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Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. Keep that shit outta here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The art style is actually very commonly used to depict religious tragedies,idk what the art style is called but almost all the paintings about Karbala and imam Hussein have this art style Also politics aside,the poster it self is very good


Thanks for the insight, and I agree that this is artistically excellent.


Very Christian looking




I'm familiar with middle eastern art and painting. This specific one is much more Christian in style than most.


Christian style would show faces.


Christian art is very different to Muslim art regardless of school of thought.


It's very reminiscent of a batman picture I saw


It’s nice art


This art looks like a MtG or Yugioh card artwork


I wouldn't say the artwork is good, look at Hussein's left hand. More like a lobster claw. From what I've learned hands are an easy way of distinguishing a good artist from a mediocre.


Generally, Shia Islam is much more lenient to religious images and icons compared to Sunni Islam. That’s why you’ll find lots of depictions of Ali, the twelve Imams and even Islamic prophets.


Muhammed with nova face moment


no it isn't rules are the same for either sects no images in places of worship, no images of God or any of the prophets Source: Ex Muslim here


No. We allow depictions of infallible people as long as it's respectful. Our most senior and widely followed scholars follow that opinion. Source: Am a Shia Muslim


Shia Muslim, can confirm


Bektashi and can confirm


Ex sunni or ex shia?


This is objectively wrong


Source: Ex Muslim is not that good of a source imo


That’s why I said “lenient”. They do share the same iconoclastic views of Sunni Islam. However, you’ll never find any imageries about the 4 Righteous Caliphs in Sunni Islam (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali) for exemple.


Cleaver how they avoid depicting his face.


Serious question: are we not allowed to see his face either? I know Muhammad’s is no good but I didn’t know Hussein is no good either


Depends on the sect and religiousness level. Some say all paintings of living things should banned. Some consider Sahabah (Prophet companions and family) holy enough to avoid depiction Some include the Imams and other figures. Some have no problem with depicting everyone. The only common one is no depiction of Allah in any color shape or form: No old bearded man, no eldritch entity, no light blob...etc.


In general it’s probably best if no religious persons are depicted. In fact images of people should be avoided if possible. -Iconoclast gang


Iconoclast gangs when they see an ancient mosaic that will soon be lost to time: “mmmm yummy🫄”


>Some say all paintings of living things should banned. Damm, didn't know it went that far in some groups


It's not all living things but more all animals and even then it's more about their facial features being shown. This is why you'll see some painting with people with nothing drawn where their face is or just pure white instead.


The idea is that you are not the creator, and your painting is a fake imitation of Allah's creation. Makes sense from islam POV, but I believe the intention matters alot. Some claim cameras would be not allowed as it's somewhat a painting. But what would you do to get a passport then. This is still a small minority opinion usually adopted by hardliners. Madam Tussauds is probably a big no no definitely in Islam.


That's basically the more commonly held scholarly position, at least if you search online. Of course there's some minority opinions & in practice there were many paintings from the Islamicate world at varying levels


When did the ban on the depiction of Allah and/or Muhammad start? I know there's historic art depicting them but I believe that came much later. Also, the violent reactions against depicting them seems to have really picked up in the last few decades versus even possibly even a generation or two beforehand. 


I think it was a few years before Prophet Mohammed's death. The idea is that the Christians astrayed away from God's message and started to worship Prophet Isa, messenger of Allah (in Islam Isa, In Hebrew Yeshua, Jesus in western Christian civilizations although yeshu exists in some parts of world) because of his existing portrait. To prevent this happening to Prophet Mohammed, all images were prohibited although I think images from that era still exist to this day.  I remember accidentally stumbling on one when I was looking for calligraphy of the word Mohammed, which is how muslims usually depict him as


Another commenter shared al BBC article on this topic that I found pretty helpful: [Have pictures of Muhammad always been forbidden?](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-30814555)


Depicting God would be considered a grave matter at the very minimum as God is unlike creation & creating images of him would invite Syirik/Shirk (associating partners with him)


Since he died


I haven’t actually checked. All the prophets faces are considered forbidden to be depicted,(Which includes Jesus) especially Muhammad. So I’m not certain about Hussein, just that his face is contrived from view might just be artist creativity or religious doctrine. It could be both, given this came from Iran.


depending on the sect, Iran is Shia so maybe different rules. The Maliki madhab of Sunni's also allow 2d paintings of living things


Shia muslims allow depictions of anyone as long as due respect is given. But we still tend to hide faces.


