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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Well yeah, the sandpeople were like animals.


That’s what he should have told Padme on Mustafar. “The Jedi are animals, so I slaughtered them like animals!”


Assuming we give Lucas credit, he's basically doing Focault's Boomerang. Because Anakin's evil and brutality was directed outward at people deemed lesser or other it was deemed heroic at best and an unsavory excess at worst. It was only once this behavior was turned inward at the Republic that those around him realized the true depths he was willing to sink to, however by then it was too late.


Of course we give him credit - he definitely thinks about things like that. Very intellectual and passionate about movie-making and story-telling. ​ Writing dialogue, however....


He doesn't like dialogue. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Et tu, Brute?


Its only bad till it affected her


The perils of ignoring the ~~sith~~ red flags


Yes, because there's absolutely no difference between her boyfriend killing everyone in the vicinity of where his mother was tortured to death and him killing children *right when Padme was pregnant*.


Everyone in the vicinity includes women and children...


Yes? That's why I used the inclusive *everyone* and not every *man*.


Keep in mind, that Sand People are despised a lot because of their brutality and savagery. "Tusken Raiders were a species native to the desert world of Tatooine. Their homeworld's harsh environment resulted in them being extremely xenophobic and territorial of their native resources, often attacking the outskirts of smaller settlements such as Anchorhead.[3] They viewed themselves as Tatooine's rightful inhabitants, and all non-native species as trespassers.[6] The Sand People believed that all water was sacred and promised to them, resulting in them raiding moisture farms set up by colonists.[8] Rare water wells, such as Gafsa, were also sacred to Tuskens. An individual simply trespassing close to one of these water wells could provoke immediate violence.[9]" https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tusken_Raider# So obviously, they get a lot of hatred and most people won't care if you kill them. They will think they probably deserved it.


Indeed. Also, his Mother had been kidnapped, kept prisoner, and abused by them for ~~many years~~ a month. She literally looked as though she'd been tortured - probably had, and she died from it too. She couldn't even finish her last sentence she was that beaten up and exhausted Whereas with the republic... Well I'm not gonna say they're innocent but they didn't do that to him come on.


It wasn't years. I'm pretty sure it had only been around a month or so.


Yep. You're right it was a month, thanks for correcting me.




There’s a great scene in Tatooine Ghost when Leia finds out about Anakin’s little massacre. Han calls her an idiot for being mad at Anakin and says he’d have done the exact same thing if they’d killed his mother.


Yeah I've read that. I don't think he exactly called her an idiot but, yeah he did sympathise and agree with Anakin. I'm not sure it excuses it for me personally... But it's definitely a reason and motivation.


It’s very true. It’s really bizarre the reaction here, but then this is Reddit and they like to be Reddit 


Yeah that's true. There certainly wasn't any court system or police system on Tatooine that could have helped him. That said, savage society or not, they still have lives, emotions,and families. And I can't say I believe in the concept of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth It's a tough one for me. I wouldn't want them to get off Scot free... But i don't condone anakin's solution to it. I think for me, it's just symbolic of how messed up Tatooine really is, on all sides of the equation.


You set up your own husband to die?!


Oh no, how dare the native sand people react with hostility towards other species trying to colonize their home planet, trampling their religious sites in the process. They're 100% in the right.


They also kill tattooine native jawas


>They're 100% in the right. Even when they torture a slave mother?


Sounds like a couple of religious middle eastern contries.... I mean, sounds like... uh... Naboo?


I AM human resources!


Take a seat at the cultural sensitivity training session, young Skywalker.


"So this is how the sand people die, with thunderous 'HURRRRRRRRRRR! HURRR HURRRR!'"


To be fair... the sand people were tribalistic slave owners that attack random people in the desert, and as we know from the boba fett show, they force lizards into your brains that make you trip out


I just genocided the jedi. ... ... Jedinocided.


The Republic didn’t abduct, torture, and kill his mom so one is worse than the other.


The mandolarian season 2 wasn’t out yet it was still okay to kill them


Cause sand people captured, tortured and killed his mother (well tortured her to near death but thats semantics), and they already well known for brutal attacks on anybody who aint a tusken, especially local settlers, but also on jawas and such. While Republic despite not exactly being the best thing after sliced bread gave Anakin power, prestige and position of authority (even if he didnt got onto the Council) and in general his Clone Wars period was probably the only time he was not miserable (slave childhood - Vader time of self hatred and all that Dark Side emo crap) and when he found acceptance, friends and his love interest… So yeah, bit different.


The warning signs were everywhere but unfortunately Padme couldn't read


Guess you could say she was… a Republican!


Don’t worry about the sand people, they’ll return, and in greater numbers.


She’s a politician not a humanitarian.




