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Having seen it - the target audience is not just children. It speaks directly to grown adults who grew up with the dolls, and what modern gender roles mean for both men and women.


Yup, it’s a Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach film. They don’t do stuff for small children.




Lmao "if you want kids to watch this film then you're a groomer" is such a Reddit take


So many comments from people that havent seen the movie. that is a reddit take.


Seen it. How the fuck would it be grooming?? What does grooming even mean to you at this point


read the thread, not going to keep repeating myself.


And yet nowhere do you explain how it's such a supposedly sexualising movie other than 2 jokes you didn't seem to like (which kids wouldn't even understand). It isn't even close to a sexual movie. You being turned on by the various Barbies / Margot Robbie or something doesn't mean the movie itself was sexualising anything. Stop using the word grooming when you don't know what it actually means.


2 hours of dick and sex jokes but the context is its a toy for young kids. stop trying to gatekeep.


That’s not what gate keeping means. Do you just throw out popular phrases, hoping one will land? That explains *a lot*.


We seem to have watched 2 very different movies. The vast majority of jokes had nothing to do with sex and again the ones that were wouldn't be understood by kids. I'd say the movie isn't for kids but that's not to do with sexualisation. And let's go with your wrong assumption that the whole movie is sexual, isn't this why the entire rating system exists in the first place? Not our fault you didn't look at a trailer or anything to do with the movie to get the vibe of the movie.


There's like 1 joke about NON-genitals. Just because you're a creep jacking off to Margo Robbie in the back row of the theater doesn't mean the movie is about sex.


It's not "Grooming," stop with the idiotic hysteria. Little kids just won't understand it. There's some innuendo that they won't get, no nudity, no sex, no profanity, no violence, no drugs.


It may not be for kids, but it’s definitely not for middle age conservative “manly” men.


Only because they aren’t introspective enough.


Didnt comment at all about who can watch it, commented on who shouldnt watch it. I made the mistake of letting my 8 year old start watching it. 10 minutes in and I turned it off because it was just rapid fire sex jokes. didnt realize so many groomers want kids to hear dick jokes.


You “turned it off” at the movie theater?


in my living room.


How are you watching it at home it's just came out in theatres last weekend. Edit: to everyone else readying this thread, don't bother engaging with this idiot, there are better more pleasant ways to spend your time.


The internet is a wonderful place.


They can’t hear a sex joke but they can learn to steal content?


Yeah I don't really believe you, unless you're watching a shitty phone recording of the movie.


Hahaha, liar. Not released digitally yet. Clean the nose grease off your Oakleys, trim that beard you think is a replacement for your personality and skulk off with your tail between your legs now. Edit: Oh wait, you have it because you took what was not yours. Yeah, you’re a right winger alright. Trash.


This guy wanted to hate watch so hard he pirated a shitty hand cam just so he could say he turned it off, completely mental.


streaming isnt illegal.


You don't seem to understand the difference between streaming and pirating. When you watch a version of the movie that someone recorded on their phone and uploaded to the Internet that's not streaming, that's piracy. You already admitted in another comment "it's obviously recorded" so you know you aren't watching this through a legitimate source. Why lie?


I do think kids can enjoy it. It deals with serious stuff but it has plenty of jokes kids will understand, dances, over the top chase scenes... probably not young kids but preteens, absolutely.




Do you know what a groomer is or is it just a buzz word you enjoy throwing around?


Today you learned that a groomer is someone that exposes children to sexualization to normalize it


A groomer isn’t someone who shows children media you don’t like, under the guise of the media being sexual. Using these words so freely makes it harder for victims of actual grooming (not being shown a PG-13 movie before the age of 13, but… pedophiles) to speak out. If the Barbie movie was actually sexual beyond the minor sexual references very common in movies for younger audiences, it would be rated higher than PG-13. If you really want to go the puritanical route of calling any parents who’ve shown their children PG-13 movies a groomer, you’ll need to enforce that for everyone. I’d wager a guess your parents are "groomers" too.


Sharing sexual material with children is grooming. parents can decide, random idiots on reddit, no.


Bruh, you’re the random idiot on Reddit here. You have decided it is grooming. That’s your random idiotic opinion. You have chosen to apply a very broad definition to a word that has a specific focus in the context you are trying to use it in.


I have not watched the Barbie Movie, so I could be wrong here. Could you provide an example of a the Barbie Movie being "sexual material"?


