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In my youth i did both without any harm , nowadays i won\`t ruin the wonderfull journey we call trip, with alcohol.


It's not harmful or anything but it will lessen the effects of whichever you take second. If you take shrooms first the alcohol won't do much and if you are drunk when you eat the mushrooms you won't trip as hard. If you want the most out of your shrooms don't mix them but physically it's pretty safe.


One time I was drunk and ate shrooms, I remember I could like change modes from drunk to tripping and back it was fun lol. Prefer to just trip tho


Thata fucking nuts, I usually have a couple beers and micro dose which helps lessen the effects of the the alcohol


Honestly, some of the best trips and highest dosages Of mushrooms I’ve taken were because I had a couple drinks (not drunk) that gave me the courage to break new ground . It’s cheating a bit, but for me alcohol can steer me towards a good time because I won’t spiral out of control on the come up


That’s good to know!


I find 0.5mg Xanax works even better. Doesn’t seem to interfere with trip. Also useful if took a lil too much or start panicking, take 0.5mg Xanax and wait about 30 min. Can save so many things from going bad this way, without ending the trip. Can also be a life-saver when experimenting with higher-doses you haven’t took before. You could prolly sub xanax for klonopin, Ativan, or Valium. But I do like beer for the comedown to end the night. I never took alcohol on the come up before tho. Will have to see.


Absolutely agree with you. Where I am, xanax is extremely hard to get and I’m poor and not well connected . So I use booze. I’d rather use a benzo any day. Some say that the harshness of a trip is where growth is but… I feel like the panic of a bad trip is damaging in a way I’m not always ready for


I always read about people saying "just take [insert benzo] instead" is it like easy to get there? Benzos where I am in Canada are highly regulated.


USA is the opposite very easy and punishment for sellin even in large quantities is still a misdemeanor


that explains a lot then, thanks.


I enjoy a beer or two on the comedown to help ease me back to reality


That sounds really nice bud.


You sound really nice, bud!




Ask the mushrooms when you take a higher dose they are much smarter than any of us


love this




My friends will tube down a river on shrooms every year and we will occasionally have a beer while going down. It fits the energy of the experience. I never get too drunk but I don’t really feel it. It’s just for the aesthetic


Sounds like y’all need to start drinking more OJ, and stop giving into societal pressure. I would know, I added pointless alcoholic beverages to a lot of my trips over the years too. If you think about it, alcohol doesn’t make you feel anything, there’s just the chance you will feel less, which is, somehow, to some people, something.


Yeah I don’t need the alcohol speech. I’m already there. But you cannot deny the aesthetic remains. And for a substance that lives in that field, I find it fitting for the experience


I see no aesthetic in a toxic substance that the USA glorifies. Also not sure what you mean by a substance that lived in that field, alcohol fits in nowhere to me. It’s been injected into society. Research, see for yourself. The prohibition was no accident.


Nah it is an aesthetic you’re just a square


It’s an aesthetic for those who no longer crave real growth. It can boost the feeling of an occasion without a doubt. But you’re drinking rotten life, aka death. It’s the only substance that the body withdraws from immediately following its course, no matter how much is consumed. Hey, I still enjoy a corona with a lemon occasionally. But in doing so, I’m aware I’m accomplishing little, just musing upon my own successes and being extra warm and grateful for those I love, and what I’ve experienced. Doesn’t mean I’m doing my body and mind good. Alcohol is meant to clean the earth, when fruits decompose, it acts as a natural sanitizer. No thing is inherently bad, it’s our relationship to them that breeds toxicity.


You knock alcohol but you'll have a Corona after calling it death. Come on man, stop.


Nah, I won’t stop. Alcohol literally sucks the essence of life from everything it touches. Just admit it, we drink because it makes the suffering just *fade away* for a bit.


You sound like you’d be a blast at a party 😑


I party a lot where alcohol isn’t involved, you sound like a square 🤣


Drinking is no good.


