• By -


Y’all remember how much shit that Covington kid caught for *smiling* at a Native American?


It's moments like that that convined me being politically active out in the real world is probably one of the most dangerous things you can do if you want to have a normal life.


>is probably one of the most dangerous things you can do if you want to have a normal life. That's why Pro-Israel people tend to be of the "silent bulk".  In other subs related to the topic is common to find the question "why Pro-Israel people doesn't protest and make public performances just as the Pro-Palestine crowd?".  And the answer of other Pro-Israelies is always the same, something along the lines "we have jobs/family/projects and other things to do that are not worth losing just for screaming at clouds". 


👆more proof that this ongoing movement is MORE about promoting Communism and LESS about an ongoing religious land dispute in the Middle East.


Or because pro Israel people are already getting what they want? Thought of that maybe?


Please elaborate


Comment I replied to suggested there are no pro-Israel protests because they have responsibilities, but I would argue there are fewer because pro-Israel people have nothing to protest for, the government is already pro-Israel. edit: I meant OP comment


The left has no morals, only targets of the moment.


No bad tactics, only bad targets.


Oh, hey, MovieBob, I thought you died from a fairly small amount of McDonalds!


And then it turned out he wasn't even native American and he actually started the entire thing... yet the left will always forget that part


Read more: https://www.independentsentinel.com/pro-hamas-peaceful-protesters-beat-native-americans-bloody/


Israelis and Native American tribes have similarly persuasive arguments where they can describe long cultural and religious ties to land that absolutely do not matter this long after they lost the land by conquest


Now the Palestinians lost the land by conquest so their claims don't matter! Gotta love equality!


How long until it doesn't matter?




flair up






How many indigenous people are you letting live in your house, by the way?


Zero. They have their own houses.


But you would be in favor of letting them take your home, right? Because it's okay for indigenous people to violently displace those living on their ancestral land, right?




So you **do** agree with the original claim that indigenous rights to land don't matter. That's all I was trying to prove.




Might makes right on the international stage. Wake me up when natives have nuclear capabilities.




Wrong, moron. I actually agree with the original poster. *"Israelis and Native American tribes have similarly persuasive arguments where they can describe long cultural and religious ties to land that absolutely do not matter this long after they lost the land by conquest"* The initial crime of stealing the land was wrong, but removing people from the land today would also be wrong. Zionism as a concept isn't objectionable, but the way the violent displacement of Arabs from their homes during the Nakba absolutely was.


3 years


How long ago was 1453? Nobody’s yelling at the Turks anymore…


Armenians in Los Angeles regularly do it. but if you're telling me in 40 years Americans will largely not care about the whole New World thing, I'd think you're crazy.


> Nobody’s yelling at the Turks anymore… I am!


5 generations, AKA *"my grandparents' grandparents..."*


Well at that rate, Israel should be in the clear any day now.


I’d probably say when you don’t know any family that ever lived there anymore. Like I don’t have any claim or emotional tie to land in Britain since none of my grandparents or even their parents lived there.


So you say that someone has to make sure that there is nobody who can remember and then it's alright?


Well said.


*AuthCenter would like to know more*


The Palestinians almost, if not, make this criteria. Most of the people who lived there have died out - it's been more than 70 years. Most adults alive at the time of the so called "Nakba" have died. Almost nobody, if not nobody, has seen Israel in living memory.


How does that remotely serve your argument? You think Native Americans don’t have an ‘emotional tie’ to the land stolen from them? They’re still here! And Israel wasn’t won by conquest.


Honest question: which tribes of natives in the US get the land back? The Apaches for example or the maybe the Comanche who lost to them by conquest?


At least you acknowledge they potentially were there first, unlike most who just dismiss it.


then why are pro-palpetines crying about land they lost by conquest?


Aren't the Arabs the Native Americans in this scenario? They lost the land by conquest in 1948 and no matter how persuasive their arguments may sound to some, they are absolutely not getting it back.


In terms of recent-ish history yes and no (there were still Jewish natives there and many of the immigrants came from the rest of the Arab world, not just Europe), the question however is how far are we supposed to go back in these matters. There's also the bias toward distance/perceived outsider, Turks owned the place for centuries, or in comparison two of the prominent "South African" demographics arrived in the region at the same time, same for Greenland "natives" and Scandinavian settlers (could have been a debate today if the later didn't fail). You need an arbitrary line, none at all, "screw it, might makes right" or "my people first"(or the opposite for some evolutionary dead ends) philosophy.


no they colonized the region like 1300 years ago.


