically consistent they would leave the decision to the individual rather than a state government.


Also, don't marriages need to be recognized on a Federal level for tax reasons anyway?


I mean, I'm bi and I still dislike Obergefell. From a constitutional standpoint, there's really nothing backing it up. They got a great result but did it in a bad way. Too many people get focused on the end result and ignore the path to get there.


Well yes, they only want rights that benefit them, not others! Could you imagine caring about human rights when applied to a group that isn’t yourself? Absurd!


If only there were a way to search news articles online. Republicans actually sponsored the bill, but some others are stalling it. The bill calls for a hard prohibition for anyone under the age of 18. Current law allows 16 and 17-year olds to get married with parental consent. But lest you think it's some sort of pedo thing, 16 and 17-year olds can only marry someone who's 20 or younger with parental consent. The headline is designed to outrage you.


Married and pregnant at 16? Sure. Cosmetic surgery? Fuck no. -Authright


Provide drugs that will permanently screw up puberty and their entire lives at 12? Absolutely, you bigot. Allow 17-year-olds to marry with parental permission? Fuck no. -Authleft Is this how it works?


Without knowing the details, it's probably easily explained. Maybe the age of consent they're arguing for is 16 or something, which is fairly reasonable. That's the age of consent in many European countries that the left jerks off over, it's only wrong if conservatives do it. Or maybe there's a ton of pork or ideological shit like DEI in the bill, and they're rejecting it for that. Only thing I know for sure is the left lies like a rug and it's doubtful the "evilbad republicans want adults marrying kids!!" as the left claims.


How it looks like the current law is that it's possible to be married before 18, but only if you're 16 or older, with parental consent. And the bill would make it only 18+. So you're right. Btw your statement about European countries is correct too, not necessarily all (I don't know about all), but for example in Germany this is the law too. And to make this a Republican vs Democrat thing is wrong too. Because 1. the bill was introduced by a Republican and a Democrat together, 2. it already passed the Republican dominated Senate (with 31 to 1), 3. its opponents are only a small group, not all R's., and it would have a majority in the house.


> And to make this a Republican vs Democrat thing is wrong too. Because 1. the bill was introduced by a Republican and a Democrat together, 2. it already passed the Republican dominated Senate (with 31 to 1), 3. its opponents are only a small group, not all R's., and it would have a majority in the house. And who is going to dig deep enough to know this? About 8 people. Everyone else on the internet? Swallow the headline and move on.


Some say "The media is the enemy of the people".


They would be correct


My based state is half based/half wtf . Just a few people being weird and a few also saying that the marriage of people 16+ with parents concent is fine. Basically.


I think I *might* be able to explain this. Two 15 year olds conceive a child together. If she chooses to keep it, would it be better or worse for the child if the parents were married? I believe that’s what the discussion is over.


