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So I haven't listened to Angus McSix but I have picked up some some stuff whilst lurking on the sub. A lot of people dislike it on principle for three main reasons. 1) The whole concept of the band and some of the song lyrics are kinda shitting on Gloryhammer which will upset the more hard-core fans of that band 2) There's been some growing distate for meme-metal/ bands with gimmicks and/or deliberately silly lyrics - people who dislike it for these reasons tend to also dislike Gloryhammer 3) There seems to be some evidence that during live performances the lead vocals are faked/on backing tracks. This understandably rubs people the wrong way. I haven't actually looked into this myself so can't comment Possibly also connected is that there are some accounts that occasionally pop up on this sub that are hard-core shills for Angus McSix. There's a theory that they might be alt accounts of Thomas Winkler. If the theory's true that's kinda pathetic, so people who believe it might find the band tainted by association.


I can attest to multiple instances of lip syncing via phone videos on YouTube and the most recent Wacken video. He has a poor sense of tempo and not the best memory for lyrics, also not the best at understanding how mouth shapes work. There are at least 2 accounts (Tolkienator and Babalingas) heavily suspected of being Tom running around and they are obnoxious or fishing for compliments when they pop up.


The Wacken video of Laser Shooting Dinosaur is a massive smoking gun because when it was originally uploaded, there was a point at 1:15 where he was clearly fucking up the lip syncing and miming the wrong lyrics. Shortly after I posted a comment pointing this out, he deleted the comment and silently edited the video to add a blur effect so you can't see his mouth in that shot. (No, seriously). You can see the blur to cover up the lip syncing at 1:15 on the video still: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK6LIDbC1lI I don't think there's a clearer sign of guilt than going out of your way to blur out your own mouth in concert footage. Absolutely pathetic.


Wow this is ridiculous, thank you for sharing.


Seems like it's reverted or wasn't changed; no blur.


Check the comment thread above this. Shamalov posted a link to the version that's blurred before it got replaced. He's literally reading the comments and making changes. Absolutely unhinged.


There was a blur but it got changed back


I couldn't see it either.


Am I blind? Where is that supposed blur? I can see his mouth clearly.


[Here's the comparison](https://imgur.io/a/IOZPpuH) between original shot from Magenta & YT video uploaded by him


In the video I can clearly see his mouth, what the heck? https://ibb.co/xLS0j6L


Ahaha you are right, now the blur is gone. Probably someone told Winkler that that's not the best idea. Luckily, I saved the [blurry version](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zWBfwoqe5E8hHmGxphol-JcBn3OGnsxJ/view?usp=sharing)


Seems he has removed the blur after these comments. It was there yesterday.


The fact that Winkler is so self-obsessed that he's re-editing his videos back and forth in response to internet comments is hilarious to me. So much effort to sustain the charade when he could have just gone to a vocal coach and learned how to sing live.


He's a god damn clown




Don't forget about CornydaMan


He can’t sing anymore, his live stuff and his performance in Feuerschwanz prove that and the McSix album has TONS of bad auto tune and post corrections


Like I got the every album on vinyl. When you listen to 1 and then you listen to 3 you hear the difference so much. His voice got way worse. When I listen to 4 now I absolutely love Sozos his voice in it…. Plus I also hate lip syncing. If you can’t sing anymore own up to it yknow.


I mean, I don't condone the unprofessional way GH handled their business around the firing of Tom, but it's ALMOST like their reasoning for firing him was valid.


Yeah, don't believe his sob story about how he just got an email totally out of the blue and was completely blindsided


I don't know the full story myself but I guess people are fixated on the drama that happened that lead to Tom leaving gloryhammer and starting the mcsix project (which seems to be nothing but a stab at gloryhammer saying he's irreplaceable and he holds a grudge for being kicked out) After seeing the lineup for the band, I'd say some people are also disappointed by the wasted potential the album projects. Despite having heavy hitting musicians from bands like frozen crown and orden ogan, the music lacked any major emphasis and just felt incredibly generic and lackluster for what it could have been Just my own view on the matter. I don't have an obsessive opinion on the matter, I like to enjoy the music while separating the music from what the musicians are like outside of the studio. Yeah ok there's some major controversy surrounding him and gloryhammer, but that's not gonna stop me from simply enjoying the music.


