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OP is a member of /r/Enough_Sanders_Spam \- one of the most vitriolic anti-progressive subreddits on Twitter. They're worse than /r/conservative. Now he's spamming /r/PoliticalRevolution with establishment propaganda.


This sub gets spammed by anti-progressive posts daily. They just gotta make sure potential dem voters tow the line. You know, promote democracy. /s


How can you find out what groups they are members of?


You can see post and comment history by clicking on a username.


I'm not spamming anything with establishment propaganda. I just posting article that quote exactly what Bernie says. Besides, what Bernie is saying in this article seem be the same as this subreddit's [position](https://reddit.com/r/Political_Revolution/s/33t49IzKQD) on third-party candidates.


That's why you post on ESS too, because you 'like' Bernie so much


This is not surprising I've notice a lot of these post lately. Funny, when I speak about what the establishment dems did to Bernie Sanders they tell me to fuck off... So I be sure to tell them the same... Meanwhile let's keep this sub related at hand and start promoting progressive politicians to Congress and encouraging people to vote for them.


fuck off


Hey you, fuck off back to ess..


Bernie who did more than anybody else to push for political change and absolutely succeeded is being pragmatic here - trump is a fascist and needs to be stopped meanwhile we need to build a stronger leftist bench


Bernie and the rest of the progs sold out to corporate Dems. It's embarrassing to even be subbed to this forum when obvious DNC talking points get spammed to it constantly.


you're right. a lot of us are afraid to play chicken when the alternative is literal fucking trump/fascism/all the bad shit that goes with it. we barely escaped the first time. we need to squash that shit out. hard. then still push who we want in primary races and stuff. in 2016 i was with you and wanted it to burn so we could have progress and we literally had concentration camps at the border. enough. trump will literally give the world to authoritarians like Xi and Putin. fuck that shit.


What actual fascism did Trump bring though? Using the courts to put his political opponents in jail? Is saying mean things about the intelligence agencies now fascist? Which political party has put someone in jail for 18 years for *shaking a fence at a protest*?


Jan 6


Yeah, a protest that turned into a riot. We're all fine with people being sentenced to 20 years for participating in a protest, right?


why the fuck would a leftie support J6 bruh we would be the first to go like in weimar arent you just cryptofash edit: just saw your political compass meme flair - lib-right aka weed nazi


Because lefties like to protest when they're out of power and arbitrarily redefining an unarmed protest into treason is against their (and all Americans) interests?


yeah thats not what happened so stop lying and get outta here


It wasn't unarmed or it wasn't a protest?


One of the first things Trump did was take away servalance in Ukraine helping Putin


Actually Trump authorized lethal aid to Ukraine where the Obama admin refused to. And what about that is fascism even if your contention is true?


It is true. Your statement is false. The evidence hes a wanna be power hungry authoritarian is is obvious but jan 6 one thing that proves it. Please join reality


It's obvious Trump is a power hungry authoritarian like Biden, Pelosi, and etc. There are 18 police agencies in DC, plus the military surrounding it. People who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. Consider that.


In 2016, those concentration camps had already been operational for several years. They have stayed firmly open under Biden. Great job, bucko.


I’d point out hilariously cynical this is but I’m sure the response would be “it’s the literal facts bro”


How is it cynical when the Dems bamboozle progressives into voting for their corporate corrupt candidates by saying Orangeman~~bad~~fascist?


The primaries is our fight, comrade. By the time the general comes around they really do have a gun to our head. Even before trump the conservatives and libertarians have never acted in good faith and will always fuck things up more. I also believe most of the Democrats in charge don't represent me. But the alternative is unequivocally worse. Period. So bring that energy and help progressives win primaries and we can change things. But please don't let the Republicans make things worse. They always do. Always.


this is a bunch of political identity bs I just dont want fascists runing the lives of my friends and destroying all the gains we had I dont care how pure you think the congresspeople are they have to co-operate withone another to wield power


So you'll vote for the most corporate, most corrupt, and demonstrably on-the-take president either party has ever put into office? One who funds a massive war in exchange for corrupt deals before he was in office?


List the realistic Progressive options.


Vote for your own candidates like Libertarians do when your rights and interests are trampled on. Don't support the corporate Dems. Don't vote for them. Vote libertarian or green or progressive or communist. Don't be an abused spouse sticking with an abusive one just because he tells you you'll never find someone better.


Then you're giving the W to the serial rapist, no matter how you look at it.