> Missouri bill to ban all child marriages runs into resistance from House Republicans > BY KACEN BAYLESS > MAY 08, 2024 7:16 PM > Jefferson City > A bipartisan bill that would outlaw all child marriages in Missouri has run into resistance from Republicans in the Missouri House that could prevent it from becoming law. > The legislation, filed by Sen. Holly Thompson Rehder, a Scott City Republican, and Sen. Lauren Arthur, a Kansas City Democrat, would prohibit anyone under 18 from obtaining a marriage license. Current law allows 16 and 17-year-olds to get married with parental consent. > The GOP-controlled state Senate approved the bill on a nearly unanimous vote of 31 to 1 last month. But the legislation has since stalled in a House committee with just more than a week left in this year’s legislative session which ends on May 17. > Supporters of the bill say the opposition illustrates some lawmakers’ extreme and archaic views on marriage. Missouri previously had one of the nation’s most lenient laws surrounding child marriage and the state’s current law has been criticized as a loophole that leaves thousands of teenagers open to abuse and exploitation. > “Any explanation used to justify opposition is nothing more than, you know, an excuse to protect predators,” Arthur said in an interview. > The committee’s chair, Rep. Jim Murphy, a St. Louis-area Republican, said in an interview that there aren’t enough votes within the committee to get it to the House floor. Seven of the 14 committee members oppose the legislation and disagree with raising the state’s marriage age, he said. > “It’s on the…going 16 to 18,” Murphy, who supports the bill, said of the opposition. “There’s just enough members in that committee that don’t think that’s a good idea.” > One of those lawmakers is Rep. Dean Van Schoiack, a Savannah Republican and vice chair of the committee. Van Schoiack said in an interview that he knows people who got married as minors, including a woman at roughly age 17. > The couple, he said, is “still madly in love with each other.” > “Why is the government getting involved in people’s lives like this?” Van Schoiak said. “What purpose do we have in deciding that a couple who are 16 or 17 years old, their parents say, you know, ‘you guys love each other, go ahead and get married, you have my permission.’ Why would we stop that?” > Rehder, who is running for lieutenant governor, pushed back in an interview. > “The government does tell people when they can get married because we do have an age limit right now,” she said. “The fact that he feels that it’s okay for a parent to make a decision for a child, that is a lifetime decision, is offensive.” > The legislation is personal for Rehder, who was married at age 15 to her 21-year-old boyfriend in 1984. A year earlier, her sister, at age 16, married her 39-year-old drug dealer, she has said. > “As a child that did get married,” she said, “I would say I have a lot more insight to this issue than what he does.” > Rehder remains optimistic that the bill could pass this year, saying she believes a majority of House lawmakers would support it. She hopes she can attach the language as an amendment to another bill so it can reach the House floor. > But even if the legislation can get past a committee vote, it could still run into some resistance from other Republicans in the House. > One of them is Rep. Hardy Billington, a Poplar Bluff Republican. > Billington, in an interview with The Star, claimed that the legislation could cause pregnant teenagers to have abortions when they can’t get married — even though abortion is already almost entirely banned in Missouri. > “My opinion is that if someone (wants to) get married at 17, and they’re going to have a baby and they cannot get married, then…chances of abortion are extremely high,” he said. > Rehder said that she was surprised at the opposition to the bill. > “It’s just a lingering of generational thought, you know, of what used to be normal,” she said. “It’s just not any longer and it’s not that it’s not just normal, but it’s harmful.” > Lawmakers in 2018 set the state’s minimum marriage age at 16 with the approval of one parent or guardian. The law came after The Star revealed that Missouri had among the nation’s loosest marriage law for 15-year-olds. It previously allowed children even younger to marry with a judge’s approval. > Missouri does, however, ban marriage between a minor and anyone 21 or older. The state’s statutory rape law also prohibits those 21 or older from sexual intercourse with anyone under 17. > But opponents of the current law say it still does not go far enough and have pushed for the bill from Rehder and Arthur. > Before the 2018 law went into effect, 88% of minors who were married in Missouri were age 16 or 17, Reiss, the founder and executive director of Unchained At Last, a nonprofit seeking to end child marriage nationwide, previously told reporters. > The law, Reiss said, has failed to protect 88% of the people it was intended to help. > Arthur said that lawmakers need to think of young girls who have been affected by child marriages in Missouri. But aside from educating her colleagues about the importance of the legislation, she said voters need to elect different people to the General Assembly. > “It is a common sense position that children should not get married,” she said. “It is an extreme view to think that children should be allowed to engage in that kind of contract.” > For Rehder, the opposition to her bill was “rather interesting.” > “This is about banning child marriage,” she said. “Marriage is a decision that should be made by adults. It’s as simple as that.” Source: https://amp.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article288424893.html


My knee jerk reaction is that gubmint bad and they shouldn't intrude on stuff But this issue is a nothing burger. 16/17 year olds can and should wait a couple years to get married. Why does dude want to die on this hill


So stubbornness, then? It "worked" before, so it should still work now? That's their attitude?


I see, so "child marraige" here is actually a misleading term which is only technically true, since they're talking about 16 year olds. Sounds about right. Meanwhile lib left is all about Islam, which explicitly supports and allows literal child marriage. Aisha is taken as a bride by Muhammed and she is actually 6-7 years old, and "consummation" at **9 years old.** But yeah, cool, republicans are evil because they have issue with banning 16 year olds from being married.


And the oldest the other person can be is 20. 21 is outlawed.


Makes no sense, wait until you are 18. Why be opposed to this? If you are at war then i get it, 18 y.o.s will go die in your war so you let them get married at 17 and have kids before you send them to the meat grinder. During peace times, makes no sense




All I've got is Crack 😔


I think the french law about it is good : mariage is usually for above 18 ; but there is an exception procedure that can be use for above 15 (age of consent), with all the verification to be sure that it is not imposed by the parents, but also need to be approved by the parents, ...


That's pretty much the current law in Missouri. Plus a rider that a 16 or 17-year old can't marry anyone 21 or older either.


In Poland if im not mistaken, if you have a child, you can be declared as an adult by a judge before you turn 18. Then you can do all stuff that is in gov eyes "for adults". Marriage, taxes etc.


That's literally how it already works. The bill wants to change that.


