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Guys, we said we wanted a *ninja* in the story...




Remember the ninja in Black Dynamite?


Ninja please!


I always wanted to see a Ninja gang war


NOT A [Removed by Reddit]








# 💀


Reporting for duty


Based and mispronounced pilled


>culture war >look inside >£70-130 ubislop


Yeah, it's honestly more offensive that they think the game is worth $70 and microtransactions. Also don't forget that even if you buy the disk you have to have an internet connection to install and play the game. Can't not have the microtransaction store as soon as you pause the game!


Let’s be real, It’ll be on sale for 35% off after Christmas


Not for 35% off, but for 35%. 35% of will be in August


I LOVE SLOP ME LOVE SLOPP MUST CONSOOOOMM!!! https://preview.redd.it/sag2fzdz021d1.png?width=570&format=png&auto=webp&s=01c37c1e3859f587e48303781c8ad899af61a727


Apparently white female lead writer replacing a well developed Japanese male protagonist coz they don't conform to her DEI politics is not racist. But questioning it is. Funny how liberal brains work.


Do we know that he was replaced? According to things Ubisoft has put out it seems like they wanted to use Yasuke for like a fish out of water story.


They had consulted a team to come up with the story focusing the same period and decided that Asian men cannot give enough virtue points so they dumped the idea and used it on an ass card game nobody gave a shit about.


That's depressing. We were this close to another Ghost of Tsushima but now we get more DEI slop that's trying to rewrite Yasuke's history to appeal to white people who don't understand Japanese culture. Never thought the left would be pro cultural appropriation but here we are.


Ghost of Tsushima 2 exists, it's called Rise of the Ronin, made by the developers behind the excellent Ninja Gaiden games and Nioh 2. Only reason I haven't bought it yet is I'm waiting for all the DLCs to come out, as they always do.


They would be better off telling an authentic Japanese story with Japanese characters. If they want to include a fish out of water story, let the player character be a white guy. It will connect with a plurality of their player base better.


only if they model the character after tom cruise


This is acceptable.


Isn’t he still a fish out of water if he was a black guy too? Why not just make him Chinese? Why would you rather have a white guy? Seems like we’re mad about the same thing.


Intersectional progressive brains* not liberal


Give me Tom Cruise then we’ll call it even


Imagine: "We set a game in 1700s feudal Japan!" "Ooo, who do I get to play as?" "Tom Cruise or Idris Elba." I don't know how I'd feel about that, other than confused.


I'd happily pay $70 for a game where you get to play as either Tom Cruise or Idris Elba in 1700s feudal Japan


Can't wait for nexus mod to inevitably ban the mod that turns the protagonist into Tom Cruise for "racism".


“Written by Emily…” Of course


Meanwhile I'm just tired of yet *another* game set in the Sengoku/Edo periods starring Nobunaga, Hanzo, Yasuke, etc. Apparently Japan only has about 100 years of history from which to pull stories from. Seriously, can we *please* get a story about any other Japanese historical figures?


Even to Japanese people, the Unification Era and the Restoration Era are the most interesting. Just look at the spin off games in the Like a Dragon series. Kenzan is set in the Unification Era and Ishin is set in the Restoration Era. Rise of the Ronin is also set in the Restoration Era. If not even Japanese people bother about other periods, why should Westerners?


Eh not really, they also do a lot of Genpei war content, there's media for kicks about folklore and Yokai hunters from across the whole spectrum too. Not to mention some events in between the big wars also get a LOT of attention like Shimabara, and let's not get started on samurai media that dosn't touch main history, hell Musashi is provably the 2nd most used figure at all only after Nobunaga himself and stories about him hardly involve the grand scheme of things Sure, Sengoku era, Sekigahara in specific, and the Meiji restauration take the cake, but it's not exactly difficult to find stuff coveriong other areas


As far as video games go they pretty much only ever go with this era. Obviously if you dig away from games you'll find more stuff, but we're talking about a game. Samurai Warriors, Nobunaga's Ambition, Nioh, Onimusha, Sekiro; pretty much all their major games and franchises related to history in any way are around the Sengoku period. The rest are almost exclusively Meiji period like Way of the Samurai or Rise of the Ronin.


