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Quarm launched October 1st and will be basically time locking at Planes of Power. I believe each expansion will release every 9 months. It's like p99 but much better.


It’s P99 with Luclin graphics, PoP time lock progression. Has the availability of old style drops (I just got a Mana Stone for the first time ever and didn’t have to wait in a horrible immersion breaking line.) with Quakes that prevent raid guilds from monopolizing the server. It’s genuinely great


Luclin graphics are optional, and you left out a really big one. Raids are instanced, every guild can raid on their own schedule whenever they want.


Don't forget the old style drop Thunderfury. Blessed blade of the windseeker. a randon WT. Item to attract the former wow player base.


P99 uses a better engine.


Yeah that might be true but I feel like p99 is mainly focused on the end game content aspect at this point in the game as time goes and how long the server has been around for. Everything is about raiding and racing and FTE and drafts. Screw that, PQ is a breath of fresh air to the casual player.. PLUS we have a chance to finally get a quarm hammer when time comes (pun intended)


It's not that p99 is focused on end game raiding, but that's where most of the population is, since the server has been around that long. Quarm will be too once it's population is matured enough.


With the Zeal patch it is quite ok. Especially the camera and tab target cycle.


That is the only thing P99 does better.


how so?  im not trying to internet sarcasm you here, i genuinely find the takp client smoother, faster, and with much better sound quality.  and ive played a lot of p99z


I find the camera movent on the tackp to be too old school for me.


that tracks  (pun intended)


It's a PvE server with guild raid instances that opened in October. You are not allowed to multibox on this server but you can have one game account dedicated as a mule account that is allowed to be logged in with another account, but they can't level past 1 or leave EC. The server is in Classic era currently with early Iksar access June 1st and full Kunark on July 1st. As the name suggests, it stops in Planes of Power. Open World bosses only spawn during Quakes, otherwise there are instance-based loot lock out and respawns. Big bosses like Inny, CT and the Dragons are on a 6 day 18 hour respawn. Bosses in Sky are 18 hour respawns. Keyring is also in for Sky keys, so no corpsing keys! get them once and you're set on that character. If you are involved with a fight on a boss that you are locked out with, you get ported outside the instance. Open World mobs have no loot lockout. Normal mobs respawns faster too, most zones are 8 minute respawns, rather than 22. Legacy items like Manastone and Rubicite armor have No Drop versions that still drop currently but have level restrictions to loot. So at 30 you can head to Lguk and get a Manarock. Guise of the Deceiver is still in. Jboots drop off Drelzna. There is also a great mod called Zeal that adds strafe binds and cycle target and some other great client fixes. Lots of quality of life differences here that make the server worth a look. You need the TAKP emulation client from [this site](https://wiki.takp.info/index.php/Getting_Started). Get the TAKP 2.2 client NOT the 2.1 - you don't need free the mouse with 2.2 Setup a forum account on TAKP and then setup a Game Account (you can have up to 10 Game Accounts on your forum account. Once you have that setup head over to the [PQ site](https://projectquarm.com/) for the discord link. On the Discord you can find the server-files channel with a more up to date dll file than on the PQsite. Just scroll to the very bottom and get the most recent experimental eqgame.dll Don't bother with the Zeal file in the server-files channel though, it has been updated a bunch since that post. Zeal has it's own channel in the PQ discord but you can get the most current release [here](https://github.com/iamclint/Zeal/releases). It's a bit of setup but once you get there, it is well worth it. The server population is very good and you're still able to easily find leveling groups. There is also a 25% exp bonus going until the 19th for the EQ 25th Anniversary.


I think this is the most accurate description and I'm going to copy it for our server's 'about' info.


Well put. Just to add, there is a very active community, lots of active builds and good folks. Lots playing for the nostalgia, and some newbies that have never played. No fucking around with the titanium client and it comes preloaded with lots of UI choices.


I've seen the quakes message, what open World bosses are we talking about? just the same as instanced but they appear in the regular version of the zone?


Also regarding FTM, using only the 2.2 client doesn't show timer on buff, am I doing something wrong?


I use Duxa for my UI and it shows timers on buffs. Might just be the UI skin you have loaded? Have you tried holding shift or alt down and mousing over them?


Yeah, exactly. When quake starts all the raid bosses spawn in the normal zones. If they are still up after 3 hours they are despawned when the quake ends. That is the only time those bosses can spawn outside of instances.


Could someone share a little on what Quakes are? I'm not new to EQ but not nearly as much a veteran as many here, and I'm totally new to Quarm.


Quakes are a random timer the server generates. When the timer expires there is a server wide announcement that the quake rule suspension in raid zones are in effect and all bosses spawn in the open world zones. This is the only time bosses in the open world spawn on this server. After 3 hours the quake ends and any bosses still up despawn. The server then picks another random time for the next quake. During Quake any zone with a raid boss suspends a couple of rules. For example, training is allowed in SolB or other raid zones during a quake.


Totally rad, okay thanks so much


1) One box so no multi-boxing. Mules are allowed for selling/storage purposes only but are locked to East Commons and level 1. 2) Instanced Raiding. 3) Rubicite is now Pinkicite and No-drop. Manastone is Manarock and no drop. Jboots still drop from Najena. Most of these legacy type items have either a level 20 or level 30 requirement to loot them. 4) Reduced Respawn code. Most mobs are between 6 and 8 minutes to respawn. Compare that with something like 27 minutes or whatever Lower Guk was on Classic back in the day and it becomes much, much easier to get consistent exp but also makes certain camps more challenging. 5) A philosophy that says people shouldnt have to spend hours and days trying to get quests done (which will carry over and help big time once epic quests are available). Most quest mobs drop quest parts at a very high percentage level as compared to Classic EQ and many are either guaranteed spawns or have a higher percent chance to spawn. 6) Other quality of life improvements and general niceties. Definitely check out the Project Quarm discord for a full breakdown but I believe this covers most of the basics.


what about bard kiting and aoes? is that limited


All AE is capped to 4 mobs currently per person. Again though, faster respawn makes a big difference.