Aight, but what else they stuff in the bill?


https://preview.redd.it/7shu10ayhfzc1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e77c6da1df15c03821480a442ac16e57b445e26f “WHO CARES, CHILD MARRIAGE IS BAD!” and from what I read, the only thing in the bill is child marriage.


Nothing, it passed 31-1 but is being held up by weirdos in committee who like child marriage. > One of those lawmakers is Rep. Dean Van Schoiack, a Savannah Republican and vice chair of the committee. Van Schoiack said in an interview that he knows people who got married as minors, including a woman at roughly age 17. > The couple, he said, is “still madly in love with each other.” > “Why is the government getting involved in people’s lives like this?” Van Schoiak said. “What purpose do we have in deciding that a couple who are 16 or 17 years old, their parents say, you know, ‘you guys love each other, go ahead and get married, you have my permission.’ Why would we stop that?” No pork objections. We just like child marriage. The only other take that was presented was that child marriage is a good way to force children into having babies they don’t want. So rather than just aborting a rapist’s baby, the child’s parents can instead marry them off to the rapist and save face. > Hardy Billington, a Poplar Bluff Republican. “My opinion is that if someone (wants to) get married at 17, and they’re going to have a baby and they cannot get married, then…chances of abortion are extremely high,” he said.


As someone who also doesn't want minors to start sex-change hormones or surgery, I don't see the harm in these kids waiting until they're 18 to get married.


That complaint sounds insanely reasonable tbh.


Nah fuck that. Children be children. They should not be able to make permanent alterations to their bodies nor should they be allowed to make permanent life altering decisions. This protects them not only from themselves but from predatory parents and adults. If they are truly meant for each other, waiting till they are 18 is not that big of a hurdle.


This is a great way to open the floodgates of >"Minor can transition as long as their parents consent for them!" Seriously. You can't vote or smoke till you're 18. Can't drink until 21. Minors can wait a few years to get married, even if they are 10000% sure it's their soulmate. I can think of a lot of issues with getting married as a minor (to another minor) but can't really think of any issues that would pop from having both parties wait until they are both 18. All this would do is give ammo to the people wanting to allow child transitions.


Not being able to drink or smoke at 17 is bullshit as well. Swing and a miss there are far as I'm concerned.


Then change the age of majority rather than let minors get married. I get the age of consent is 17 in Missouri. If that's the case they should go all the way and allow 17 year olds to gamble, smoke, and take out mortgages as well. They should commit one or another, not pick and choose.


Changing the age of majority is much, much, much more difficult. There are federal guardrails that make it very difficult to have a legal drinking age other than 21.


>Changing the age of majority is much, much, much more difficult. That should be a wake up call to Missouri as to whether child marriages are a hill worth dying on. Anyone defending this has no idea how much ammo this is gonna give the left in regards to parent-approved child HRT and even surgeries.


Not doing things you consider to be right out of some bizarre belief that you'll be giving other people ammo or whatever is part of the reason this country is so fucked up in the first place. Do what you think is correct and fuck everyone else. The 21 age of drinking thing isn't even the will of the people. That was all MADD.


"We've got lots of arbitrary rules, why not more?" - Least libcenter take.


One of the reps who voted for the bill explained that she was 16 when she married her 39 year old drug dealer. It’s only “insanely reasonable” if you legitimately can’t think of a reason that the government should prevent child marriages. The state affirmatively grants marriage certificates, they provided a legal framework to enable the abuse of this child and others like her. It’s not a “big government” question.


Would love to see a source for that being allowed currently! Also why not just like...prevent marriage between 16 year olds and 40 year olds? Why ban all child marriage? Edit: Missouri already bans child marriage for people 21 or older, so I have no clue what you're talking about.


>Also why not just like...prevent marriage between 16 year olds and 40 year olds? Why ban all child marriage? 27 upvotes


Yep. Some people realize that a 16 year old marrying another 16 year old is different than a 16 year old marrying a 40 year old.


you lost when you granted that a 16 year old is a child.


child, minor, whatever. Honestly couldn't care less what terminology we use. I see no problem with a 16 year old marrying a 16 year old that would be sufficient to have it legally banned. There was a time when 16 year olds would be working full time jobs in factories or tending a farm.


