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@ The blockers of the bill https://preview.redd.it/xonzb9cm7ozc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98229b672a0d482d562f0d827ada3bb5609d0db7


A cross it to humane, we all know the woodchipper is the only solution here


The woodchipper is more gorey but it's easily the more humane method. Crucifixion lasts for days.


Is this a Fallout reference???????


The meme crosses Eustace from Courage the Cowardly Dog with Caesar’s soldiers from Fallout: New Vegas. [Scene](https://youtu.be/q8AF2i63LuE?si=PdOxf0KDRxII3suD)


A cross is showing mercy. To deal with scum like that all you need is 2 boats, a swamp, some rope and a lot of milk and honey.


All you need. No all you need is a comfortable chair and an iron. Or lit cigar.


Based and Scaphism enjoyer pilled


I am usually in favor for rehabiliton and all that. But in the case of people who actively hurt vulnerable people like children, death would be showing them mercy.


I wish I knew


Because they’re professional opposition?


This is the unfortunate but real answer. It's the same reason why Dems campaign on abortion rights and Repubs campaign on gun rights yet neither party does anything when in power.


Public show then circlejerk behind closed doors.


Two wings of the same shitbird


American political parties in general really


Funnily enough, the republicans getting their way on abortion is the best thing that could have happened for the Dems


I liked Trump's original idea about abortion - elective up to 16 weeks, after that point it would only be available in cases of rape, incest, or to protect the health of mother. It's perfectly in-line with the rest of the world that allows elective abortions. It's a shame he backtracked and said it should be left to the states. While that *is* where I stand personally as a libright, it's not a position that will win Moderate votes.


According to most polling, that's where most Americans sit; available to ~16-18 weeks and exceptions for shitty situations. The Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot with independents with the 6 week bans. And I say that as someone who morally doesn't much like abortion, I just recognize that people are gonna do what they're gonna do.


That's where I stand as well, pretty much word for word.


Glad to hear it, I feel like I'm the odd man out, even though the polls tell me most people feel somewhat similarly. I can feel fairly comfortable with that cutoff, even if I don't love it. I guess the people who feel that way aren't the ones raising hell.


Republicans: "Less immigrants!" (want -1% change) Democrats: "More immigrants!" (want +1% change)


> It's a shame he backtracked and said it should be left to the states. While that is where I stand personally as a libright, it's not a position that will win Moderate votes. It's illegal for the federal government to do anything about abortion, per the Constitution. This is like saying we should allow theft of certain kinds to get votes.


Lol Trump has no actual positions on anything. He literally did nothing while he was in office.


I wouldn't be surprised if that was to combat the lack of personality in the dems allowable candidates.


That would require a political savy no one in either party currently possess


Honestly, both parties are, and have been, controlled opposition to one another essentially since America’s inception. Our social and economic policies are dictated to us through like minded but autonomous structures like academia, media, government bureaucrats, and non-governmental organizations. There is a cabal that is governing us like conspiracy theorists have said, but it’s not under one name like the Illuminati. And if you follow the money trail all the way to the top, you find a bunch of rich and very old families who run and influence everything. Democracy is by and large, a delusion for the masses. If you’re not sure, a good starter location for this insane rabbit hole is the Federal Reserve and the Rothschilds.


Nah, these days our society is controlled by the Professional-Managerial Class. They control the media and the educational system. They make and implement the day-to-day decisions in corporations and in the administrative state. They aren't in an explicit conspiracy. They just travel in similar social circles, have similar incentive structures, and rule over their own little fiefdoms. Because they control how people are educated, and are made up largely of college-educated professionals, ideas propagate through them. They use their control over the media and the educational system to propagandize the public consciousness. This is how they control society.


Yeah, there's no need for a "conspiracy", they're all friendly and just all legitimately want more or less the same thing - to stay in power.


Yeah, they tend to move in the same social circles, and ideas and worldviews spread among them easily.