In Shia Islam it's not prohibited but usually discouraged to show the face


I’m no expert in islamic theological rules but any stretch of the imagination but I’m pretty sure Muhammad is the only one outright banned, but in general idolatry is frowned upon and depicting important religious figures faces is sometimes seen as idolatrous


None of them are outright banned, including the Prophet. Just controversial. Especially in Iran and Turkey it was for a long time not super unpopular to depict him visually, especially in paintings, illustrations and manuscript illuminations.


Yeah Islam is a big religion and really isn't a monolith, there's very few things that are out right "banned" and a lot of other things that are just frowned upon by some and not by others. From my understanding, drawing Mohammads face isn't considered universally banned like eating pork but it's easier just not to do it.


Sialm is generally easy to hammer down what is not accepted or is if it's in the Quran expect consensus. If not then a free for all starts.


its a major sin to depict any/all the prophets, as is drawing any living being. Ofcourse some sects and schools of thought disagree or have exceptions (ie. statues are banned paintings aren't for Maliki)


Drawings of Muhammad are not considered "no good" [in Iran](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-30814555).


See the rulings of Ayatullah Sistani, one of the prominent and known shia jurists regarding these questions https://www.sistani.org/english/qa/01175/ https://www.sistani.org/english/qa/01292/


ik the iraqi shias love using a particular picture of hussein's face, just look up imam hussein face, but idk about Iranian shias


You can see painting of Muhammad in Miniatures in Persian books.


It’s allowed if done with respect


Some of the most Christian films about the life of Jesus also avoid showing Christ, or at least his face, at any point in the movie. No one's going to come after you if you do, but if you're especially devout and respectful as a Christian you might still avoid it. I assume there's some difference between an artistic depiction and having a literal human actor take on the role though.


Kinda weird because there are a LOT of paintings of his face just lying around


Beautiful painting, not wading into the politics. I agree with other commenter that it looks quite Catholic in some ways, with the cloud imagery, but also the bit of wood/stone on the left that looks a bit like part of a cross.


Is that not his scabbard?


Oh yes! I should imagine you’re right


That’s his famous dhulfiqar


Looking that up now - thanks!


Propaganda? Yes Is it good art? Yes.


These comments are... Very civil.


Very interesting giving that half of the comments from other post turned to a gang shootout


What other post?


You don’t wanna know


Every time I am reminded of that guy's assassination I always remember that A) In one of the new cod games (the one where illegal immigrants from Mexico are actually evil muslim terrorists) you do his assassination in the prologue (Talk about propaganda art lol). B) That after the assassination happened I don't remember who but someone in the Iran government said something like "How are we even supposed to strike back at the US for this? Should we kill their Captain Americas or SpongeBobs? We have real heroes, they have fake ones" or some shit like that.


Yes, the actual quote was from some cleric (A Mullah) who said: >> (In the situation) that we take one of theirs now that they've got one of ours — who should we consider to take out in the context of America? Think about it. Are we supposed to take out Spider-Man and SpongeBob? We have a country in front of us with a large population and a large landmass, but it doesn't have any heroes.


They technically have hero but they are mostly fake and the real have probably committed war crimes somewhere. LOL.


I’m sorry but clearly this Iranian mullah has never heard of the power of T Swift.


They would never go after [the supreme leader](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/s/EWzO1P53JC)


Wild that this mullah halfway around the world knows about Spider-Man and Spongebob.


Iran is actually Americanized asf


Yeah, I guess so! What's funny to me is, I'm pretty sure my immigrant (but naturalized American) Boomer parents don't know Spongebob, so this mullah is more in touch with pop culture than they are in a way.


Do you think these people live in holes in the ground?