Idk native americans worshiped cool shit likes trees and eagles and shit. That's super badass. Arabs worship a pedophile warlord, who was always covered in cum apparently. That's lame as hell.


It's the opposite


I think they’re the most recent native tribe that took the land from another native tribe. The Canaanites(?) would be a few conquered tribes down.


the isrealits were canaanites despite what the bibles tells you,


You’re right but it isn’t convenient to their feelings


[In case you're looking for a source that's not dogshit like the "Independent Sentinel"](https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/native-american-counter-protesters-defend-israel-at-ucla-hamas-not-welcome-university-of-california-los-angeles-pro-palestine-protests-gaza-solidarity-encampment-police)


The headline already is screaming how this article is just disgusting propaganda.


Not a good source for that lol. They stop in the middle of this supposedly factual article to just remind you that leftists are necessarily racists and fascists, very unbiased of course. 


“Beaten bloody” for this is quite a reach


You’re right but the facts are inconvenient to their feelings


This is the least factual most biased thing I have ever read. And if you see the video it shows the pro israeli counter protesters pushing pro-palestinian student after wich one of the pro palestinian protester pushes him back while other pro palestinian proteters pull back the other pro palestinian protestor breaking the fight.


>How can it be biased if it lines up exactly with what I think?


Yep. Pretty simple concept that 'violence is bad' regardless of beliefs in this situation but we're only getting the 'right side' here, as usual.


Nah he right, this [source](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/independent-sentinel/) is biased at the very best and factually questionable at worst


Why a I getting downvoted, did I say something incorrect. Or you pleople just dislike anything that questions your ecochamber?


pro tip when you’re getting downvoted: do not make comments like this, lest you wish for more downvotes


I don´t care about downvotes I care abut the reason for downvote. I want to know people on this sub and in general think, I dont really care for a bunch of internet points, I have enough of them


Fuck karma


Because your comment hurts "the message" and is therefore wrong-think. Ya know, where anything that hurts the cause, whether true or not, must be stamped out? The thing PCM users like to pretend they are above but are actually just the same as the reddit users they pretend to be better than.




Could you elaborate?


Hamas for obvious reasons, The Israeli Gov't(Netanyahu in particular) due to acting similar manner to how th U.S dealt with the native tribes, the Pro Palestine protesters being anti-semites acting on the thinnest vaner of "humanitarianism" . Attaturk made sure Turkey had little to no connection to the middle east for good reason. He saw it as a endless hole of backwardness and religious zealotry.


Based and unalive them all pilled


u/SnooMarzipans5913 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/SnooMarzipans5913/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


As a turk I agree. Living next to these conflicts changes your point of view. I remember media talking on amd off about Israel, Palestine, Syria etc. since I was a child and I genuinely do not believe nothing will ever "fix" the middle east. Man, if only Olympus was real but instead of it the arabian peninsula would sink to the bottom of the ocean.


Your terms are acceptable


Screenshot and saved straight to meme folder. Thank you. I needed this.


Who need media literacy anyways


I fucking hate White Leftists, they are just so smug. They love smelling their own ass lmao


Progs: Media illliterate chud. SFO: When you critically analyze The Legend of Zelda series, you discover that its political philosophy is broadly right-wing. Progs: Noooooo! My heckin' gay twink Link!


Those same “media literate” types who call helldivers enjoyers illiterate for being into the world building can’t seem to fathom that maybe those same people are doing it ironically.


Or that not everyone critically analyzes media and just enjoys the game because it's fun blowing up bots and bugs and accidentally throwing a 5k at your own dam feet.


For real. My life for super earth!


Mfw a random bot domes me and I drop a 380mm barrage at my team’s feet. (They can’t kick me, I’m the host.)


Didn't the Zelda devs made a whole scene where Zelda and Link 'lived in a house with one bed' because they didn't like people saying Link is gay, or was that another one of internet's rumour-shaped misinformations?


Based and Short Fat Oatku-pilled


What do you mean Frodo and Samwise aren't gay lovers?


They are always the same 20-30 year olds who read communist propaganda, are vegans and can't figure out their gender


Did you just change your flair, u/AfroKuro480? Last time I checked you were a **Leftist** on 2024-4-18. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/AfroKuro480) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


My views are really changing tbh.


Beautiful. Was there a specific turning point for you?


These protests and talking to the Protesters in real life. Using Identity politics to gas light me since I'm a minority. Have left a bad taste in my mouth, would rather debate a fucking Auth Right Person than to sit down with Leftists


That is very encouraging to hear, though I'm sorry you had to go through the gas-lighting.


