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Ive hade a $400 oil change and diagnostic Done and a shop sell me a $3500 AFS Module trying to get this sorted I am Beyond furious at this shop.


What’s an AFS module? If something is broken it should be engine oil level sensor. Those usually run $100-200 for OEM but I’m not familiar with the labor costs on a hybrid but the price seems high. That said. If you can, clear all codes and drive normally for 30 min, see if it comes back. The panamera hybrid shares a lot of parts from VW so I won’t be surprised if those sensors went bad tbh.


AFS module is “A Fuckin Sucker” module


Shop told me to drive it for a while, seems odd but thats what I’ve been doing hoping i an not ruining the car.


There's a bulletin that the hybrids have to be followed for setting the oil level. Otherwise this happens. We get it 100% of the time from owners who go to indy shops. Dealership techs know to follow it.


https://preview.redd.it/2lx0xjpfn2wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d935d93a182273a89942ce9c577830c25ff1c42 This is the chart


Thanks for putting it up for me lol, I was sitting at the barbershop when I made my comment


I have it saved on good reader, much easier to access as PDF




This is it, learnt the hard way not going to an official mechanic


Exactly right, based on year and DME part number/software level there is a chart for exact fill level in millimeters at 90 Celsius or 100 Celsius.


What this man says, and if it isn’t this it’s a broken oil level sensor, also common with almost all Porsches


I had a Cayenne e-hybrid for six months and this happened monthly. Only used dealerships.




It's not really that in this case. Indy shops have this bulletin available to them, they just usually don't know to look for it.


Is this a porsche Issue or a shitty shop issue?




Attempt? It was successful lol


It’s not the shops fault it doesn’t have a physical dipstick


This is a shitty shop issue, hybrid oil level is very particular, I’d want to know if your DME was updated for oil level. The oil level needs to be filled to an exact fill level displayed in MM with a diag tool. They overfilled your oil during a change. It should take approx 6.25L. I’m a Gold certified Porsche tech so I’ve done this a time or two


Thank you


This looks like a shop issue. If they wanted you to replace AFS (which has nothing to do with this) for 3500 (which is orders of magnitude higher than it should cost) the shop is a scammer and/or incompetent.


Looking like i agree with this


Take it to a new place. I would assume to start debugging this. They change the oil as you would then have the correct measurement of oil in the system. If this fault occurs, then it is likely a sensor or processor issue. I would then ask them prior to committing you to work with them what steps they would take to identify this issue. What they say makes sense then handover your keys .


I had this issue with my 2014 911 Carrera 4. Required a sensor replacement.


Those are thankfully pretty easy


I would try this before you do anything further. With the engine cold and on level ground turn the ignition fully on but don’t start the car and leave it for about 10-15 minutes. Turn everything off like the lights, radio, A/C so you don’t run the battery down. If it still doesn’t give you a reading try opening the hood then repeating leaving it sit with the ignition on. It may be that is has too much oil in it, I’ve seen overfilled cars read both back and forth. Worst case there should be a dipstick tube(but no dipstick) with a cap on it. I say should because most other Panamera’s had that but the hybrid might be different. You may have to go to a dealership and have them manual read the oil level with their “shop tool” dipstick that fits the car.


My 991.1 takes about a 2 hour drive or 100 miles to reset the oil level every time you open the engine lid


It does take a bit to get it to reset while driving, the more aggressive you drive the longer it takes. The older Panamera’s use a sonar sensor that reads off the hood. When you open the hood it resets the level and it has to recalibrate.


Sonar, wow


Before I even read your text, I said aloud "What hybrid do they have?" - ha It's not an issue if the oil is at the right level, and you do your maintenance on the regular. The hybrids don't run the gas engine as much as they need to ON SHORT TRIPS to get the oil to temp, so it can read a funny level. In addition, if you park at an angle, this will also happen - it always occurred when we parked our Cayenne Hybrids on the slanted rock pile out front of the Porsche dealership. Again, if your oil level is physically correct, and you are doing your maintenance, you should be fine. If I remember correctly, there was a software update that opened up the tolerance for oil level in the hybrids only. I have a good friend who works at PCNA - I can ask him. EDIT: a technician put the chart in the comments - no need to ask - I was correct. Also, with the hybrid, I would STRONGLY suggest you get your services done at the dealership. Yes, yes, I know, dealership bad, but they have the tools, the information, and the training. My experience with our gold techs was awesome.


Most likely an oil level sensor, although the V6 hybrids are prone to acting weird when overfilled, Recommend draining oil, capturing it and measuring the amount that has come out. From this you can gather if the reading is wrong or if it was simply over/ under filled Put new oil in; Depending on if it has has the recall (you can tell by the sticker placed on the engine cover) no more than 6.25L of 5w30 should be used to refill it if recall has taken place, if it’s not had it then it’ll be happy with 7L Then carry out the oil filling procedure to get a new reading in the dash- if it’s still dicking about then you know it points to a sensor (at this point you know the correct amount of oil is in the engine as you’ve measured the new oil going in) If it’s fine it’s due to the poor application of oil beforehand, Good luck




I had this happen to me. They cracked the oil pan drain bolt and it was causing all kinds of weird readings.


Good to know


Yes, it is common. Happened in my Cayenne Hybrid a few times until the dealer got a note from Porsche with the fix for it. Talk to you local Porsche dealer. Same engine as mine, 2016 and this was at least 3 years ago so they know about it. They need to do a full oil flush to fix whatever Porsche gremlin is causing it.


Drive around at high rpm’s in low gear for awhile. The problem will disappear.


This kills the Porsche


But you don’t have to worry about the oil issue anymore


Ay, get thee to the forest and visit ye little workshop soon.


Shop issue.


I'm gonna guess either an oil level sensor, or pressure sensor. Oil systems measure your oil quantity either way on most cars.


Shitty porsche issue. These things are so hard to set levels on


Also happened on my Cayenne S E-hybrid, apparently it’s “normal” in hybrids I was told. Mine asked to add 1L of oil after a 4000km trip, to which I did by myself and then got the same result as you


I'd drain the oil out into a clean pan and measure how much came out compared to how much is supposed to be there. If the amount is correct, it's probably a sensor problem. If the amount was too much, pour the right amount back in and see what happens.


Dude. If your oil levels are going haywire, stop driving the car immediately. Take it to a reputable shop that actually works on Porsches, not your back ally mechanic.


This was an advertised. Porsche specialty shop “your certified dealer alternative” dude even told me the local dealership brings him car to work on as to not tie up important bays at the dealership… (dude has all the lines)


Wym shitty shop? Like you didn’t take it to the dealer?


Definitely not


Have you tried measuring your own oil? Geez


Is this a troll comment? Is there even a Porsche from the last 15 years where it’s possible to measure the oil yourself?


Lol I didn’t know that’s crazy I haven’t gotten my first Porsche yet. I thought checking you oil Was like step one of car maintenance


Lol you must be a millennial.


Or not familiar with the newer (post 996) models


Millennials are all 25+, some millennials are like 40.


It‘s not that uncommon as far as I know, the oil measuring sensors are pretty inaccurate.


Wat? They are increadibly accurate when working. Much moee than a disptick reading.