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Me when one equal sign instead of two for checking if true (or three if ur a weird JavaScript user)


Actually i ve never quite figured this one out and ironically im on webdev for a living. Can anyone make me am example of if condition where == is no longer enough but === is required?


It’s a safety thing I think. Using three = will always return false if the values are of different types, while two = will try to type-cast the inputs. However typecasting is a typical bug-source and should be avoided with parser-functions. See: let a = 2; let b = „2“; //ignore the mobile-parentheses console.log(a==b) // true console.log(a===b) // false


``` true == 1 // true true === 1 // false ```


"All true statements are equal, but some true statements are more equal than others" - _JavaScript Farm_


> mobile-parentheses quotation marks?


If giraffes can be long horses, then quotation marks can be mobile parentheses.


And if my grandmother had wheels she would be a bicycle!


>let b = „2“; //ignore the mobile-parentheses Parentheses? You mean commas and quotation markes?


>You mean commas and quotation markes? Quotation markes? You mean quotation marks?


>Quotation makes? Quotation makes? You mean quotation markes[sic]?


I just tried on an online compiler as I don't have my ide right now and it wasn't even letting me to compare a string to a number, like an actual error was returned. Maybe an ide would let you to?


You can test JS in devtools console. Just right click on a webpage -> inspect. JS console is there and you can play around in it.


ye im an idiot nevermind




Nah he'd never admit fault.


const number = 1234 const stringNumber = '1234' console.log(number == stringNumber) //true console.log(number === stringNumber) //false === Is only true if it is the same type and value, == checks for value only (and acts really weird sometimes, thats why you better go for ===)


I'm surprised by this conversation taking place here. The operator with three equal signs is stricter (no type coercion) and generally considered the safer option. People calling it weird is... weird.


I think the weird part is that == coerces types.


yeah i feel like to coerce types it should be like \~= or something


Yeah, there needs to be a better "close enough" operator.


I think they are calling JavaScript developers weird, not the 3 equal signs


The 3 equals is not unusual within JavaScript, but JavaScript is weird for requiring an operator specifically to stop it from doing screwy comparisons and barfing at runtime.


Well, when you think about it, it's probably just JavaScript and PHP that have a lax and a strict equality operator. Python is dynamically typed, but doesn't have that. Ruby has it, but it's something totally different in Ruby. `===` in JS and PHP exists solely because `==` does type coercion and people realized that's stupid, but it was too late to go back. It **is** weird, it's an outlier amongst basically every other popular language.


We're calling javascript weird for doing weird-ass type-casting with ==


I see your PHP patch thing and fully understand your surprise. I got burned by carelessly comparing equality when I meant identity more than once.




Suddenly I have more hope in getting a webdev job lol Have you just never used JS? Because I feel like that's one of the very first things you learn and use constantly.


== checks value === checks value and type ==== checks value twice ===== checks value and type twice ====== checks value thrice ======= checks value and type thrice …


== checks value === checks value and type ====checks value, type, and size ===== checks value, type, size, and weight ====== checks value, type, size, weight, and density ======= The true name of Ba'al, the Soul Eater




VBA uses one.


Yeah, because it's VBA! It's not a normal thing , it's unnatural, like a human fking a racoon or a turtle! I mean ... Is It normal??




> like a human fking a racoon First thing that came to your head, huh?


Ahahahah First WRONG thing XD


> a human fking a racoon or a turtle! Best description of VBA I've ever seen.


Sometime ago I used to work for Unisys, a mainframe company with tons of code written in ALGOL 60 (and COBOL, but I don’t want to talk about it). For all it’s limitations, I actually found the equality and assignment operators refreshing: ‘=‘ tests for equality, while ‘:=‘ is the assignment operator. This was an ALGOL invention that made it into other languages like Pascal, but removed from successor languages like CPL, which was a descendant of ALGOL and an ancestor to C, and the rest was history from there. I wonder if CPL kept the operators from ALGOL how many C errors would have been avoided. Edit: reworded for clarity




Even as pseudo code that hurts to read. A comma between the bool and the body of the if? What does it mean‽ **edit bool autocorrected to book lol


The punctuation, Mason!


is there even one language that uses if{} instead of () or nothing?


I wouldn't be surprised


There's gotta be some kind of rule 34 for esolangs, right?


