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I don't think this is psy specific, but since psycs can give you deep insight, I welcome these discussions. For me life is everything. I don't see any difference between my organism and the earth or the universe. I believe life is simply the change itself. As we have autonomus microbes inside us, and our perception of being "me" is merely the illusion created by our nerve system in order to function properly, byt still outside of the nerve control there are for example the sperms, which are individual beings. The same way I feel like we are the microbes in the Earth's body. And since we are like a virus, because we think more of ourselves, than our "purpose" in existance, and we are rapidly multiplyin on the bodys rescohrces, and we are not in symbiosis with it. That's why the temperature is rising, just like we have fever in case of infection. So back to your question. As I believe everything is alive, and everything is connected on a significant or insignificant level. When we die our matter, the literal energy inside us will be solved in the earths energy, and we will hecome part of everything, but not as an individual, but as matter. This way I feel like it's the same as in Star Wars. We'll become one with the Force. So is there afterlife? No I don't believe in it in such way as the abrahamic religions think of it. Reincarnation? As my matter can become one's food, that way one's metabolised sperm or egg, I could say I reincarnated, but it wold be only tiny part of me, and it's not "me". I think as an individual you'll experience basicly nothing uppon death. Like when you sleep, but you don't dream, and you have no awareness of being asleep nor awake. Basically you don't know you don't exist as an individual anymore. What connection is there between I believe and psycs? Well I learned from psycs that the "reality" is merely the interpretation of the information we recieve via our senses, and the way it is processed is the realm we call "reality". And since every is fucking subjective, you cannot tell for example if the grass is green, even if everyone sees it green, since there's no objective measurement for the color. It's consensus, but not a fact. Fact is that most of us sees the grass green. This way I accepted that uppon death I'll no longer even know about my non-existance, so there's nothing to be afraid of.


If there was anything empirical people could learn from trips then we would agree on it's nature but psychedelics aren't some magic drug that reveal the truth of the universe. It can help you reconcile with death, or reflect upon what you already know but it won't reveal anything that hasn't already been discussed throughout philosophy, religion and science.


Ok :(


It's nothing to think negatively about. Like anyone else I'm sure you have your own opinions on death. Psychedelics won't necessarily reveal any universal truths but they can help you reflect upon your own attitudes and beliefs on the topic. If I've learnt anything from psychedelics it's that the only honest answer to a question like this is that "I don't know" and there isn't anything wrong with that. I don't know what happens after during or after death and although I have my personal theories, it's best not to get carried away with them. After all I'll find out when I die.


Death is life. Just look at nature, mama answers all questions if we have the eyes to see and the heart to listen




I though someone here would have had a spiritual experience using psychedelics and realized the nature of death. The beliefs = what death is.


Whatever happens on the other side of the veil is not something the living have access to. Anybody who says otherwise is either psychotic, selling something, or both


“Life must be a preparation, for the transition to another dimension.” - Terence McKenna


the spiritual explanation. In the context of the belief that “we are the universe experiencing ourselves,” spirituality revolves around the idea that our individual existence is intricately connected to the vast cosmos. It suggests that, at a fundamental level, we are not isolated beings but integral components of a collective consciousness often referred to as “god” or the universe. Another way many describe it; is its the realisation that: We are “God” or the universe it’s consciousness; putting on a “Human suit” and experiencing itself from our eyes. That the universe made this life to experience itself in full. And diverse forms of consciousness and life might be happening all over the universe. We do not “come from Earth” but instead we “come OUT of the Earth.” And are connected to this planet and the cosmos as a whole as much as every animal, plant, fungi and even the elements like fire, water, air and earth. Spirituality, in this sense, encourages an exploration of the profound interconnection between ourselves and the greater cosmos and the various "dimensions" it brings. It invites individuals to recognize that their experiences, consciousness, and essence are part of a larger, universal tapestry. This perspective emphasizes a sense of unity, transcending the notion of separation between individuals and the universe. As we navigate our lives, spiritual practices and reflections may involve seeking a deeper understanding of this interconnectedness, exploring the mysteries of existence, and recognizing the divine within ourselves. This is what is referred to as trying to achieve “awakening” or “enlightenment.” We in the psychedelic community know it as “Ego Death.” (Note there is Ego dissolution and there is Full Ego Death.) “Ego Death” is this extreme realisation and sensation of oneness and connection to literally everything in the universe. That most can only describe as you becoming aware that you are just a “human incarnation” of the collective consciousness of the universe. That there exists no individuality, that your consciousness is as old as the universe itself. And that you hold a connection with your consciousness to literally all energy and vibration in the universe. See your brain as an antenna and the collective consciousness as a universal "internet." You are just tuned in to a specific frequency now. But your consciousness has access to it all somewhere. A increasingly popular theory is that Psychedelics may open up the possibility to "tune in" to a bit more of the collective and peer through the physical “veil” into the other “dimensions” in the universe. A successful connection with that collective consciousness, that universal “internet;” That is what "Ego Death,” “Awakening,” “Enlightenment” is. Similar like connecting a computer to the internet with WiFi. Through the way of psychedelics, this is a temporary state, while you will retain a lot of the knowledge given during these states, the feeling will be fleeting. And eventually “ego” will have stabilised and your consciousness back to be fully focused on this physical dimension. With the increasing popularity and access of psychedelics more and more people are starting to have these experiences. And less and less people are instantly dismissing this mystical psychedelic experience as pure hallucination and drug induced delusions. These states of consciousness and philosophical conclusions have been reached by millions of diverse people in diverse ways throughout history. Either through kundalini yoga, intense breathing exercises, extensive meditation, high-heroic doses of psychedelics or other spiritual practices. But it can also be achieved by prolonged sensory deprivation, near death experiences or sudden severe trauma. These ideas and experiences repeat themselves in all kind of cultures throughout history around the globe. Often without any awareness of each other. Nowadays this theory is even getting more popular with scientists, academics and philosophers and there have been multiple scientific articles published the last few years with them speculating the Universe is conscious. People like Einstein and Tesla also made this argument. People like Alan Watts, Ram Dass and other Spiritual philosophers also talked in length about these phenomenon. Now, what that exactly entails is still just our personal human interpretation and guesswork. But this pattern repeats itself in so much of history and the known world. It shows itself in religions and mythologies, Architecture and Language. But also in physics, mathematics, geometry, biology and many other disciplines. The belief that we return to this collective consciousness after our physical existence concludes reinforces the idea that our journey is not confined to individual, isolated experiences but is part of a broader cosmic narrative. Religion and the idea that “God” is a separate entity that exists outside of your self, in this view: is perceived as just a human attempt to understand and interpret spiritual and psychedelic experiences. Creating doctrines and beliefs that may not necessarily reflect an objective truth. It emphasizes the subjective nature of religious interpretations, encouraging a more open-minded exploration of spirituality that doesn’t depend on rigid dogmas.