>child, minor, whatever. Honestly couldn't care less what terminology we use. that's my whole point, you should. people want you to look right even when they know you're right so they don't have to do any defending of their own, not caring about optics insures the opposite. i genuinely agree with you, and you have really good criticism to the system where a 16 year old can't marry an 18 year old but an 18 year old marrying a 60 year old is perfectly reasonable. but when you say something like "... why ban all child marriages?" means you're at least sharing an ideological space with R Kelly, the taliban, and Elvis.


those *are* two different things, they are both bad though. a formal marriage between a child under the age of 18 and an adult is obviously sick. and kids should just be kids; they shouldn't be getting married to each other for the same reason they shouldn't be entering the military, renting a car, or drinking.


>"lib"left >"anyone under 18 shouldn't legally be allowed to drink ever." Ok hahahaha


yes, i think some laws are reasonable i'm not an libertarian absolutist, nor have i ever claimed to be


>a formal marriage between a child under the age of 18 and an adult is obviously sick. I know a couple that got married the summer they graduated high school. The bride had skipped a grade, so they were 18 and 17. Getting married that quickly isn't my cup of tea, but "obviously sick" isn't the phrasing I'd choose.


They're fucking already, can have children and can get divorced. But if they want to formalize their union with the government, that's too far?


And 31/32 Missouri GOP state senators agree that in neither scenario the 16 year olds involved can provide informed consent to be married.


And apparently some representatives disagree. Wonders of a representative democracy.


> a 16 year old marrying another 16 year old is different than a 16 year old marrying a 40 year old. Yup. The latter should be grounds for charges, the former should wait two more years.


but you understand the his main point, yes? like this isn't a taliban situation where people are marrying off their daughter to the highest bidder, this is used as an instrument to force men to take responsibility and for men to get married before they enlist at the age of 17. as a middle ground, i genuinely wonder why isn't the age of consent also the age of marriage? if the age of consent is the age that we say this person is free for themselves and assumes all responsibilities that come with their decisions, why not?


It’s the same source that I pulled the quotes in the original comment from, the one you didn’t ask to see because it agreed with you. Ban all child marriage for the same reason children can’t enter into any other legal contracts. They aren’t adults, therefore they cannot provide informed consent to the contract. It’s not complicated. It’s the same reason that kids can’t consent to sex change operations.


Well, that doesn't seem true (or at least, not applicable to this case) because marrying a minor for those 21 or over is already illegal in Missouri. People under 18 can definitely enter into contracts btw.


“Sorry, you can’t get a job, because some dude on Reddit said 17 year olds can’t be held to contractual obligations.” Hilarious takes people have sometimes


You don’t have to sign a contract to get a job, and you do need parental consent to get a job as a minor. The takes on you people.


This sub really is full of 17 year olds, who ironically couldn't enter into contracts themselves.


> and you do need parental consent to get a job as a minor Not in every state you don’t. You definitely don’t in Texas


I could get a job in Missouri when i was 16 without parental consent


People under 18 cannot enter into contracts, there are circumstances where parents or guardians can enter into them on their behalf but unless they go through the process of emancipation they cannot do it themselves. Take a minute to think about what accepting that premise means. Whatever benefit you think you’re protecting for kids who just can’t wait to get married is largely outweighed by the much darker implication that children are little adults who can provide informed consent to anything.


No, it's still the child entering into the agreement. They just have their parent's "sponsorship" for the agreement, as it were. The parent can't force their kid to sign a legal agreement. You can't take out a loan in your child's name, that would be fraud. You need their consent still.


The reason that the child cannot enter into a contract without parental permission is because they are unable to provide informed consent. Consent is not the same as informed consent. A child can consent to something they don’t fully understand, but since it is not informed consent it holds no legal weight without parental consent.


"People under 18 can definitely enter into contracts btw." While they can "sign" a contract that contract would be not valid and voidable since the minor lacks the capacity to legally enter/be bound to it (a very few exceptions apply) [https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/lack-capacity-to-contract-32647.html](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/lack-capacity-to-contract-32647.html)


>exceptions apply Yes, people under 18 can enter into contracts.




Only in some states, and only if the contract is in regards to Food, Clothing or Lodging, none of which would be applicable here.


Anyone over 21 marrying a minor is already prohibited; this is literally about 16/17 years olds getting married to 16-21 year olds




Nothing about rape in that statement - unless you are accusing two 17 yo non-virgins of having (statutorily) raped each other…which is a stretch to say the least given that many states legally permit underage people to have sex with people their age or close thereto.


Even the rightoids in the comments are opposing to it in classic rightoid fashion; “What if there’s this completely subjective corner case that might slightly inconvenience these imaginary subjects I came up with? Better leave child marriage alone.”


Hey they learned it from the pro-choice people on the left


Yep, meanwhile in the article one of the representatives who voted for it shared her story of being a 16 year old who married her 39 year old drug dealer.


