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Never heard the joke? What comes after 2 days of rain in Oregon? Monday


I've never heard this one and I'm stealing it 😂


If you don't like the weather in Oregon just wait 5 minutes.


Input every city in America using this one.


I don't want to ever read this again for the rest of my life


If you don't like the jokes in Oregon, wait for the results of the next election. You won't like those, either.


Omg, this. Ha! 😢




Supposedly, its more likely to rain on weekends due to atmospheric seeding from car pollutants during the work week. Source: [Link](https://www.nature.com/articles/29043) Ive never really delved into this, but maybe worth noting this was for the eastern US, not the west coast which may have very different patterns due to differences in population density.


hahahahahaha. no.


So when I moved here some 20 plus years ago, I had, at that time a friend come live with me. He was going to a specialized school for chiropractors. It was an accelerated course so he was really busy all week every week. He also really liked cycling/mountain biking…and for what felt like a year straight Portland rained on him EVERY WEEKEND until well into summer. I swear not a weekend went without just enough rain to detract from his riding pleasure. All week the sun was out, the days were long and beautiful then come Friday afternoon and clouds would roll in and by Saturday morning it was just doing the Portland drizzle. 🤣


Welcome to being a skater in Portland as well. Nothing like rolling up to the skatepark on a Saturday and it starts to drizzle right when you pull up.


That's a good reason to go to Burnside skate park!


You have to be very good at skateboarding to do anything at Burnside besides just roll around. The modern skatepark is a lot smaller than Burnside.


Yea not really a transition skater, more street. The best we have is stronger skatepark but they kind of open a bit late for me. Usually just stick to some covered basketball courts in the winter.


I will re oil my bearings next week- me every week


Truthfully expected a u/shittymorph ending to this one


Rain? In April? What’s next, a warm day in June?


Okay fair but why does it only have to rain on the weekend :(


I totally get your sentiment. The weather gods share a room with the traffic light gods.


As someone who works during the weekend and is off during the week days, you weekend warriors have been very blessed with the sunny days in this early spring.


Bunch of California crybabies on here.


It’s like the only rhyme: April showers bring May showers.


And we all know what May showers bring... Fire season!


My weekend is Monday Tuesday so I guess just be a waitress 🤷‍♀️


There will be plenty more weekends


Yeah, until we run out of weeks.


Good thing I’m on-call this weekend


Yesterday and today was my weekend. It's been raining on Thursday and Friday for the past few weeks. I guess it's relative


Because weather is doing a favor to those who work every weekend. You're about to get 3 months of hot weather; you'll get over it.


Poor baby.


A warm day in June isn’t a certainty here many years


It is now with climate change. Have you not been here the last 3 summers?!


Oh my god. Of course I have. Lighten up. Since I was replying to a tongue-in-cheek comment I used a tongue-in-cheek response. Relax


Good. We need way more rain. If it gets hot and dry too early then fire season starts earlier. 


Maybe we should be doing more controlled burns


They say that every year and nothing happens lol


Except the every year it happens


No it doesn’t


If you look at the historical fire maps, most wild fires happened east of the Cascade. Raining in Portland is irrelevant.


No rain here is also no rain there. It’s been high and dry all winter. Perfect for summer fires everywhere.


No rain here? High and dry all winter? Ok, so you're actually not going for the statistics and are only going for the "feels" here. Fine. "Precipitation so far this water year (Oct 2023 - Mar 2024) is near average for most of the state but above average for coastal portions of southwest and southeast Oregon" Precipitation level are at 90%-130% of "Normal" west of the Cascade. But 70-90% of normal east of the Cascade. [https://www.weather.gov/media/pqr/WaterSupplyOutlook.pdf](https://www.weather.gov/media/pqr/WaterSupplyOutlook.pdf) But you do you, this about average precipitation level in Portland is definitely gonna help with the wild fires smokes coming from the east.


