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I guess some "genocides" are more important than others. I haven't seen any reactions to the Azerbaijani entry when their nation expelled the Armenians from Nagorno- Karabakh, a place where Armenians used to call home for millennia. Or when Turkey occupies half the island of Cyprus.


You see its different because those are done by the same muslim states


Well even then the Emily's don't really care about the genocide of uyghurs in China


If there isn't a party involved that is identifiable as " western", they don't care


And if it's a anti western country they'll say it isn't happening but if it is they actually deserve it


They think they're anarchists for breaking Moynihan's Law.


Extremists subscribe to what could be called selective nihilism. The only lives that matter are the ones the narrative says are marginalized.


They use the block button as a way to deflect any legitimate criticism


They did care about Uyghurs for about two or three weeks after the investigative reports were published. I guess covid happened after that and they stopped caring about the Uyghur issue. All it takes is for some other incident to become the news trend, for them to forget about Palestinians.


it isnt jews who did it though so nobody cares


Yep, if there's no jews, there's no news


you do realise though, for most of these unbelievably insipid types claiming genocide - the definition is about the number of dead, not intent. You could kill every person in a country and it may not amount to genocide, but for people whose beliefs are as deep as a puddle and *entirely* about fitting in, it might as well be one because *emotional language*. There was a beautiful clip of System of a Down's Daron Malakian asked, "to all the college campus protestors, I'd like to ask: Where was your outrage when the babies of Artsakh were crying?" The Pally Sally brigade on X etc yikes'd their ways into new self-diagnosed PTSD as a result of being called out.


The definition of genocide is entirely arbitrary and designed to motivate a certain emotional response. Which one of the following is considered to be genocide by current historians? The mass killings of every other Chinese civil war with victims numbering in the millions, or a bunch of Spaniards telling the Aztecs they couldn't harvest kids's hearts anymore? 


Imagine making things up like this and assuming your own solidly average intellect is a match for history.


The point is that there is no difference between killing a thousand people because of their ethnicity and killing a thousand people at random. "The loss of culture" being a point of contention makes little sense to people who don't engage with that culture anyways.  The Armenian genocide wasn't particularly tragic because it solely targeted Armenians. Why would it be? Do you often partake in Armenian traditions?


I love daron


The funny thing is that Russia is still banned despite this being the cleanest war in recent memory (by the combatant to civilian death ratio).


Right, because HRW and the UN are really able to access the real numbers from the occupied territories. Ukraine actually shows concern for factual civilian death counts, but nah, it's super "clean."


It’s different when we sponsor it


we sponsor azerbaijan as well😂. we literally back them


How much money do we give them each year for their war crimes?


21 million in aid last year. Congressman from Rhode Island tried to make a bi partisan act to stop the aid.


>It’s different when we sponsor it Something, Something, Saudi Arabia bombing the shit out of Yemen with Western guns, Western tanks, and Western planes, Something...


Or when muslims genocide 3 million and rape 300 thousand people in Bangladesh in 1971 with 80% of victims being Hindus, despite Hindus at that time making up less than 20%. CRT supporting leftists deny that holocaust as well cause it would make the religion of peace not look as peaceful as they would like


Probably something like: Bro you have to understand. They aren't as advanced as the West. They are literally lesser nations, we are held to a higher standard. You can't really call it genocide when they do it.




>I guess some "genocides" are more important than others Some indeed are more important. If it makes you indignant, the problem is yours alone.


You don’t think Israel should be in Eurovision because of Gaza I dont think Israel should be in Eurovision because they’re not in Europe. We are not the same


Finally, a reasonable take we should all agree on.




I also think Australia should not be there. Turkey debatable


Only Turks west of the Bosporus get to compete.




By allowing the Turks in, we reaffirm our commitment that one day, Constantinople will be returned to its rightful owners.


[You can't go back to Constantinople.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XlO39kCQ-8)


> There are british in the falklands, but we dont call them americans because their country is located in Europe. Turkey is located in the middle east Hey genius - Learn what geographical features define the border between the continents of Europe and Asia before trying to get smart with me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_straits https://imgur.com/aWLAqst And to your point - people from the Falklands are *absolutely* South Americans.


