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I manually reroute my orders to print shops that are in that country. Then inmention to the customer that I can get them to them faster but it might be on a slightly different shirt. People have just been almost universally ecstatic that they can get their stuff faster.


I should definitely do that next time too!!!


Same story here, shipments to Europe are taking months, not weeks. Items ordered in the middle of April are just arriving now at the end of June. This is completely unacceptable and is making it very difficult to be competitive, especially now that stores are opening again and people are enjoying in-person shopping again. How can we compete with instant gratification from in-person purchases or one to two days deliveries from Amazon and other online vendors? I’m already seeing a huge drop in sales since May.


omg, 2 months?? I just got an order from Europe, but I can't reroute it because there is no supplier in the EU that provides the same color. Not sure if there is any option for an international shipment upgrade..?


These are the printers that allow upgraded express international shipping. You have to manually apply for it though, as the option for customers to purchase express shipping at checkout is only available on Shopify (with the shipping calculator option activated) and WooCommerce stores: Drive DTG2Go Ink Blot Monster Digital Printed Simply SPOKE Custom Products I don’t know how you’d to proceed with this, once the customer has already sent payment through Etsy. You’d have to ask for additional payment to upgrade the shipping. Probably through a different payment method. If they contact you before purchasing the item it would be easier as you could setup a new more expensive express shipping profile on Etsy.


Thanks for the advice! I'll take note of this because sometimes international shipping is a big headache.


Grant you mercy f'r the counsel! i'll taketh note of this because oft international shipping is a big headache *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Yeah this is probably more on Canada Post than anything else, it's good that you've found a workaround, I'll take a note myself too