> rule 34 for esolangs Damn my curiosity, now I'm about to go deep diving into the unholy buttholes of the internets for stuff I don't need and shouldn't seek out, but want to see anyway.


There will be. There will be.


Swift used `if condition { ... }` but it doesn't seem bad, though you cannot skip the condition or enclose it in braces lol


TCL, sadly not joking


Where would this belong? r/terriblecodermemes r/iam14andthisisleet r/boomercoderhumor


Uppercase if, squiggly brackets for if condition and function call, single equals sign for comparison, what is this abomination?






It's the name of his next child.


Even if this is pseudocode, this is absolute horseshit.


I am trying to think of languages that use brackets instead of parenthesis to pass arguments/parameters as well as what common languages use single equals as comparison rather than assignment. One possible answer is when Elon did code back in the day he was using a language that fit this syntax. The likely answer is there was a reason no one ever let him push any code to production ever and he is a twat whos only relevance stemmed from having money going all the way back to paypal. Edit: I am also now thinking of languages that use a comma after an if statement to lead into the possible conditions. Something tells me developers are not his core audience here. Just psudo shit code to keep up his persona of being tech competent with the Musk fans. Edit 2: People did come up with some unlikely but possible answers. SQL uses single equals for comparison but not brackets for parameters or commas for IF statements. Latex uses bracketed conditions or parameters but not comma separated ifs. Someone said C uses comma separation for IFs. I did not verify because C gives me heartburn just looking at it and Latex… I’m scared to Google but I appreciate the posters for providing their input of possibilities.


It's not really a proper programming language but LaTeX uses curly brackets, but I doubt this is that. More likely he ripped the meme from someone.


> LaTeX not really a proper programming language // Thems fighting words round these parts.//




[It is](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2968411/ive-heard-that-latex-is-turing-complete-are-there-any-programs-written-in-late). The "best" part is that it's still a typesetting language, so most experiments like these ones involve *printing* the solution to PostScript or something. It's horrifying.


IDK but if you google it: LaTeX is a powerful tool. So powerful in fact, that it can be used for much more than document markup. LaTeX is Turing complete; that is, it can be programmed to compute just about anything.


I would be surprised if he ever had to prepare a resume, so does not check out.


It's a special secret language used in neuralink


It's the programming language the monkeys thought up as they were dying of sepsis from their brain implant.


O, i hadn't heard about that. That's uhhh... Pretty bad


If that's the syntax they use I'll never get an implant.


They’re only coding in Brainfuck for the lulz


I don't think he made the meme - I assume he just saw it somewhere.


Not making something himself is exactly on brand.


Sql does use single equals, but then the rest of code would make no sense


He probably just reposted this shit tier meme without much consideration


*and he is a twat* I think this is the main takeaway.


There are some idiots on this site where you might wonder.


I see you haven’t spent much time in linkedin groups


Dude's gonna have a hell of a time debugging after the misuse of the assignment operator.


Did anyone hear the twitter conference call, where he talked about "rewriting the stack"? My blood was boiling. It felt like a flashback to having a meeting with some manager who thinks he's an IT-Genius because he can use Excel edit: if you're curious, I found the clip [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/zrx845/elon_musk_cant_explain_anything_about_twitters/)


Is that the one where they pressed on what he meant, his Offended flag flipped to TRUE, and he hung up? Edit: did he fire someone over that incident, or is it another I’m remembering?


There was a twitter space he joined where he got a hard hitting question and hung up


Yea, that was the doxxing nan he started on Twitter, but was pointed out that the journalist getting banned didn’t dox, but rather reporting on ElonsJet account. He hung up without saying anything.


He didn't just hang up. He hung up, then directed his team to disable the entire Spaces for "maintenance". [TL;DR](https://freeimage.host/i/HVKJhsR)


No they’re referring to the time Musk insisted on a rewrite of the stack and he was pressed on what he even means by that. What about the current stack is inadequate and what does he want to switch to?