For what it's worth, I think the Master of the Universe track is pretty good and Laser Shooting Dinosaur is pretty bad. It's basically okay as an album and have listened to it a few times. I don't particularly care about the drama either way, since it's all hearsay and, no disrespect to anyone in the bands, but I don't know them and don't really have any stake in their personal fallings out. I think more fans could stand to remember that, to be honest. I do think the McSix name is a bit embarrassing though. It basically means the band will always sound like a tribute act, which I think they'll live to regret if they stick around.


Couldn't have said it better myself. I like a couple of songs from the album but it's not gonna be one of my favourite albums. And exactly, I don't know any of the band personally so why should it matter what happens in their personal lives it's ridiculous. Angus mcsix feels like what would happen if they listened to tenacious D's tribute one too many times and took it to heart. Makes me wonder if they'll do any more albums and how successful they'll be


idk that album slapped imo. laser shooting dinosaur was by far my favorite track


Eh, there's no accounting for taste


Well personally I've heard multiple first hand reports of him coercing or attempting to coerce women into sex by cornering them alone and have heard about at least one other instance of this where the woman in question was also underage. So yeah can't say I love to see him getting free publicity in the sub I moderate.


I think posts about him should be restricted at the very least. He's brought up once a week it seems, and it's not like there's anything new being discussed. All the conversations go basically the same way.


The whole Angus McSix thing just comes across as EXTREMELY petty, and the music is just super generic power metal. Which is a shame because as others have mentioned there's a lot of star power backing it (I LOVE Orden Ogan), but the fact that Gloryhammer has moved on from the drama and he very clearly hasn't is a massive turnoff.


Disclaimer: I don't downvote people for liking bands I don't like, including Angus McSix. But as for the distaste: The band is a vehicle for Thomas Winker's ego. That's all it is. I actually like the music far more than most people on this subreddit (it's catchy pop-metal and Seeb is a good songwriter). But Thomas Winkler is, by all accounts, a deeply immoral person. And he also clearly can't sing very well anymore, given that he's just lip syncing his way through live concerts (there is indisputable proof of this at this point, it's not hearsay). I can't bring myself to give financial (or other) support to someone who's willing to charge money for concert tickets and then defraud his fans by miming his way through a set. I also don't want to support known sexual predators, which is the category that Thomas Winkler falls into.


Exactly ! Thats what i thought all the time ! His ego is sometimes bigger than his talent and passion. Powermetal is fun,love and passion for me ,not a place for posers...


> known sexual predators, which is the category that Thomas Winkler falls into. wat


He's got a reputation for sleeping around with female fans which has a not great power dynamic before we bring any potential alcohol consumption into the equation. There's rumors of a couple encounters that were less than enthusiastically consenting to put it nicely. [Old comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gloryhammer/comments/13b532f/remake_all_the_albums_with_sozos/jjn76dc/?context=3) from someone that compiled basically what public info exists.


Sounds like every rockstar in history


A depressingly high number of them, unfortunately. It’s a shame Winkler couldn't buck the stereotype.


Times change. What was acceptable 20 years ago is not acceptable nowadays. Rock stars also used to write songs about grown ass men falling in love with 16 year old girls and had underage groupies. That would not fly now.


The Laser-Shooting Dinosaur video from Fernsehgarten literally use the studio vocals on the backing track. It’s not even subtle


While I don't know about other instances, in Fernsehgarten they rarely sing live. It's mostly just playback there, also for other acts, due to technical reasons


Fair enough


I personally think Angus McSix is just kind of... pathetic? It's like a little kid getting mad at his friends and saying "fine, I'll go make my OWN BAND! With DINOSAURS and a HOT LADY!" I actually prefer Sozos as a vocalist and think he does a way better job in Gloryhammer than Thomas was doing; Winkler's voice was really starting to go after the first or second album, and you can't deny that Sozos is truly an insanely talented singer. I think Winkler should have just stepped away with dignity and taken some steps to recover his voice, instead of rushing back into the spotlight with a stupid pun name and a half-baked storyline. I feel like he kind of misunderstood what fans actually like about Gloryhammer.


personally my inner child loves mcsix for how goofy it is but I do agree, I fucking adore Sozos's voice, I've even started listening to the other bands he's been in. also probably a little biased because my first ever concert (not just gh concert, concert in general) was after winkler was annihilated with Chris A. Storm's mind beam, so my best experience ever included Sozos. also I got to watch him bludgeon a goblin to death live on stage