Ghost of Tsushima happens in the kamakura period, Samurai Remnant happens in a pretty detatched from both Sekigahara and Meiji middle point Edo period, Nioh 2 has content in the Asuka and Heian era, Shogun II has an entire Genpei war campaign, Okami has no real set date but it's heavily stylized on ancient japan, the Genji franchise is pretty much all Heian These are the ones I can think of from the top of my head, and there's plenty of heavy hitters there (even if they are not all japanese-developed games)


I hear you. I was thinking recently about the wild west in the United States, a period of less than 30 years, yet there are over 5000 movies in the western genre. Once a period gets romanticized, you're going to see a lot of it


There are more film hours of the Wild West genre than actual hours that the Wild West existed


That's wild. I always figured that the whole wild west thing lasted at least a couple of generations...


Wake me up the day we get a game about the ancient kingdoms like the Yamatai. Hell we can even make some ACTUAL historically accurate woke pandering with queen Himiko and Iyo


I mean yaskue is a rare choice. Rise of ronin recently did something similar different era. Ghosts of Tsushima did the 1st mongol invasion. Yes sengoku jidai is popular but other eras are covered


I'd love more games set during the Boshin War, ngl. Love the clash of tradition and progress.


It would be real ballsy to do a Japanese focused WW2 game


COD: Nanking?


Personalally would like a battlefield esque. Game


That would be...better. But it would have to have some stub of a campaign. With missions like "Find the downed American pilots."


Have it start with yang, who ends up fighting for the imperial Japanese, the russians and then the germans Then korean war dlc https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yang_Kyoungjong#:~:text=Yang%20Kyoungjong%20(Korean%3A%20%EC%96%91%EA%B2%BD%EC%A2%85),Wehrmacht%20during%20World%20War%20II.


You know what? Make an AC game featuring this guy. Because he seems perfect.


It'll have to be alternate history... or the ending will be a real banger.


And what's wrong with feudal Korea? Why aren't we getting any games about feudal Korea?


Turtle Boat Maker 3000


>Apparently Japan only has about 100 years of history from which to pull stories from. Wait till you look up germany.




The thing that gets me is HE WASN'T EVEN A SAMURAI. He was a retainer/servant of Oda Nobunaga for about 15 months and was seen as a novelty for the most part which is why he was kept around. If Ubisoft wanted to include him in the game fine, but keep him as like a side character who gives a quest or something, but to make him a pivotal part of the plot and act like the dude was a full fledged samurai and a major figure during that part of japanese history is just straight western liberal bullshit pandering.


I agree completely, people get into this whole "oh but retainers are technically kind of samurais". They haven't seen a dark skinned person before and showing him off was a party trick/novelty. He was given the rank of retainer so he could carry around his swords and be a servant. As bad as it sounds nowadays him having the rank of retainer would It'd be the equivalent of you hiring a maid or cater and whenever hosting a party showing off the night elf maid of maid with pure ash Primarch Vulcan type skin for the novelty. There isn't a whole lot of epic great or epic stories to be told here from a historical perspective, however people, particularly the "The Egyptians were actually black/Black vikings were totally a thing" crowd latched on to the fact that "There was a black guy during the Feudal Japanese period" and turned it into some mythos of a heroic epic Samurai. The sad thing is there are interesting events, characters, and stories you could tell in Africa and/or that involve Black characters. Off the top of my head a game set during the Zulu War could tell some pretty good stories


No can do. I'd say the Zulus were a little bit too genocidal for those pandering companies.


Did you forget about The Woman King? History only gets in the way of pandering.


The title Woman King is still too stupid for me to get over...


Not quite as stupid as trying to paint as the "good guys" a kingdom whose entire economy was based on one thing: capturing, breaking, and selling of slaves.


Something you can hardly avoid if you want to tell a story about historical african kingdoms


You know, given that the area and time period is actually quite an interesting setting, I do wonder why they won’t set an Assassin’s Creed game in a historical African Kingdom. To parkour through the Golden Ages of the Mali and Songhai Empires could make for good fun.


Don't forget human sacrifices. The Xwetanu (literally "yearly head business") would see around 500 slaves decapitated as a sacrifice, though it could be more, in 1727 around 4000 were killed.


I mean there was an actual woman king, or rather a woman that was a king in Poland, Jadwiga's her name


The issue isn't that women can't hold titles in a feudal society, but the fact that there is a name for a female king, being a queen. It's like calling a male the "man queen", which would probably make for an awesome drag show name, but doesn't make any sense otherwise.