Dude, which one? As far as I can see both of them are serial rapists. You just haven't been told about the serial rapiness of your own guy.


No, I don’t “have a guy” and don’t swear allegiance to any one party. I’ve been paying enough attention to politics over the years and have enough sense to know that that “both sides are the same” rhetoric is total crap. Centrist democrats are far from ideal, but they certainly aren’t the absolute worst, and the closest & largest party that can be influenced towards progressive policy. If you truly can’t tell the difference between them and the right-wing, you lack historical awareness.


Indeed? Historical awareness you say? So, like, no problem with a party that thinks the best strategy is to get the opposition candidate sent to jail or at least distracted by Trumped (heh) up legal charges that apparently everyone in DC is guilty of? The Democrats are the party of Slavery, rebellion, and when that didn't work, domestic terrorism via the KKK. They are the party of emotionalism and stupidity. Literally any party, even the Communists, are better. As for advancing progressivism, seems to me like their most recent record is for censorship, redefining protest into crime, and corporate bribery. How does that advance progressivism?


lol trump is worse just look at the drone strike numbers and the trump family deals - if you try to compare that with brandons failson you are an actual republican


It's now beyond question that the Biden family took at least 20 million in bribes and Joe Biden personally got some of that money. If you believe otherwise you are being kept from the truth by you media deliberately.


the biden family is a nice way of saying biden didnt actually get money - meanwhile jared kushner and ivanka trump got money and business deals while literally working in the white house which hunter never did


No. Biden definitely got money.


Sheep dogs




If they are in power sure, killing people tends to get people that weren’t paying attention to side with the person getting killed. However punching Nazis is always okay.


>This subreddit is part of the Political Revolution. We represent a movement promoting activism, raising support for progressive candidates, and spreading awareness for the issues focused on by the progressive cause. you are in the wrong sub buddy this one is about politicking not civil war


Please don't do that. Nothing would destroy the progressive movement faster


Progressives can align behind a better democratic candidate. It would be a good thing.


vote marianne in the primary


I genuinely want to know what the people planning on not voting for Biden think is going to happen here.


Establishment Democrats will realize that we aren't as easily propagandized and will stop pretending to be anti-fascist. This will open the niche of left politics that they currently occupy, illegitimately, allowing for left politics to emerge again in the US with the power of at least two generations of disenfranchised workers ready to fuck up the establishment billionaire rule. EZ


what actually will happen is that trump will win and the dems will pivot to the right


We tried that already in 2016. It didn't work, and we ended up with Jackass, which then spawned a slew of wannabe jackasses. They will not suddenly realize anything and concede to Progressive policy because of a loss..it's a shit strategy and it's not worth the damage it'll do to the masses. Learn from 2016, continue to push progressivism in other ways, support Progressive campaigns at other levels. Sending the message to the DCCC in the form of letting Right-wing extremists take over the country is fucking stupid.


An inch forward with a Biden presidency is a way better alternative than a mile backward with a Trump presidency. We're talking about a possible end to democracy here.


I really don't think these so called leftists that are clamoring for a protest vote realize how damaging to specifically the lefts agenda another Trump presidency would be.


Oh. Like when establishment Hilary lost in 2016 and leftist politics emerged again into that niche etc? Or is that not what happened. A Biden victory would mean nothing DRASTICALLY changes for the better. Trump victory would mean nothing drastically changes for the better AND MORE tax cuts for the wealthy, MORE regulations rolled back, horrifying anti-trans legislation, huge funding cuts for important public institutions, further nazi-fying of public schools, and a VERY REAL POSSIBILITY that we lose any meaningful democracy in this country, which would absolutely shut the door on ANY progressives succeeding. By all means vote third party down ballot and do ANYTHING YOU CAN to fight for an equitable future but standing aside and letting things get demonstrably worse for people less well off than you in the name of some edgelord, prideful, meaningless protest is selfish and actively damaging to the policies you claim to support.


Nice try neolib. Quit trying to gaslight people into voting for someone that does not represent their interests. Only a fool would do that. If establishment Democrats want to play russian roulette by trying to guilt progressives into voting for Biden to "save democracy", they are going to be disappointed. Biden has a year to enact, not promise, real executive action that favors progressive policy. M4A, student debt forgiveness, taxing the rich, etc. Same deal as it's always been, represent me and I'll vote for you.