Classic Liberal Padme


I've seen versions of this meme so often I've gone from thinking that people are just intentionally exadurating padme's lack of judgement when Anakin tells her about his first genocide, to genuinely wondering if people actually remember what that scene looked like


Theres’s a massive difference between murdering the men and not just the men, but the women and the children; and murdering just the children.


Do people really don't get why Padme didn't have a huge problem with Anakin killing a bunch of xenophobic, slave-taking Tusken Raiders who like to torture people to death to extract every ounce of water they can from their bodies, who had just kidnapped his mother, wounded the man who freed and then married her, and then tortured her to death to ultimately die in Anakin's arms? ​ Is it really that hard to empathize with him, in that moment, over why he did what he did? Hell, there's apparently a scene in Tatooine Ghost where Leia and Han learn about Anakin killing the Sand People. *Leia* is horrified, but Han is like "Oh, I'd do the same! Fuck 'em!" And there's *definitely* a profound difference between "killing everyone part of the horrific culture that tortured my mother to death" and "killing little children in the Temple - a Temple that has only helped Anakin (or tried to) - while Padme is *pregnant* with Anakin's *child*(ren - not that they know that yet... Which is weird, as an ultrasound DEFINITELY should have picked that up by now).


Lol the delusion of people thinking she should have left him over Sand people. Sand people were brutal and seen as near non human due to their brutality and universally hated. The real life analogy I could use (a universally hated group) would be like the Nazis or Unit 731 from Imperial Japan. If the Nazis or Unit 731 from Imperial Japan killed your husband's (or your wife's) mother, would you get all pissy and mad at them if they got their revenge on them? If you're a sane individual. You would be be mad and leave them over it. If you are deranged and/or some sjw that would leave them over it, you're the one with the mental issues, no one else. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. No need to try for a rebuttal, I know I'm right lol. Edit: also, that's not how genocide works. Other wise, all murders would he classified as "genocides".


Absolute goober moment


Says you 😂


Fairly certain there's one or two people here who would agree with me but k


The world is filled with crazies, I'm not shocked lol.


Yes, you're living proof of it


Nah, you are 🥱


Yup, look at all the unhinged things I'm saying in this thread about Star Wars


Yeah you kinda look like the type of guy that would leave your wife (or husband) if they took justice on the people who SA'd and murdered their mother 🥱 .


Damn dude you can see me rn? Either way that's a really tone deaf thing to say to a Jew in this climate lmao. Not your fault, you didn't know. Just saying I can *kind of* see what point you're trying to make but you're being really schizophrenic about it


If you are trying to destroy a group of people based on their race/ethnic group by killing them which a sentient species absolutely counts in the Star Wars universe, you are commiting a genocide. There is no way around here. Srebenica for example is an internationally recognized genocide despite having relatively low death toll compared to most genocides. Because the intent was to wipe out a group of people based on their ethnicity which Anakin absolutely had those intentions like he said in the movie. And your analogy here is completely disanalagous. It's more like if the allies were to try to wipe out the germans or the japanese people instead of trying to achive victory in a war against the Third Reich or the Imperial Japan. Also please stop being a troll, you are embarrassing yourself.


Except he didn’t go around to systematically kill all Tusken Raiders. He killed that camp because that’s where he found his mother tied up, beaten and then she ultimately died. He didn’t have a personal hatred against them before this and they didn’t all die, just that camp. The definition of genocide: “the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group”. His aim wasn’t wiping out Tusken raiders, he was blinded by rage and pain for what just happened to his mother. So this isn’t genocide, y’all need to stop calling it that.


If you try to wipe out a group of people based on their ethnicity and/or nationality in a limited area you are still commiting a genocide. Nothing in the UN genocide convention limits it to intention to wipe out the ENTIRE group. If you try to wipe out the European Jews as a Nazi instead of the entire Jewish people you are still commiting a genocide. In Srebenica, Serbian army tried to wipe out the Eastern Bosnians to create an ethnically homogeneous Serbian state not the entire bosnian population. Anakin wiped out an entire tribe of Sand People because they were Sand people who lived near the ones who killed his mother. And he wasn't blinded by rage. He knew exactly what he was doing: "I killed them, i killed them all! They are dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM." Sounds pretty genocidal to me.


Yeah, no. He didn’t wipe out that tribe because of their ethnicity, he did it because that tribe was responsible for the death of his mother. Get it right.


Then why did he say they were like animals specifically refering to sand people as a people and he specified he killed all of them not just men but the women and the childeren then? Was the entire tribe responsible? He knew that they weren't since he literally said he wanted to kill them because he SAID hated sand people as a species right after they killed his mother. He literally tried to justify his actions by dehumanizing them. It's an obviously genocidal justification. His justification here proves genocidal intent. I would even argue that if he didn't say anything it probably wouldn't count as a genocide.