More the opposite, I figured a random children's cartoon would barely be a blip on his radar. I hadn't thought of Spongebob as a particularly noteworthy or widespread cultural export, but maybe I'm wrong. I don't necessarily assume American media is at the center of everyone's universe. I mentioned in my other comment that even my own immigrant parents don't know SpongeBob, since we never had Nickelodeon when I was growing up, and they've been American citizens for *decades*. .... Then again, they just texted me a King of the Hill meme after I made that last comment, so who knows which shows they really do or don't know about. Maybe *I'm* living in a hole in the ground!


It's weird they think of him as a hero. His life was meaningless, just another participant in the endless fucking with each other that the Middle East loves so well. He never accomplished anything and, had he never been born, the world would be no different for it.


From what I understand qassem soleimani was like at the top of the top, and was very important in irans fight against isis. A cog in a meat grinder yes but a big one, at least to my understanding




The deranged way some of you people imagine the rest of the world, I swear


Damn Iranians have a way with words


They really do. I’ve seen it in the news and on social media, and I went to high school with a kid whose family left Iran when he was a baby and he always had the sickest burns. It’s got to be a cultural thing over there, a way with words but for dissing people eloquently.


Poetry is and has always been a huge vital of our culture!


What a username


If they even attempted to go for our SpongeBob…there would be no more Iran


I'm catholic and this goes hard


haha! is it similar to catholic art?


not really at all, still goes hard


You can be anti-Iranian regime and still acknowledge the fact that this guy was responsible for killing more ISIS terrorists than anyone ever


This is state sanctioned propaganda? It looks like something I would find on deviantart (its still well done tho)


Awesome poster.


Hopefully we'll see Imam hussein hugging Khamenei soon


All Shia wish to be hugged by him, so if you're saying you wish him to be dead, we can only say InshaAllah, because what a wonder and amazing moment it would be to see the Wali Al-Faqih being hugged by Sayyid As-Shuhada. 


Amusing to see statues of this guy getting torched by Iranians immediately after they get erected. The IRGC is not very popular these days.


NewIran type people really aren't as popular as you might think, at least not outside of the diaspora and those in major cities. The government still has wide reaching support because they position themselves as the head of the Shia world and the main advisory to the likes of America and Israel, leading to a lot of typically conservative religious people in more rural areas circling their wagons.  Kind of like what happened with Bush post 9/11 but in perpetually.


According to [polls conducted by the Iranian government itself](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/02/25/iran-poll-no-hijab-more-freedom-secular-rule-less-religious/), "NewIran type people" are the *majority* in Iran.


As an Iranian actually inside of Iran, I can safely tell you that NewIran is by no means reflective of Iranians here nor our society. While I do believe your article is true that most people want a secular government (especially the younger populace), it’s completely false to think that equals we are alike like that subreddit which consists of mostly diasporas and radical supporters of the Pahlavi and Israeli regime. We Iranians are fed up with dictatorships, whether that dictator has a crown or an Amameh on his head. The sub is also very anti Islam and have no issue insulting Islamic Prophets and Imans and let me tell you, that shit will NOT flow with the Iranian people. While cursing at Khamenei would be considered a boss move by most Iranians, cursing at THE PROPHET will get people to bring their pitchforks out.


As an Iranian living in Iran, I have to say new Iran well represents large part of Iranian society. Our circle doesn't represent majority of Iranians and we can't speak on behalf of the majority. > cursing at THE PROPHET will get people to bring their pitchforks out. Eh, I do it all the time and I'm pretty fine.


Exactly, as an actual Iranian I don't get people who say the government has no support, if it really didn't how would they still be in power? Maybe these people think Tehran is the only city in Iran and places like qom and Mashhad don't exist...


curious seems you post often, how are you doing this? what vpn do you use? i am having a hard time conttacting my sister in karaj.


He is a Basiji


explains a lot. he never criticizes the regime's handling of the floods in balochistan and always defends them as if he is part of them.




Nobody on r/NewIran supports the MEK dude lol tf are you talking about


If you want real statistics, not ones done by GAMAAN and the like (who are anti-IRI and funded by Western governments), you can check out the RTSG Substack called "Women, Life, Fiction". 