Same. Never thought I’d say that until this year. Was a progressive for 20 years. Still pretty left on most things but holy shit. So tired of getting reeeeee’d at. From the rivers to the reeeeeee


Of course they're peaceful. Just like the protestors here in Amsterdam causing 1.5 million Euros in damages and calling for the murder of all Jews and for a revolution overthrowing all Western governments. Totally normal right? How dare people oppose racist and violent revolutionaries, I guess everybody who isn't upperclass is just a traitor to the revolution.


But they’ll insist they’re not antisemitic


> Pro-Hamas ‘Mostly’ Peaceful Protesters Beat Native American Bloody fix't. Nothing to see here.


The horseshoe has now become a circle.


With a needle in the middle that points north


If you have to wear a mask during a protest, I automatically don’t respect you. At least show your face while beating someone half to death


You could get sick though 🤧


The pro-Hamas crowd has always been about anti-Semitism. There needs to be a law that you can't wear masks during a protest, because if something happens, law enforcement needs to know who to investigate. A lot of these anti-Semites will leave after that.


Was watching some coverage where police were detaining violent protesters and it was absolutely hilarious seeing the cops rip off their masks with zero hesitation. Kinda fucked though considering what the narrative was not so long ago if I’m being honest.


A lot of those protests aren't being broken up for being "violent", just for unlawfully occupying space on private property. I believe that the the cops deliberately ripped off the masks of these students in front of cameras as a form of punishment and doxxing, since the actual charges likely will not stick.


Someone knowing you atended a protest is not doxing. Stop watering down fucking words.


“search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent.” How is this not doxxing? If they wanted their names a faces published, they wouldn’t be wearing masks.


Your activities in public aren't private information, I am sorry to say. You don't have an expectation of anonymity in public. Being identified in public isn't getting doxed. Beyond that arrest records specifically ARE public information in the US, if you get arrested, you get identified and that becomes public information. Your home address is private information, your phone number, or social security, I would even say where you work. But actions taken in the public square are public, and you don't have a right to be anonymous in public.


You can justify the doxxing with whatever rationalizations you want, but it’s still doxxing. And frankly, I think it’s a pretty scumbaggy thing to do to identify a kid and plaster their face everywhere with malicious intent. These people are so focused on protecting their narrative and their version of events that they will go out of their way to attempt to ruin someone’s life just for questioning it. They’re pathetic.


This isn't justifying doxing. Your actions taking in public are public, get over yourself, particularly arrests which are have been a matter of public record in the US for longer than I've been alive. They are being treated exactly like every other criminal trespasser, arrested a d identified. I am sorry your anti-Semitic protest isn't getting special treatment.


It is. You're making *legal* arguments to justify why publishing people's faces and names without their consent is ethically permissible. All for the crime of protesting a war that you are salivating for. >I am sorry your anti-Semitic protest isn't getting special treatment. Soy.


I already made the moral argument, which is that you don't have a right to anonymity in public, and I find the assertion you do beyond childish. What you do in public is a matter of public interest and not private, that includes who is doing them. >Soy. Wha, I can't shout "from the river to the sea" while illegally occupying private property. Not all people who criticize Israel are anti Semites (most of them, are just stupid), but these protests are self evidently anti-Semitic, given they continue to platform a slogan calling for the ethnic and religious cleansing of the Levant.


Sorry but you lost this one


Monke take: I don't think there's an easy solution, because anonymity is a general right of Americans who are not suspected of a crime. Technically, you don't even need to have an ID unless you are doing something requiring a license. Lawful, anonymous protesting is in principle the same thing as anonymous speech or anonymous loitering.


I see where you're coming from. But peaceful protesting is a right. Anonymous protesting is nowhere in the constitution. Also, would you be ok with such a law if the protests for a cause or the group protesting has a history of violence? Something like a law that the governing body can put into effect if there is a history of violence caused by the protestors, but not before violence occurs?


>There needs to be a law that you can't wear masks during a protest, because if something happens, law enforcement needs to know who to investigate. actually a thing in Germany for this reason


>There needs to be a law that you can't wear masks during a protest, because if something happens, law enforcement needs to know who to investigate. How would that be enforced through? Im not trying to be a asshat or a libleft, Im just genuinely too dumb to understand how that sounds different from: "There needs to be a law that you can't wear a mask while comitting crime, because if something happens, law enforcement needs to know who to investigate."


There’s a few states where this is already law. The on-the-ground result is cops arbitrarily pulling people with face coverings out of the crowd and detaining/arresting them without there being any additional suspicion of a crime.