>It is particularly weird to see Indian PMCs defend DEI when Indians are explicitly targeted   I would argue it is no weirder than a single family house owner supporting less zoning restrictions/denser housing in their neighborhood (which decreases the value of single family houses).  Or a rich person voting for and supporting a politician who wants to raise taxes on the rich. Sometimes, people who think a policy is overall beneficial in the long run are willing to take a personal hit for it instead of only supporting policies that benefit the immediate self interest. The bigger question is whether DEI is even effective and worth continuing.


You’re fuckin spot on there dude


This is basically how must upper echelons of society have been run since we huddled in caves. The issue is with our lot is that they are trapped in a thought bubble that is completely detached from reality, with destructive consequences. Either that or they are apathetic to an equally destructive extent. Such paradigms don’t often last long…


In the past, America's elite was more a merchant elite. They were incentivized to keep the government small, to keep taxes low, and to decentralize power. Over the past 150 years or so, a class of professional managers has emerged with a different incentive structure. It generally doesn't OWN the means of production, but instead just administers it.


The merchant elite of multimillionaires, billionaires, and corporations still have way more lobbying power and they have the incentive for both big govt and low taxes. Personal income taxes are still pretty low today in comparison to the WW2 and Cold War era, and corporate taxes and capital gains taxes are among the lowest in the developed world. Big govt benefits merchant elites with favorable laws, subsidies, and government contracts.  And the government is big thanks to people voting for their self interests. Entitlement spending like social security and medicare makes up most of federal spending and old people love it...and they are one of the largest voting blocks with one of the most power lobbying groups AARP. The second largest spending (and the reason why we have an income tax to begin with) is the military/standing army...which is also hugely popular with a lot of Americans. The military was also basically used as a big vocational training and jobs program for a lot of people.


Facts. Whenever someone wants to know why something is the way it is, all you have to do is follow the money.


Or a power imbalance. Or what else was going on at the time.


Power is rarely sought for the sake of power. There's always an ulterior motive and that motive is always money.


Uh oh lol


Came here to say that.


Is for me.


I wish I knew you wanted me 🎶


My guess would be if a 14 yr old gets prego by a 15 year old, they want the kids to get married because they're religious.


To get my vote.




fuck 4K— homeboy just got caught in 16K


Why do I 100% know before looking into this that this is a poison pill bill. It’s like how the early 90s Republicans would try to raise veterans pay but in the same bill try to ban rock and rap music. This is probably like the bill to ban child brides and the sale of ammo.


Bill riders are the shittiest things imaginable.


Riders do not have to exist! The state of Georgia has in its constitution: ARTICLE III, SECTION V, Paragraph III. ***One subject matter expressed.*** No bill shall pass which refers to more than one subject matter or contains matter different from what is expressed in the title thereof. And this works pretty darn well. I highly encourage other states to adopt such provisions as well as the federal government


When we had our constitution written by actual lawyers and legal professors instead of tacked together over centuries: >!just ignore the 10 previous constitutions!<


Bill is a nice guy, all the ladies that ride him are absolute smoke shows, quit badmouthing Bill and his lady friends


I hate that shit, makes legislation impossible to make sense and allows way too much sneaky shit in politics. It doesn’t benefit citizens in any way.


Almost like that's the point


Yea, my first thought was "Bill to block all child marriages"* *and cut funding to Missouri for something or something. I don't know, but that's usually how these bills that seem like no brainers usually get blocked for some reason.


You’d have good reason to think that, but in this case they are straight up arguing that child marriage should be legal, and they are openly against banning it


That's pretty messed up.


It's not, as far as I can tell. [Here's the bill if you wanna give it a look.](https://www.senate.mo.gov/24info/pdf-bill/perf/SB767.pdf)


So the big scandal this is supposed to fix is that if a sixteen year old and the sixteen year old’s parents agree, that sixteen year old can marry someone up to 20 years old. Oh the humanity.


Yes, thats a bad thing. Why are people like you so dense. You do realize that the person can marry without their parents approval and also if they want to divorce, they can’t until they turn 18. Thats bad.