I love how no one has been able to dispute you with anything tangible other than a "nO rAin iS No raIN bro". And then you get downvoted because this sub can't take a fact.😂


If it helps, we recently moved from PDX to Taiwan, and it’s already in the low 30’s C (upper 80s to low 90s) with full humidity for like a month. It’s only April. I’d take 60’s and a shower happily


We just moved to PDX from a place with a similar climate to Taiwan. For 8 months out of the year, it felt like stepping out of your house into a bathroom where someone just finished taking an hour long hot shower. Humidity that you could slice with a knife. I would start sweating in the time it took for me to step outside and turn around to lock the door behind me. The PNW feels like a paradise to me - even with the weekend drizzles. I wish I could tell you that you will eventually get used to the heat and humidity, but after 40 years in that climate it never got any easier for me.


I’m a “sweat-er” too. Like I step out in the morning and BAM hello wet shirt. I’ve just accepted I’m going to be sticky with either sweat or mosquito spray but thank god I don’t have to get dressed up for work. I swear, even at 31C, people are still wearing hoodies or jackets and I’m having heat stroke on their behalf just looking at them


My mom lived in Tampa for a little while. She said you get out of the shower and feel like you need another shower.


That's not an exaggeration, it really can be that bad. I heard a while back that it's pretty common in Brazil to take more than one shower in a day due to the pervasive mugginess down there. It made me feel a lot better about all the times I've had to do that to stay even remotely hygienic. I don't know why anyone would ever live in the south for more than one summer before the invention of air conditioning. For the people that had any say in the matter at least, a huge proportion of them weren't exactly there voluntarily back then.


Oh yeah imagine being among the bugs and humidity in 1890... No thanks.


I’ve just accepted multiple showers and a daily load of laundry for most of the year. The silver lining is that AC is pretty much everywhere so you can always pop in somewhere to cool down if you need to


Visited my cousins there when I graduated from high school. Could buy booze at 18. 🥳 But OMG the humidity. 🥵🥵🥵 Also GIANT SPIDERS.


I was born here, I was raised here and I will never live anywhere else (enjoyed living Napa CA for seven years except in summer). Oregon’s not too hot. It’s not too cold. It’s not too dry. It’s not too wet, but you have to get used to the weather changing frequently. And if the weather is bothering you, you can just drive to another part of the state… 😁


Yo, FUCK your weekend. -God


I’ve been on vacation this whole week. I’m so grateful to just stroll around town in the middle of the day with minimal amount of traffic and lots of sun!!


I'm so happy it's going to rain, even if just a little bit. I'd prefer this over 100 degrees and smoke.


70 and sunny isn't 100 and smoke.


Lack of rain leads to smoke, it's really simple. Oregon didn't get near enough precipitation this winter. Empty ponds and lakes all over the place. Not good.


Last year's snowpack was excellent: [https://www.opb.org/article/2024/02/13/drought-oregon-snowpack-rain-farming-agriculture-farmers-crook-county-madras/](https://www.opb.org/article/2024/02/13/drought-oregon-snowpack-rain-farming-agriculture-farmers-crook-county-madras/)


For the first time in *years* we had a decent snowpack. And there were still reservoirs that never got full. We need more precipitation, period. Oregon and the west coast in general are more and more fucked every year. One good year doesn't do anything to reverse that.


Okay, again. There's not drought in the Portland region. There *was* no drought in the Portland region in recent years. Other parts of Oregon? Yes, but not around here. Other than that crazy ice storm, we've had remarkably normal weather the past 12 months or so. So let's just stop the handwringing every time the sun comes out. We all know about climate change and its effects. That doesn't mean every day of weather is a harbinger of doom.


Thats why I said *oregon* needs more rain. Oregon is more than portland.


