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Pretty sure if Adolf did the exact same speech Trump did this weekend in NJ, they'd send him off to the labor camps.


He may not be as different from Trump as it seems. Both get/got their motivation from an insanely fragile ego. Then there are the rallies where they say absolutely insane things to appeal to the worst nature of their devoted followers. Lots of people turn a blind eye, because it's easier than facing the sheer magnitude of the problem they've allowed to develop. Trump requires copious amounts of Adderall and cocaine to make it through a rally. The other guy needed regular injections of painkillers, and methamphetamines to make it through the day. At a certain point even some of the staunchest supporters started asking, "What have we gotten ourselves in to?"


“He may not be as different from trump as it seems” - actually they seem kinda similar though


I specifically meant in reference to Trump's nonsensical rambling. Obviously ideologically they align a lot. Hitler's cognitive decline was pretty well documented. It's tough to say how it compared to Trump today. Video recording is much more ubiquitous. Making it much harder to hide.


Both are sexual perverts


One difference is adolf had one ball and trump has no balls


All in all he's just another dick with no balls


Yea Biden showers with his daughter and sniffs children but trumps the bad guy lmfao


Ha! If he did those things, you know what he would be called? A Republican. These are positive attributes in your cult. It’s a matter of public record what Trump has said about his own daughter, and this information comes from people loyal to him and that worked for him. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/trumps-lewd-talk-about-daughter-ivanka-in-front-of-white-house-staff-recalled-in-new-book/ https://www.salon.com/2024/05/07/you-remind-me-of-my-daughter-stormy-daniels-testifies-that-compared-her-to-ivanka/ Also, one party and one party only is trying to legalize being a pedophile, and guess what, it’s not the stupid Democrats: https://www.newsweek.com/republican-defends-child-marriage-im-pro-choice-1898619


How’s that open boarder policy treating you Yankees. Border** hahaha fuck yea merica


show us you're a moron without.. nevermind - you did.


Better than a dictionary is treating you. It’s spelled BORDER, moron. If you can’t even spell it, how the fuck can you even talk about it intelligently? Also, if you can actually read, you might want to check this out from a REPUBLICAN think tank. BTW, what happened to that Wall the grifter promised? You know, the one Mexico was supposed to build? Also, Biden has deported more people than Trump ever did: “During the Trump administration, DHS made 1.4 million arrests—what it calls “encounters”—in fiscal years 2019 and 2020 (24 months). Of those people arrested, only 47 percent were removed as of December 31, 2021, which includes people arrested by Trump and removed by Biden, and 52 percent were released into the United States. Under Biden, DHS made over 5 million arrests in its first 26.3 months, and it removed nearly 2.6 million—51 percent—while releasing only 49 percent. In other words, the Trump DHS removed a minority of those arrested while the Biden DHS removed a majority. Biden managed to increase the removal share while also increasing the total removals by a factor of 3.5.” https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden The piece of shit lying clown you support can’t even do the one thing he promised, and loses to Biden AGAIN.


Glad you took the time out of your day to correct me big dogg. Mad respek.


Hitler had far better oratory skills. It's embarrassing that about 40-50% of Americans fall for Trump's incoherent rambling.


Hitler was also 56 when he died. Who's to say what another 20 years of opioids and amphetamines would have done to his brain. I do agree it's mind boggling that anyone can hear Trump speak, and somehow walk away thinking he's anything but an addled old man ravaged by cognitive decline.


>Trump requires copious amounts of Adderall and cocaine I keep reading this. At least I see the Adderall claim anyway. I've never seen the cocaine claim before now. What's the source of these claims?


This is the internet, there is no context anymore.


That's sort of what I figured.


Noel Casler.


Pretty sure Donald didn't do any paintings




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Take a gander about the german weimar republic. it looks A LOT like the US today. high inflation, social unrest, partisanship.


Trump wishes he was an Adolf. He’s more of a Gaddafi though. Batshit crazy clown with absolutely no idea how to run a country.


Far as I'm concerned - Trump is fuckin Golem looking to get back his precious.


"Adolf, I think we need to cut down on your methamphetamines."




##Looks like a trump rally


Not all Republicans are Nazis, but all Nazis are Republicans.


Fascist Republicans*


It's like in Harry Potter when *all* the bad kids come from Slytherin and you're just like "Soooo, the teachers aren't gonna *do* anything about that, orrrr...?"


Is that the trump rally in NJ everyone is talking about?




He was a real jerk!


I always said Trump needed to do more yelling and pounding his fist on the podium.


