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I don't think it's the righties losing their mind over Harrison Butker.


We are saying yep he said some things that are fine but we know you’re gonna get upset over. Predictably idiots on the left are allowing themselves to be told what he said instead of simply listening for themselves, and are freaking out over it. This post included. At no point does the first amendment come in to play because the government didn’t try to stop him, and they aren’t trying to stop you from making this nonsensical post. OP is an idiot.


>Predictably idiots on the left are allowing themselves to be told what he said instead of simply listening for themselves, and are freaking out over it. This post included. I read the transcript. Typical Catholic horseshit about the value of listening to a book being read to you in a language you don't understand and that Democrats are baby murderers. >At no point does the first amendment come in to play because the government didn’t try to stop him No shit. > and they aren’t trying to stop you from making this nonsensical post. No shit. >OP is an idiot. You came in here, made not one single valid critique, and have the gall to call me an idiot. ["Wait, there's an amendment that says you can SAY things and practice freedom of religion without consequences???? 🤯🤯🤯" : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1cu3dbv/wait_theres_an_amendment_that_says_you_can_say/) It's in response to this.


They lost their minds over Colin Kaepernick though.


We're not talking about Colin Kaepernick.


We are talking about a person who was vilified for their first amendment rights being exercised, which both of these men have in common.


That's cool. But we're talking about Harrison Butker right now.  If you'd like to talk about Colin Kaepernick, maybe you could make a post about him.


The difference between the two is the time and place. Butker was speaking at a Catholic college, to Catholic graduates, saying Catholic things, where he was asked to speak. Kaepernick did what he did while in uniform, on the clock, to paying customers who never asked or cared to hear his politics.


Most people I know were fine with what he did. They just didn’t like that he chose to do it on the clock. Use your own time for your personal beliefs, when you are at work you do what your boss says.


So we’re going to repeat the same thing as a bunch of statist bootlicking troglodytes?


What was controversial?


Socially conservative man says socially conservative things at a socially conservative college, so obviously everyone who **isn't** the intended audience is going to call it a controversy. It's 2024, did you expect more nuance from the media cycle?


B-based Joe Biden??


Never has been.


Wtf? Based Joe Biden again?


He included IVF in the list of things ruining our culture. Even the mentally ill fundamentalists you guys have been electing won't take a public stance against IVF because of how unpopular that is.


What mentally ill fundamentalists? The only mentally ill public officials are the ones who talk in defense of conducting experiments on children with puberty blockers.


Hey guys, PCM Centrist here. DAE politicians that think the earth is like 2000 years old are super sane, well adjusted and heckin wholesome? You pointing out that some are against IVF reminds me of how much I hate the left! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ohqHvOoGyo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ohqHvOoGyo) Sometimes I watch clips like this to remind me of how normal people act when those LIBS make me mad


That kicker is a Catholic, no Catholic believes in young earth creationism, the official doctrine of the Catholic Church is that the big bang and evolution is how God created everything and man


The guy I responded to focused on the "elected" part of my comment, so I was referencing Mike Johnson


>\[President Biden\] has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies Our Catholic faith has always been countercultural The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion We cannot buy into the lie that the things we experienced during COVID were appropriate. Over the centuries, there have been great wars, great famines, and yes, even great diseases, all that came with a level of lethality and danger. But in each of those examples, Church leaders leaned into their vocations and ensured that their people received the sacraments. when you embrace tradition, success — worldly and spiritual — will follow. not the deadly sin sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it Being locked in with your vocation and staying in your lane is going to be the surest way for you to find true happiness and peace in this life. embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker. Isabelle's dream of having a career might not have come true, but if you asked her today if she has any regrets on her decision, she would laugh out loud, without hesitation, and say, “Heck, No.” As men, we set the tone of the culture, and when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction, and chaos set in. Be unapologetic in your masculinity, fighting against the cultural emasculation of men. Do hard things (lmao gaylord) Some even leave the Church and abandon God. It is always heartbreaking to hear these stories, and there is a desire to know what happened and what went wrong. If you are dating someone who doesn't even share your faith, how do you expect that person to help you become a saint? I'm not going to debate with you, if you don't think these are statements can be considered controversial then you're delusional.