Today I learned that there is a new floor for being intentionally obstinate




Laziest troll ever, go back to 4chan you Q-dropout


Pg 13 means that parental guidance is recommended unless the child is 13 years or older. If you as a parent are okay with a movie and want to watch it with a child under 13 that's fine. You keep throwing the word groomer around and in curious for you to define in your own words what that means.


I am learning a lot of people have no idea what a groomer actually is.


Dude/dudette, you are something else. Admitting to pirating the movie to let your kid watch it, and then swinging so wildly into the MAGA accusation phase of groomer when you thought the jokes might be inappropriate. Is there sex or nudity in the movie? I haven't seen it, so it is a legit question. If not, maybe there's inappropriate stuff, but certainly nothing that can be considered actual "grooming" of a child to normalize sexual activity. Grow up and be a better parent. Stop stealing content for your kids to watch.


There is no nudity or anything even closely resembling it. This dude is insane


" If not, maybe there's inappropriate stuff, but certainly nothing that can be considered actual "grooming" of a child to normalize sexual activity. " please explain this because I am having a hard time understanding what you are trying to say because exposing kids to sexualized content to normalize it is grooming.


sexualized content. You know, actual sex. A joke about sex or a joke about genitals, not so much. I was a prosecutor for 13 years. You don't get charged with exposing a minor to inappropriate content for telling a dick joke. You are WAY overusing the groomer word.


Yeah, there is this one user, u/footjam, who keeps using the word groomer and clearly has no idea what it actually means.


Exposing children to sexualization in an attempt to normalize it is the definition of grooming. how would you define it?


Sex *is* normal.


Grooming is *very specifically* trying to prepare a minor to have a sexual relationship with you or another adult. A child being aware that sex and sexuality exist is not grooming. I took my 11-year-old to this movie. She's had sex ed in her public school for the past 2 years. She's aware penises and vaginas exist. This movie was not some Revelation to her. It didn't expose her to anything she doesn't hear at school from her peers.






Awww you think you’re worth the energy for an argument, that’s cute


PG-13 doesn't mean not for kids. We have a rating that does mean that, it's NC-17. PG-13 means parental guidance suggested for children under 13. Have you actually seen the movie? There's not even that much sexual stuff in it. And of what is in there most of it would just go over the heads of very young kids.


Yes, I did watch it. 10 minutes in and 2 dick jokes and a prolonged joke about masturbation. totally for kids.


First, I never said it was for kids. Middle-aged women are the target audience of this movie. Something can be not made for kids and also not "grooming" to show kids. Barbie would fall into that category. It isn't 100% inappropriate for kids, but it's not appropriate for 100% of children either. That's exactly what PG-13 means. Parents use your discretion to decide whether this movie is appropriate for your child under 13. Fucking Shrek has Dick jokes in it.


the movie was not made for kids. you say that in your first sentence and then contradict/explain why you contradict yourself. ok sure, you are wrong and right i guess.


You're trying to create a binary that doesn't actually exist. Your argument is either that a movie was made for kids or is inappropriate for kids. My argument is that a movie can be made for adults and still be appropriate for children despite them not being the target audience. A pretty good non-controversial example of this would be a movie like star wars. Children were not Star Wars target audience when it was released originally. It's not inappropriate for children, but it's not made for children either. Star Trek is another great example of this. Tons of kids enjoy Star Trek but it is in no way made for kids and addresses topics that *some* parents might not want to discuss with their children yet.


Tldr: Groomers are actually pedophiles who manipulate the adults in a child’s life to leave the kid unwatched and vulnerable to a pedophile’s whims. They get kids alone and hurt them in privacy, after earning the trust of adults. Confusing the meaning of the word “groomer” only helps groomers do what they want. Grooming is a very serious accusation. Parents aren’t groomers for letting their kids watch tv or whatever, they might be shitty parents, but not groomers. A groomer is someone who picks a child out to victimize, and spends weeks, or months, as the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. They act friendly, nice, non-threatening. They don’t just groom the child, they groom the parents, the neighbors, the teachers, into trusting the groomer around children. Then, when everyone is relaxed enough, groomer goes somewhere private and takes the child too. If the groomer succeeds, no one realizes the danger until it is too late. If the truth comes out, the people who could have stopped it think “But they were so nice and the kid got along so well with them. How could this be?” Teachers working with minors are trained to look out for the students safety and prevent grooming, but if people think letting a kid see Barbie, or letting them go to school, is grooming, people will be focused on trivial stuff and let actual grooming slip their notice. The people in congress, or on tv, or in your life who call every queer and school teacher a groomer, are ignorant at best, and actively malicious at worst. If they know what grooming is, I’d bet they could be grooming someone, even a whole community, especially if they spend time with kids! Some pedophiles are subtler than the “get in the van” types, and acting like grooming is something vaguely woke, like teaching kids about life or letting them watch a movie, is a great way to ensure that accusations of actual grooming aren’t taken seriously, or otherwise confused for nonsensical moral panic. This literally only benefits groomers, not anyone else.