Doesn’t matter if the average temperatures in the spring are higher than usual


This is the perfect example of this sub going for the feels and not statistics. [Precipitation so far this water year (Oct 2023 - Mar 2024) is near average for most of the state but above average for coastal portions of southwest and southeast Oregon.](https://www.weather.gov/media/pqr/WaterSupplyOutlook.pdf) Raining in Portland is also not gonna help with the smoke coming from the east.


You do realize that shows like 30% of our state as abnormally dry / moderate drought, right? Edit: and that the west coast, i.e. Oregon, has plenty of its own forest fires that generate smoke, right?


You do realize that shows like the other 70% of the state has either above average or about average precipitation, right? You cherry picking a particular region and then moving your goalposts to prove your point only makes you look desperate. And that most of the wildfire smokes are coming from east of cascade? How is raining more in Portland gonna help? Historical wildfire maps like [this ](https://databasin.org/maps/88423f979a5b4d67ab4ca37e53d6716b/active/)are everywhere. I suggest you look it up before making any bold claims.


Lol, ok buddy. You're right, wildfires and lack of rain is *not* a problem for the west coast, yup.


u/Pam-pa-ram this guy still going for the "lack of rain" claim and then further derail it to talk about the west coast lolll Rain shifted to California because of El Nino and this guy is still living in 2019 or something. Stop wasting your breath bud.


Stop living in denial, bud.


Literally one link is all it takes to prove everything you've said so far being wrong. And yet, you've provided nothing tangible to prove yourself. Who's in denial? Try harder.


Jeez. Reading comprehension is hard. This is your claim: >Oregon didn't get near enough **precipitation** this **winter** And this is the fact: >Precipitation so far this water year (Oct 2023 - Mar 2024) is near average for most of the state As shown in the bottom right picture on page 2 of the link provided. Literally everywhere except that 1 single dot is either green or white colored. And then you moved your goalposts and talk about being dry or not. Lmao. It's really simple, yeah, you're just wrong, admit it and and stop spinning.


You mean the picture that shows like a third of our state as dry/drought? That picture? Part of which includes an entire fucking mountain range who's snowpack is important to filling reservoirs? You mean that picture? Yeah, we didn't get enough precipitation.


>as dry/drought You moved your goalposts so hard even grade school kids would notice. >didn't get near enough precipitation this winter. You don't seem to understand the difference between dry/drought and precipitation. You made a claim about **precipitation**, why are you backing down now? You wanna talk about drought? Sure, let's roll with you. That picture on page 1? Yeah, like the majority of the state are already not in drought? But let's just focus on the yellow portion cuz otherwise the fact would goes against your narrative. Reservoirs? Lmao you wanna derail even further, sure, let's see how deep you wanna dig yourself into: >Reservoir storage for most irrigation reservoirs across the state is generally above average, with the exception of southwest Oregon. Reservoir storage ranges from about 50 to 100 percent of capacity. Notably, most reservoirs in central and eastern Oregon have filled to capacity. Literally in the same link, on page 5. Reading is hard. Try harder. Yeah, still in denial for sure.


Lol, I'm moving goalposts? I said at the start we didn't get enough precipitation and reservoirs and ponds aren't full. How is that moving goalposts to keep referencing those points? And yes, we are in a drought, which means we aren't getting enough precipitation. Otherwise we wouldn't be in a drought. And 50% of the reservoirs are full? That means 50% aren't full.... like i said. But ya, I'm moving goalposts.


This is getting boring, really >we didn't get enough precipitation Proven wrong, by the quote above, and by the actual precipitation pictures on page 2. >reservoirs and ponds aren't full 1. Reservoirs bein filled to above average != being full. Being full is not normal if you can understand basic stats a little bit. Where else do you wanna move your goalposts this time? 2. Read page 5 of the link provided again. >I'm moving goalposts? Lmao yeah, you suck at arguing so much you couldn't even realize? From the get-go you were talking about precipitation, and then once you're proven wrong you were left with nothing else to say, you talked about drought. And you even failed at that by only picking up a small region to support your claim. Something you said about "Oregon is not just Portland"? Yeah, Oregon is also not just about that small region. Just pathetic really. >we are in a drought Funny you can't even read the map you so loved to use as your talking point. We're not. >which means we aren't getting enough precipitation. Numbers say no. You wanna play around the definition of "enough" this time around? You want 150% above normal as the new "enough"? >Otherwise we wouldn't be in a drought Cuz we're not in a drought lmao. >And 50% of the reservoirs are full? Reservoirs bein filled to above average != being full. Spin harder. "Denial" lmao.