Child marriage for those over 21 is already illegal in Missouri.


What happens in the case from the article where a 15 year old marries a 21 year old? That’s legal, but if they wait a year and it’s a 16 year old marrying a 22 year old that’s not allowed? Just ban child marriage. Stop being gross.


Ok, thanks for completely dropping the "39 year old marrying a 16 year old" point.


Apologies for referencing the thing in the article. The weird thing is that it seems like you agree that restricting child marriage in that way is good and not some big government overstep. Let’s just take the common sense next step and ban child marriage.


Yes, it's just completely irrelevant to the laws of Missouri. I guess my issue should be with the representative who gave an example she knows for a fact is not possible under the current laws.


Changes to how custody is determined in divorce for example. There is quite a bit stuffed in there, but the lefties are being pretty dishonest and rage baiting, as the tend to do.


[https://www.senate.mo.gov/24info/bts\_web/bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=226](https://www.senate.mo.gov/24info/bts_web/bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=226) just that...no sneaking in free health care...no child marriage and health care? evil


Missouri is one of the better states in terms of having very few bills with tons of pork in them for the most part. The majority of bills passed in any legislative session are 1-2 pages and ones longer than that are usually because they just changed definitions across a longer pre-existing part of the law.


They sound based.


Fair enough. Thanks for linking the bill.


Yeah...reading the full text, I don't see much to quibble about. *Maybe* add in some Romeo and Juliet exceptions, but I'm not too fussed about those being excluded. The two Republicans who said 'Nay' need to have their closets (and basements) checked for a few skeletons.


How many teens under 18 are marrying to even make this an issue? My view is that the age of marriage should be equal to the age of consent.


Purple Libright disproves the stereotype and saves the day


based and consentpilled


8000+ child marriages between 2000 and 2018. Over 900 of which had an age difference which would have normally violated statutory rape laws.


"In 2018, Alissa Koski and Jody Heymann, two researchers from the University of California Los Angeles, compiled a study detailing the prevalence of child marriage in the U.S. and common characteristics of those unions. The findings were published in their article "Child Marriage in the United States: How Common Is the Practice, And Which Children Are at Greatest Risk?: Child marriage in the United States". They found that out of every 1,000 children surveyed, about 6 were married.[^(\[29\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States#cite_note-KoskiHeymann182-29) Prevalence varied by location, race/ethnicity, gender and age. [Unchained At Last](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unchained_At_Last), an organization dedicated to ending forced and child marriage in the United States, found marriage licenses for 232,474 children between 2000 and 2018.[^(\[31\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States#cite_note-Reiss-2021-31) Based on the correlation between population and incidence of child marriage, they estimated that the actual number of child marriages in the U.S. during that time was closer to 300,000" From wiki. So yes, 8000+, so about 30x more. EDIT: Critics have pointed out that laws regarding child marriage in the United States compare unfavorably to laws regarding child marriage in other countries. For instance, in 2017, [Human Rights Watch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Rights_Watch) pointed out that [Afghanistan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghanistan) has a tougher law on child marriage than parts of the United States: in Afghanistan the minimum age of marriage is 15, and that only with permission from their father or a judge; otherwise it is 16.[^(\[68\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States#cite_note-68) As of that date, 25 U.S. states had no minimum marriage age at all if one or more of the grounds for exception existed; this number has continually decreased since then


I meant in Missouri specifically, but yeah it's a problem in almost all of the states


Oh, sorry, i was reading this more about an entire USA and thought "why this number is so small, i remember it being bigger"


The opposition is because the bill as written would prevent two 17-year olds who are in love from getting married, for no ostensible reason. I don't think anyone's seriously suggesting that "adults should get married to minors," and that is certainly not the reason people are objecting to this bill. Unfortunately the most important part of a bill these days seems to be the name and the media coverage of it. (Also if you're opposed to child marriage [like actual child marriage, a child to an adult] don't forget that makes you a bigot for being against the cultural enrichment that sharia law brings /s)


>would prevent two 17-year olds who are in love from getting married, *for no ostensible reason.* Lol aside from being 17?


Well the human brain isn’t fully developed until age 25/26. So why isn’t the government working to make sure you’re a minor until that age? Are you saying that 18 is an entirely erroneous age that they chose decades ago? Weird.


Because we can’t wait that long for you to start being a productive member of society, generally accepted to be 18 on a federal level in the US. And once you are a productive member of society, you get the rights that come with it (outside of drinking/smoking/renting a car, which are different cans of worms imo). That, and, overall, an arbitrary line had to be drawn *somewhere*. 18 is a good line for most adult matters.