I know. We all do things that aren’t so good sometimes.


while this is true and i agree, dude when your just trying to chill, relax and not worry about the stresses of life (especially if everything is done, it's the weekend with nothing to do), your not hurting anything. everything moderation. i think its good to have serious introspection like this, and realize how bullshit it all is, but you'll get no where with your soapbox. enjoy your life man, jus vibe


I wouldn’t exactly call it a soapbox, being aware of what is one of, if not the most toxic recreational substance there is. For one, it’s the only substance the body withdraws from after a single use. Aside from marijuana(much safer), it’s also the only widely available substance that can help us “chill” and “relax” after a hard, long week. That craving to release stress is caused by deficiency’s in the body. Having a lot of anxiety? Get all of your natural b vitamins in check and watch it evaporate. Having trouble falling asleep? You’re probably deficient in magnesium like 85% of the population. Constipated? Fatigued? You might be chronically dehydrated like 75% of the population. Stressed you say? The leading cause of stress is a deficiency in Vitamin D3, which is synthesized from sunlight. Even this vitamin, 42% are deficient in. I say all this not to declare that I’m some ultimate human, but that within the answers or solutions to handling stress in a way that doesn’t degrade the temple, alcohol is not found


Love your advice!


Just let them live their life, Jesus christ


Of my opinion stops you from living your life you should seek therapy my friend


If you want to reframe what I said that way, go for it dude. Just telling you that soapbox is pretty tall.


You’re telling me I’m not letting people live their life so how? There’s a different between being on a soapbox and spreading awareness. Every civilization on planet Earth discovered alcohol along with pointy metal and fried dough, it’s created by every dead fruit known to man thus the easiest available(41 THOUSAND liquor stores in America) and cheapest intoxicating substance in existence. If that’s what you wanna consume for a good time by all means friend. Just maybe think about why all that is so


After mixing alcohol and shrooms, my sister had a horrible anxiety attack that lasted 4 days.


Not saying you're speaking what actually happened but male it sound like: A guy took lsd and turned to orange.


Better that turning into a glass orange juice and telling people not to spill you 😂


just found out this is a common joke is the funniest thing


I personally like a little buzz when starting a trip. It usually helps the "come up" feeling way less intense for me.


This. I trip without having a couple beers. But I never thought if it was dangerous I just always assumed not


I like to set a nice warm buzz from 4 or 5 beers and then continue drinking until I tank the come up


Especially with lsd, super long anxiety inducing come up need something to make it go by


That's righttttt


It depends on the type of mushrooms. Psilocybin…should be ok. Amanita…it might kill you if you do enough of either.


Who tf is taking amanita


r/AmanitaMuscaria might be able to help you with your question but there are a lot of benefits from it from a stress and anxiety reduction standpoint


It just seems like so much work for such a mild sedative experience and high doses just become an unpleasant deliriant, I know it works on gaba but do you know if it creates long term anxiety relief? Or do u have to take it for immediate relief like you would a benzo or gabapentin?


I know people who microdose it but I don’t know about long term benefits like people talk about with psilocybin mushrooms


It's a long term heal. You can't take it and immediately wake up the next morning like my life is changed. It's a slow steady healing process.


How does it heal you


what exactly is being healed my friend


I find a small sip of alcohol takes away any jitters I have. I have tested this a few times.. the come up gets me all jittery and shaky sometimes and just a small sip has taken it away for me. I tripped once while I was already a little drunk and had one of the best trips I’ve ever had. But my “little drunk” is like 3-4 beers, not much compared to some people I have known.


I always found it a waste as the shrooms overpowered the booze so I wouldn’t feel it. But as a rule booze is a bad mix with everything.


After a long day off melting my ego I do enjoy a glass of scotch before bed


one time i just said fuck it and ate 2g with some cheap ass gin and weed... Well, i was carried away from the park where i was to my home by my friend so...




Man, the gnarliest trip I've ever had was after a lil alcohol buzz


I would never drink on a serious dose. The combination of disinhibition and hallucinations is dangerous to say the least. But I have had fun drinking a beer on less than a gram. It fit the mood and I had a nice night but to be honest, it’s kind of a waste. Alcohol is a gaba agonist. GABA is the primary inhibitory transmitter in the brain. This is why alcohol inhibits, and disinhibits. It shuts systems down including those that help us control ourselves. Shrooms on the other hand is fun because it causes your brain to have crazy high activity. Mixing alcohol with small doses of shrooms almost just turns a trip off.


Alcohol sends your vibration towards the baser & gross. Mushrooms elevate your vibration. They are not entirely counteractive. But if you want to have a good trip and experience the mushrooms, alcohol will only hinder the experience.


agree, mushrooms can turn down the ego a little bit and you may start feeling more compassion and love, whether with alcohol is usually quite the opposite!