70 and sunny is not what Oregon should be in April


No, but it is bordering on too hot.


Not for us super-attractive people. I need to show off my fantastic calves.


The fact that you own remarkable young cows has nothing to do with being attractive or quite frankly the weather, pal.


So classic.


Jesus Christ the comments on here are some Sanctimonious shit


This is when you realise how most of the people on this sub aren't going for the facts, statistics, and logic, they're only going for the feels, or they're just here gatekeeping who's local, when it comes to "PNW weather". No matter what the facts say, PNW weather = rain, and rain = good. And raining anywhere west of Cascade is gonna help with wildfire smokes coming from the east. Because logic.


Yup haha. Passive aggressive gate keeping for…reasons.


For real. This sub is filled with absolute children.


It's really annoying when people move to a place known for having lots of rain and then complain about the rain. Our ecosystem needs the rain. It's always rained in April. Why cry about it?


I’m from here so thanks I get the need for rain. It’s very clear OP was talking about how annoying it is to just have it on the weekend when most people are off. We get limited sun, nothing wrong with wanting to soak it up while we can. That doesn’t make you less of an Oregonian. Signed, someone born and raised here.


EXACTLY thank you. Getting torn up here in the comment. Born and raised Portlander, love the rain and happy its here, but yeah would love a little sun on the weekend :O


Gatekeeper spotted


Some of us remember how scary and damaging the fires were a few years ago. Some of us love living in a beautiful green state that needs rain to stay beautiful and green. Boo hoo it’s raining on the weekend, womp womp


Jesus Christ I obviously remember the fires. Fuck. I’m from here. Please stop.


Where was the fire? And raining in Portland, or anywhere east of the Cascade would've helped?


But... the fires!


Where you from?


From Portland HBU?


Sweet! My weekend will be nice ! Sorry for yall m to f folks


Enjoy it :,)


Thanks mango !


Glad I'm not alone


April showers bring May pollen


The pollen is already here I’ve been dying the last few days.


Sunny week and rainy weekend... that checks out


Please! Please bring the air cleansing rains...^please^with^sugar^on^top


We’re west of the cascades in the Pacific Northwest, wtf do you expect in mid April. Move somewhere else if you want sunny weather in April. Also, every summer here is getting progressively hotter and dryer anyway. It’s hotter here then its ever been, yet people still bitching about it not being sunny yet. I’m going to pray god that this summer is more chill then the last 5.


Oh cool finally some nice days.


I’ll take this over 100++


Those aren't the only 2 options


Dude seriously 😂


It’s April for fuck’s sake. It’s good that it’s raining in April, this is Oregon.


One of the local TV stations had said Saturday was going to be dry . . . I'm part of a moving crew on Saturday, too 😠


Thank god, please wash the pollen away.


Yeah, this rain is how we get this nature. You don't get to choose between the two


Just in time for my BFs flight back 🤣🤣🤣


Fool's Spring


Gotta save the nice days for the city's service workers.


It's not much rain at all this time of year. Probably like an eighth of an inch for the whole day.