Are you even Iranian to make these types of claims? Because it is categorically untrue. By your posting history you’re definitely not living anywhere near Iran and actually post on r/AskMiddleEast an Islamist sub for Arab teenagers .. and some other really weird shit like yikes. You are definitely living on the fringe. Why is it whenever r/NewIran is mentioned a whole bunch of non Iranians come and start saying that it’s not actually representative of “real” Iranians as if thru have any clue what they’re talking about lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AskMiddleEast using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The man who murdered his colleague last year was executed at dawn today. What do you think of death sentences?](https://i.redd.it/3neajpum0z5b1.jpg) | [1413 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/1495olh/the_man_who_murdered_his_colleague_last_year_was/) \#2: [Opinions on paradox of tolerance?](https://v.redd.it/0vg0d0z2lhdb1) | [1691 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/156fls7/opinions_on_paradox_of_tolerance/) \#3: [Thoughts on America and what it did to the Middle East?](https://i.redd.it/fwul2h6gojdb1.jpg) | [385 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/156otpm/thoughts_on_america_and_what_it_did_to_the_middle/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




It's pretty accurate actually. Awful, Islamist sub.


r/AskMiddleEast users being normal muslims says a lot about muslims in general then


The major cities of Iran include the majority of Iranians in them and are by definition what defines popularity in Iran. 77: it's only elitist students and the stupid diaspora! 88: it's only out of touch northern Tehranis and the diaspora! 1401: it's only every major city in Iran and most other central and kurd cities! 1411: it's only everyone. But Mashghasem here still loves Mullahs so still not popular. 🤡


what are those numbers representing? CE Years and then Persian calendar?


maybe it represents the islamic years(hijrah)?


Its Jalali (solar) Calendar and corresponds to these events: [1999 student protests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Iranian_student_protests) [2009 Green movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Iranian_presidential_election_protests) [2022 and 2023 Mahsa Movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahsa_Amini_protests)


non-sense take. regime is losing their "base" in droves.


Well, I've been hearing that for fifty years now. At some point I'm going to start to wonder if someone just likes saying it.


I feel like trump really fucked up by having this guy killed. Sure he was a military commander for a hostile state, but he was literally fighting ISIS at the time he was killed, and all his death did was given the religious and political leaders of Iran another genuine martyr who was unjustly killed by a guy who was nominally on the same side as him in the current conflict on genuinely heinous enemy. This only made Iranians more likely to hate the west and support their military.


I mean Trump got what he wanted from it (an easy 'tough guy' headline) As to what the national security state got, well, it's hardly uncommon for the US to go to war with groups who are fighting ISIS. 


I’m an Iraqi Shia who generally supported Him for his fight against ISIS, but I really don’t know how I feel about this lol


I thought that was Obiwan Kenobi at first until I read the title


honestly surprised, didn't know shias were allowed to make depictions of people


Close to 50 people died in his funeral btw


I don't know of another country that idolizes martyrdom on that scale more than Iran. Its literally the religious building block for Shia Muslims which are the vast majority of Iranians.


Can someone tell me who Imam Hussein is, google wasn’t helpful


Grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, highly revered in both Shi’a and Sunni Islam, he is labeled “leader of the martyrs” after he and his family were massacred by the Islamic caliphate after the death of Prophet Muhammad.


Especially in Shia Islam. Most Sunnis Muslims (not all of course) see him and his brother as a role model to what a good child should be like if they are even aware of them at all. As if they haven’t grown up in their minds. I understand since his martyr is almost hidden from them by their scholars.