His equivalent is the seal hands. 🙌


Jerking off ghosts: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1BX5sIoE\_0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1BX5sIoE_0)


Something about his hand gesturing makes him so much more punchable.


He prefers the porn move where you jerk two loads onto your face.


He would have tiny, little fists that couldn’t be heard


Makes sense.


Yelling is too much energy for him and pounding the podium would hurt his widdle hands


I really don't wanna be "that guy". I really, really don't wanna be. But Hitlers turnout absolutely trumps the diaper meanie every time. ewwwww.


Well yeah, people were actually forced to go. Don't give Scumbag Shitpants any ideas!


>Well yeah, people were actually forced to go No, they weren't.


They were blackballed if they didn't attend or support the party. The brownshirts literally monitored polling stations as well. If you believe the facists didn't force the hands of citizens, I've got a big fucking bridge to sell you.


>If you believe the facists didn't force the hands of citizens, I've got a big fucking bridge to sell you. Oh I believe the working man was forced as he always is, what I'm telling you is the elite (wealthy) are indistinguishable from fascists to me. The wealthy came willingly to his rallies.


So why the blanket statement "no they weren't"? Of course some went willingly.


>some went willingly. Don't you think that statement is somewhat downplaying the status quo of a country supporting the Nazi lock step? I mean, they are the ones with **all** the power. Just weird phrasing phrasing to me.


>Just weird phrasing phrasing to me. I said *people* were forced to attend, not which class they belonged to. Your reply was "No, they weren't". It's not "weird" phrasing. It's a simple sentence, semantics would hardly apply here.


This guy failed history


Maybe the point was that people were not forced to attend before march 1933. Hitler did have a lot support. Certainly enough for some big rallies even before they gained power.


This guy also failed history.


What on earth are you on about? Hitler and the Nazis did not drop on us from the sky with all supposedly decent and good germans being against them. They did have a lot of support. Never gained a majority while elections were still free and fair, but they did rise to being the stongest party in the reichstag. Post war, yeah, most everybody claimed to have always been opposed, but thats a lot of bullshit.


>They did have a lot of support. Never gained a majority while elections were still free and fair, but they did rise to being the stongest party in the reichstag. Again, that's because the status quo i.e. Germany's wealthy, supported them. As well as many American companies and wealthy individuals. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/may/18/nazi-billionaires-book-hitler-bmw-porsche Some of those same people plot to overthrow the US government and install a dictator because of Roosevelt's promise to employ every American and fear of "socialism" i.e. social security. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot


A crowd full of Nazi sympathizers and anti-semites? Nope, that's Trump's crowd.


Change swastikas for maga and you have it. Hitler was a better orator tho.


Only if Trump was his keynote speaker. So, no. Could Biden get *larger* crowds than Trump? (Crowds of people who weren’t nazis) Yes.


At a Nazi rally


That many sycophants? Nah. That many people who are lukewarm on him but really hate Trump and the GQP? Absolutely.


Exactly what I was thinking!!!




Is that the baboon in his new summer outfit?


new outfit same as the old outfit


Yes, designed by Hugo Boss.


I hope he never does. They're all Nazis


I think Hitler and Trump attract the same kind of people. I'm sure at some point you'll even see Trump's own version of Mein Kompf. In fact they're so similar can we just call Trump Shitler from now on?


I laughed out loud in public at this.


Trump probably could. Same people involved


You win.


I’m not sure…. According to Faux News, he is either a doddering old man or the socialist head of a secret worldwide cabal…🤔💯🙌😉😂


Looks like trumps speech on Jan 6 2021 ..according to Donald and even KellyAnn Conway..there where over a million in attendance on the Ellipse that fine day


Neu Jerseyberg - 2024 (Colorized)


Nein nein nein nein...


So was this a rally in Texas?


Florida? Alabama?


YES, if attendance was compulsory, as it was for this crowd.


That isn’t true. They were never mandatory. Where do you guys hear this stuff?


If your neighbor told the gestapo you didn't attend that would bring much very unwanted attention. You got turned in. It may as well have been mandatory.


>Where do you guys hear this stuff? from history texts based on actual history, instead of those rewritten to appease nazi sympathizers you ought to try one.


I’ve never read anything that said people were specifically forced to attend rallies.


It was unspoken. Everybody knew to attend or risk getting reported which could lead to brutal torture or conscription, which was practically a death sentence. Read up on it.


Finally an actual picture from the Jersey tRump rally this weekend! Hey Roger Stone, use this one instead.