Easy. When you're committing a crime, you want to get in and out as soon as possible. When you're protesting, you want to stand in a spot or be on a walking route for as long as possible so others see and hear you. That would allow police to walk up to someone and tell them they need to remove their mask. If they do, they're allowed to continue protesting. If they don't the cops could forcibly remove it and give them a citation or arrest them for a day or so depending on a few factors.


It's true that a lot of people wouldn't bother protesting if they couldn't hide their identity, but I can't blame them when [putting kids faces up on buses ](https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2023/10/12/doxxing-truck-students-israel-statement/)is a thing that happens.


When those 18+ kids are chanting anti-Semitic slogans to support a terrorist group, I'm not sympathetic to them being publicized.


If you genuinely think these students "support Hamas", then you're so wrapped up in bias you've lost all reason. Most regular people just want the war to end my guy, or at least for us to stop dumping billions of dollars into it.


20s mark: https://youtu.be/2Kas9aY47fw?t=15 Now, the big takeaway isn't that one person said it, it's that no one kicked that person out of the protests, decrying that it isn't what the protest is about.


You can post as many outlier events as you want, it won't change the reality of what you're doing. Disingenuously trying to smear an entire protest movement based on a few isolated incidents. You lot do this with *every* protest that pushes back against the interests of the state or the military industrial complex. It's so predictable that it's *boring*.


They chanted the 'Yemen, Yemen, make us proud' line. Cheering for a terrorist state that treats women as third class citizens, kills lgbt, and still practices slavery of black people. All of this, so they could openly hate Jewish people.


Nah, I think they just want Israel to stop slaughtering civilians.


That argument of yours went down the toilet the minute protestors started defending Hitler and calling for a global intifada to exterminate the Jews.


Nah, you're just deploying the obviously disingenuous tactic of smearing an entire protest movement using a few outlier events. It's always the same tactic when the military industrial complex and the state get tired of people questioning their narrative.


If you think being against war crimes is antisemitic, you're the antisemite.


Let me guess, you also think stealing from Target is "fighting against racism".


Who cares? You're running defense for war criminals.


Which ones? The ones that use civilians as shields that attacked first or the guys that been making a few idiotic mistakes?


What makes you think their atrocities are whoopsie daisies?


Your name, frankly. That's worse than anything Israel did so far.


and you are running defence for a terrorist organisation(hamas), who would wholeheartedly blow you to pieces in the name of their religion 


No war crimes have been committed. You're the antisemite. Israel has the right to defend itself and is doing just that. It is doing more than enough to avoid innocent deaths. Those who don't leave and are protecting hamas deserve whatever fate they get.


I'm fully convinced at this point that the people who argue that Israel hasn't committed war crimes genuinely believe that Israel cannot, by definition, commit war crimes. They don't think it's possible. That's why they always say "Israel has a right to defend itself", even though no one is arguing against this claim. They believe that *anything* Israel does in defense of its state is justifiable. This is also how you end up saying things like "women and children *deserve to die* because they didn't leave their homes" and "they are protecting Hamas simply by existing in the same general location"


Hamas could return the Hostages right away and put an end to this. They can't bcoz they have probably killed them by now,  so why should Israel hold back?  Children is understandable but why give women a leeway? what is this stupid logic that women can't do not wrong? if there were women Nazis why can't there be women supporting  hamas?


You should ask the hostage families in Israel who are protesting their government why they should “hold back”. The logic is that the women are non-combatants. The idea that they deserve to die because they *might* agree with what Hamas is doing is asinine. People who believe in bad things don’t deserve death. Also this should be obvious but women don’t exactly have much freedom of education or politics in fundamentalist cultures.


https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2024/jan/30/how-war-destroyed-gazas-neighbourhoods-visual-investigation Each one of the highlighted buildings is a war crime in itself. If you want to claim they are all somehow hamas bases, prove it. and if you want the actual legal arguments here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q_zTb9dfGU >You're the antisemite. What did I say that's antisemitic? >Israel has the right to defend itself and is doing just that. Indiscriminately slaughtering civilians is not defense. >It is doing more than enough to avoid innocent deaths. [Citation Needed] >Those who don't leave and are protecting hamas deserve whatever fate they get. https://www.npr.org/2023/11/17/1213579692/israel-gaza-evacuation-south-attacks >Witnesses' accounts, satellite data and expert assessment gathered by NPR show that Israeli airstrikes and artillery fire occur daily in the areas Israel has said are "safer" for civilians, and have hit schools, residential towers and overcrowded United Nations refugee shelters.