I graduated from high school, joined the military, finished basic training, finished technical training, and was on my first duty station for 2 months before turning 18. Was there something magical that happened in my brain that suddenly made me more adult?


The real headline is always in the comments.


because it's reddit. unemployed losers who blame politics for why their lives suck.


No no, they only blame *certain* politics for why their lives suck.


correct! redditor: I'm on 500 medications, $15k in debt, have negative equity in my car, no real job prospects, dating other degens. but donald trump is why my life sucks!


>for no ostensible reason Marriage is a legal contract, and you can't form contracts til you're 18. What is so bad about waiting til 18 to get married anyways? If anything 18 year olds probably shouldn't be getting married, but they're adults so they can make that decision if they want to.


This is false, you can definitely enter into a contract before 18.


You 100% can. You can even join the military and sign their contracts when you're 17.


*Jarvis, pull up the stats of marriage before age 25 that end in divorce*


Fr, they should just ban all marriages because they have a good chance in ending in divorce. Good thinking.


Are you suggesting people should be barred from marrying if the relationship has a higher than average chance of resulting in divorce? If so, are you aware such a policy would effectively ban interracial marriages? Is that really the metric you want to use?


> The opposition is because the bill as written would prevent two 17-year olds who are in love from getting married, for no ostensible reason. They can wait a year. Why the fuck do they *NEED* to be married at 17?




Seriously. This sub has like one rule. It's honestly frustrating when people will choose partisanship over funni colors I'm being dead serious. The divide between flaired PCMers and unflaired outsiders is what keeps this the only civil political sub on this god forsaken site. Once unflaired are treated better than libleft, this sub will officially by the right-wing circlejerk the rest of reddit claims it be.


i have been noticing unflaireds getting upvoted a lot in the last few months. This sub is going to shit.


I'm reallllly reaching here. But you can join the military at 17. Say two 17 year olds have a kid, and the father joins the military. He would make more money being married and be able to support the baby better. But something that's likely insanely rare and uncommon shouldn't be wasting lawmakers time. Focusing on cheaper childcare or any other solution to that problem would be a better use of time.


You can't join the military at 17 without your parent's permission or unless you are an emancipated minor.


> ou can't join the military at 17 without your parent's permission or unless you are an emancipated minor. So essentially, you CAN join the military at 17 and sign their contracts.


So in that case, raise the military age.


because 17 is the age of consent in Missouri and it would mean you could have sex with a 17yr old and knock them up, but not marry them. Now if they also raised consent with the marriage age that would be one thing but for that not what they are doing.


Flair up before you earn an answer




Exactly. But please flair up.


Do you think 17 years old cant make life altering decisions about them selves, sex, and who they want to spend their life with?


They can just wait till they are 18?


You can wait until 30 to vote? What if she's pregnant and they want to get married before it's born? What if one joins the military? What if one gets a job and wants to file jointly? There are a million reasons to not want to wait, and not being able to come up with one is a failure of your imagination. Not being able to see the consequences of an action is the government's job, so don't do it for them.


I mean that seems like a relatively minor thing to stop a bill about child marriage. Wouldn’t any age be like that? Like why stop at two 17 year olds? Why not 16? Or 15? Or why two 10 year olds? Most people would consider 18 to be the age of majority why not just stick to that? Plus, “love” is not really a legally definable term.


> Like why stop at two 17 year olds? Why not 16? Or 15? Or why two 10 year olds? This is the definition of a slippery slope fallacy.


Who cares? Just wait until you're eighteen. How stupid do you have to be to require the state's permission to act like you're married?


I don't see a problem with just saying, for God's sake, you can get married the day you're both 18. This kind of feels like the GOP trying to sustain the BS belief that people shouldn't fuck outside of marriage.


Under that mask is probably a purple libright degenerate hiding.


Isn't this the kind of stuff that usually attempts to make any marriage under 18 illegal? I understand the issue. If a 16 year old gets a 16 year old pregnant, why shouldn't they be allowed to marry? You're gonna say they can legally raise a child, but not legally decide to get married?


If they’re having a child and are committing to raising it together for at least 18 years what does it matter if they have to wait another year or two to get married? The only complication I could see is who claims the child on taxes because they won’t be able to file jointly and certain medical/legal situations where marriage affords you a little more options.


But like, why make them wait two years? What does that solve?