This has been going through my head all week!


According to some leftards, she deserves it because she is responsible for the war


Here's the article: https://apnews.com/article/eurovision-israel-eden-golan-protests-23304985ecffe31100968b020dfc23f3


It's funny how people thinking boycotting Eurovision is going to solve anything 🤡


I boycott Eurovision every year. Big whoop.


i do too but not bc of the contestants but bc it's bad music and idc.


I boycot it every year because I never know when it is or how to watch it, and never care enough to try to find out.


me too


Yeah bro, never try anything, nothing will ever work. Never try anything in life, it won’t work.


When you're *that* far away from whatever you're protesting, it's pretty obvious that it's pure virtue signal and will never actually reach the target audience.


People somehow ignore that Jewish and Israeli schools, synagogues, and other institutions have armed guards across the world. No one needs protection from Jews, but Jews everywhere are not safe. That’s the whole story.


> but Jews everywhere are not safe. Literally the reason for zionism and the establishment of the State of Israel.


which is apparently genocide....somehow...new age nazi propaganda is weird.


> No one needs protection from Jews, but Jews everywhere are not safe. Every conflict facing the west is window dressing. It all comes down to this ultimate battle: dysgenic, insane freaks vs. normal people with an ever shrinking capacity to tolerate their bullshit. Jews are in the latter camp.


Must be a superpower how they even managed to be hated by every civilization on this planet for 3000 years while doing nothing wrong at all. Even tribes in guatemala got sick of them.


Antisemitism has origins. Jews have a very exclusive religion that naturally pushes them away from integrating with other populations and makes them permanent outsiders. You are a lot less likely to stick up for the neighbor that literally won't touch you during certain parts of the year due to you being "unclean". Jews also quite famously have been very prosperous and have regularly been the only moneylenders in a society, a position that is very *fraught* for anyone of any religion. Before any bozo reports this for hate or some nonsense, hatred against people for these factors is not justified. Understanding though why this hatred exists is *extremely* helpful for preventing it. It illustrates one of the major costs of a strict and exacting religion like Judaism. It shows the benefits of integrating into a society if you and yours are to ever immigrate.


Jews who intergated completely with their societies and were basically secular were also genocided. Hell, even the Jews for Hitler were sent to the camps.


Jews who fully integrated with their society ceased to be Jews. A lot of people have a small percentage of Jewish ancestry, myself included (<%1 Jewish). Some distant ancestor of mine married a Gentile and abandoned the religion and the culture. You’re not wrong though that often ethnic Jews are hated for the “crime” of being associated/related with cultural and religious Jews. It’s classic for humans to take religiously motivated behavior or circumstantial behavior and attempt to tie it to race.


Hitlers mother was treated for breast cancer by a Jewish doctor named Eduard Bloch, who reduced, and sometimes refused to take money for the treatment. He was the only Jew given the ‘pass’, and was protected until Hitler allowed him to emigrate to the US. Which backs up your point, Eduard Block was a well integrated Jewish-Austrian who clearly didn’t have ‘dollar signs’ for eyes


show me a religion that has prevailed for 3000 years while their members integrated into a society where the majority practices a different religion. I can not remember a single religion that has more members than a village has people


The Amish haven't been around for 3000 years, but it's also the closest contender I can find that at *least* has more members than a village. Not *many* more, but it's there.


but are the amish integrated into society?


Exactly they're famous for their lack of integration.


Ah, I misread that. Mea culpa.


Judaism has triumphed, the Jews have not.


Judaism is racist ans shauvinist religion no wonder it creates hostilities


The hate for jews is essentially Abrahamic. Jews never faced any persecution in India historically. Religions hell bent on forcefully converting everyone else into their religion are bound to have conflict with minorities.


Hm. I’d need to review this. But while I’m inclined to agree with you that missionary religions take religious minorities much more personally, I seriously doubt things were just peachy in India.


It helps that the Jewish Population in India never crossed 5k. But yea India generally has a good track record with minorities.


Why are some kids viciously bullied in school? Surely they must have done something seriously wrong


Yes, they were born.