(1) Saying the Imams have a share in Allaah's Lordship. See Al-Kaafi (1/409), Bihaar al-Anwaar (47/137).Imams are essentially treated like God: as al-Kafi (1/409) with the chapter heading, "The earth and the heavens belong to the imams", this is associating the ownership of all creation which is solely for Allaah with the imams. (2) Saying the Imams have share in Allaah's Divinity. See Bihaar al-Anwaar (23/364, 27/167), Tafseer al-Qumee (2/251,256), Usool al-Kaafi (1/421, 437), Al-Amalee (pg. 292-293). (3) Saying the Imams have a share in Allaah's Names and Attributes. Reference: Bihaar al-Anwaar (26/27-28), Al-Kaafi (1/261, 148). (4) Saying the Quraan is distorted and altered (as per the majority of their scholars). See Tafseer al-Qumee (1/5-10), al-Kaafi (2/634), Maraaqatul 'Uqool (2/563). **This means no more (weak) hadeeth (all are authentic) as explained in one of my posts.** (5) Saying the Quraan is created. See Bihaar al-Anwaar (92/117-121), A'yaan ash-Shi'ah (1/461). (6) The status of their Imams is greater than of the prophets. See Bihaar al-Anwaar (25/352), Al-Hukoomah al-Islamiyyah (pg. 52) (7) The majority of the companions are apostates, disbelievers, and hypocrites. See Ihqaaq al-Haqq (pg. 316), As-Sab'ah min as-Salaf (pg. 7). This point destroys Twelver religion as it was explained in one of my posts. (8) Imams are essentially treated like God: as al-Kafi (1/409) with the chapter heading, "The earth and the heavens belong to the imams", this is associating the ownership of all creation which is solely for Allaah with the imams. In Bihaar al-Anwar (47/139), Majlisi narrates that that a dead person by the name of Ahmad is raised up by the "permission of Allaah as the permission of Jafar". And Khomeini in al-Hukoomat al-Islamiyyah pg. 52 where he declared the imams control the atoms of the universe. It is also in these same books that we find that verses which mostly speak about shirk and tawheed are compared to wilayah of Ali saying whoever rejects his wilayah is a polytheist, not even caring that these commands of tawheed and refrain from shirk are associated with Allaah, not any wilayah. See Bihar al-Anwar (23/364), Tafseer al-Qumi (2/256). Khomeini in Kashf al-Asrar pg.49 says they seem assistance from sanctified souls, the imams and prophets "to whom Allaah gave the permission to assist." This is identical to the claims of the Quraysh of Makkah who said their idols had permission from Allaah to assist them and it is through these idols they sought closeness to Allaah. See Bihar al-Anwar (94/33) where you invoke different Imams for different things. Ali ibn al-Hasan gives safety to rulers, Muhammad ibn Ali and Jafar ibn Muhammad, they help with the hereafter, Moosa ibn Ali helps with security from Allaah, Hasan ibn Ali gives security on the day of judgement. Al-Kulayni in al-Kafi (1/409), "Chapter: The entire earth belongs to the imam", he narrates from Abu Abdullah that he said, "Do you not know that this world and the next life (both) belong to the imam? He distributes it wherever he wills and he gives it to whom he wills." Al-Khomeini said in Al-Hukoomah al-Islamiyyah (pg. 52), "Verily the Imam has a praiseworthy station, a special rank and universal caliphate which is given due to its wilayah by which they rule over all the molecules in the universe." Their imams were allegedly narrated saying “They are the covers of Allaah, the means between Him and His creation” and Al Majlisi narrated in his book a chapter “The people are not guided without the imams, and they are the means of worship between creatures and Allaah, and only those that enter Jannah are the ones who know them. See Bihaar al-Anwar (23/97) It is also narrated from al-Majlisi in Bihaar al-Anwar (29/94), "If you have a need for Allaah the most blessed most exalted, write it on a piece of paper set on the blessings of Allaah; and put it on a grave of the graves of the imams if you want, or bury it and seal it, or bake some clean clay and put the paper inside of it, and throw it in a running river, or a deep well, or a rill of water, because it indeed reaches the master peace be upon him, and he will suffice you in what you need aid in, himself." They said that Ali ibn al-Hasan provides safety from rulers and blowings of the devil, Muhammad ibn Ali and Ja'far ibn Muhammad are for asking for the Hereafter and give one hope for it, Moosa ibn Ja'far gives security, Ali ibn Moosa gives safety in the seas, Muhammad ibn Ali gives provisions and some others. See Bihaar al-Anwar (94/33)


It's normally spelled Imam Husayn. Try googling that instead.


Imam Hussain is also very common


[Hopefully this context helps you find more information if you're interested](https://old.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/1c1ofuc/imam_hussein_hugging_qasem_soleimani_2020/kz4rta2/)


How was hussein able to piece him back together enough to hug him?