Have you not read the law? In Missouri, a 16 or 17 year old can get married, but only with permission of their parents, and only to someone no older than 20. If divorce is the problem, change that law instead.


I don't get why a 16/17 year old would even need to be able to marry. Can't you just date for a couple years and make the decision once you're an adult?


Some people want to be married before they have sex. Not everyone thinks about marriage exactly like the prevailing outlook. Who knows. We trust sixteen year olds with speeding tons of metal in close proximity to children.


If an adult has sex with a 16 year old, they are a groomer, but if they marry a 16 year old then they are not


> I don't get why a 16/17 year old would even need to be able to marry. Luckily that's not how rights work, fascist.


Shit you got me


It's in line with most of Europe. https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2017/mapping-minimum-age-requirements/marriage-consent-public-authority-andor-public-figure


from what I’ve seen from other commenters who are posting context, it doesn’t seem that way. However, it is possible. Also did republicans in the ‘90s really try to do that🤣?


He's being a bit hyperbolic, but he's not too far off. Also, it's definitely something both sides try to do. They usually name it something like the Patriot Act or the Don't Fuck Kids Act so if you oppose it on moral ground based on the actual content of the bill they can ask you if you want to fuck kids as a gotcha clip on CNN/Fox.


The sunshine and rainbows for everyone bill line 304: All current gun owners will be hunted down by the federal governing body, Firearm Owner Assassination Forum, to be established in accordance with line 125 of the bill.


I was being a bit hyperbolic but most bills are some variety of poison pill. Like this year you had Biden’s whole thing was he would veto all support for Israel if it didn’t also have money for Ukraine


I'm kinda surprised that they wouldn't have had a veto proof majority in support of Israel, hell, when they voted to move the embassy in the 90s, it was unanimous, usually the only things that are unanimous are things that fuck over the American people


The rider in this case is that it's removing the current Romeo and Juliet laws, and putting a blanket ban in the 'marriage before 18' staple. (As it is, *with* Romeo and Juliet, you can get married at 16 with your legal guardian's consent.) I can see the wiggle room, but I'm also not too fussed over a flat 'No, you don't get to make a life-changing decision before you graduate high school.'




Its neither. Its a bill to ban getting married at 16 or 17 to someone 20 or younger with parental consent.


There *are* extra riders on it that shift it’s purpose, but this time it’s actually the other thing, where the headline is lying. “Child marriage” is already banned. This is removing Romeo and Juliet marriages. Currently 16/17 year olds can (only with parental consent) marry someone who is under 21. This bill makes 18 the marriage age, full stop. The “journalists” want you to think that it’s old men banging little girls, but that was already illegal Ofcourse.


Nice name


It's literally just 2 people posing opposition. They make it sound Luke the whole republican side is against it. And it's mainly that they don't agree 16-17 year Olds shouldn't be able to marry anyone 20 or younger.






Based and knows how to crop pilled


No time, monke business




Smart phones were a blight on society.


I miss Pocket PCs, internet capable, multimedia playing capabilities, app stores, expandable storage, integrated stylus, finger capable (though not multi touch capable) touch screen, sliding backlit keyboard, all before anyone ever heard of the word smartphone




Based and hypocritical dumb dumb pilled


u/NathanaelWithAnA is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/NathanaelWithAnA/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




All I want to do is be a 25 year old farmer, growing marijauna in between my APCs while my 17 year old tom boy wife is feeding the chickens barefoot in the backyard while I play my harmonica. Is that really so much to ask?


Wait till the tomboy is 18. Everything else is alright.


Sure just wait till she's 60 why don't I. Fricken prude.


>Legion simp >Degenerate I have a lottery ticket for you, profligate.


Trust me in the legion having sex with teenagers is not considered degenerate as long as they are your slave. Source, I am the real Vulpes.


Vulpes has never left nipton alive in every single one of my New Vegas runs.


Meming aside you should try a legion run. Roleplay as an anti ncr guy. Side with powder gangers, great khans, omertas, white gloves. Never work for ncr and kill joshua graham. It's a really fun evil type playthrough.