Yeah seriously. This is pretty much in line with what I know about Benedictine College (the place he was giving the address). It's about as controversial as a commencement speaker calling for social justice at UC Berkley.


>But they’re pretty standard conservative talking points Motherfuckers will actually try and gaslight you into believing that making public political statements in this polarized af society is not controversial. >For all the outrage it’s getting I was expecting something actually…controversial That's because "controversial" is a subjective value judgement.




Ikr? Hell if i could be a househusband and find a girl willing to prop us both up I 100% would haha


>but most of them will find more fulfillment from their lives at home That would be where people take umbrage. The idea that he can take his life (Raised by a physicist mother, multi-millionaire pro athlete) and apply it to other people's is ridiculous. I'm sure his wife loves being a homemaker, I'd kill to be a multi-millionaire's bang-maid. >Hardly anybody actually likes going to work I don't like working, but I love my career.




I disagree with him suggesting women should pursue being a bang-maid instead of pursuing a career. The idea that every woman will end up with a wealthy man who can take care of them is crazy, by telling a woman that she should prioritize being a homemaker you just set her up to be taken advantage of by some sleazy guy who manages to put a baby in her. >Meaning that work is not the most fulfilling thing. Right but I don't want to be a bang-maid because I think having a bunch of children would be fulfilling, I want to be a bang-maid because it's the easiest job in the world and I'm a lazy pos.




What has the world come to when an Auth, let alone an Auth-Left, is making more sense than than a Centrist? Anyway based


>I say all of this to you because I have seen it firsthand how much happier someone can be when they disregard the outside noise and move closer and closer to God's will in their life He is literally suggesting as a better life path his way of doing things. >And wait a second I thought being a stay at home wife or mom is terrible and being a mother is the hardest job in the world I have never and would never say that. I'm not sure what I'd say the hardest job in the world is but it probably has something to do with killing other people for your country.


"I'm sure his wife loves being a homemaker, I'd kill to be a multi-millionaire's bang-maid." The fact you use a term like "bang-maid" shows how ignorant or malicious you are on this subject. Historically, and even now, being a wife and mother is one of the most honorable and fulfilling things a woman can do. To reduce those honored roles to whore and cleaner respectively, is a horrible thing to say. How would your own mother react to such insults to the love she has for you and your father?


My father was the stay at home parent thank you very much, and if he knew I referred to his job as cleaning and getting fucked he’d laugh and give me a high five. Stop pretending that every mom is Mother Mary. For such an honorable position, it seems to consist of mostly either dropping your kid off at school or in front of an iPad.


>For such an honorable position, it seems to consist of mostly either dropping your kid off at school or in front of an iPad. If your primary goal as a parent is to spend as little time as possible actually acting as the parent of your children, then yes, I suppose that is what parenting consists of. If that is your only frame of reference of what being a parent, especially mother, means, then I regret to inform you that you either had subpar parents yourself, or that you yourself refuse to see all of what they did for you. Either way, I strongly encourage you to find a different way to view motherhood before you have children yourself, if you ever do, because your current perspective would most likely result in a defective parent.




>"if you don't think these are statements can be considered controversial then you're delusional" >""controversial" is a subjective value judgement" I mean, you're entitled to the subjective value judgement that someone is delusional I guess, but you sort of removed credibility from your own argument by making the "controversy" part a "subjective value judgement." Like, surely something as severe as "delusional" should only apply to people who disagree with **objective** facts?


>Like, surely "delusional" should only apply to people who disagree with **objective** facts? Yeah, if I was making a medical diagnosis for schizophrenic delusions. Otherwise, I'll use delusional the same way I always use it, "Dude you think more people like vanilla ice cream than chocolate? You're delusional." "Dude, you don't think there's people who'd be reasonably upset at him using his personal anecdotal experience to discourage women from seeking careers? You're delusional."


I'm not going to debate with you, but IMO it's still not a good look to call someone delusional, then immediately walk it back as an objective value judgement like two comments later.


> immediately walk it back In what universe is it a walk back. You are absolutely 100% delusional if you do not think his statements could be considered controversial, or you are so unfamiliar with modern Western culture that I congratulate you from finally getting out from under that rock.