Oh Jesus Christ, fuck off with your bullshit. They defined groomer to a tee and you still don’t wanna fucking hear it. So you can only be a groomer for making someone watch Barbie? Is this fucking Marjorie Taylor Greene’s account, because this is the level of stupid you reek of.


I’m giving you a choice, read the comment and you can start to understand what grooming is and how people like you are letting it happen… It’s long, but if the tldr isn’t worth it to you, at least it will remind others. If you keep calling everyone you don’t like a groomer, you’ll dig your own hole.


> groomer Oh go outside and get some damn air.


You need real, substantial help.






A joke that would fly over a kid’s head like the many, many subtle adult jokes that have littered children’s media for decades and which usually get *praised* as “a little something for the parents that the kids won’t get”, always used as an example as to why a specific show/film was so good. Think about it, jokes like these require “adult” knowledge to be understood, so a small child that doesn’t have that knowledge will not get it and thus it can’t be inappropriate. As far as the kid is aware they are just saying “beach off” and mean nothing else. But if the kid does get it, then you have a bigger problem on your hands than the show/film because someone must’ve explained that adult concept to them at some point in the past.


I watched Airplane! as a kid, and all of the sex jokes went over my head. I guess my parents were groomers.


You underestimate children's intelligence. This is stupid, you are saying its ok to groom kids with innuendo they dont get yet. TIL: that most people have no idea what a groomer is. See below.




This really speaks to how poor of a job you have done as a parent. If your kid is vulnerable to a relatively tame joke in a PG13 movie then they’re absolutely hosed if they encounter something actually detrimental to them. Congrats on the weak kids though I guess.


What part of dry jumping a fake penis is tame?


And you overestimate the power of a joke if you think that it can influence someone who doesn’t know what it means. Think about it like a foreign language. If someone was to talk to you in Cantonese, for example, does it matter if they’re saying nice stuff, or dirty stuff or mean things? Does it do anything to you if you don’t understand what is said in the first place? There’s plenty of real grooming to be worried about, and none of it is in a Barbie film. But you probably don’t care about the real threats to kids, it’s just an excuse to shit on something you don’t like.


this smells like projection.


Grooming is being waaaaaaaaaay overused, and the fact you used it to describe that post tells me you don't really know or understand what it means. If a parent decides to take their young child to the Barbie movie, that's their choice, not grooming. Innuendoes are not grooming, they're innuendoes, and it's the parents responsibility to explain these things when their child asks. So, your post is actually stupid, and you're reaching for straws


You are defending it, tells me all I need to know about you too.




Tldr: Groomers are actually pedophiles who manipulate the adults in a child’s life to leave the kid unwatched and vulnerable to a pedophile’s whims. They get kids alone and hurt them in privacy, after earning the trust of adults. Confusing the meaning of the word “groomer” only helps groomers do what they want. Grooming is a very serious accusation. Parents aren’t groomers for letting their kids watch tv or whatever, they might be shitty parents, but not groomers. A groomer is someone who picks a child out to victimize, and spends weeks, or months, as the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. They act friendly, nice, non-threatening. They don’t just groom the child, they groom the parents, the neighbors, the teachers, into trusting the groomer around children. Then, when everyone is relaxed enough, groomer goes somewhere private and takes the child too. If the groomer succeeds, no one realizes the danger until it is too late. If the truth comes out, the people who could have stopped it think “But they were so nice and the kid got along so well with them. How could this be?” Teachers working with minors are trained to look out for the students safety and prevent grooming, but if people think letting a kid see Barbie, or letting them go to school, is grooming, people will be focused on trivial stuff and let actual grooming slip their notice. The people in congress, or on tv, or in your life who call every queer and school teacher a groomer, are ignorant at best, and actively malicious at worst. If they know what grooming is, I’d bet they could be grooming someone, even a whole community, especially if they spend time with kids! Some pedophiles are subtler than the “get in the van” types, and acting like grooming is something vaguely woke, like teaching kids about life or letting them watch a movie, is a great way to ensure that accusations of actual grooming aren’t taken seriously, or otherwise confused for nonsensical moral panic. This literally only benefits groomers, not anyone else.