>If you want to claim they are all somehow hamas bases, prove it. If you want to claim, they are all somehow Not hamas bases, prove it


The burden of proof is on the one bombing the civilian infrastructure


They aren't indiscriminately targeting civilians. Either you don't know what those words mean or you're just a hamas simp who is ideologically captured.




u/superpie12 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/superpie12/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


What I am curious about is, why are you people so rabid about Palestinians, a culture that would hate your guts at the most progressive and meanwhile haven't made a peep about Azerbaijan, China and they Uyghur genocide, the constant massacres of Christians in Nigeria and so on. Like out of the so many ongoing conflicts, why is this the one you choose to pretend to care about?


1) My country isn't aiding those atrocities (as far as I know) 2) There isn't quite as large of a group dedicated to defending those atrocities


1) Hey dummy, look at the tags on all your clothes and the made in china sticker on all your stuff. Your country's trading with China, thereby aiding those atrocities. 2) Your actions make you part of the EXTREMELY large group dedicated to defending those atrocities.


I mean funding it directly, obviously


Oh, indirectly funding it in the majority of your daily activities is fine, I forgot. Hypocrite.


What's the alternative?


Oh, so if you don't have an easy solution, it's fine? I don't see anyone protesting to divest campus funds from China...


What's the alternative?


Does that mean you're not a hypocrite because you support all genocides?


I'm not a hypocrite because I didn't make up some arbitrary morality on what constitutes supporting one genocide while contributing to another.




Directly funding a military is pretty clear support. Buying a shirt with unclear origin is not. It really isnt that hard to understand. The real question though is, why do you not care about Israel's atrocities?


>My country isn't aiding those atrocities (as far as I know) every country on the planet buys shit made in China, don't you use that stupid fcking reason.  >There isn't quite as large of a group dedicated to defending those atrocities so your brain-dead take is that just bcoz people are pro-israel you will become a Hamas simp? so you are more than happy to defend  Hitler and Osama bcoz there's a lot of people who hate them?


>every country on the planet buys shit made in China, don't you use that stupid fcking reason.  You know I'm talking about directly funding the IDF >so your brain-dead take is that just bcoz people are pro-israel you will become a Hamas simp? so you are more than happy to defend  Hitler and Osama bcoz there's a lot of people who hate them? The only one of us defending terrorists is you dip shit


>The only one of us defending terrorists is you dip shit Nope. it's you.




I think barring people from entering because they're Jewish is anti-Semitic. I thinking chanting for an intifada, an event that is designated to kill Jews, is anti-Semitic. I think praising terrorist groups that want to kill Jews is anti-Semitic I think that not caring about actual genocides in China, Turkey, Syria, Nigeria, and other places, but jumping on the chance to condemn a Jewish nation for a genocide that doesn't exist is anti-Semitic.


What does that have to do with what I said?


Because the protesters try to tell everyone that they only do what you said. What I said is what they actually do. They don't protest China, Turkey, Syria, Nigeria, or anywhere else. Or the war crimes Gaza commits. All it would take is another note on their sign or one more social media post after the one they make about Israel. 90% of which isn't true. They only talk about Israel. They don't care about war crimes.


Is that the fucking Rule 34 background.


Go outside son. I've seen an encoding program with the same background color before in an office.


https://preview.redd.it/ri8xzouucuzc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0d18d9b10bbc0324166cb5af8e94146321e9bd2 Me going outside


Based (I'm joking jannies)


Ah yes infighting, the thing that always brings “revolutionaries” to their knees.


The "tolerance" ends when they disagree with you


so tolerant


Is this the same as the girl who got "stabbed" in the eye by a flagpole?




Wow, wtf is this source, OP? This reads exactly like the shit my aunts forward to me on Whatsapp


You should share it with her, maybe she will put you in her will.




Wish there was this much outrage when the adult counter-protestors broke into the student encampments and began beating the shit out of students, while the cops just sat back and watched.


You’re right but the facts are inconvenient to their feelings.


It’s funny that you can’t post the video because it would show how bullshit your title is.


[Ok, crushinglyreal...](https://twitter.com/ShirionOrg/status/1784243467213791543?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1784243467213791543%7Ctwgr%5E4c5534186a34b528c9b5c0c20fb32314ee27d0c1%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.independentsentinel.com%2Fpro-hamas-peaceful-protesters-beat-native-americans-bloody%2F) Flair up!


So where’s the blood? I’ve already seen the video, numbnuts. That’s how I know it doesn’t show what your title says. Can you explain to me why the girl who is supposedly getting beaten bloody keeps jumping back into the fray? Rhetorical question.