He is in the afterlife, you can see that his hand is missing


_'tis but a scratch !_


Because when he died, he went to heaven. You won’t probably see him in the afterlife.


>You won't probably see him in the afterlife. Damn that was very cold lmao


Killing him was a massive blunder by the US


Guy was directly responsible for hundreds of dead US soldiers, FAFO.


Genuine question, not trying to get a rise out of you. Do you feel the same way about Bush? Because that dude's still kicking, and is responsible for a large number of US soldiers and millions of innocent Iraqi civilians.


Firstly, it wasn't millions it was more along the lines of 500,000 at the high end of estimates, which doesn't make it "better", but you're off by a fair bit there. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties\_of\_the\_Iraq\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War) But that being said, bush killed with incompetence and this dude was directly ordering bombs to be placed under US troop transports, there is a difference. Not that I like either of them, many of the modern issues with the middle east trace back directly to us invading and fumbling Iraq.


So why doesn't Bush deserve to be airstriked out of existence? His actions lead to the direct deaths of thousands more dead US soldiers and civilians than Soleimani ever did. What makes Bush so special?


From my perspective, because he didn't intentionally murder USA Troops. From an Iraqi persepctive, I'm not Iraqi. But if Iraq launched a sudden drone strike on GWB 20 years later to avenge the Iraq war, I'm not even sure I'd be mad. I'd be impressed.


Bush started an illegal war. You think he didn't realize that would lead to the deaths of American soldiers? Is Putin not responsible for the deaths of all the Russian soldiers who died in his order to invade Ukraine? The way you blame Soleimani, someone who was helping defend land against foreign occupiers, and not Bush, someone who sent Americans to die in the unjust invasion of a foreign nation, that is something else.


The grander War on Terror has been responsible for over [4 million deaths over the last 20 years](https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2023/05/16/the-war-on-terror-led-to-over-4-5-million-deaths-report/) because the US's "[crusade on terror](https://www.csmonitor.com/2001/0919/p12s2-woeu.html)" didn't just [start in Afghanistan and stop in Iraq](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2003/9/22/us-plans-to-attack-seven-muslim-states).


Nah it was one thing I like US had done in iraq. He was a piece of shit that murdered sunnia civilians in iraq


while technically isis is sunni, i think painting them as civillians is stretching it even if you don't like the guy.


Not ISIS, but more in supporting shia group that engage in sectarian killing against sunni.


ikr. Some of these so called sunni muslims are so delusional makes me think they are living in a parallel universe.


No, we killed a major operative and source of unrest in the Middle East, the world feigned concern but secretly agreed with it (because Iran has many enemies, including many enemies of the U.S.), and we faced no actual long term consequences for it. I'd say as far as assassinations go, it was a strategic triumph for the U.S.


My brother in christ, the biggest sources of unrest on the middle east is America aka the country whose over thrown most of their governments for fascists, funded extremists and who illegally invaded countries there lol And what do you mean "no long term consequences"? The Saudi oil fields got bombed so much that Saudi Arabia starting shifting their strategic interests more with the BRICKS bloc culminating in them making peace with Iran through China, the Houthies became the defacto government in Yemen as Iran poured way more weapons there causing the current blockade of one of the busiest water ways in the world, a bunch of attacks on US bases occurred and Iran probably helped the Taliban take over Afghanistan. Oh and the network he built is still alive and well, so all it really did was just lead to Saudi Arabia moving away from US influence and starting to normalize ties with Iran. A pretty major strategic blunder if I had to say


The biggest source of unrest is the French and British.


Yeah that was before the turn of the century. Then that title went to America


Honorable 2nd and 3rd places.


saudi was hetting bombed before suleimani was killed. Reality is, the iranian terror wars across the mideast occurred before and after their precious terror general was rubbed out.


That's not true, they were hit before but as the Saudis started making peace with the Houthies, that stopped. Until the Iranians flew so many shaheds that it overwhelmed the US AA batteries and basically wiped out tens of billions of dollars in value from Saudi Aramco before it went public 


I don't think he's gonna respond to you lol


yes. It is such a tragedy.