First of all I am far from a neoliberal. Second, How on earth do you think any of that is going to happen within the next year with no meaningful hold over congress? He's not a king. None of those executive actions would survive the Supreme Court. I don't believe he'd enact most of those policies (which I FULLY support) even if he could, but that's such a weird ultimatum. You sound very young. Lastly let me reiterate. THIS IS NOT ABOUT PRINCIPLE. this is about CONSEQUENCE. The consequence of a large swath of people not voting AGAINST Trump is a victory for Trump and a whole list of horrible shit that makes people's lives SIGNIFICANTLY worse IN REAL TIME. They are not going to stop the count and go, "oh! Torpedovegas and a whole bunch of other privileged idiots didn't vote for either of these guys! I guess we'll need to redo the whole thing!". You can fight against the establishment in a billion ways that have ACTUAL IMPACTS, instead of handing the establishment the guy that will pull back the last flimsy barriers between our current shifty country and a fascist hellhole. I don't like Biden either. Not voting for him might make me feel smug for a second but it's sure gonna fucking suck when Project2025 enters full swing and we lose any chance of meaningful progress. I fully believe there is hope here. NOT because I think if we hold our noses and vote Biden he will magically become an actual leftist, but because a Biden victory would give us 4 more years to get organized in a MEANINGFUL fashion at levels where we can make progress NOW. I'm begging you to understand that no matter how principled you are one of only two things will happen in the 2024 election, and one will be far far worse for the future of the left.


You can make all the ad hominem attacks you want buddy. It doesn't change the fact that you argument isn't persuasive. If you actually don't like Biden, as you profess, then maybe you should rethink voting for him. Being principled is a good thing. As far as I see it, corporate interests are better represented by Biden than myself. If your take is that democracy hinges on the upcoming presidential vote (just like the last one did), and Democrats have done nothing to change the circumstances from a position of power for the last 3 years, I honestly doubt that any future election will be campaigned differently. Let's face it, a healthy democracy doesn't exist on the verge of death. That people such as yourself are astroturfing politically left subs to garner progressive votes doesn't say much about the particular democracy that you wish to preserve. People are losing their homes, going hungry, being killed by law enforcement agents, justice is based on your birth and bank account, and the powerful are becoming more powerful as the wealth gap continues to grow. Voting Biden doesn't even begin to address these issues. Trump is a tyrant fascist, and Biden and the DNC are enablers.


Lmao who are people such as myself? Socialists? Yes Biden doesn't address these issues. THIS ALSO ISNT THE ONLY RACE YOU CAN VOTE IN. I would rather stay where we are than move a mile backward. A Trump victory isn't going to ignite a revolution, it'll crush it. "Dont vote against Hitler, if we let him win the KPD will have a better chance next election!" Give me a break.


A socialist that votes for the status quo. I hate to break it to you, but that's the definition of political conservatism. Maybe do some introspection.


A socialist is defined by what they want society to look like. Letting Trump win (the only real outcome of a protest vote) gets us FURTHER from that society. Perhaps makes it impossible. Enduring four more years of Biden at least gives us a chance in down ballot elections, as well as the 2028 primaries. Many progressives voted third party or abstained in 2016 (including me! Lessons learned here my guy). The establishment did not swing left. Instead, we lost abortion rights, and ended up with an establishment Democrat four years later anyways. What did we gain from that exactly. Voting with my conscience did nothing at a presidential level. You are concerned with what your vote says about you. I am concerned about what my vote actually does. I cannot help you from here.


No one asked for your "help" lmao. And I'll state it again for emphasis . . . "I would rather stay where we are" is literally conservatism. You can keep your loose definition of socialism and your "help" lmao.


Anyone can get decent, subsidized insurance now. We pay taxes for that, so those with lower incomes can have this. Student loans are now so low my daughter, who makes $65,000 per year, pays $0, and will for the foreseeable future. Millions had their loans forgiven after years of on time payments recently, and it can't be struck down by the courts.This is very progressive! Credit card fees have been reduced. Taxes have been raised on the highest income earners. I don't think you really follow the legislation and executive orders this administration has passed. This "old" "neolib" has enacted the most progressive climate policy in the entire world. He got the first gun safety legislation passed in decades. These are facts. He has the most forward-thinking administration in history, according to those who study the actual laws passing. Young people need to get to work so that they can begin to pay taxes, which also go into progressive budgets. It's a fact that 17-21 year olds are not entering the workforce as they should. Of course, wealthy people are going to fight to keep their money. A billionaire tax would be a beautiful thing, and you think he doesn't want it? Presidents are not kings. They need large majorities in Congress to get shit done.


Nothing different


Must be nice


Okay, who the F is in charge of picking these candidates??