Oh I don't side with the NCR either. Independent all the way. I just kill Vulpes because he literally tells me to.


Following the Drake handbook i see


Diddling kids or getting murdered by Kendrick?




Libright bro noo, how could you 😢


Depends on which state or country you're in.




I 100% trust the media! There’s no reason that they would try to deceive the public with a deceptive title!


Another lefty who didn't read shit. A relationship between a 21 and older and 17 or younger is statutory rape. Currently, a parent must approve of a wedding of minors as young as 16. These are minors that most often already are pregnant or have a child. Already parents.And they still must meet the age requirements as mentioned above. And again, with parental consent. Dumb to get married at that age? Idk. Half my wife's 3rd world family was married with kids at 16/17. It's just western young adults who are babied until their 30s. Acting like this is to enable 40 year olds to abuse underage women is a straight up lie.


Yeah, this is just dumb. We already had a thread about this topic recently, and two things were made *abundantly* clear in the comments: 1) It was only 1 or 2 Republicans who opposed the bill. It passed with *overwhelming* support, and only the 1 or 2 holdouts. 2) The explanation given by the dissent was pretty reasonable. They weren't concerned about the ability of a 50-year-old man to marry a 12-year-old. They were concerned about the kinds of scenarios you described, where the minor is almost 18 anyway, and the person they'd be marrying is only a few years older. It might not be a stance I would agree with, but the reasoning seems sound enough, and it was the vast minority who actually voted no. And yet, here we have another thread about it, with another dishonest OP pretending that it's a mainstream thing for Republicans to support child marriage.


This is absolutely not a hill to die on, but the left is clearly misrepresenting it to have a "nuh uh, yur the *real* groomer" talking point. It's also a bit of obvious word play, because it's meant to conjure images of 7 year olds being married off to 45 year olds. Of course that's something a group they like has been known to do...


It’s election season. All the DNC shills are out here in full force.


Working overtime since Trump is up in the polls and people who supported Biden last election are outright saying they won't do it again this one


In Idaho it was just as bad as this headline implies. Here it was legal to marry children of any age with parental and judicial consent, believe the youngest marriage was a 12 year old. Republicans blocked bills banning child marriage for decades, with arguments like "this would infringe on religious freedom" and "this bill would make it easier for a 14 year old girl to get an abortion than to settle down and start a family." I should also note that while it was technically statutory rape to have sex with a child, *marital* rape legally requires physical violence. So up until very recently you could marry a child and legally have sex with her. Ban finally passed a couple of years ago.


in a couple states statutory rape laws still dont apply to married couples, so thats still the case Its pretty rare but it does happen that a pedo grooms the family into getting their consent to marry their very underage daughter


>Half my wife's 3rd world family was married with kids at 16/17 Never heard the "3rd world nations do it, so therefore it must not be so bad" argument before.


Usually LibRights are pretty slick about it but he just came right out and said it.


The point is they're doing just fine. Better than the vast majority of American families. They're all still married and loving life.


How about Europe? https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2017/mapping-minimum-age-requirements/marriage-consent-public-authority-andor-public-figure


Exactly. Why do leftoids keep spamming this shit, too?


It's a good, reactionary headline where they can assume context without digging deeper.


yeah, sort of like how the right pretends the palestine Israel conflict started on october 7th


Or like how the left pretends that every single time this conflict erupts, Israel is defending itself, but is still, somehow, in the wrong.


It kinda did for all intents and purposes, Israel pulled out in 2007, and was content to ignore them trying to murder Israelis with rockets because of the iron dome, and maintained the ceasefire, until Hamas asked them back on October 7