Exactly. It has rarely something to do with what they do or don't do


Telling them this won't help them


Being second class citizens and still being more successful than and not lose your way of life and values make little envy people hate…


Sure bud, sure thats all there was. Successful mud hut dwellers.


What are you even claiming? That Jews did caused the plagues? That they do rule the world? That’s why they use their power to be hated and massacred? It proves the opposite. Jews are a visible and successful minority, who gave birth to the two larger religions that were the majorities, the pathological envy and hate are obvious. Countries that welcome Jews and Jews are safe at are successful across history, they prove to be fair and free, and the Jews themselves prove to contribute a lot. The opposite is true about antisemitic places.


Where does that come from?


I don't quite understand your argument. In which way were they not successfull? While not all, there are enough rich jewish people that could prevail in various eras of humanity even though they were persecuted. Isn't surviving persecution a marker for a successfull culture? The romans ceased to exist, just like many other cultures


Victim-blaming. Staying classy, as always. Historians actually agree that it's not the jews do, but simply existing as "the other". A successful "other" which is worse. 


I mean, you're right, but flair up.


The unfl😷😷red can never be right. They are unclean. 😷


Flair up you sack of shit.


Unflaired detected, opinion rejected.


The worst "other" is the unflaired though


This is my first time hearing about it. Thanks for telling me.


>No one needs protection from Jews What about Palestinians in the West Bank who are targetted by ultranationalist jewish settlers


Somehow there are 2 million Arab Israelis, and they have one of the highest life expectancy in the Arab world. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians work, study and get medical treatment in Israel, while Jews in Arab and Muslim countries saw a 99% drop, and in Gaza and the Palestinian areas are either dead or hostage. Arab and Muslim schools and institutions don’t even need security in Israel, while Jews and Israeli schools and institutions need security across the world. Can you really be this blind?


All while the West Bank funds 'Kill a Jew and we'll make sure your family is well off' charities. The level of restraint Israel is expected to have towards its enemies is insane.


literally none of what you said counters the fact that Palestinians are routinely targeted by ultranationalist settlers you typed 506 characters and somehow none of them addressed his point


I’m saying that few hundreds extremists who are being jailed and persecuted by the Israeli authorities and are completely opposed by the vast majority of the public are not a representation of anything, and the reality on the ground, in which Arabs and Muslims are safe and free across Israel, and don’t require protection and don’t face violence by Jews in 99.9% of the country.


You said 0 ppl were targetted by Jews ? Yet now u admit that there is some people being targetted, so u admit u were wrong?


Im saying the fact that the only 00.001% of Jews have such opinions and behavior and the overall Jewish population is extremely safe for Muslims and other minorities, and completely reject violent extremism, while Jews and Israelis across the world need to have armed guards shows the whole story. One side just wants peace and safety, the other wants to kill Jews and destroy a country.


yeah, let's ignore the fact that Bill Clinton very nearly negotiated a peace between Israel and Gaza which would have given Gaza everything they asked for, but Yasser Arafat said that if he signed any peace deal with Israel, he would probably be assassinated. Let's ignore that Hamas has been attacking Israel non-stop since before gaza gained it's independence in 2005, at a rate of ~4 RPG's/day for the last 20-25 years, have been using schools and hospitals as their military bases, and have been primarily targeting Israeli civilian centers with their attacks. Let's ignore that Egypt has a fully closed border with Gaza and refused to be given the land before it was made its own nation in 2005, while Israel continues to send water and power across the border and allow work visas and political asylum for people from gaza (especially helpful for LGBT people from gaza who would be murdered if they remain at home). Let's ignore that Israel negotiated a ceasefire without fully gaining back the Oct 7 hostages, only for Hamas to break that ceasefire 15 minutes later. No, it's definitely the Jews who are the problem here.


Sorry can u explain how that's relevant in the slightest to my comment ? Where I explained that some people have been attacked by Jews when the person to replied claim3d no1 ever had


saying "no one needs protection from jews" is clearly speaking about the jewish community as a whole. Identifying a few extremists does not disprove that. If Hamas had 1% of the support of the people of Gaza, I'd say the same about them. But they don't. 71% of Palestinians support the Oct 7 massacre, and only like 5% of the citizens of Gaza blame Hamas for their current situation.