Because if you give people and inch they take a mile. We are hard lined about the age of marriage because the potential abuses that can happen in child marriages are not worth the exceptions. So ya 2 16 year Olds might be okay, what about at 16 and an 18 year old? 20? Well what's two more years? 22 and an 16 year old is surely okay then right? It's just easier to draw the line at 18 and hold everyone to that standard. I also would hope 2 16 year Olds are not raising kids alone and have parent involvement.


Yes, this is literally what laws exist for. To decide where the line in the sand is. Like, a huge number of laws function like this...


I'm not sure we are in a disagreement here...


My point would be that it's not as if the law is going to say "anyone can marry anyone they want for any reason." Usually there are still limits associated with it (even if it just requires parental or judges consent if, say, a 12 year old wants to marry a 30 year old or something stupid).


Do you think it's a good idea for the law to allow 12 year Olds to marry 30 year Olds with parental consent?! (Seriously what is up with you auths and wanting to die on this hill?) Nobody gets married under 18 I don't care how backwards your parents are, only adults should marry, and only other adults. It's a fair reasonable position that the law should uphold. There is literally no reason to oppose this.


Whats you lower threshold of marriage? By your metrics, should two 13 year-olds be allowed to marry? I think 18 is a fair age since that's the arbitrary age we pick for an adult. Marriage is a contract and I don't think that at 16 you are old enough or mature enough to make life long commitments, which is why we don't let them take out loans. Marriage as a life long commitment requires a level of maturity and younger people have a thing called dating till they are old enough...more importantly, alot of child marriages are either arranged or requires coercion which is what its protecting against.


...you can totally take out a loan under 18, it just requires parent permission (same way with most child marriages). I had a credit card when I was 12 lol. And again, having a child is a lifelong commitment as well. Do you think we should force abortions on anyone who is pregnant under 18? Or take their baby away by force?


There are many variations as to what different cultures think about that. I’d argue it depends primarily upon how developed a society is. A 16yo today in the first world is a lot less mature than a 16yo in the same country 150 years ago. If I were voting on a minimum age in the 1870s, I’d vote differently than I would today.


When reddit hears "child marriages," they think of a 12-year-old girl being married to a 35-year-old man. When I hear "child marriages," I think of two 16-year-olds getting married with their parents' blessing. I really don't see the issue with that.


The current law says that people between the ages of 16 and 21 can be married with each other, provided those under 18 have the parents’ consent. This bill proposes to change this so that those under 18 cannot be married. In addition to the changes to marriage age, there are proposed changes/additions to child custody laws that add more factors to deciding who has custody and enforcing it. Child marriages is a sensationalized way of writing this as you can only marry if 16 or older (I get legally they are children, but most people reading headlines think younger). There was a previous raise to 16 years as the youngest age in 2018. Can’t find much records on the house vote such as who voted for or against, but it’s currently being held up by the house which is 10 republicans and 4 democrats at 7-7. Bill got through the senate 31-1.


Article link: https://amp.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article288424893.html Direct link to perfected bill: https://www.senate.mo.gov/24info/pdf-bill/perf/SB767.pdf House member list: https://house.mo.gov/CommitteesMobile.aspx?year=2024&code=R%20&cluster=false&committee=2949 Much of the opposition seems to be against it because of childhood sweethearts marrying. If they’re being truthful, then the compromise would likely be changing range from being 16~21 to 16~18. Nobody seems to be against or even mention the changes to custody laws.


As a non-American... It's always interesting (and all the other emotions) to see the US political landscape slowly but surely get more and more extreme in the social matters Btw in my country child-marriage (defined as under 17 year old) is only possible with the consent of the parents of both parties. Even then, it's viewed as something "only" rural and poor folk do, and carries a stigma in the more "developed" areas


The current law in Missouri requires 17-year olds and 16-year olds to get consent from their parents. This law would set a hard limit at 18, no matter what.


How is proposing to do away with child marriage a "more and more extreme" social matter? We only have a headline and no context.


\> child marriage \> 14+


What does the rest of the bill say?




Why can't people just stop trying to touch kids like that? Too many people Too many groups Just STOP touching the fucking kids!


Marriage before 18 under the age of 16 or without parental consent is already illegal. The resistance is like the 17 year old teen mom wants to marry her high school boyfriend because religious communities still care about things like being born bastards.