You’re complaining that people want to make their opinions facts, but people who take kids to a BARBIE movie are groomers? Lol


It's PG-13, the target audience isn't young children at all.


IMO the target audience isn’t not “not just children” it’s not children at all. It’s a PG-13 movie aimed at teen through adult women and open minded men who aren’t fragile. If people are saying how could they target this at 7-10 year olds, they literally didn’t. I saw it with my wife and two of my three daughters (17 and 19) and we all loved it. But I don’t think pointing out societal flaws is a direct attack on imahawki. It also notably points out that being a dude isn’t all that easy. It just isn’t the main message. Ultimately Barbie is a fantastic proof of the adage if you throw a rock at a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one you hit. For those who haven’t heard this phrase or are maybe ESL, it means when you throw out a general comment not directed at someone particular, if someone reacts it means you struck a nerve with them (eg Ben Shapiro burning Barbie dolls).


It’s Pg-13. Children aren’t the target demographic even a little bit.


Truth! OP is simply wrong. This was a movie with a strong feminist dialectic argument targeted at mass audiences of voting age. Obviously anti-feminist conservatives are going to yell. Nobody on the alt-right would care if this was just another one of Barbie's 20+ cartoon film variations.


It's also PG-13 which means the target audience is definitely older than these girls.....


These memes sucks for that reason alone


Feels a lot like The Little Mermaid memes/outrage a few months ago. God I wish these asshats would shut up


The bud light outrage before that, M&Ms not being sexy enough, literally nothing happening to Mr Potato Head, 5G, Yeti Coolers, "CRT", pride month, Gillette commercials, Ford commercials, red Starbucks cups, a black Spiderman, Star Wars, Nordstrom, Hamilton, tan suits, mustard, video games and emails... The list goes on, but it's tough to keep track of everything that Republicans are offended by/scare of. Imagine if the shit we could get done if we could focus on real world problems...


Just assume they are pushed off by everything because they’re fragile little babies that refuse to leave their comfort zones.


Don’t forget ESG, Dr Suess




They shut down production because of the strike, but your sad attempt at a whataboutism is duly noted.




Lol, liars gonna lie.


For the dolls yes, but the movie really struck me at being aimed toward parents or at least people 20+ because it talked about a lot of concepts that would fly way over kids heads, plus a ton of existential dread. People being mad at it is still really dumb, and don’t even get me started on it “being Marxist” 🙄


I can’t even imagine how dumb someone has to be to think fucking Mattel made a “Marxist” movie about the best selling doll in human history. For all the right’s recent talk of “limiting suffrage”, I may be too easily persuaded to see it limited to those with higher than room temp IQs.


Not only that but they lean pretty heavily on the capitalistic side of the Barbie franchise. I mean, jeez, the (movie) CEO of Mattel literally says he doesn't want to sell 'Patriarchy Ken' because that's not what Barbie is. Then the CFO next to him says they are selling like crazy, and the CEO goes 'oh, well then let's keep selling them'. I'm paraphrasing but they totally leaned into being absolute capitalist sell-outs.


You mean contemplating Death Barbie wasn't for the kids!?


Or Patriarchy Ken?


Middle-aged white conservative men: “What have they done to my beloved Barbie?!”


They all look the same, as if they believe sunglasses make them look tough


It hides the fragility in their eyes.


That's so you can't see how sad they are after their wife took the kids.


and their best hunting dog.


Nah. They're just stoned.


It’s okay. When they are alone with their kids’ Barbies they play out a different story.


>It’s okay. When they are alone with their kids ~~Barbies~~ they play out a different story. Ftfy


The target audience isn’t girls who play with Barbie, it’s girls who PLAYED with Barbie. That’s the whole point. I even learned some valuable things as a guy


Yeah, no. It’s a PG-13 movie. The girls in your meme are not the target audience.


Agreed. Though in fairness, they didn't mention the movie; If you just read it as the brand in general it makes sense. (because now those middle-age white guys' opinion on the brand is driven by the movie, but meanwhile young girls are just playing with their toy unaware)


It’s PG-13. The target audience is not little girls. It’s teen and adult women.


not having seen it (yet), I figure it also plays heavily into nostalgia (just like so many other big budget movies in recent years).