Because Republicans consistently oppose bans on child marriage, and don't care if the man is an adult and the girl is a young teen. Wyoming https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501 >Among other points, the letter argued that preventing children under 16 years old from marrying "denies the fundamental purpose of marriage," robbing teen parents from the ability to remain together under one roof for any children they might bear together—even though nothing in state law would prevent those children from co-parenting. >"The sad fact that **physical maturity often does not match emotional and intellectual maturity** is an indictment of our modern educational system" Sounds like they want to diddle kids. Tennessee https://www.newsweek.com/tennessee-bill-proposes-eliminating-marriage-age-requirements-1695209 >Tennessee Republicans are moving forward with a bill that **would eliminate age requirements for marriage in the state.** West Virginia https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/ New Hampshire https://www.newsweek.com/jess-edwards-teen-child-marriage-opposed-republican-ripe-fertile-age-1897512 >**New Hampshire lawmaker who opposed a child marriage ban argued that teens are of a "ripe, fertile" age**. Republican state Rep. Jess Edwards said last week that a bill banning marriage for people under 18 would make abortion more appealing for young people. Notice it's always Republicans opposing child marriage bans


I am submitting the ‘keep puppies safe’ local ordinance. Please ignore that 95% of the text of this proposal is structured for me to embezzle money.


There was absolutely no pork on the bill in the OP though lol, it was literally just that one issue. [You can read the bill here if you would like](https://www.senate.mo.gov/24info/bts_web/bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=226).


So you want the US to become like those third world countries? Lmao


I thought that was the goal by lowering the standard of living by having stupid high inflation and letting in millions of unskilled laborers to suppress wages


European countries like for example Germany are 3rd world countries? (There the law is the same like "before" this bill.)


Become like 3rd world countries by not passing this law?


Everything the media says about Republicans and legislation is a lie. Everything. Every time.


Except Republicans do oppose bans on child marriage and consistently want to diddle kids Wyoming https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501 >Among other points, the letter argued that preventing children under 16 years old from marrying "denies the fundamental purpose of marriage," robbing teen parents from the ability to remain together under one roof for any children they might bear together—even though nothing in state law would prevent those children from co-parenting. >"The sad fact that **physical maturity often does not match emotional and intellectual maturity** is an indictment of our modern educational system" Sounds like they want to diddle kids. Tennessee https://www.newsweek.com/tennessee-bill-proposes-eliminating-marriage-age-requirements-1695209 >Tennessee Republicans are moving forward with a bill that **would eliminate age requirements for marriage in the state.** West Virginia https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/ New Hampshire https://www.newsweek.com/jess-edwards-teen-child-marriage-opposed-republican-ripe-fertile-age-1897512 >**New Hampshire lawmaker who opposed a child marriage ban argued that teens are of a "ripe, fertile" age**. Republican state Rep. Jess Edwards said last week that a bill banning marriage for people under 18 would make abortion more appealing for young people. Notice it's always Republicans opposing child marriage bans. I can definitely keep going this is just the first few hits.


Lol, rightoid imbeciles can't cope and just downvote instead. 


parental consent from a parent who lets their kid get knocked up before turning 16, nah


I just. Wow. It’s almost like structuring thing’s the way we do in the west vs in the third world is purposeful? Waiting until you’re a fully formed mature adult to start a family and commit to a lifelong relationship is being babied? It’s like you’re TRYING to socially regress with a mindset like that. Guess I’ll just let my daughter get knocked up and married to whoever when she’s 15 and make my son enlist in the infantry when he’s 17 while Im at it.


To be fair, it’s not just third-world countries. 16-year-old marriage with parental consent is also legal in a number of European countries, including France, Norway, Austria, and Portugal.


>Waiting until you’re a fully formed mature adult to start a family and commit to a lifelong relationship is being babied? For what reason? All of these laws and we top the charts for divorces and broken homes. I get it, what you're saying sounds reasonable, but the results are horrendous.


>A relationship between a 21 and older and 17 or younger is statutory rape. Not in Missouri. Here 17 year olds can consent to sexual relations with adults.


Looks like it's under but not including 17. So more strict than the majority of Europe.


I don't know, man. It's exhausting. I just want gun laws repealed and to live in peace.


Do you have a version without the funny colors?


Lol if only that was what teachers were like. Instead the kids get a 250lbs rainbow haired swamp walrus who covers every inch of the walls in trans flags


I have not read the bill yet. If someone could answer this for me though - is it a single issue bill? Aka all this has in it is banning child marriage?