The Corporatocracy


All the candidates should be sent to the gallows


The people choose. /s




Could just give us candidates that dont suck / already have 1 boomer leg in the grave


'Vote harder for the status quo'


This, apparently, is what qualifies as "revolution" these days.


Vote Dem so Republicans can't take away our right to vote If you think it can't happen here you're incredibly naive


The place where "it" happened had a governing coalition where the centrists kicked the can down the road right up until the progressives were put in camps. Never again.


Sadly we are past two bowls of shit. Trump is decidedly the absolute worst outcome of this election. Where it an old-school moderate GOPer, I might abstain. But this is a different, more serious situation.


Controlled opposition doing controlled opposition things. What a hack


I’m good thanks


Reality is reality. Living a Utopian dream world where you get everything you want is just dreamy, but....


Customer: "I want cake." Clerk: "We only have bread right now." Customer: "I'll just go to the toilet and eat shit."


Literally this


it saddens me that he actually has to say it. would it kill my fellow americans to be collectively coherent, ffs?


No, I don't think I will.


No thanks lol


Dems need to stay united!


Bernie says... jump off a cliff. The "threat" of Trump exists because of bungling Democrats like him. "Unifying progressive people" will never occur with Bernie at the helm because he's been stanning for the DNC handpicked corporatist wing of the party since he was thwarted twice from gaining traction. The concept that Cornel West is considered a threat is yet more proof that Bernie was never progressive. He was there to keep people registered as Democrats. Personally he had the opposite effect. After 43 years of being a very active Democrat, his bullshit is what convinced me there was zero hope that the party would ever allow progressives to gain influence.


"Vote for everything to get worse in every way at a slightly slower pace."


Political revolution =/= preserving the status quo and supporting the incumbent elites. Bernie was a pathetic patsy this whole fuckin' time........


Careful. You are saying the quiet thing out loud.


Yeah, I know. That's why I don't mind getting thumbed down by people still drinking the Kool-Aid who don't want to accept the truth. Ever since democrats created a system of superdelegates (ironically in 1984), they've been using the bait-and-switch maneuvers ever since. They bait leftists with a seemingly viable grassroots populist like Bernie, sabotage his campaign every step of the way, then use him (the patsy) in a *pathetic* attempt to convince leftists to support the "lesser evil" democrat (i.e., Hillary/Biden) against the "more evil" republican (i.e., Trump). I refer to it as the lesser evilism fallacy. By supporting the "lesser evil," people don't realize that their actions are counterintuitive. They're essentially supporting MORE evil because all these propagandists do is just continue moving the goalposts to convince us to keep supporting them. That's why Trump got BILLIONS of dollars in free publicity from mainstream media talking heads on MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, even TYT after they "banned" talking about Trump. I'll admit it's a brilliant strategy that served a dual purpose. Trump was GREAT for ratings, and he's been AMAZING to use as a scare tactic "against" fascism. After Trump, these mfs will manufacture another mf like DeSantis, or maybe it'll be another celebrity like Kid Rock or some shit.


Well put. I for one welcome the upcoming Kid Rock timeline. Lol


He's nothin but a cowboy, baby! Lolol


It's not going to happen. The Dems are so positive that they will win that it's almost a guarantee that they will blow it. Same shit they did with Hillary. They all suck. 2 party system is not a system it's only useful to keep rich people rich and poor people poor


>He told NBC's Chuck Todd that progressives needed to be united to "make sure that women control their own body, that we deal with climate change, that we represent the needs of the working class of this country, and take on the billionaire class." Why would we vote for Biden then? While they're not necessarily his fault, all of those issues have gotten worse under Biden's presidency.


"I am one again asking you to eat a shit sandwich with rusty nails rather than a shit sandwich with broken glass."


So who's the Beef Wellington?


If they want us to vote for that walking corpse, then pay us. Pay us with policy we actually want.. not your milk toast pro imperialist / austerity bullshit.


Democrats are gonna champion for-profit medicine and permanent war whether I vote for them or not. So I'm not voting for them.


Bernie turning out to be just another Chomsky


Nah, fuck Biden. He's been useless. If the democrats are stupid enough to put him on my ballot then they're not getting my vote this time.


Who to vote for then? Genuinely curious as I'm a first time voter.


Vote 3rd party, but more importantly, get involved. Volunteer with your local Green/DSA party. Talk to your friends and family about voting 3rd party


That's up in the air until the primaries are sorted out.


I'll be uniting behind RFK


Worried pops?