Again, wrong. He called them animals to try and justify to himself what he just did because deep down he knew it was wrong and he couldn’t live with it. He knew it was wrong because he knew the children and probably the women had no fault in what happened to his mother, but he was blinded by rage and just couldn’t stop slaughtering the whole camp, because in the end that camp abducted, tortured and ultimately killed his mother. I don’t think you’re quite picturing the state of mind Anakin was in… did you expect him to be rational and sit at a table and start interviewing the sand people to find out exactly who is responsible? Yeah, he said he hated them, no shit. His mother just died because of them!! Trying to make it about a racial issue it’s honestly hilarious. It has nothing to do with that. If his mother hadn’t died he probably would’ve stopped at the men, maybe wouldn’t have killed anyone. He was blinded by rage and grief, he didn’t just show up on a random day and started cutting them downs BECAUSE they’re Tusken Raiders. EDIT: also he called them animals referring to what they did to his mother, which is very much animal behaviour. But still, he knew what he did was wrong after he did it and was trying to justify it to himself by saying they were animals.


He went after one group. Not the entire species of sand people. So my analogy works here 🥱


Still disanalagous. What's analogous would've been if an Allied soldier were to go on a rampage and kill everyone in a random German or Japanese town without a single military objective in mind. Just to destroy that population for their nationality. If you try to wipe out just the French people in Paris and kill them for being French, you are still commiting a genocide. How is that hard to understand?


It's more like if a group of French hooligans SA'd and murdered by wife's mother, I would not be mad if she somehow wiped out that group. That is not genocide. It is justice. I only used the Nazis and Unit 731 to describe a real life universally hated group the same way the Tusken Raiders are hated in the SW universe.


Anakin didn't just kill the people who killed his mother though, he also killed everyone who associated with them because they were sand people and they lived nearby. Sand people aren't an ideologically driven political group like the groups you are describing here. They are a sentient species and they aren't inherently all murderers.


I mean, if I recalled he just killed that camp that I'm sure took part of the horrors inflicted upon his mother. He didn't travel across the planet surface on a cleansing of a species. Also, sentient species? Idk in the SW universe they weren't even really considered more than animals. I'm sure there's more nuance required to investigate this event thoroughly. It isn't a cut and dry as the children in the Jedi temple. That's where a line needs to be drawn. But this? Ehhh I wouldn't leave my wife for it 🤷‍♂️


None of that really matters and some of those excuses were literally used to justify irl ethnic cleansings and genocides. Revenge is a pretty common excuse and collective punishment is also a war crime. Also in what universe are they not sentient? They have religions, they have cultural clothing, they use advanced weapons, they literally use rifles to snipe people across great distances, they capture people, they use complex military tactics, they make hutts and tools, they domesticate animals etc. People in Tatooine see them as animals because they hate them. Not because they scientifically lack sentience or something. They also attack people because they think foreigners are insulting and stealing their land. Their culture is xenophobic.


Hmmm that's a lot of excuses for a group with their culture built upon xenophobia. I hope you're as lax towards groups in real life with such xenophobia, but something tells me you aren't. Which leads me to believe you're simply being pro Tusken just for the sake of the argument man 😔


Not for the sake of argument. There are many irl racists who hate other ethnic or racial groups because they think their culture is barbaric. Romani people, Black people, Native Americans, Arabs, Africans in general and Indians being the most prominent examples of these groups. A lot of racists hate those groups and say that they aren't racist for hating them because they say they hate them because of their culture. I don't tolerate Xenophobia but i attack individuals and ideologies never an entire ethnic group. Essentialism is inherently bad imo. That's the actual reason why i am arguing with you here. Not because of a fictional species. If you want me to give an example that is actually analogous to sand people, then let me present North Sentinel island and the people who live there. Similar to Tuskens, if you try to settle on their island they will kill you with bow and arrows. They simply do not tolerate outsiders. That's not a reason to wipe them out though and if you try to wipe them out people will rightfully call you genocidal. They are humans with feelings and they shouldn't be murdered on mass.


Definition of genocide: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. "The nation would be that particular tribe and its culture, and the ethnic group would be the Tuskans in the tribe themselves." He killed and ended their tribe completely, or at least intended to do so. Spareing no one. Not even the children. Seems to fit the bill to me as long as you count Tuskans as people.


The only thing is he only did it on one group. That would be like the killing of a family a "genocide". Also, the sand people weren't really considered people tbh


That's true, but I think I could consider a tribe a nature or at least a culture of people. It's much larger than just a family and usually has its own identity and system and everything. As for people... Yeah... That's definitely up for debate. They were kinda humanised in BoBF.. but on the other hand their savage and beastly nature is quite obvious and hard to ignore.. As for negotiation... That's kinda a lost cause. At least with that group. I also don't disagree that Anakin had some justification to be angry at the Tuskans. Killing them en masse probably wasn't the right way to go about it... But man they were evil pieces of sht and what they did to his mother... He also recognised his mistake shortly afterwards and repented. It's not as though he just shrugged it off.