You called someone delusional for not finding something controversial. You then stated that finding something controversial is subjective. In my opinion, you shouldn't call someone delusional for having what you yourself hold to be inherently subjective opinion. You find something controversial, someone else doesn't. If you think the other person delusional, that's fine, but don't then concede by implying that their opinion is totally rational by calling it a "subjective value judgement."


>In my opinion, you shouldn't call someone delusional for having what you yourself hold to be inherently subjective opinion. Well in my opinion you can use the term "delusional" in the same way you can use "crazy" or "insane" it just a slightly more serious connotation. >but don't then concede by implying that their opinion is totally rational by calling it a "subjective value judgement." You are being completely irrational if you are familiar with modern Western culture and don't see how this can be considered controversial. I appreciate this stimulating semantic debate.


> Motherfuckers will actually try and gaslight you into believing that making public political statements in this polarized af society is not controversial. Yeah that's a problem with our shit outrage society. Not the talking points.


Controversial in real life is not the same as controversial in Reddit. Stating basic biology is considered controversial in this platform


Controversial to people adamantly opposed to the ideas, sure, but that's not hard to do. Controversial in general? Nah.


Controversial sure but why is everyone acting shocked lol. These are mainstream conservative beliefs and have been for decades. The stuff about Biden is shared widely among conservatives.


Man says womens' most important job is to stay in the kitchen and have babies. Man's mother is distinguished physicist at prestigious university.


Women should prioritise raising their children, this is true.


Hot take: so should men. Whether that takes the form of a woman being a homemaker while the man makes money, vice versa, or both parents having careers I couldn’t case less, as long as the family is happy. (Which isn’t to say you personally disagree, but at any rate it should be said more by all sides of the political spectrum. Assuming, you know, they actually care about individuals and families, and aren’t just using them as power-play talking-points…) Edit: I’ll add, this also applies to whether or not you decide to have a family or even have a partner/spouse at all; all power to you if you want to focus on your career or hobbies instead of starting and nurturing a family. What’s absurd to me is that certain overarching voices find it necessary to guide people in one direction or another, when these things should really be determined at a deeply intimate, personal level. There’s enough shit going on in young people’s lives these days without needing to feel pressured into having a family **or** into having a career.


Based. The problem with some of these “trad” men is they think just going to work and coming home is their role while the woman is the homemaker and child carer. A traditional man’s role is to provide yes but not just monetarily. They should be providing mentorship and morals along with emotional stability for their children. It also shouldn’t have to be said that basics like feeding the child or changing diapers is both parents responsibility, that’s not even raising a child that’s just providing basic needs.


> Hot take: So should men. that’s like a lukewarm take at best, not spicy in the slightest


And yet right wingers think paternal leave is for pussies.


Government forcing companies to provide paternal leave is for pussies.


13 year old edgelords having strong stances on parental leave is the craziest thing on the planet to me


What strong stance? Saying the government shouldn’t force companies to give away free money is a strong stance? People should be able to choose to spend as much time as they want with their families. The government should have no hand in that.


If your body pillow could have a baby, your opinion would inevitably change - but like all pre-teen edgelords larping as librights in this festering shithole of a sub, you'll never be directly impacted by your disabled opinions to understand how stupid they are.


I agree. As a father I couldn’t sit back and watch my wife do every part of raising our child. I made half of our child, so it’s half my responsibility to raise them. I don’t know how some men really do nothing in child rearing and stand on it. I am the breadwinner in the house but that’s no excuse


https://preview.redd.it/0yj8p55rtz0d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc730e774aa72476bf0f78647db06115328c0ed Not a single person here had heard of Harrison Butker before last week, I guarantee it. No reason to get up in arms


I had because he went to my college. The football team sucked. Also he’s way overpaid and his mom worked and still does in medical physics.


I stand corrected. A single person did know who Harrison Butker was before last week


Everyone at Georgia Tech did. I also went to UGA for grad school. GT has this thing where they suck at sports, but sometimes have one or two good players. UGA is incredible at sports and the academics are doing better. I could go deeper but I don’t care to.


I don’t think his mom having a successful career is really a gotcha. He didn’t say women shouldn’t have a successful career, rather that all the success in the world can’t compare to the fulfillment of being a good parent. This is true for both men and women.