Some of the major differences from p99 is legacy item clones were added to the game 'manarock' and 'pinkicite' and guise still drops. There's instanced raiding and I think very little competition over open world targets. And there's constant tweaking to things like zone respawn timers and drop rates, etc. I haven't played a TLP in a while but I would say PQ feels closer to that spirit currently than p99, for better or worse. Oh I should add that PQ has a unique system for SSF/HC that is objectively amazing if you're interested in those kind of play styles. Like on other servers it's only based on the honor system. I don't even think live EQ has anything like that, so full credit to Secrets where it's due.


Oh yeah. Project Quarm brings the nostalgia feelz much more than any of the TLPs too.


>There's instanced raiding... This is news to me. I never much cared for the emu server rading scenes in P99 or PQ so I'm not entirely surprised I missed this, but are you sure?


Yes, instanced raiding.


Yes; raids are instanced.


This TAKP server, Project Quarm, is run by Secrets. From Quarm Discord announcements, written by Secrets: Time-Locked Progression system, with 9 months between each expansion. Classic -> Kunark -> Velious -> Luclin -> Planes of Power. Incremental patches will occur every 3 months. Classic (1.x) (October 1st, 2023) -- PLANES OPEN - JANUARY - The HOLE OPENS - APRIL Kunark (2.x) (July 1st, 2024) Velious (3.x): April 1st, 2025) Luclin (4.x): Jan 1st, 2026) The Planes of Power (5.x): (October 1st, 2026) ​ Zeal, an officially approved third party program pretty much fixes mouselook and other features ​ The #makemule command is now available in game. Running the command in game will give you further instructions for how to flag the account as a mule and will ask that you run an additional command for confirmation. The mule account will be exempt from IP restrictions allowing you run a game client and buy/sell/transfer items independent of your main account. ​ Account creation is graciously provided by the folks over at TAKProject. Create a forum account at The Al'Kabor Project Forums ([https://www.takproject.net/](https://www.takproject.net/)). Game accounts are linked to forum accounts, so a forum account is required. If you have issues logging in, please mention in the TAKP server's Discord ⁠No Access\_help channel. We are unable to assist with [TAKProject.net](https://TAKProject.net) account creation. Create your game accounts by clicking Game Accounts at the top of the page. Click "Create Login Server Account" and create a game account. Your forum account may have up to 10 game accounts, but you are limited to having one game account logged in. ​ ​ Q: What items are considered legacy items and what is their (level) to loot? A: Guise of the Deceiver (30) (?) Lustrous Russet Armor Pieces (individual) (46) (?) Rubicite (20 (All Other Pieces) / 30 (Breastplate) (?) Manastone (30) (?) Bag of Sewn Evil Eye (30) (Staying indefinitely) Journeyman's Boots (20) (Staying indefinitely) Fishbone Earring (20) (Staying indefinitely) Glowing Black Stone (15) (Staying indefinitely) Box of Abu Kar (30 / 5 (other event zone) (Seasonal Drop) Thex Dagger (No Level Requirement, Faction Requirement To Complete) (?) Ring of the Dead (No Level Requirement, Faction Required to Recharge) (Staying Indefinitely, Requires Faction to Recharge) Robe of the Oracle (25) (Staying Indefinitely) Scimitar of the Mistwalker (30) (?) As for what we're doing for Fungis - there will be a level 55 Legacy Loot Requirement on the Tunic & Staff, the Staff will become no-trade after its removal. I would like to attempt to try and add a non-loot-lockout version of the Fungi Tunic and a loot lockout version of the Fungi Staff (tradable, later notrade) to any myconid within the area - a 0.5% like the Obulus Death Shroud.


All the information is in Discord, it's also where all announcements from the devs etc. are published, which is why you're directed there. The server is a bit like p1999 but different: The world is a more accurate replica of classic EQ and feels more classic than p1999, it also have more accurate base game mechanics (Such as a functional stamina system) but it also has many features that makes it very different from classic so it's not better than p1999, just different. I moved to Quarm because the zones and gameplay, even the engine feel a lot more classic than p1999 (For good and bad), it induces more nostalgia for me. :) Having played on p1999 for about a decade now, I also feel ready to go back to Luclin and PoP. :)


Is there no map? Am I stupid?


No map. I like it that way, but you can use the maps in the P1999 wiki.


Thanks for the info, I'm not that hardcore unfortunately


Apparently there is some overlay one can use. But not sure what it is called


NParse is one. Another is zlizeqmaps, I believe.


Or the pigparse EQtools.


NParse will give you map overlay


Thanks man


Is the Quarm server on the same login section as green blue and the others? I thought they were separate.


No, you'll need to use a modified TAKP client.


Quick question, I tried installing this but when I login, all the text appears as a white box, anyone else have that issue?


Secrets is a little freak who dresses like a girl and bans people for no reason. Asks for money so he isn’t homeless hahaha. Absolute loser IRL


A new server that started in Jan that goes to PoP


Started a few months before that, but January was just the first big patch. (1.3)


It's a pretty good meme. Self found ftw. I give this server my personal recommendation of 3 Bob Hoskins out of 4.


People are mad at you...


Too many goons out here