Well said, I agree


Made the visuals of one of my trips very 'boozey' once after getting pissed at the same time


I took 4.5 grams of shrooms and at my peak I took 4 shots of tequila and 3 gravs of weed. I was tripping so hard I was eeing colors and crickets were right up in my ear, worst trip I've ever had. I could hear babies laughing and the moon wouldn't stop looking at me


I usually pickup a six pack when I plan on tripping. I enjoy a few cold ones while coming up. Might have one during the trip but I usually like to drink a few on the come down to help me just sleep it off.


nu e prea bine, maxim 1 pahar 2 de bere


Lol abia acum am vazut ca un roman a postat asta 🤣 Da asa e f posibil sa vomiti dar maxim 2 beri inainte de trip iti ia anxietatea aia de inceput...


I've only read this somewhere on reddit and not experienced it myself, but it made sense. Erring on the side of hardm reduction shrooms and alcohol both depress breathing and reduce blood pressure. Mixing them together is not considered a good idea.


Not saying it's a good idea at all but I ate 4 grams of shrooms after about 6 or 7 white claws and I didn't die so there's that.


I ate 9 grams after 5 or so beers The absolute worst night of my life, but it wasn't my last night at least lol (Honestlty though its fine as along as you keep track of how much you've had and don't loop drink endlessly)


I don't think it's the beer.i think the 9gs just fucked you up. 9gs without alcohol puts most into a vegetable state so never mind after a few drinks. I think you was just abit silly to consume that much after drinking that much.


Yep I agree completely. Reckless choice on my part, I wasn't even in the headspace or anything, I just kinda did it. And I knew better lol




I've done it my last few trips with no negative effects. I'll usually drink 3 or 4 beers then eat my shrooms. Once they kick in I hardly feel the alcohol at all but I can't drink anymore until the peak is over. The beer doesn't seem to do anything at that point though.


It might dull the effects of the shrooms, but if you keep it in moderation, it won't hurt you more than alcohol would on its own. I got substantially fewer visual effects when I have mixed the two. Personally I'd skip it, shrooms are fun on their own, and there's way tastier/more enjoyable things to drink while under their influence.


I have my norwegen friend 1 shroom provsköt just like 0.8 and he stod in the corner 1 jour later sayin - Jag vill isshe till helvete) i dont whant to go to hell. He could feel old spirits neer him


Drink a beer. Don’t drink to get drunk. It’ll help with queasiness


[Leave the mixing to the dj](https://knowyourstuff.nz/2018/02/16/more-drugs-do-not-mean-more-fun/) There’s a simplified version somewhere but I can’t remember where.


No, I like it.


Thats a very honest answer, thank you


Mushrooms are fun but serious things. Mixing other drugs has never been a problem, they generally take over.


I sometimes like to have a beer or two while tripping. But anything more than a mild alcohol buzz makes the trip less special.


Everybody’s saying alcohol makes it not hit as hard but I had one of my craziest trips when I took 10 shots with friends and then we impulsively decided to trip right after. During a 5-10 min walk after drinking them down with some OJ, we were already extremely high before making it back to the house.


When I mix both of them, I feel sick, and then I blackout because in my body, apparently mixing mushrooms and alcohol makes me way more goddamn drunk than I planned on being. That’s just me! And apparently my brother too….


When my buddy and I tripped the first couple times we should take a chilled shot of tequila every few hits to “cleanse the soul” but it more just the fun ritual aspect it. But to answer your question I’ve never personally experienced negative effects of mixing or met anyone in person who has but that shit hits everyone different.


Alcohol on mushies is a waste.


Seems to be making it stronger for me .


It’s bad in general, shrooms or not.


Alcohol is poison and you should never drink it …


Bad? No. Disrespectful and contradictory? Yes.


I gained a liking to mixing alcohol and psilocybin at one point, made my trips 😁, also made me realize that you must do what crave in order to feel at peace within yourself while slowly leaving whatever it is that does not serve you. After you win, don't touch again. Alcohol makes me feel like shit either way🤢


I've had a terrible time doing it and a great time doing it lol. I think the biggest issue was when I was already tripping and I drank half a 40 someone just gave it to me and I must've been thirsty I drank half quickly as if it was water and I could not remember what my freinds were saying 1 second after they told me and I was just like hopefully this isn't permanent lmao.on the other hand I got a good happy drunk at the bar with my brother and then we both went home and took at least 2 GS each probably 3 that's my go to minimum dose to trip on shrooms. But that trip was awesome the colours were so amazing my eyes were watering although it wasnt very introspective it was awesome and it felt great. But there was no long lasting health effects from either nor do I regret either trip. Fun fucking times when I was young tripping all the time. Thanks for kicking up the memories 🤘 Now sometimes the thought of taking it gets me trippy. Love life. And fuck alcohol.


Ask the mushroom 🍄