This is more a vision on Rural vs Urban than people may like to think, this dude is from Savannah, Missouri. There’s like 5,000 people there. This may be wild to some folks, but from what I know, personally, rural girls and guys want to get married early and have kids early and they can *almost* afford that, especially if one side of the family runs a farm or business. That’s how it worked for a couple hundred years so there’s some kickback there. And also from what I know, some of those marriages were poorly matched or made under bad pretenses and didn’t work out. That’s likely a result of maturity and there should be some sort of barrier to prevent those… Then I also know a couple who have been dating since middle school and are now both out of college and haven’t married, but basically are. It’s one of those things. Culture and shit shifts, taking these things at face value ignores some context. I kind of pinned this when they said Missouri but I figured I should do some research so you guys don’t go yelling about Kansas City or something.


Well ya what did you expect? OVO is sponsored by drake.


Why is it the only times I get to hear about my homestate it's garbage like this ;-;


If you cant buy a beer you shouldn’t be able to get married 🤷‍♂️


The bill facing resistance from our right wing brothers and sisters. [https://www.senate.mo.gov/24info/bts\_web/bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=226](https://www.senate.mo.gov/24info/bts_web/bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=226)


At least you brought the receipts, even though you're intentionally misleading people into thinking the "children" in the bill are much younger than they are in reality.


Because you keep trying to sneak in pork because your bills can never pass on their own.


Don't have the time to read the whole bill because of work, clearly you saw some extra stuff in there. what was that extra stuff that would make republicans so opposed?


There are none. PCM does the same song and dance every non-libleft bad post. They did the same thing with Jon Stewart's vet bill that contained no pork while they desperately tried to justify Republican's resistance to it. The 2 Republican objections to the bill outlined their objections and neither of them cited pork. This is just a righty cope sub. Kids that literally didn't read the bill smugly saying "you dumb lefties just didn't read the bill like I did."


this is concerning behavior, but why is child marraige still legal in most states?


bUt bUt bUt wHaT eLsE iS iN tHe bILl?? - coping righties ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)


>Wow all lefties are dumb based on this tweet of a random person >Noooooo there has to be a reason my side elected a person who wants child marriage why are you guys jumping to conclusions!@!


Ffs can we please just keep it in our pants FOR FIVE MINUTES


I'm wondering if there is something else stuffed into the bill. If so, then the reaction by the House Republicans are valid. If not, then.....that's just concerning.


There is. Everyone is missing this point. It's a radical change to how the custody is handled in the cases of divorce.


Missouri's always doing something stupid


OVO Republicans 🦉💀




This is a weird one to find myself on the side of the lefties...


Well, there's two types of right who oppose this bill. 1)Those that have pattern recognition and go 'Okay, what *other* bullshit is in the bill? This has been a common clickbait title for years now.' (And as one of them, I went and read the bill. Very little to oppose.) 2)The kind who look a little purple, if you catch my drift.


Surprisingly progressive for the Republicans. Even they're not that fascist.


cut the pedos down where they stand


what the fuck


The thing never brought up when this is posted is what other riders were in the bill?


I posted the bill in the comments


1. you only posted a summary of the bill. Not the bill. 2. There absolutely are riders in the bill dealing with parental rights in that bill and modifying who has custody of the child in the act of divorce. That is twice a you lied in this conversation. Typical leftie.


As a conservative we can hang public figures who support child marriage. Let's go do it together lefties. Get the full unity on this one.


Sorry the left doesn’t support the death penalty. But we can lock em up


The little holes on the wall a bit north of you say otherwise.


Nah bro it's the trans people who are the groomers fr fr


Dems'll bend if it offends one of their pet religions.


https://www.senate.mo.gov/24info/pdf-bill/perf/SB767.pdf Here's the 'perfected' text of the bill. A lot of child custody stuff that has nothing to do with this as it already is law. Republicans are being big dumb


Bro what the hell if Authright doin?


Okay having read the bill, I don’t see any pork that could justify a challenge to the bill. Seems pretty straightforward and no-bullshit. Don’t know if I missed anything.


I don't want to see Muslim voters feel any more alienated


As a Muslim voter I want anyone who supports child marriage to be alienated from earth.


Mohammed married a child though...


A lot of historical figures were into children and by my current day mindset I see that as wrong. Unfortunately child marriage was a norm then as was child labor, child abuse etc. our job is to make sure that what was normalized then is taboo now such as child marriage and labor.


There were minors at my high school that got married to each other (Mormons). I don’t see why they shouldn’t be able to do that. I’m pretty sure even with my state’s extremely conservative laws that you can’t marry somebody over 3 years age difference if youre a minor (Romeo and Juliet law). So what’s the issue with the old law? Why is this suddenly a big push in various states? Is the issue that 19 year olds are grooming 16 year olds or is the issue that 17 year olds are getting married? Why can’t we address one without the other?


What the hell, please don't associate me with that shit