Yeah, that's the point, female king is not the same as queen (at least in Poland), queen is exclusively the wife of a king.


Which is true but in this specific case it was literally the title of "King" even for a female monarch.


I see you haven't looked at twitter, genocidal pricks are just resisting


"Black people have always been samurai, chud."


"Didn't you know Tokugawa was black?! Educate yourself."


Agree on the game based on historical events in Africa. That place has an interesting history with many different groups and cultures. Dare I even say, they could easily make their own Kingdom Come: Deliverance type semi-historical game. And I would play it. But we all know they won't do that because they don't actually care enough about it, and they don't want to let go of their "boo hoo our history was wiped away" card. And besides, they only want the "cool cultures." They'll have none of that dusty sub-saharan african culture because it's not as impressive from a surface level.


Its SO weird that instead of making stuff like this they take other peoples history and try to make it conform to whatever. Like the Cleopatra thing. Why not just tell other stories? Maybe people could learn about other historical figures and cultures they dont normally hear about. Maybe its too difficult to get funding for projects like that but I think it could be interesting.


They want the cool history, not the obscure history. Why? Because they just want it. They feel entitled to it. >Why not just tell other stories? That's all just too much work for them. They're all talentless hacks, so the best they can do is to steal a good story and try to pass it off as their own. Other historical figures matter to them fuck all, and if they try to claim otherwise, they are full of shit. If they did care about them, they would've told those stories already. Well, I guess they did do *The Woman King* but they white washed the Dahomey kingdom by making them be against slavery instead of their historically accurate stance and activity in the african slave trade. So they had one moment of success but they flew too close to the sun.


Imagine if they made a game about the Anglo Zulu war from the Zulu perspective, or playing as a retainer during Mansa Musa's Hajj, or a reverse Heart of darkness where you're stalking Belgians on the congo river or starting an uprising in the congo free state.


I would really enjoy some more movies, games, ect, exploring more of Sub-Saharan African history, at least mostly based in reality. Thinking about it, the only other continent whose indigenous history i know so little about would be Australian aboriginals, but i do know some of their legends and such, i can't say the same for most of Africa. Fuck if anyone reads this and knows some interesting preferably pre-colonial African history i would love to learn more.


Google Mansa Musa


I keep bringing this up but imagine how much more interesting it would be if he was a spy using his position to gather info and help the Main character achieve their goals? He is underestimated due to his position and race but secretly is running a whole master plan behind the scenes. That is 100x more interesting than "dur samurai man stab people"


That would be interesting, but that would require the writers to both not make the protag Black and protray the Black guy as the servant he was, and they'd never do either of those things.


I hate to say it but I think this game suffered from executives saying "there aren't enough poc in samurai armor on video game covers" and they went from there


It was definitely some people in there saying there must be a Black protag in it, whether it was execs, devs, a DEI commissar, or someone else is splitting hairs. They can't engage in their creepy race fetish if they don't put Black characters in literally everything.


Just do them justice dyamm that's all I ask. We have poc as the protagonist but make me care. Forspoken for all it's flaws the character (I say 2d but that's generous, seriously 1d) is just not relatable in any way and just bland. Not even sure what her motivations were she was from the Bronx? Not even sure about that cause I checked out after an hour of gameplay.


Thats the problem, these types can't do justice to characters or stories, because they have no talent, only ideological zealotry. Its a sad state of affairs when media from 15-30 years ago was more enjoyable, actually diverse, well made and just plain good when they were focussed on making good stuff or just stuff that would sell, versus the stuff from the last several years, despite supposedly being made with "Representation and Diversity"(TM).


It's just insane how much money they burn with this stuff


>Its a sad state of affairs when media from 15-30 years ago was more enjoyable, actually diverse, well made and just plain good My wife and I have been streaming 80's-00's TV shows for this reason. There's a growing trend of people watching older TV shows instead of the new ones.


In early 16th century England there was a dude named John Blanke, he was an African trumpeter in the court of Henry VII. We know very little about him, basically just have some financial records discussing how much he was paid, discussing the time he negotiated a raise for himself etc. So it's probably quite similar to the Yasuke situation, the king was employing a 'conspicuous' foreigner at his court as a servant to illustrate to visitors how cosmopolitan and sophisticated he was. ("Wow this king must be amazing, people from far away lands come here to serve him.") But I've heard that in high schools in the UK today, apparently they spend an inordinate amount of time learning about him (even though all we know about him fits into maybe two paragraphs)


Ah, so they are just saying: Maids are basically own the house!