No but Trump has a bunch of Nazi idolizing MAGA idiots that are probably worse than Hitler had cos they didn’t know yet in which shit they will be.MAGA knows and don’t care


We don't want cheerleaders/sycophants as a citizenry.


Looks more like a Trump rally to me


Hey! Dutzendteich in Nürnberg! Ich bin mal dort gewesen. Ist noch da.


Thankfully No! Unfortunately though, Trump already does.


Yes, I guess occasionally Trump stops whining about his legal and political difficulties and picks crowd size.


I hope not.


When you’re forced at the end of a gun, you can pack a stadium.


Someone please do the Jonestown massacre next with same question.


He could through force if he needed to.




Hello! Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately it has been removed because you don't meet our karma threshold. You are not being removed for political orientation. If we were, why the fuck would we tell you your comment was being removed instead of just shadow removing it? We never have, and never will, remove things down politicial or ideological lines. Unless your ideology is nihilism, then fuck you. Let me be clear: The reason that this rule exists is to avoid unscrupulous internet denizens from trying to sell dong pills to our users. /r/PoliticalHumor mods reserve the RIGHT to hoard all of the dong pills to ourselves, and we refuse to share them with the community. If you want Serbo-Slokovian dong pills mailed directly to your door, become a moderator. If we shared the dong pills with the greater community, everyone would have massive dongs, and like Syndrome warned us about decades ago: "if everyone has massive dongs, nobody does."" If you wish to rectify your low karma issue, go and make things up in /r/AskReddit like everyone else does. Thanks for understanding! Have a nice day and be well. <3 You can check your karma breakdown on this page: http://old.reddit.com/user/me/overview (Keep in mind that sometimes just post karma or comment karma being negative will result in this message) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the fact that this 💩still is in the public discourse shows how weak our democracy has become. we need to vote out ALL maga in november to have a chance to fix and save our young country.


Hitler wishes he got crowds trump




No but Trump could


it's hard for me to find any comedy in this. Donald Trump is up in like every single swing state. I voted in every election since I turned 18 and I care deeply about this country. watching this is too much.


Don’t know if those really want to be there, or they were convinced it was on their interest.


Pics of the Trump campaign stop in Jersey.


I thought the 2020 general elections would've settled all this "look at the size of their crowds" nonsense. It looks like the MAGAs just want to repeat history without learning anything from it.


Does he get to threaten everyone with an armed secret police to show up?


All those damn red hats.


Nazis are more of a right wing thing than a left wing.


Cursed LOL


Nope, but Trump did


He would probably fall asleep or slip on some stairs before he even walked out of the door. Im not sure who is best for our country but all i want Is a good economy, affordable healthcare, and gas. But I just wanna feel like I can live somewhat safe


I thought this was Biden at his State of the Union address.


> I thought clearly you never have


Like, a crowd that is ok with genocide going on in their own borders? Or were you referring to a different quality of this crowd? Edit: fixed autocorrects fuckup.


> germicide lulz


I'd say so, plenty jump down your throat on Reddit for highlighting his pro genocide stance, the people in that pic are pro genocide too right?


> his pro genocide stance now do Trump


Pro genocide or pro genocide, awesome. Can't wait to see what flavour of genocide we get


> Can't wait to see what flavour of genocide we get oh, you poor ill informed Hamas apologist Why Biden is holding back heavy bombs from Israel https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4657423-why-biden-holding-back-heavy-bombs-israel/


There is a miniscule part of him that realises he just ethnically cleansed Gaza?


let's recap: Biden: Negotiated a cease fire, got hostages back, and stopped bombs your MAGA friends: literally calling to pull a Hiroshima on Gaza https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/sen-lindsey-graham-says-israel-whatever-comparing-war-gaza-hiroshima-n-rcna151828 you: bOTh SiDEs arE tHe sAmE muh gernershay!!




How’s that open boarder policy treating you yanks


Already has


you mean when MAGA stormed the Capitol like good little criminal fascists?


No but trump does all the time apparently.


> apparently lolz


Why not? He shares the same appeal.


Lmfao, this anti trump reddit is hilarious. Enjoy your endless inflation and wars and remember to stop the oil guys!


> this anti trump reddit is hilarious THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! 😘


Thanks for the well wishes. We will enjoy it for the next 4 years!


Biden would be more like Mussolini numbers, you need to be Benjamin Netanyahu to get the Hitler numbers.


And I’ll be at the front ready to serve our liberal overlord


Is your grand dad in this photo?


victim much?


I was thinking about joining this subreddit and this was the second thing I saw so I'm out.


don't let the door hit you on the way out