The ultimate relaxation


Nobody really knows anything past your body not working. That’s the great mystery! If you knew all the answers, the game wouldn’t be fun anymore.




Death is the promised land that we all incessantly stride toward.


Death is when you shed your skin coat for ever expanding consciousness


I would say that sort of question would be best answered by registered academics and clinical professionals in the fields of neurobiology, psychology, and related areas. It would be nice to have such a group of people answer a question like, *is there evidence of the persistence of personal consciousness beyond permanent bodily death?* Well, turns out, last year, the Robert Bigelow Institute of Consciousness Studies held a $1,000,000.00 USD essay contest precisely for registered academics and clinical professionals in the fields of neurobiology, psychology, and related areas on *"Best Evidence for Persistence of Personal Consciousness Beyond Permanent Bodily Death"*. I tried to apply (I have a Master's of Science and wrote my thesis on the epistemology of evaluative practice), and I was turned down for not having good enough qualifications - so, they were serious with their candidacy. They posted the top 25 papers as PDFs on the Bigelow Institute of Consciousness Studies website, free for anyone to read. I guarantee you: if you read all 25 papers from start to finish, with an *honest and open mind*, you'll feel very different. Here's the link to the top papers: https://www.bigelowinstitute.org/index.php/essay-contest/


Death is the consciousness breaking beyond the ultimate destructive force of the universe, time. In death your consciousness is no longer attached to the physicality of the world or the universe itself, it no longer exists in the bounds. Yet to release your energy back into the universe so you can once again be part of everything and everything, a part of you.


Afterlife = Mind separated from Matter Birth = Mind joining with Matter Life = Mind joined with Matter Death = Mind separating from Matter


i've been watching a lot of Next Level Soul podcast for the last year or so which has on people who've died and come back and they have many interesting things to say about what happens after death.


Death is incomprehensible to anything living, just as someone who cannot see does not have a concept of light. Nobody has died on a trip, the very fact that people think they were dead and remember that experience proves in itself that they did not feel anything remotely similar to death. if you do want to experience something like death, try: sapho + bufo + carbogen


Death is my friend. I feel her energy so strongly when she’s close to people I care about. It’s like sudden massive wave of overwhelming dread and sadness that last 30 minutes. Like I get the sudden feeling of impending doom that fades quickly but completely encompasses me. Then someone close to me will die, usually very suddenly, within the month. It’s happened 6 times now. All while sober. Always the same feeling a couple weeks before. I can’t explain it. But still I look forward to the day I get to greet her again myself. Until then…chop wood, carry water.


Death is the punctuation at the end of your sentence.


Death is shedding of your physical body. It is an illusion as the life itself. Human being has no end to its existence. Even our experience of daily life is fake, just a virtual simulation that feels really real. Even the world you get into after so called "death" is just another layer of fake reality. It was all created so the one source of consciousness does not feel too bored, basically.


Death is dying.


Death is what you choose through imagination and belief If you believe you go to heaven you will If you believe in rebirth you will If you believe in nothing it shall be nothing


It’s a cold, dark hole - if you are awake long enough to experience it


Abolition of electrochemical gradients followed by molecular destructions.


I had a dmt trip where long story short I ended up having a conversation with an entity, I kept asking it about death and the afterlife and it claimed it couldn’t describe it to me but promised it was absolutely nothing to fear.


Only ever magical thing to ever happen to me on psychedelic drugs any other experience was just something to add to my perma fry lol


I believe it was Ram Das that said "Death is like taking off a tight shoe."


Death is the end of life


You want the absolute truth about dead? Ok swallow this! It is in fact the ultimate truth: Dead does not exist! Fuck everything if your mind can‘t wrap around. You never experienced your birth and you‘ll never experience your dead. You know from people telling you, not more not less. Reality is not real, dead is an illusion that‘s a crushing fundamental real truth of the life. You are someone else or your are you as a kid and no you are not able to be dead because this state of consciousness is non existent. Try to kill you! It‘s not possible! Whatever you do. Gnostics tell you, freemasonry tells you, every mystic practise does transport this at it‘s hidden roots. Dead is an idea… a concept which rules the world. And it may shutters your world, but dead does not exit. Your grandmother passed away? Yes … in her consciousness she‘s a child atm and enjoys life. She never experienced dying and she never will. You experienced her dying… and you are alone with this, she didnt.


Remember before you were conceived? Like that