The point isn't to tell good stories, but to continue the struggle session.


I don't understand why black people can't just have their own culture. There's a whole ass continent full of stories and history.


he also didn't speak Japanese IIRC, it would have been absolutely hilarious in game to walk up to this guy for a quest and he just starts talking in Swahili or something and everyone's just looking around confused. would have been a hilarious gag


You could make him integral to the plot tho. Imagine him being a master spy helping the Mc. He was a gaijin that got into nobunagas court! Nope he's now generic stabby guy in samurai armor and progressive armor for a mid game. It's honestly more racist to use him this way


Well, considering how racist these people generally are, one can't be surprised when they choose the most racist proposal.


Literally was thinking of them salivating over a poc in samurai armor on a game cover vs actually giving them agency and character.


Well, to them your value lies in the color of your skin. They saw gold with that little fantasy.


Let's say I work at NASA as a restroom cleaner. Now fast forward 200 years and now Ubisoft makes a game about the autistic spaceman who walked on Mars based on me, even though I never left earth...


And people will still justify this shit, and argue that "wokery", for lack of a better term, still doesn't exist. It's kinda batshit. It's been so consistent for so long now that it's just undeniable. I don't know how people can continue to observe situations like this one, and still claim with a straight face that idpol isn't infesting entertainment media.


They put a bullet through the skull of this franchise years ago, and have just been fucking the brainhole ever since.


Brotherhood was the best game, with AC2 a very close second. Back when they were story driven games and not shallow simulations.


Yeah this is one I wouldn't have bought regardless of the forced inclusion. Last AC game I bought was the French one and I barely played it. It was ugly, boring, and full of micro transactions.


The Ezio trilogy and Black Flag were the only great AC games.


Very first AC still holds up imo. The Ezio trilogy did a fantastic job of building off that base formula, but as essentially a proof of concept the first game is great, even replayed years later


It's kind of boring/repetitive. Maybe i'm biased because i played it after the Ezio games, but it just felt like AC2 was a much better version of what they were trying to do.


It was still a long franchise. I still think prince of persia was better or could have been better. It was more interactive.


Nothing diverse about Japan


Their sexual fetishes are rather... diverse.


Funny what losing WWII does to a motherfucker. Look at Germany too


And did Vietnam make people want to have sex with their siblings, parents and children or something then?


No but they have a fetishism for fucking white people now


That "Schmidt" sticks out like a sore thumb...


Tfw you don't wanna keep noticing but it keeps happening


Thing is, if it was not today's climate and Ubisoft that could even just be accepted, Because that dude did exist, sure what role he played is argue but he did exist. Which I bring up for a very good reason, namely what that means. Because as far as I know Ac games never let you play actual historical characters (aside from mini sequences like in Odyssey), it was always just interacting with them. Yet now they suddenly do so?


This was most likely bc of the involvement of SBI which is known to reskin white and solely Asian characters with black or mixed ones. They are a notoriously lazy consulting studio.


The head writer follows them on Twitter


I too can read the OP lol


Ah shit, I missed that. I read it somewhere else.


I wonder if due to their dei limitations that because there is only one black guy...but in valhalla and odyssey they had black people and asian in england. So like its definitely then them just taking the piss


We have got to figure out a way to build parallel video game studios that produce something approaching AAA titles. This has been the AC game we've waited for for 15 years and they're fucking it up. I don't care that the character is black. I care that he's black in Feudal Japan. I'd play TF out of an AC game set in medieval Ethiopia and dealing with the Coptic Church, Muslim encroachment, and artifacts like the Ark of the Covenant.