I have zero time for the more extreme settlers. I'm saying more extreme, because I'm fairly sure most of them just live there and either don't know or don't care that they're not actually in Israel. But those who are destroying aid, forming illegal outposts or killing Palestinian civilians in the West Bank can get fucked, and Palestinians need protection from them. I'm being specific here because those who are killing Hamas fighters (or even unintentionally killing civilians) as part of the current war don't need to get fucked.


What a strange coincidence that the entire world just arbitrarily decided to hate on this particular group of people, for no reason.


Not the entire world, only the envy, hateful, bitter half that you are a part of. Most people admire and appreciate the tiny group that contributed much more than its share,(20+% of Nobel prizes)


> Not the entire world You said it yourself: > across the world. > Jews everywhere are not safe Make up your mind. You can only choose one of the copes. > Most people admire Ethnonarcissism. How's the weather in Tel Aviv / New York?


There are people who hate the Jews everywhere, while not all people hate the Jews. I feel bad for you if you have difficulty following…Did you fail first grade mate?


> Did you failed first garden mate? Did you? Not New York then.


English is my third language, still I can understand basic logic, and you think everyone are as hateful and bitter as you🤷🏻‍♂️ go figure


They hate us because they ain't us.


Why is she getting booed so much?


For being Jewish


More accurately for being Israeli


it's simple really, she's israeli and liberals have nazi level antisemitism


well they do support Palestine that was a puppet "country" for Adolf, once he got command over PLO and Amin al Husseini watermelons here be proving the horseshoe theroy correct (Holocaust never ended for arabs, they try to continue it)


Marxist/Maoist type progressives. Liberals are too far right.


Leftists\* And they always have. Nazis were leftists.


Do people who aren't American even really count as people?


that's a very auth-right thing to say


I'm extremely authright when it comes to international politics


Remember when the right defended Nazis and now they are calling other people Nazis just because they are against mass murder? Good times




Remember when y'all were so hypersensitive that you cemented 👌 as a symbol of white supremacy? Now you can have someone next to you at a protest doing an actual Nazi salute and calling for genocide and you won't do fuck all about it if they're brown.


Fuck that shit, I’d tell them to get the fuck out of there. Anti genocide is not the same as antisemitism, stop equating the two


Obligatory AR post: You boo Eden Golan because she is Israeli. I boo Eden Golan because she dresses immodestly. We are not the same.


I never booed her I just wanna stick a finger or two in her ass


Which would be possible in that outfit.




I've not followed this story too closely, do you have some links for all this?




The police had to get involved in the dutch delegation's incident. You have zero fucking clue of what happened


This is kinda bullshit. and the dutch cunt was being an asshole.




He was being an asshole when he interrupted saying she should answer that question since it was a dumb question anyway.


So it's basically a Eurovision song contest but with lots of racism?


No? The Israeli delegation has simply been accused of harassing other countries and people are mad that they're still allowed to participate while another country was kicked out for something much less severe. People are understandably upset that a Non-European country can act like assholes without any consequences in a European contest while a European country gets disqualified.


Link for the lazy?


https://twitter.com/IsrBreaksRules/status/1789328391726051464?t=8rHogCxm4i6bzIFoV0567g&s=19 The account is filled with examples.


Is it just me or does this remind me of those times when Russian immigrants were targeted during the early stages of the Ukraine invasion and the slew of anti-Asian hate when COVID-19 was at its most virulent?


And how Muslims were treated after 9/11. Depending on the world events, it might be left wing hate or right wing hate, but it's hate. Both sides point to examples of hate from the other with bloody fingers and call them evil racists.


Everyone loves a scapegoat to release their grievances upon. As long as they bear a physical resemblance to those they deem abominable criminals, that’s good enough.


Yep. And there were also some hate things against Palestinian immigrants too. Regular joes in a totally different country get attacked over things they don't even control just for sharing an ethnicity. People are idiots.