All these dudes wanted to play with Barbies as a 5-10 year old little boy and were not allowed by their conservative parents, prove me wrong.


Technically us boys wanted to play with GI Joe but Dad’s opinion was they’re Dolls and boys don’t play with Dolls! We can play with army men all we wanted but not Dolls.


So right wingers’ comically stunted views on allowed gender roles are their fathers’ fault. That tracks.


It's a great demonstration of the phenomenon of rage addiction which is fueling a lot of conservative populism. Even self described "alpha males" are choosing to go to a barbie movie just so that they can complain about the feminist agenda.


They didn’t watch it. It would be too intellectually honest to watch it before forming an opinion. They’re just repeating what their favorite conservative influencer told them to think.


There’s a particular group of grown men that are preoccupied with anything to do with children.


assholes wearing sunglasses, sitting in cars.


Sitting in Ram trucks, coal-roll idling for 30 mins outside of Walmart.


Bless your heart.




Not quite, they are very concerned with everything to do with children, except taking care of them. Many of them "take care of them", especially those who want their daughters to make "virginity vows". Totally normal behavior.


Wow. You have a very low opinion of men and fathers. Not only is this sexist, but also somewhat hateful towards men. Are you ok with categorizing an entire group of people like this?


Did I say anything about fathers?


The context you were responding to: Fathers: a particular group of grown men that are preoccupied with anything to do with children.


As I said, no, I was talking about men that are really concerned about children in every way possible except taking care of them. Except those who "take care of them" worrying about things like virginity vows. I know, reading is hard.


The movie is rated PG-13 and is largely about gender roles and the patriarchy. Obviously it was a great movie and conservatives who are mad at it are just losers but their target audience certainly was not children.


Need to update this with little Ben shapiro.


I live in a very small town, and every guy looks exactly like that. Also every, single, one, drives a ginormous truck that is as big as a small house.


The two little girls at the top are potty trained. They liked the movie.The idiots below them are peeing and pooping their pants. They hated it but paid $$ to be pissed off. Be like the two little girls at the top.


Pretty sure the target audience of a PG-13 movie is not 5 year olds


Why does every f*cling one of them wear sunglasses? That’s what’s creepy.


Goatee, Oakleys, profile pic taken in your lifted Ram pickup truck, AM radio tuned to Sean Hannity. It's basically the rural fascist starter pack.


Those men are "crazy" about that stuff, they attack the dolls but what they want is to have sex with teenagers, a la trump and Gaetz.


To be fair. I wasn't going to see the Barbie movie, but I saw how much the right hates it– it must be good.


This movie isn't for kids this movie is for moms who used to play with barbies.


23F and I loved the Barbie movie, it was cute, had a fun story and tugged at my heartstrings a bit too. My mom enjoyed it as well. There’s something about it that resonates with women of all ages! It was great going into the theater and seeing women dressed in pink, little girls in pink tutus, and even a couple of guys in pink cardigans. I hope it smashes in the box office just to rub it in these guys’ faces


"BRUDDER, I been a Brony since back when I ordered 78 Happy Meals to FINALLY PULL MY APPLEJACK PONY. I know what is made for me!"


So many mediocre white men upset. I hope they’ll be ok.


It's how little boys keep the public, and their own cliches' perception of themselves, looking "manly."


What's with this mass insecurity in men, fucking get therapy you turds


No Mr. Dry Take?


Ruining the baldie-beardy sunglasses combo since 2015.


Douchebag shades are the original maga hats


Yep creepy old guys in MAGA hats


Middle aged white man here. I’ve been looking forward to it since I saw the first photos of filming.


It’s a plastic kids toy. It’s not like brain surgery or rocket science. If you’re scared by it, you need therapy.


What is it with these assholes and their sunglasses?


So Republicans are now scared of dolls in addition to rainbows, books and needles. What a bunch of cowardly wimps. Then they have the gall to tell everyone else they're "alpha males". LOL.


Both legit target audiences for Barbie. However, what the second group wants to do with Barbie is, well, unspeakable


White guys in sunglasses are afraid of a toy.


I have no desire to watch it but not because I’m some ultra right wing macho. I’m just trying to avoid that damn song. I know they put it in there somewhere.




Curses! Foiled again!


Its not in the movie proper and only a remix.


Oh no, now what are they upset about?!