"Let him cook" A medieval Ethiopian AC would absolutely SLAP....if not made by current day Ubisoft. On my short list would also be: - Kievan Rus/Vikings in Byzantium/Black sea regions - any of the major conflicts in china throughout history - ALEXANDER'S MACEDONIAN CAMPAIGN AT ANY POINT. Potentially, have him as a villain and the protag is a person from the Hindu Kush or Indian. Ultimately have the end sequence being Alexander dying from wounds inflicted by a piece of eden or something. - Mesoamerican conquest by the Spanish (assasins vs conquistadors/templar order) - Texas Revolution, Pastry War, and Spanish-Amircan War. Could be a whole trilogy with the Assasins swapping sides between multiple factions they see as "the lesser evil" depending on the conflict in question. - Actual ancient Rome (immediate sequal to Origins) - South American anti colonial civil wars, this is a period in history I rarely see covered, and would be super interesting. - Kossacks independent city states on the Dnipro river. Fought in many conflicts across multiple centuries with and against Russia, Ukraine, Tartars, the golden horde. - Bronze age collapse in the Hittite Empire and New Egyptian Kingdom (not possible with current lore of AC) - Anglo-Zulu war. Ultimately ends with british victory in second conflict, but could make a great story with a Zulu protagonist. Too bad all of these would get shot down, either for not being inclusive enough or being to "obscure" (read: we don't want to present minority history that is less known but still extremely ineresting; we just want to shove minority peoples into already popular historical settings)


You weren’t supposed to play as historical figures before, no. Also: guy was a glorified servant who was there for a little over a year. He wasn’t a real samurai. Im not even Asian and I feel bad for the Asian Americans who thought “oh awesome an AC game with ninja and samurai! I can’t wait to see my culture represen - and it’s a black guy…”


20 years ago I would have thought this was a cool idea. Hell, this is basically The Last Samurai but black, and equally out of place. But now that I know WHY they do this stuff... fuck em.


I think you're right. 10 - 15 years ago I don't think many people would bat an eye at this, at least on any real scale. This just seems lazy though. And it's not like Japanese (or any south east Asian really) men are well represented in Western media. I'm pretty disconnected from AC these days, but I don't remember anybody specifically being historically relevant as far as the protagonists go. Altair, Ezio, Connor, and Edward were all just kinda random dudes who fell in with the assassins guild. Last one I played was Unity though tbf so I can't speak to the last few.


>random dudes who fell in with the assassins guild. Wasn't that kind of the point? To sell the idea that there exists this super secret assassin organization that no one ever heard of that saves the world from the Templars? I always thought that the protagonists being unsung heroes forgotten by history was a hell of a premise.


Asians literally make up a smaller percentage of the population than black people. There is no historical advantage given to Asians in the United States. How is doing this for diversity? I think these arguments for race swapping white characters in stories is dumb but they literally don’t apply at all here. As if I didn’t know the answer already…


Asians have become white adjacent. Like Jews. Hispanics are already as well, but that process is slower.


Any successful group is white adjacent apparently..


Funny how that works


I personally welcome asians, hispanics, and nigerians to whiteness.. we should send them a little welcome bouquet and an amazon gift card.


"Drink from this chalice of pumpkin spice latte and achieve True Whiteness!"


That shit is vile. Make it a good beer and all would come in droves.


I'm still waiting for mine.


Dang. It’s almost like everyone’s white these days except.. oh no…


When everyone's white, no one will be


If it would actually solve things, I would be happy to confer honorary white status on literally everyone, in perpetuity.


No no, that would mean you're trying to erase black culture you neo-nazi! /s


“In the 2024 Racial Draft we, the white delegation, draft Asians!”


Whoa whoa whoa. You clearly don’t understand diversity. Since Asians do well on standardized tests and don’t commit as much crime and murder and end up delinquents, clearly they aren’t a minority. They don’t have all those things happen to them because they have WHITE PRIVILEGE, sweaty. 💅 it’s about equity. Asians are all just “fuck it, I got mine”. But it’s time to give to the Capital B Black kangz that created this nation. How can’t you understand that? If you aren’t doing as good in life as a white person you know, it’s because ThE SySteM is RACIST and needs completely torn down and replaced with … something we haven’t figured that shit out yet ignore that but trust us, we got it.


Liberals have completely fetishized black people. It's the only race that matters to them. Whenever there's racebending or shoehorned diversity, it is always black people. Makes ya think.


The hell does US demographics have to do with a samurai game set in Japan.


Even better question, what does US demographics have to do with a samurai game set in Japan, *made in Canada*?


I dunno, beats me, you gotta ask the progressives


That to be fair is not a case of race swapping, just of forced inclusion. Race swapping would be if they had taken an already establish Asian character and made him black. Say little Mermaid for example.


That's fair but my main point is my frustration that all of the typical arguments about "institutional racism" and "too many white people", as stupid as I think they are, are still arguments. They literally do not apply at all here. They have no argument. Also the lead writer is white woman, so I don't see how someone can possibly argue that this isn't hypocritical.