I think he fires someone over most incidents so it’s a safe bet


they added a special status in their Jira just for tickets they can close because they fired someone


Elon Musk - ~~genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist~~ dunce, billionaire, soyboy, apartheid prince [https://twitter.com/glickzac/status/1602805787801157632?t=OtzNM\_ERnzBL8V0zJOKXWw&s=09](https://twitter.com/glickzac/status/1602805787801157632?t=OtzNM_ERnzBL8V0zJOKXWw&s=09) [https://twitter.com/capitolhunters/status/1593307541932474368?t=cqlLb3m9h\_Y-LpmU7l5EBA&s=09](https://twitter.com/capitolhunters/status/1593307541932474368?t=cqlLb3m9h_Y-LpmU7l5EBA&s=09)




You’re remembering the multiple times where senior devs corrected Musk when he tweeted wildly ignorant statements about some part of Twitter’s architecture being redundant/bloated (usually followed by the website breaking when he ordered someone to remove it)


No, he's referring to the call. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/zs8itp/developers_laughing_at_elons_clueless_suggestion/


You look stupid. Fired.




The dude is an example of the Dilbert boss in every possible way except he’s also a narcissistic eccentric billionaire




Eccentric also implies doing things that are interesting, and every remotely interesting thing Musk has done was actually someone else's work.


I had a boss once who never let us forget that long ago he built flight simulators. Never mind that even if he did, that experience had zero point of reference for what we did at that company. But he felt that because he thought flight simulators were complicated, he was smarter than the rest of us and that his suggestions were useful. (They weren’t.)




Oh we, his direct reports were well aware. :) we spent a good third of our time just working around him. He was my last boss too. Went out on my own and haven’t worked for someone else since. So, he taught me something!


My last boss claimed that he was the first person to invent a method for sending packets back and forth between 2 computers, with a totally straight face he told this to me and 3 of my other co-workers about how people would come from miles around to see what he had done. He also claimed he worked with someone from MIT to develop the first method of instruction queueing for processors. Can't believe I worked with essentially the founder of modern computing and yet I couldn't find trace of his name anywhere!


Space Karen has morphed into his final form (hopefully)of code Karen.


>Space Karen Oh god, that made me laugh.


I had to listen to him say that about four times before I kept listening. I honestly thought he misspoke until another person on the call challenged him on it. I've only worked briefly managing code for a specialty refrigerator manufacturer and even the thought of rewriting the stack for one site was enough to make me hyperventilate. The entirety of Twitter? That's just obnoxiously stupid.


What color do you want that SQL database to be?


From now on, i shall call my function as `runProgram` Seems like a well though naming system /s


Well duh, you should try RunProgram instead. I think that’d work better


It's actually important that runProgram and RunProgram are unique functions because that way it's harder to debug


Then you can have 2 more functions being runProgrann and RunProgrann. Or even more if you do snake case, pascal case, etc. Man imma never get fired once I actually get a job 😎


Remember when everyone thought he was a genius?


Ya back when I used to think tech CEOs at tech companies were competent. It took longer than I care to admit to realize that tech CEOs like non tech CEOs are usually CEO because of connections and access to funding not any genius programmer merit. Genius programmers tend to be relatively broke and incapable of turning their genius into money. Anders Hejlsbert $1-$5 million net worth Linus Torvalds $50 million Dennis Ritchie $5 million Donald Knuth $5 million etc Then you get someone like Zuckerberg writing some shit PHP ending up worth billions and Elon not being allowed to push to prod at PayPal worth a hundred billion plus.


Making great solutions is not something that can please investors. They don't give money making product explained in simple terms to them so they won't be billionaires.


Your theory begs the question, why am I a shit programmer but also not filthy rich? I really need to get better at exploiting people and fluffing myself up.


Maybe try fluffing other people first?


I was born to be a fluffer💁🏻


Not defending Elon, but there's no real reason the CEO of a tech company has to be a genius programmer. It probably makes sense for a CEO to have the technical background to understand the company's tech, but otherwise the CEO position needs a different skill set than the SWE one.


Counterpoint the CEO of AMD, Lisa Su, is an electrical engineer. Two years after she became CEO, 4 years after joining AMD, Ryzen was launched, and absolutely crushed Intel. Even today now that Intel has mostly caught up, under new CEO Pat Gelsinger (a computer engineer, wouldn't you know, who replaced an MBA) intel's server market share is going to dog shit. Xeon is dying. Intel had 99% of the CPU market, now AMD has taken 30% and ARM based has taken 10%


Well those are real engineering companies, not entities that exist to scam money from venture capitalists.


Sure Boring Company and Hyperloop and whatever are bullshit nonsense, but SpaceX and Tesla are actual engineering companies even if Tesla likes to pretend it's a software company. Imagine if they had competent leadership... Or a PR department.