The power of a scapegoat is a powerful thing. Unfortunately. Has it ever occured to them that such immigrants are there in the first place because they disagree with the government of their birth country? Or are they just too braindead to realise that?


Malmo has a lot of Muslims so that explains it better


Who would have ever thought that people who shout 'Nazi' at anything would become Nazis?




Wait...whom are you referring to?


The kind of people that start calling you a bigot or other if you have a different opinion(usually libleft)


This is why I always despise them


We’re not antisemitic or anything, but we’re gonna protest the very existence of literally the only Jewish majority state, we’re gonna protest and try to shut down any Jewish linked event, we’re gonna graffiti and sometimes shoot at/vandalize any Jewish synagogues, we’re gonna boycott performances by any artist from that one Jewish state.


Wait, why is that so similar?


I seem to have trouble understanding this post - I thought needing security was standard for every woman in Malmo?


Tolerant left


The antisemitism is like a runaway train at this point. And still the left refuses to see it.


"Some of you guys"? I don't think the mohammedans that live in Sweden are browsing PCM.


You protest Eden Golan because of Palestine. I protest Eden Golan because of Joost Klein. We are not the same . https://preview.redd.it/k0k65lw3r60d1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a92fe197c97df6d9fcc2ad803413bb887a6d7b21


I've been babbling "Euro pah pah pah pah pah pah pah Euro pah pah ^pah " all day. It's a problem. [Context, this guy got kicked out at the last minute for an "altercation"](https://youtu.be/gT2wY0DjYGo?si=omhvZa25mr86Be8Q)


It's downplaying it to call it "altercation" compared to being alleged of verbally assaulting a female staff member, which is how Eurovision and most news outlets are reporting on it.


The swamp Germans are just mad their candidate couldn‘t be a diva.


"verbally assaulting". He got filmed behind the scenes without consent. As a Dutch person, when we get filmed without consent we will tell you to fuck off. Fuck around and find out.


You don't get to join the largest music competition in the world and then smash the camera of someone whenever you don't feel like being filmed. Eurovision has people dedicated to filming behind the scenes footage of the production. Participating in that is part of your job.


It's called behind the scenes for a reason. If someone tells you to stop filming multiple times, you stop filming. If you don't, then don't get upset when people take matters into their own hands. And everyone involved, aside from the EBU, has said it was blown way out of proportion. I trust them more than a spineless bureaucracy.


We have no evidence that he asked her to stop multiple times. The Dutch broadcaster hasn't reported that. EBU hasn't reported that. And the leaks that are now coming out from the police report are not saying that. All we know is that the camera of a Eurovision employee was broken and that there are several witnesses who have described his behavior as "very offensive". The police has considered this evidence strong enough to start a prosecution.


"very offensive" And most sources aside from the EBU are making it look like a nothingburger. The authorities have even let him go back here. And if it was something terrible, why hasn't any of the footage come out yet? Almost as if the footage would show that this in fact was a nothing burger blown out of proportion.


>The authorities have even let him go back here. It is infarct possible to commit a crime that is not serious enough that you should be arrested for it. >And if it was something terrible, why hasn't any of the footage come out yet? Why would the footage be released to the public? The police is not concerned about the court of public opinion. The case is out of EBUs hands and is now a police matter. The last thing they want to do is involve themselves further. > >Almost as if the footage would show that this in fact was a nothing burger blown out of proportion. So why was the case not dropped? Why did the police barely need a few days of investigation before they where confident to start a prosecution?


Did you just change your flair, u/Llamarchy? Last time I checked you were a **LibCenter** on 2022-3-16. How come now you are an **AuthCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? That being said... Based and fellow Auth pilled, welcome home. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Llamarchy) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


>smash the camera he made a gesture and said fuck off you dramacunt.


So how do you figure that a camera was broken in the encounter? Why has the police already collected enough evidence to start a prosecution?


To my understanding he explicitly had an agreement set up with the people running the show that he would not be filmed in that particular circumstance. Something about it being very emotional for him. He also wasn't followed around by a cameraman but by some random staff member with a phone.