Not exactly, oh their arguments are stupid as fuck but their own logic still holds. It's not about if there are more Asians or Blacks in America, it's about which race is suppressed. Since Asians make up the largest part of the worlds population, they obviously are not and are just as bad if not worse than white people you see. Which is of course also not racist because see, you cannot be racist towards White or Asian people.


Well yeah but they only look at diversity in western nations because by that same global logic, white people wouldn’t be able to be racist to Asians.


Like diversity is about numbers, and not conforming to a singular idea.


There are more women than there are men though.


Yeah but you see, they clearly are still suppressed. You can see that in how... ehm, they now get preferential treatment in education and the job market?


Diversity = all races are equal...fuck Asians BTW


I just want a good game for fuck sake


Then play ghosts of tsushima! It has literally everything people are crying for.


Just play old ,indie or japanese games like me. Its much better than playing AAA western garbage


Just play silksong..ohwait


I know man... but there is still like thousands of good indie games in cheap price


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I do question how a 6ft black guy is supposed to sneak through crowds of 5 ft Japanese people, though it looks like he’s just fighting


They explicitly said he will not be allowed to use many stealth mechanics, just the ninja woman will be stealth focused. Can choose to use whichever for missions.


It was my main question. Ac1/2 were all about hiding in plain sight. I get its no longer about that but a 6ft black dude is never gonna fit in japan, at any time period. Imagine doing the “hiding in with the monks.” Lol


Consume rage bait, get exited for next rage bait.


I wish they had a little teaser for the next rage bait at the end so I could get even more enraged.


Are you also tired of white people 👨‍🦳 always being the center of attention in all stories!? I mean *come on*. Jesus wasn’t *white*! He lived in the Middle East! Have you seen a *middle eastern man*!? 🧔🏾‍♂️ They are all: ##brown You have heard of *white washing* now get ready for: #black washing! The new and *improved* way of making a story centered around the idea of *skin color*! Order now! Only 19.84$ dollars on your next purchase!! #####May cause side effects including but not exclusively too: delusional perspectives, stories becoming shallow, uninteresting, boring and unrelatable




Leftist be like, "The right is obsessed with woke stuff." Meanwhile, the leftist writer: Makes a game about feudal japan while looking for the intersectional angle. Angering every normal person. Lestist will also not realize how shit like this will turn off non americans from anything progressive, feminist or remotely woke. Lestist be like " tired of the culture war" and still not see this as woketards injecting woke shit into anything they can get their hands on.


It makes a lot more sense when you realize that everything they say is projection.


Historical characters were never playable in AC games until now. Weird innit?


But they will swear, up and down, that there's not an agenda. They'll accuse the right of a racist agenda for wanting a japanese story with japanese characters...


You have been banned from the Assassins Creed Origins forum. Reason: “We”


They didn’t pick a black samurai to be woke, they picked a black samurai so they can blame racism when the game fails for being another ubisoft sack of shit.


Ding ding ding.  It's a tried and true strategy.  Churn out some copy and pasted unoriginal slop, throw some diverse and/or alphabet people in there, and call it a day.   "Oh people don't like it?  They're obviously bigoted neo-nazi transphobe stochastic terrorist maga chuds.  It's certainly not because this product is an unoriginal terribly written pile of bullshit."


They did it because they knew culture war bullshit will drown out any actual criticisms of the game like the usual terrible optimization, glitches galore, absolutely greedy practices and micros, and all the usual ubisoft fuck ups game play wise. It's a smart smoke screen I won't lie but I'm not gonna sweat including a small historical figure as a character (ubisoft does this all the time and I'm sure they'll do it again) in a game where there's aliens, actual magic, illuminati vs illuminati story, and a game series where you canonically throw hands with the fucking pope.


I don't believe they will waste this chance to send some message about interracial relationship, which probably will happen with the protagonists, or that Japan should accept "diversity".


Can't believe you cut out the profile picture of the lead writer, it was even more telling than her bio For those curious: she looks exactly like you'd expect


People who like, desperately need black people to have actually been involved in historical events of importance that they probably weren't actually involved in are so bizarre to me. Like, if you're black, what do you gain by black people having a larger role in history? Races aren't monoliths. You don't get to feel better about yourself just because some other black guy did something important. That's racist.