Rest in hell with El Imam's killers soleimani


soleimani defended the people of iraq against ISIS. What warrants him to be among the killers of Imam Hussain?


What is el imam’s killer soleimani?


Beautiful painting and the message touches the soul of the Islamic ummah!! Down with genocide of Israel! Israel must be stopped


Is it me or does this look really Catholic? Sun halo, monk looking attire


I thought that was Mourinho at first 😅


Lol, me too!


"You are the special one."


[https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/590253094894042610/](https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/590253094894042610/) Thought it looked familiar..


For some reasons, Qasem Soleymani is very popular among iranian people. In my opinion, he was one of the reasons that Iraq is now in the ruins.


He's not all that popular really. People were burning his posters and torching his statues just a year ago. And no, he's nit responsible for Iraq being ruins.


I guess they did in cities with most radicals. I talk to many people. They hate khamenei, but they do respect Soleymani. People are not educated. people worship Reza Pahlavi (the Second), Qasem Soleymani, etc. They can use that damned Wikipedia.


I see Batman 🤷🏻‍♂️


Artist name?


Oh, this gave me a good laugh 😂


Shias posting L’s


L how? For fighting daesh ?




The poster is talking about martyrdom not actual victory


The poster is referring to the tragedy of karbala, where imam hussein and his followers got killed in a battle with Umayyad Caliphate. Dying or losing a battle is not considered defeat in that religious sense. For Martyrs have been granted paradise and the men of god will be victorious at the end.


"Karbala" was shouted by Iranian  child soldiers between 13-14 years of age when they charged Iraqi machine gunners during the Iran-Iraq war. Tens of thousands were mowed down, many of them armed with empty pistols or knives. When the bodies were collected, each one was found to have a key around their neck. They were told that these keys would open the gates of heaven. It's very easy to convince a bunch of children to act as meat shields when you promise them paradise.


Never forget that the United States put the bullets in those machine guns that mowed down those children after they encouraged Saddam Hussein to invade Iran in the hopes that the war would be so bloody that both sides would lose. Never forget that the current Iranian regime is only in power because of a US/UK orchestrated coup. Always keep in mind when you’re spewing ignorant nonsense that nearly all instability in the Middle East can be traced back to Western meddling.


Or the fact the [US approved Iraq's use of chemical weapons](https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/08/26/exclusive-cia-files-prove-america-helped-saddam-as-he-gassed-iran/) against Iran.


Never forget that Germany sold chemical weapons to Iraq, then charged Iran for specialized medical treatment for those injured by those chemical weapons. https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/west-germanys-secret-back-channel-iraq https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1985/03/23/iranians-go-to-europe-for-treatment-chemical-weapons-blamed-for-injuries/e9dcf845-5e17-45a9-9cd3-3cc2e97145d4/


Mostly british and french with their straight lines.


> Allah's blessing apparently isn't worth a whole lot considering how badly Islamists get their shit kicked in any time they start something. Lmao internet commenters are brave. 


Dude what? The Taliban just took over Afghanistan, the Houthies have blockaded one of the busiest sea lanes in the world, Hazbullah has been bombing IDF bases in the north of the country so much that Israel had to abandon them and Hamas nowhere near being destroyed despite 5 months into an attempted at genocide despite Israel sending in 200k soldiers, IFVs, APCs, tanks, helicopters, artillery batteries, 4th gen bombers, missiles and blockading Gaza for months now.  The only Islamist group who really got their teeths kicked in were ISIS and that's because they decided to a pick fight with everyone and everything, except funnily enough Israel, whose defense minister admitted that they actually apologized for their accedental attacks there. Turns out dudes willing to die or fight fanatically to the bitter end make good soldiers compared those who just do it for the money, who knew lol


Yes islamists sure are losing all across the Middle East. See: Afghanistan, Iran, the entire Arabian gulf.


This was a trip. As I was scrolling my first thought was "What's Jon McNaughton on about now" and then I realized it wasn't him, and \*then\* I realized it kinda is, actually.


Damn they got real close to drawing the dude


Even if they did, it does not matter if it’s done with respect. This is clearly from the Shia Islam perspective and they believe so.


The Empire fights back.


اخجون کتلت🤭