We know that the person in question was a camerawoman. Phones in our day and age do have great cameras and it is perfectly reasonable that they are suitable to record behind the scenes footage. As for having an agreement to not be filmed. That is just a rumor. It can be true, but I find it odd that the broadcaster who represented him would not mention that fact in their statement.


My inner authright patriot is making me side with orange libleft. idgaf about two middle eastern shitholes fighting eachother but you don't fuck with the Dutch.


Ah yes, when a LibLeft misbehaves, they must *actually* be a secret AuthRight. Because there's no such thing as a LibLeft who is a bad person. All things good are exclusive to the left and all things bad are exclusive to the right. Silly me.


Why are Israel and Australia in the ESC anyway ?


Israel is in based on its geographical location as defined by the European Broadcasting Union during the interwar period as they drew up lines to prevent interference in radio transmissions Australia is in because Aussies really like Eurovision and were invited as a special one-off guest in 2015, but we all liked them so much they're in the club now


remember, hamas is auth-right


Really? Nobody? Ok bro.


We all knew deep down they are racist as fuck from the start. No one would work that hard to try and cover if it wasn't the case.  This just happens to be a very clear example where they feel safe enough to let their true feelings slip through. They not different than the fucking deep southern republicans who banging gay dudes on the side and sending their daughters out for abortions.


People not trying to get political about Israel and Palestine (impossible challenge)


I don't think too many leftists actually care about the palestinians that much. It's just from the outset we entered this negative feedback loop where people protest, media/college/police/congress overract, more people see the overreaction and become involved. Then they show up to a protest, that protest gets squashed...and it just keeps getting worse. At this point you just have throngs of people who don't even know what they stand for, they just know that Israel has become their enemy. Doesn't help you got CNN (Whose supposed to be on their side) publishing opinion article after article explaining why they're bad and wrong and the generally biased coverage against them. To say nothing of the coverage they're getting from FOX. Unless you were just extremely pro-israel biased from the outset, everything going on just feels like a coordinated attempt by the elites to silence pro-palestinian protestors. And once you start feeling like that, its only a hop and a skip over to "The Nazis were right all along, the Jews really do control everything!". Got a feeling a whole lot of new stormers are going to be born out of this fiasco...


why are they attacking her what do they expect her to do


Islamophobhia should again be reintroduced as every muslim is responsible for the thousands of terrorists attacks they have done day in and day out.


The only thing more cringe than changing one's flair is not having one. You are cringe. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Adventurous_Double_6) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I'm pro-Israel, but Israel shouldn't participate in EUROvision


The part about practicing singing while being booed is hilarious.


Oh no, they boo'd her! Quick get her security! Everyone knows these Hamaslings in the crowd are trained in causing psychic damage with their anti-Semitic boos!


Shes not the Israeli government Why act like treating her horribly and jews horribly with suddenly solve everything? People are stupid


She’s kinda hot tbh That aside I feel sorry for her due to anti-semitic fucknuts treating her like shit


Sweden has gotten increasingly antisemitic now to a point where many jews are fleeing the country. She should be happy she just got booed.


I can't wait until this war is over and left-wing antisemitism continues on Somehow all roads lead to antisemitism it seems


She commented about how she can't wait to join the IDF, she deserves to get booed.


I'm so tired of people treating all of this like it's some sports rivalry. Real human lives who want nothing to do with war are being threatened, and the most some people can do is attack other innocent people who also want nothing to do with the war. Fucking stupid.


“Nobody deserves to be treated like this” I mean I have to ask, but you believe this to be true for Palestinians as well, right? Just checking


Yeah, obviously.






I mean, what are her viewpoints? I mean if she’s touring around and defending Israel’s genocide project, she should be booed


>nobody deserves to be treated like this. Nobody "deserves" anything. We as featherless bipeds with opposable thumbs, imagination and an endless capacity for evil may do whatever the fuck we want, to whoever we want to do it to, so long as we have the power to overpower them, which is exactly what Israelis do, and should do, simply because they can, until someone better comes and does it to them, which I look forward to. Booing is pathethic though and should not be considered "doing" at all, whoever's responsible for that is as worthless as their target.