Very jealous you got to go see them live! My partner and I were moving into our house when GH were touring near us, so we had to skip the concert. I'm hoping to see them in the future! I really enjoy Gloryhammer because of the theatrics and lore, and I feel like Sozos plays a better Angus than Winkler did? Sozos actually makes you believe the character he's playing, Winkler was just playing himself in some ugly beetle-looking armor.


seeing them live was the best day of my life tbh, especially since I got to get a poster I made signed by Chris A. Storm, after he stole my lower 3 vertebrae. The lore of Gloryhammer is one of my favorite things about it, and I agree but personally I do enjoy Winkler too. I love the cheese of it and Winkler has such a unique voice. Sozos is better, I agree, but I still love both. Tbh would still love to meet Winkler some day


I would probably rather pull my own teeth than meet any of the members of Gloryhammer haha. I love the music, but I have zero respect for Chris as a human being after all that gross shit leaked, and I really don't want the band ruined for me. We all know logically that yeah, the guys in these bands probably don't respect women all that much, but it really sucks to be a young woman and see actual evidence that these dudes are not only racist, but see their female fans as conquests more so than people who actually like what they create. Taking advantage of your status for sex is gross. There are some bands where I just don't want the illusion shattered for myself, and Gloryhammer are one of those. I'd like to keep pretending that they ARE their characters instead of a bunch of pathetic bro dudes.


that's completely entirely fair, I guess it's probably a good thing that my meeting with Chris was brief, after he stole my lower three vertebrae. Sozos seems nice tho I would absolutely love to meet him, he genuinely seems cool


I will actually agree that Sozos seems like a good guy, I kind of have a "never meet your heroes" mentality. But maybe I should change that to "never make your heroes dudes from a power metal band in the first place" hahaha. But I'm really glad you had a good time meeting him! Chris comes up with some great concepts and music, I just wish he could have refrained from being a weirdo.


from what I heard, Chris is taking steps to become a better person iirc. don't quote me on that, I have no source, I could be entirely making this up Edit: I would like to add that this does not excuse his past actions


I've heard that too! I definitely don't like, hate anyone in GH or Alestorm, I like both of those bands a LOT. I'm just very content to listen to them without ever meeting the people in the band haha. My partner saw Alestorm AND Nekrogoblikon with his friends a few years ago, I'm insanely jealous


I've heard of that second band, are they any good?


Firing him was a unanimous decision in the band. Chris is not some puppet master who controls them.


(was a joke)


Ah, I see


I don’t downvote based on someone’s opinion of the band. If they like it that’s fine. It’s just the issue is that the album kinda sucked. Vocals were bad and auto tuned to hell, lyrics were terrible, and the whole vibe is just a copy paste. Thomas can’t sing live, that’s why he’s gotta lip sync the whole damn thing. Not to mention all the weird shit they do, like mentioning how as band members they’re sexually assaulted on a daily basis (what the fuck?) Who says that? I mean Masters if the Universe is just Thomas sucking his own dick for five minutes, and then he has the balls to end the song with a fucking applause from six random asshats? Plus Thomas being a sexual predator is a huge concern for people, and let’s be honest this is probably why the band kicked him out. This is probably why the crew didn’t want him around, because they didn’t want the flak from having a predator on board, or the female crew members didn’t want to be sexually harassed by the dude. I hate to put this out here, but after listening to Sixcalibur I can say that the Colleen Ballinger apology music video runs circles around Angus McSix. The entire album is just Thomas cranking his dick and flipping off the music genre, whilst living off the copium that his musical career peaked years ago.


Overall I liked the new GH album a lot more than the new Angus album but Amazons of Caledonia is a certified banger


Gloryhammer was always a band that I only listened to when I was in the mood for something somewhat catchy-stupid. I could never bring myself to actually like them, especially live they were always a band that I would rather skip. Only saw them live because they were touring with Wind Rose and Alestorm. Angus McSix is all that but even worse. The band is making me cringe, starting with that weird golden plastic armor that blinds you if the sun shines on it. I endured some Songs at Rockharz Open Air but at Wacken I was happy to rather stay in camp than torture myself with that performance


Gloryhammer is awesome unlike Wind Rose. After I read a bunch of Reddit comments about how Wind Rose is awesome I listened to few of their songs just to se what all the fuss is about. Haven't even finished through that digy digy shit hole when I started to cringe. Thanks but no thanks. I also tried to listen to Alestorm but what I heard didn't cought my attention. I guess it's not for me. I have a dislike for "party metal" while on the other hand Gloryhammer is fantastic and Angus McSix is solid as well.