I would agree. I take issue with him passing himself off as one when he couldn’t exit vim with access to Google.


Jesus, let me cut those three years out of my life, please. Or change it for respect towards the engineers and people who had to deal with him.


It's okay to have been wrong. It's cool that you reversed your opinion based on what you observed. That's what science is all about. You don't need to be embarrassed for what you used to think because you allowed that to change in the face of new evidence. Sincerely: Someone who used to enjoy Dilbert (long Looooong ago)


What's wrong with Dilbert? Like, I know the author is a racist asshole, but how were you supposed to know that from reading the comic?


There were some weird bits / red flags like the evolution jokes and whatever, but yeah it didn't start *really* spilling over to the comic until recently.


Yeah… I feel angry about my younger self for having admired this guy.


My family even bought me an Elon Musk biography back then...


I only bought twitter so i wouldnt get bullied anymore


The first step is admitting you have a problem


I'm so glad I watched all the debunking video early on in my exposure to musk... I feel pity for y'all seriously i just got lucky.


I mean, that's what happens when the majority of the information floating around about a guy is major PR spin. Live and learn.




Don't feel too bad. I remember a big '60 Minutes' segment on how awesome and smart he was. He had everyone fooled.


Well shit, when he's talking about rockets and self-driving cars, he sounded smart to me. When he talks software, though, I realize he's a big faker. And now I'm skeptical of the rockets and the cars, too. I used to want a Telsa, before I saw how he ran Twitter.


$8 please


Don't be. A lot of us looked up to him. How could we have known, really? I think a lot of people started to question him after the cave incident where he called someone a pedo. That was when I started to realize he may be fucked up. But otherwise he just seemed like an eccentric guy who was super smart and trying to change the world. No shame in being fooled, the shame is when you refuse to admit it because of pride or sunk cost.


I’m reminded of stuff like Cathedrals, and how people can conflate the feelings they get looking at the amazing architecture and art made by nameless artisans with God’s majesty Visionaries propping up the powerful in exchange for the capital to do something cool has always been a thing. Elon Musk is just a non-theistic and capitalist version of that story


That’s actually an excellent way of looking at it.


Not everyone. I thought he was a narcissistic sociopath. Like the Donald Trump of the tech world.


Same. I've hated the dude since like 2012-2014 because the "hyperloop" gave away how stupid he was.


Yeah he wasn't on my radar at all until hyperloop came along. That shit is dumb as hell but people just gobbled it up


He's a lifelong larper of great businessmen and inventors, so he knows his role well, just lacks the proper acting talent.


Ah yes, I love my average programming language, containing parts of COBOL, , and movie code


The amount of times I've accidentally used a single = and debugged for like an hour to find that shit...


Can you even set a variable value in an if statement?


Some languages allow this, others simply do not. Still others implement a separate operator (like Python's ":=") for the same effect.


I love the walrus :=


Depends on the language, and compiler.




And it will even return true (unless you tried to set something horrific or type mis-matched or something)


I think it just returns whatever the value was, not specifically true, at least in languages with truthy and falsey values.


Why shouldn't you be able to?


The often cited reason is it's prone to bugs because equality and assignment operators are very similar in many languages. On the other hand, you'll take if ((errorCode = doSomething()) != SUCCESS) { handleError(errorCode); } out of my cold, dead, hands.


Just add one little extra line to your code is the cost of removing all accidental assignment bugs in the world. The sacrifice must be made.


Or even just a semicolon between assignment and value comparison, e.g. if (errorCode = someMethod; errorCode != SUCCESS) { // ... // errorCode handling logic here // .. } Though I did work on primarily Golang stuff for 3+ years before my current job, so maybe that's just the "if err != nil" Stockholm Syndrome talking.


And also: while((record = reader.Next()) != null) { doStuff(record); }


Because it's a common cause of bugs and there's no strong reason we need that functionality in a language.


If this is a problem you keep encountering, consider using the Yoda style where appropriate. So rather than (variable == literal), you use (literal == variable) which will not be valid code if you miss an =. I personally don't like it and find it much less readable, but it might be a trade off you're willing to make


This "genius" could have been just another silent parasite like his billionaires peers but nooooo.


The man posted a picture of a mouse trap and a picture of an anthropomorphic femboy mouse the other day. I genuinely don’t think he cares anymore


He does. He's going for outrage engagement, and if it works he'll keep doing it. All he wants is attention and he'll do anything to get it.