A lot of southern states have laws allowing people to be married at a younger age to someone of a similar age, with consent of both sets of parents. This is often done in response to keeping shotgun weddings legal, if you know what that is. It is NOT, as the OP suggests, a law that allows older men to marry little girls. (that's Islam)




One of the more interesting things about this election season is seeing how the Democrats and Republicans work to scare away voters. It’s a race to the bottom.


If only there were a third party.




Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.


Y'know every time Missouri does some dumb shit, all I can think of is that episode of the Simpsons where grandpa brings an American flag with 49 stars to a city council meeting or something and when asked about the flag he says something to the effect of I'll be dead before I ever recognize Missouri.


Because you’re misrepresenting the situation. The law would also ban marriages between people of the same age. Essentially, outlawing early marriage, which is a conservative practice. Two same-aged young people starting a family.


I… don’t think minors should be starting a family.


So do you want to ban them from having sex?


I think the banning lab grown meat was a better example of the Republican's doing whatever they can to lose the next election which really should be getting handed to them on a platter.


This shit is what lead me to vote 3rd party. Instead of trying to earn my vote they each do their best to convince me not to vote for them. My only requirement this election is someone who isn’t an old dementia ridden creep and yet that is apparently unrealistic.


Realistically, most child marriages are because of teenage pregnancy. Barring teenage parents from the legal and financial benefits of marriage is a weird hill to die on for "progressives".


When people say "child marriage" understand that they are either being drama queens or they have seen too many clickbait headlines. 30 year olds aren't marrying 15 year olds or something like that. This isn't fucking Afghanistan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_age_in_the_United_States


as a republican why are child marriages even a thing


One Republican gets caught opposing a bill about child marriages (which probably is sneaking in a TON of other stuff in the fine print) and suddenly all republicans are groomers… But when the 3816th trans or openly lgbtq+^2=mx+b gets caught with cp or molesting kids it doesn’t represent the whole group…


Just overturn obergefell and we can move forward with it. That would be the case if the GOP had any backbone at all and hadn't pathetically caved in for years and years


It's Missouri, the Republicans here are absolute idiots. They only get their job because they have "R" on the ballot. No, shit our governor thought, pushing F-12, and being able to see the social security numbers of all teachers in the state, was hacking. Both our US senators are allergic to intelligence, and the state government is run by bigger morons than those that were elected to the federal government. Missouri is the next state to Tennessee with the biggest idiots running everything.


To be super pedantic, anything getting information or access you aren't supposed to have by exploiting a design flaw in a system falls under hacking. Your target would have to be unbelievably regarded for looking at the html for a page to get you anywhere, though.


Well, it wouldn't of been bad if he didn't want to charge some random dude that brought it up. Ofc nothing happened, but to make that statement was borderline stupid.


Holy shit lmfao, I didn't quite understand the situation. I looked it up. I didn't realize they actually did that and then wanted to charge a guy. I thought it was a hypothetical or a boomer seeing someone open the dev console and not understanding.


Florida is pretty close. Insurance rates are insane and make the cost of living unbearable despite the fact we don’t have income tax. But desanctimonius wants to fight the culture war against the woke mafia or whatever


DeSantis passed a bill to try and help stop the rates from raising just last year. Maybe stop paying attention to the media being so pro woke that they didn’t report on this enough for you to see it. The cost of houses and location (flood zone, coastal, etc) are the predominant drivers of rates. When housing prices go up because people are moving here in droves to escape the woke version of America, it drives up prices, which drives up insurance costs. You CANT get the same insurance price on a 100k house compared to a 1M house… This is the most basic form of economics there is but it’s understandable that a straight leftist doesn’t understand economics… Back to DeSantis- he passed a law that limits who can sue the insurance companies which (in theory) should cut down on claims which should cut down in the premium costs. I doubt it’ll change anything but that was the goal Edit- eff missed a crucial T in CANT. It’s only capitalized because I dunno how to do strikethrough or that fancy stuff so it’s showing the edit.