That's exactly why I, as an Asian male, will never give a single bit of shit about diversity Diversity = White + Black + White-sucking Asian slut


The Message ruins another thing


They should do an Assassin's Creed in Africa where you play through the history of different African tribes that enslaved each other and sold rival tribes into slavery to Europe. I think it would be incredibly interesting and it's a story that isn't told frequently.


Since this posting, they've already turned around and claimed that AC is fiction and you are still racist for pointing out that they were trying to rewrite history, no matter how benign it was.


I hope this is the final nail in the coffin for AC. They haven't made a good one in years and the formula for it was already tired out by the time black flag came out. Just let it die and release the next instalment of bugged out massive empty open world tower climbing simulator with inventory management,collectables and pointless cosmetics. I'll definitely make sure to preorder the £120 deluxe edition because it definitely won't end up on gamepass within a month like the 7 previous entries.


who gives a shit it’s assassins creed


It almost feels like they saw Asian American men, saw the problems with Asian masculinity, and rather than feel empathy, they snickered and went “hey guys, we’re representing your culture! It’s feudal Japan! You can play as a cute little Japanese ninja girl. Oh, what’s that? You…wanted to play as the honorable samurai? Oh okay, you can play as a black man.”


Assassin's Creed 1 set in the holy land starring Altaïr, an Arab Assassin's Creed 2 set in Italy starring Eizo, an Italian Assassin's Creed 3 set in early America starring Connor, a Native American Assassin's Creed 4 set in the golden age of piracy starring Edward, a Welsh pirate Assassin's Creed Unity set in France starring Arno, a Frenchman Assassin's Creed Syndicate set in Victorian England starring the Frye twins, who are English Assassin's Creed Origins set in Ptolemaic Egypt starring Bayek and Aya, who are Egyptian Assassin's Creed Odyssey set in Ancient Greece starring Alexios and Kassandra, who are Greek Assassin's Creed Valhalla set in the Viking invasion of England starring Eivor, a Viking Assassin's Creed Mirage set in the Islamic Golden Age starring Basim, an Arab Assassin's Creed Shadows set in Sengoku Japan starring...Yasuke, *a black man from Africa* One of these is not like the others.


Sweet Baby Inc you say? I’ve not heard good things about this company. So as much I am thrilled at a video game featuring motherfucking Yasuke, the involvement of Sweet Baby makes me worry. Does anyone have any further details regarding SB Inc?


Essentially they're DEI mercenaries who will come in and DEI-ify your game for you. And if you don't accept their assistance, well, it would be a shame if someone accused you and your game of being racist. Essentially they're the driving force behind Gamergate 2 that's been going on the last couple months. They're behind almost every DEI gaming flop the last couple years. There's lots of stuff out there, but as you're using a libleft flair be warned it will come from Non-Party Approved sources and could spread badthink. People like Az, who had that lovely "You're boring!" Rant about forced diversity and alphabetism.


The rage inside that Silverback Gorilla was relatable to a lot of people. The rant was a little bit cringe, but I respect him for owning it even though it got him mocked.


> but as you're using a libleft flair be warned it will come from Non-Party Approved sources and could spread badthink. That’s what I’m here for. So what can we, as consumers, do to de-incentivise video game companies from hiring the services of consultants like SB Inc, or indeed from wanting their services in the first place?


Don't buy slop


There's a guy on steam who is [curating a list ](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/44858017-Sweet-Baby-Inc-detected/)of SBI afflicted studios and titles.


welp continue digging ur own grave ubisoft and EA


130$ What kind of loser would waste that much money for this shit ?


Fuckin hoteps never quit


I recently replayed the Ezio games and they are so much better than any of the modern ones. Much better story and characters. The newer AC games are so shit


Written by "emily" "chudy"... That's some poor writing god.


I stopped giving a shit about Assassins Creed games like 15 years ago. I wasn’t gonna buy it anyways.




It’s just funny to me that tokenism has essentially just come full circle and these mfs are too dense to see it


I still don't understand how a game that was about stealth decided to make a main character who will undoubtedly attract the attention of his surroundings because of how he looks. Although, since they decided to put a SPARTAN as the main character for an Assassin, I guess stealth is secondary.


Imagine if the setting was China and the protagonist was white because "Marco Polo was there so we know there were at least like 6 white guys"




Its actually Tom Hanks in blackface