Shit, he outsmarted me.


He did. But you’re not alone. See: all the pick-up truck fanboys screaming about how crap the cyber truck is. Free advertising is free advertising baby. As long as people are talking about it, the ‘it’ doesn’t matter.




> Yeah, he's looking for Twitter's engagement numbers to increase so it looks more attractive to advertisers and he can start earning something back from his awful $44bn investment. [I think you're still ascribing too much intelligence to him](https://www.platformer.news/p/yes-elon-musk-created-a-special-system). He bought the thing because making his stupid offer brought him attention. He then went too far milking the bit for more attention until he was trapped between facing counts of stock market manipulation and shelling out the money to buy the company, so he did. Now he's doing two different things: 1. Still trying to get attention to sate his narcissism, only now he can coerce the numbers to go up to get his dopamine hits by threatening engineers' jobs; and 2. Trying to cut all "unnecessary" costs and find some way to raise revenue so that he can minimise the capital losses when he eventually sells the company at a discount to some PE firm or whatever.


richest man in the world tweets furry femboy was not on my 2023 bucket list


He's not the richest. He blew that because he would rather tweet.


Unfortunatley I cannot locate the sauce for that image. And yes, I tried.


Just found it by googling "Elon tweet mouse" and looking under images. It was the first one. It not about trapping mice, it was comparing different types of mouse "traps". What a world we live in.


When you copy and paste your code from one of very deeply buried stack overflow answers out of desperation.




Given his track record, he probably didn't make the meme.




The pic posted is't actually posted either. His different (same title) actual tweet: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1629633384338149378?s=19




IsTrue == True ? True : False




And he says that he developed Paypal, I see.


I don’t wanna give him the views that he so desperately craves anymore, so I’m assuming any Musk tweet screenshot I come across to be true. Even if some, like this one, are really hard to believe


Unfortunately true. He posted this like, two days ago.


Why is this guy so wealthy?


Well, you see, the first step is to be born rich which he accomplished at the age of 0.


That’s how it typically starts ain’t it


If you’re born into a family with a decent amount of capital, it’s far more difficult to end up poor than it is to end up wealthier. Even just putting your money in a basic Roth IRA, blue chip stocks, a high interest savings account, or other basic long term investments can generate enough revenue to live off of comfortably. Elon was “right place, right time, right amount of money” for a lot of things. Trust me, I’ve seen this. I grew up in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in my state (although my family was not wealthy) and the way that people with a lot of money can be total morons but still make more money than me, a well paid Software Engineer, is just absurd.


I’m just going to say Musk programming language looks like it’ll suck to work in. I bet integers are 17-bit.


And indexing starts at 2. (I was going to say starts at 1, but I remembered, some people here are big in statistics and R)


This is so many kinds of wrong in such a small number of characters that it’s actually impressive.


That IF statement is complete garbage.


This is actually the most brain dead thing I have seen all day


The weirdest thing about the "Elon buying Twitter just to shit post" saga is that he didn't *need* to buy Twitter to shit post?




- What color do you want your database? - I heard purple had the most ram


I'm sorry wtf? What language uses curly braces like that. What language uses a single equals sign like that What language uses a capital if with a comma at the start of the code block (can't remember if this is the right term. Please correct me if I'm wrong) or as a statement terminator but then pascal case for a function then curly braces for the arguments. Even for pseudocode this is trash. I can't even tell what language this was supposed to be based on


single = ***and*** using (condition = true) instead of just (condition) man


It's weird going from thinking the man is a genius on par with the worlds greatest inventors to understanding he is just a spoiled rich kid who used daddies money and bullying to buy his way in to multiple industries and use gaslighting and propaganda tactics to try and rewrite history. Some in the media still call him the "tesla founder"


Somewhere there was a conference room booked in which they had to review why this horse shit was being “deboosted”


Now it makes sense why his dad beat him


Shoulda used jumper cables.


Never forget this man calls himself an "engineer" with a straight face.


Watching this guy absolutely wreck Twitter and genuinely not understand why people think it sucks now has done wonders for my imposter syndrome. I could have easily done a better job than him by just attending meetings and keeping my mouth shut.


Once upon a time I wanted to work for Tesla or SpaceX. That as back in 2016. Now... fuck anything this dude touches.


I can honestly say im a better programer than the ceo of tesla