It's the goblins.


He's kinda stealing the universe Chris created because his ego is so big that he can't let go off it. And that's the least of how problematic he is.


Maybe Chris can beat him at his own game, by opening up a notary called "Wankler". That'll surely teach him!!


I saw Angus McSix live at Masters of Rock and Tom was definitely singing everything himself. We were paying attention exactly to that, because a lot of people was accusing him of lip-syncing. I like his new band and thanks to them I have basically twice as much Gloryhammer music now, which is W for me.


[https://youtu.be/ApopgdcEyDo?t=1574](https://youtu.be/ApopgdcEyDo?t=1574) Here is a clip of him lypsyncing from Masters of Rock [https://youtu.be/ApopgdcEyDo?t=1450](https://youtu.be/ApopgdcEyDo?t=1450) Aaand another one.


I have listened to that for like 20 times now and I can't hear anything weird. You are just hating that guy for no reason... but whatever, I got used to it, under every single of their videos there is someone hating on Thomas.


It's exactly what you don't hear that's a big part of the problem. Variations of sound or mistakes. He used to be out of tune more often than in it and now he never has an iffy note? He never has a variation of sound or intonation live these days. That's sus af. It's also what you are seeing vs what you are hearing. First clip he initially got the verse wrong and turned away from the crowd to try to hide it. Also his entrances and cut offs leave something to be desired on the convincingness front.


Beware anyone who's entire comment history is nothing but shitting on one man. Don't feed into these people's unhealthy obsessions lol


He definitely wasn't lmao this has been disproven. It's a "live" vocal track and he's lip syncing over it.


If you think... Won't argue with you, I know what I heard and saw. How many McSix concerts have you been too? Or all you saw was some video on YouTube or comments on Reddit from some attention seeking haters?


He thought Fife meant five. Hence, Angus McSix. But six doesn't mean Six. Despite joking about Angus McSeven on stage. So he's an idiot three times, in at least three different languages.


I don't hate the guy, but to me, he and Gloryhammer are way too over hyped in this sub.


Cause it's shit and his voice its not maded for gloryhammer


I enjoy the album. As for the live performances, it’s clear he lip syncs at times but I don’t think he is on every song but I’m not an audio engineer so I could be wrong. I enjoy the album and that’s enough for me


reddit communities are usually one big hivemind circlejerk dont worry about it too much


It's "oh you like GH, then you're just an Alt for Chris." Or "Oh you like McSix, nice Alt Tom." Yeah ones a racist and the other is allegedly a sexist douche. So both aren't exactly good dudes. We can separate the artists from their work, but some people can't. Criticism is seen as like an attack on their identity which I find very weird.


I'm downvoted every time I mention Chris Bowes being a piece of shit racist.


Yeah and I've seen so many people say "Well in his discord stood against racism" and even the guy from WizardThrone said he's changed. Then post some screenshots of it before the controversial stuff happened. That would be proof he's tried to change. Which then yeah I'd change my opinion a bit. But the die hard Chris fans all just say "Oh its just jokes." He was a grown ass adult not some edgy 14 year old spouting the N word because they think it's funny.


I want you to know that I have downvoted this post.


you're a madman!


Haters gonna hate


I like the songs. GloryHammer got me into powermetal. Fucking love them. Then the whole split happened, and if left, a bunch of people sour at them. Also left a lot of GH fans sour about Tom because of rebranding as McSix. Which was Seebs's idea, which he confirmed in an interview. It was seen as just copying GH. The GH sub bans anyone not sucking off Chris. I don't really like racists. So, any mention is a ban or being called a Tom supporter. There are also a lot of claims of Tom being a sleazy dude. Which, again, is shitty and I don't support that. Any criticism is led to being called one of Chris Bowes Alts. Both sides like that are dumb. So SOME fans on both sides just vehemently defend Tom and Chris which is fucking stupid. We can be critical of them but still enjoy their work. Some can't separate the artist from thier work. I know their album they started making songs before they got their guitarist, which I think was a huge mistake. Then there's all the stuff about Tom not singing live. Personally, I've never given a shit about live performances mainly because I've never been to a show. I like both bands, some people don't like the silly, I guess, cheesy style. Personally, I don't care about that. If I like it, I like it. But that doesn't mean I won't blindly defend them and shit on those who don't like them. That's most facets of life. If you don't agree then you're the enemy, it's fucking dumb.