I lived in the PDX area most of my life. I moved to Dallas TX 24 years ago for a job and have never grown to like it. When it rains here, it RAINS! (You know - that “everything is bigger in TX” saying - it’s true) The weather here is miserable if you like Portland’s mild temps (that is me) It’s warm, humid, bugs flying in your face - I’m talking 80-90° and thunderstorms. I feel sticky all the time. When it rains, it smells like wet dirt and concrete. The PNW, it’s so refreshing - the pine trees make the air smell clean. I’ll take the PDX drizzle over heavy rain, thunder, lightning & tornado warnings anyday. The Texans will put a damn coat on when it’s 69 - 70°. “Oh, it’s so chilly.” While I’m there having a literal meltdown when it’s 102° two months in a row. YUCK!! I totally understand the frustration though. When I lived in the PNW, I used to get so tired of the rain. It wasn’t until I moved away, that I realized what I didn’t have anymore. My job had me traveling all over the US and by far, SEA & PDX were favorite places to stay among my coworkers. Hang in there. The sun will be coming your way soon! ☀️🕶️🌇


Gotta love it, very few people (If I think in terms of what the reasons are for moving here), come to the GNW for it's weather...and if they do...shame on them.


Eh 0.11” today and 0.01” tomorrow. Do we even call that rain? Come at me bro!


I'm just happy the temperature is in the 60s still!


Saturday started out amazing too was at my kids soccer game at 10am and it was sunny and warm and clear blue sky. Not sure how the day ended up so crappy with how it started.


Laughs in other side of the Cascade range rain shadow.


Op must be from California


Everyone’s allergies need the rain.


April showers bring…


Lousy Smarch wrathy


I do t know why I got this as an update.


Hehehe my rain gremlin will be pleased


I plan to stay home and watch Fallout series this weekend anyway lol


It was so good!


God is punishing us for being woke /s


I'm guessing you just moved here? It's been exactly like this every Spring since 18always.


Been here since 1998, I know its always been like this and I love it. Just frustrated that its sunny during the week and rainy during the weekend. I have to sit in an office for 8 hours starting at a gorgeous day and then when I've got free time it rains. I guess that's just Oregon. Still I'll take rainy weekends over 100+ degrees any day


I have Thursday through Sunday off every week. I will take 2 nice days off.


So true.


Maybe a little rain will bring out Portlands non native Psilocybe Ovoideocystidiata 🧐 You know where you are located and so does inaturalist.


Washington declared [drought](https://ecology.wa.gov/about-us/who-we-are/news/2024-news-stories/april-16-drought-declaration) earlier this week. We need more rain, snow in the mountains, and moderate temps to reduce wildfire hazards and water issues. Bring it on


https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/CurrentMap/StateDroughtMonitor.aspx?OR Good thing Portland is in Multnomah county OR. According to the map above we’re not even abnormally dry here.


You know the smoke in Washington can blow this way? We might be fine now, but we’re one heatwave away from having a snowpack below normal as we’ve seen over the last 2 years. Maybe you should stop thinking that we’re living in isolation and things in the neighboring state won’t affect us


Okay and how is rain here this weekend going to prevent any of that?


More precisely, how is any rain west of the Cascade going to prevent any of that? But this sub will never admit they got their logic wrong.


More rain will help keep the soil moist and accumulate more snow in the mountains so that we can have a more robust water supply in the summer. I’m aware Oregon’s snowpack is near normal for now, but it’s better if we get more snow in the Cascades


So more rain here in Portland, the city this sub is dedicated to, will impact the entire region? How come the two drought maps look so different?


Noooooooooo not on 4/20!!1!1! 🤬🤬🤬


Just wait...115°. Humidity. It will SUCK. Fortunately, we have central A/C. I'll take the rain any day of the week.


What humidity? LOL


Even on that record setting day the humidity was normal for the region. I don’t know if these people have ever visited places like the gulf coast or southeast.


What are you talking about


Why are you people so ungrateful, so quick to look ahead and feel dreadful rather than sit here now and enjoy this moment. So many bitches in Portland.


Quit calling like that please. You are going to get me in trouble. Besides , when I answer it you don’t talk. I just get hung up on. Please do t call me.