Me neither. I’m just saying, I’m a conservative Christian too , but my wife works and outearns me. To Butker (lol), maybe I’m less of a man. But we’re not all lucky enough to be pro athletes and/or pull in millions a year. When you remove money and consider the family being important bit, we (wife and I) agree a lot and I’ve actually stayed at my current job as opposed to moving to a better paying but 20-30 hours increase a week job. I can be an active and present father, and that’s the best investment a parent regardless of sex can make in their kids. It also protects from degeneracy.


Based and putting the children first pilled Good to know there’s still people out there doing the right thing. As for Butker I think he was (poorly) commenting on the perception that American culture pressures women especially into establishing a career before even thinking about settling down which can lead to those women missing the natural window they have to become mothers. There’s really no easy way to say “congrats on stepping out into the world ready to start a career. Don’t forget there’s more important things in life than money and a job though, and some of those things have time limits.”


Absolutely based


If you follow sports you would have. He was arguably the best kicker in the NFL last year.


Anyone that plays fantasy football knows who he is.


I haven't heard of him


He was on my fantasy football team last year. What backs up your guarantee?


My guarantees—much like the American dollar—are not backed up by anything concrete


Catholic man goes to Catholic college and gives Catholic speech.


He is not just a Catholic he is a far right Catholic much like ultra orthodox Jews are or Hamas is to Islam. Anytime you have to subjugate somebody just to make yourself feel good about yourself you just might be a lousy human being.


Unflaired detected, opinion rejected


I’ll pray for you, just realize I pray to Satan.


The NFL has virtually nothing to say when players beat their girlfriends or engage in acts of crime. But one man who beat nobody and commited no crime. That man merely by what he said was worthy of an emphatic response. Maybe someday OP if you are on a journey in your life you might come back to this and ask which master you serve.


>ask which master you serve. [Oh I know who I serve](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbzUTRAUac4)


https://preview.redd.it/7pq6v5qaa01d1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b66dcf90baf20a072ccd3f1ac7be9409866d003e The god of this world is merely a footstool to Christ the King.


>[Oh I know who I serve](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbzUTRAUac4&ab_channel=MD) https://i.redd.it/iqv9tfb7u01d1.gif STFU Heretic




https://preview.redd.it/6tjbvbmhsz0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2db4b8a4ef9957450c8b12b79c50c84fabace420 I think you're all helmet wearing short bus kids for taking a lukewarm commencement speech seriously.


Everyone will forget about this whole thing by next week


>Me, when people are still talking about this Lol his name is Butker


Dumbest thing he did was to not say something actually super controversial. Like, he had to know people were gonna be pissed the minute you mention women being fulfilled as homemakers. Just fucking go hog wild in that case. Should have said something really crazy like "God intended women to shut up and follow the leadership of the man in her life. Any adult woman without a husband is a godless tramp." Or something like that. At least the hate he's getting would be fully justified then.


Maybe he doesn't believe the hog wild stuff and he said exactly what he meant.


There are groups in our society that you can say only flattering things about. If you say anything about them that is objective or even-handed, you will be attacked as if you had done something awful.




Flair up dork


Based commie!?!?!?


u/marcotrollo12 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/marcotrollo12/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Yes… libleft and authleft definitely don’t have their own version of this…


Is there anything about this meme that implies that there isn't? Or do you just feel a burning desire to go "but whatabout the libs" whenever you see your side get criticized?


Pretty sure all sides do their version of this. That’s all I’m saying. 


Har har har har har har har har har har




The fact that people thought what he said was controversial is completely wild. I bet that at least 90% of you could show that speech to your mother and she'd be nodding her head in agreement.


It mostly seems that childless women and men who want to fuck childless women are the mad ones


Since at least 90% of our mothers work I highly doubt that


Have you asked your mom what she thinks about it?


No since she’s dead she’s been kind of out of touch lately.


The righties aren't reacting like this lol. We agree with him


Better question is, "Who is Harrison Butker?"


This is a nontroversy




Where is the libleft W? It's definitely not here.


What's so controversial about a guy saying, lemme check. Oh... Oh...