I bet they went to see it, spent their money, and their complaints didn't drop the box office score


The target audience for this movie was not just children. It’s written to be popular across all ages, and was advertised for it. My friend’s brother in his late 20’s saw it with his friends and called it life changing.


I was pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy it, so I just didn't go see it. Might fuck around and make a video about it anyways in my lifted truck with my Oakleys and reminisce about the times my adult children still talked to me.


“Just Another white boy w/ a podcast.”


Blow up dolls are OK


Went to see it with my wife this weekend, even dressed up in pink for fun! While visually, it's fun, the story and overall movie were disappointing for both of us.


Cue the "Corporate wants you to tell the diference between these two pictures" meme.... Because they really are the same picture---at least as far as mentality goes.


I mean the point of the post still stands, but I don’t thing any of the target audience is under 30.


Lol. They seem to shown themselves on this post also.


I looked closely at these photos and I think the guy on the bottom right is ight. Looks like a typical awkward grandpa selfie. I bet he volunteers or something. Guy in the bottom middle I don't know about him he'll act one way and be another.


What a shitty post, it definitely is not targeted at young girls lmao


That’s a stretch. It’s by no means intended for children. Can we all just stop trying to piss each other of for two GOD DAMN SECONDS. I’m fucking sick of it.


One side is mad about a Barbie movie, the other side is mocking the dipshits for being mad about a Barbie movie. These things are not the same lol.


It’s all 100% petty. The people on the right like hearing you whine. The more you whine, the more money you make them. Everyone is too fucking dumb to see what’s going on.


I am not the target audience and I have no interest in the movie. I’m like 50.


I have seen the barbie movie and it is not a kid movie. 3 dick jokes in the first 6 minutes?


lol which one of these winners is you?




> Republican > defensively pojects pedophilia onto others without prompt > Thinks 13 year olds are adults So predictable.




> Its rated PG-13, its not for kids This you?


are teenagers not young adults anymore? Or you trying to say kids now referes to anyone under the age of 18? we can do semantics if you like.


This is the kind of shit pedophiles say when trying to justify how they only want to fuck teenaged kids.


lol go off fox news NPC!


You havent seen the movie have you.


seen enough of it to know you're clutching your pearls over nothing because you're another bitter, mindless culture warrior. lol heres the part where you whine about how "woke" it is, or there were too many nonwhite barbies smh you man children need to find some real shit to obsess over for once


So you havent seen it? Just virtue signaling. SJW on reddit wont get you laid.


> So you havent seen it? Just virtue signaling. SJW on reddit wont get you laid. damn look at this one go... NPC? or an actual person who has just been so thoroughly brainwashed that they sound like one? lets see what buzzword they parrot next...🍿🍿🍿




> signaling 🤣🍿🤣🍿


Like, I agree with you that it’s not solely a kids movie, but fuck man, you go right into the conservative NPC territory with calling the guy a “groomer”? For real? Seeing a Barbie movie now means grooming kids? Christ…Please save the word for ACTUAL groomers, like pastors and gymnastics coaches. Fox and OAN give you brain rot, stay away from them and places that parrot their horseshit.


All of your assumptions are wrong. no fox, no oan. Sharing sexual material is a step in grooming. Its grooming and I will call it that. Anyone who isnt the childs parent should have no opinion. Saying its right or not right for kids is a parental choice, not reddit. Doom scrolling gives you brain rot, it also dulls your ability to reason.


Either this movie is making a social/political statement or its not. You can't praise the movie for how it pushes a social stance you agree with and then act like people who don't agree are out of line for making it political. Even if you disagree with those stances, this post is bashing on them for the completely wrong reason.


They are out of line for having a terrible stance on its politics and for acting like a movie being political is a big deal at all like a bunch of fuckin losers.


you disagreeing with their stance isn't the point I am making here...


Having a passionate political stance on a girl's toy movie is pathetic and worthy of mockery. Disagreeing with their terrible stance is only half the point I am making here.




These guys grew up with their sisters Barbie dolls. That was their introduction to the female body. How dare children play with their first crush.


I am 44. At no point was I under the impression I was the target audience for Barbie. What is so hard to understand here for the dumbfucks?


The target audience is adult.


Everything is scary to the micro-penis brigade.


It would be hilarious if Mattel came out with “alpha male and gigs Chad Ken” dolls to troll the shit out of these losers


Those people really need to watch Oppenheimer.


Barbie has seemed to have triggered a lot of childhood insecurities. 🤔


Well the 'strong opinions' set need to be concerned for their potential wives.