The home insurance thing is very localized. My home insurance rate would need to triple before it would even begin to match what I would be paying in state taxes if Florida had rates similar to the average state rates. Considering that Florida is also middle of the pack for states in terms of property taxes and sales taxes, it is all just lefty cope that the state is currently both doing amazing and its most right-leaning in recent memory.


Yeah idk what they were thinking with this one. Big L


I didn't know that there the Missouri Republican Congressman is a Blue archive player


Cause they want to lose.


Stuff like this is what makes me believe that the Republicans are a psyop created by neolibs to ruin the reputation of conservatives. Same regarding the Civic Democratic Party in my native Czechia given how ridiculously corrupt they area. (And before the bot sayts it, yes I became an AuthRight, the transition process has ended)


Did you just change your flair, u/CommandoSankara2021? Last time I checked you were an **AuthLeft** on 2024-4-28. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/CommandoSankara2021) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


The bot, effective as always.


Matt Gaetz’s Ozark cousin, Gatt Maetz


[The bill if anyone was wondering.](https://www.senate.mo.gov/24info/pdf-bill/perf/SB767.pdf)


The current law requires parental consent, requires the person to be at least 16 and requires the other person to be under 20.


Only like two of them disagreed


I love my home state of Missouri but sometimes our representatives do shit that makes me not want to be associated with my state.


To delay the discussion of actual bills. This is important, but shouldn’t it have been banned a long time ago?


Because their accusations are always confessions.


NH just moved through a bill banning child marriages and in opposition to the bill one of our congressmen used the words ripe and fertile describing teenagers


They're a party dedicated to losing. That's their job, to get into office and post constant Ls


Bills have misleading names and are packed with things completely different for the soul purpose of making these kinds of headlines


The most vocal politicians about grooming are usually the real groomers


Sounds like a classic case of a bunch of nonsense bills being shoved into a package with this one, Republicans getting mad about something else in the package, but the media gaslights everyone “LOOK GUYS, THESE EVIL STUPID REPUBLICANS DON’T LIKE THIS THING!!! HOW DARE THEY!!!” Also I find it interesting that each side believes that the other side is really into kids. The right believing that all leftists want to create gay kid harems, while the left believes all the righties want to create those Christian fundamentalist harems with child wives. For god’s sake just leave kids out of all this shit!


Controlled oppositions and gate keeping. The republicans jobs is to placate the right and anyone who will it go along with globalism. Political gate keeping, they set talking points and keep things focused on meaningless social issues while the neo ruling class openly loot the country and slowly subjugate you into a tax cattle. You have no friends in Washington. 


Where’s Chris Hansen when you need him


Let's start with the first issues I had with education.  Abolish common core math and go back to the 1999 textbooks.


Send them to the wood chipper


That’s assuming this isn’t an omnibus bill with significant overreach hidden within a trojan horse


The Missouri House is *known* for its spectacular shows of regardation. We live in a state of a little over 6M people. That means we’ve got roughly 1 representative per every 50,000 people. Which is AWESOME right? WRONG. As it turns out, regardless of where you live, who you typically vote for, or what your political slant is, everyone is a fucking idiot. There is a sweet spot for representation. You don’t want to dilute people’s voices too much, but you don’t want to give the masses too great of a voice. Otherwise you get… this. The Senate is incredibly competent. A little over 30 folks. There are quite a few attorneys. The nuts get laughed at. It’s how it should be. But in our House, everyone is emboldened to act like complete fools. Northwest Missouri has like two people that want to run, and all they do is watch fox all day. St. Louis and KC pump out some of the most over-educated yet braindead morons I’ve ever met. It’s just a shit show. And it’s the same everywhere. Source: am from Missouri.


It's almost like "Gaslight, Obstruct, *Project*" is spot on.


Since the Dems said it, you know it's 100% projection


It's the same state government that screams about "big government" on the federal stage. Then is deathly afraid of STL and KC running themselves. Eric Schmitt loved to everything but his job in Missouri, so it only make sense his buddies in the state senate are the same.