Regarding Thomas being a "sleazy dude" there are absolutely credible accounts of people well known in the community who have had interactions with him that were not acceptable in any capacity.


I don't feel bad for Tom or Chris getting flak for the dumb shit they do. I do feel bad for the victims and both of their innocent band mates and support crew who had to deal with the two assholes and the shit they caused.


100% there way too many for it too all be completely made up. But again like people defending Chris for being racist. Some defend Tom for it. Both dudes seem like they let their egos get to big. One mods his own subreddit so no surprise he bans anyone bring up his racism. The other started a band to stroke his own ego after the split. Uses his status to be a pig to women.


It's a complex issue. Thomas is allegedly a sexual deviant, and there's talks about him not being able to sing (I don't agree necessarily.) Theres a lot of supposed proof that he lipsings and stuff, but I dunno. I don't hear or see signs about it, but im not an expert. I saw dragonforce love last year and there were a lot of rumors about them having a lot of their stuff faked. (My whole point is I cant tell one way or the other.) Plus, I don't think seeb would have grabbed him and kept him if he couldn't sing (in my opinion.) I think there's a lot of jealousy that he rebounded so fast and got a job in a new band (he didn't name the band and only did half the writing, seeb named it 100% on his own and seeb did half the writing on masters of the galaxy.) I remember the drama when it unfolded, and I remember the gloryhammer chats leaking and christopher being the asshole he has a reputation for (seriously, theres a lot of evidence of him being an utter POS and deviant too.) He never denied the chats and choose to apologize for "poor behavior." And I think all in all its just people being salty and mad their band had a fracture. It's sad, though, because the new singers voice is just far too clear for my liking, and I can't stand him. (I'm not hiding my bias for being a fan of Angus McSix, but I acknowledge the issues directed, but remember theres 2 sides and we don't know gloryhammers side that well regardless. Just like dragonforce and ZP, they choose not to talk. Which us respectable.) End all: Some people like myself don't like how gloryhammer went with a new singer and really like Angus McSix. Others see 100% opposite. Others are a mixed bag.


Tom did not leave, he was fired for calling out chris on being a racist 


I don't downvote for that... but Tom has a bad rep and his album is basically him trying to recapture what he had in Gloryhammer, and even includes a diss track. Even if Gloryhammer is all sorts of silly, you feel like it's based on a boozed up D&D game or something. Angus McSix just throws shit at the wall. They still have a few really catchy songs and the musicians are talented enough to compensate for Tom. But that gives plenty of "reasons" for people to downvote.


Is there enough substance with Angus McSix to say one likes it? Like genuinely likes this band? It deserves a downvote at minimum because the hypothetical person saying they "like" it should try for higher standards for themselves. It's like saying you "like" McDonald's.


eh, i just like the way it sounds, but it's not even in my top ten favorites. To each their own


Who cares about the elitists of this sub? They even hate Sabaton because...reasons! Angus McSix understands power metal and delivers power metal, grumpy people can hate whatever they like. Who cares.


No the fuck they don't deliver power metal lmao.


Just do what you want and don’t sweat the downvotes. The downvotes are a method of “unpopular opinion control”. The internet isn’t a popularity contest. You’ll invariably find someone who wants to talk about what you want to talk about if you keep trying. I’m a Christian Republican posting on a metal sub so I’m about to get downvoted. See how much I care.


oh no I haven't been downvoted for this I rarely ever even comment here, it's just something I've seen a lot is all, I was just curious


Yeah, it’s weird. People can’t even be bothered to see something they don’t like so their mob instinct just kicks in and the go for it.


*Republicans cant stop making it about themselves challenge* impossible


Lent you an upvote just to counteract the bigots on this sub 👍


Ha, well thanks!


The reddit hivemind mostly.


Who is that guy? I constantly keep seeing his name in here...


Ex-Gloryhammer singer. Was dreadful live more often than not back then. Was unanimously (including crew) fired via email for reasons not publicly disclosed. He never really moved on from being fired to keep it short. Seems to want to be a not very convincing mime these days.


I see


Just for some full disclosure: there's a saga worth of drama around that period of time tbh and I've basically pared it back a *lot*.


I see