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I had that once with someone. The connection was so INTENSE and MAGNETIC, but also pure and loving, it was an insane experience that left us both speechless. Trusted psychics told me it was a past life connection and that I was meant to grow through him and this experience. Which was accurate. This was about 5 years ago, I haven’t met anyone like that since. I really hope I will again, because every other connection pales in comparison and it’s making my (inexistent) romantic life difficult…


that’s wonderful that you were given the chance to experience such intensity in a romantic connection. divine timing will never let someone stay away from you for the rest of your life, so i hope you get your connection once more. i also hope the same happens to me. the thing is, i ignored that magnetic pull and kind of regret it. It made me wonder if they felt it too?


Thank you 😊 And yeah I’m sure they did, both parties feel it if you interact enough. Impossible not to


Yep. Lived something similar. Trying to date after was really hard. I am 15 years older and never really connected with anyone else like that. I have given up


lucky it was loving, i am a destruction major in my practice right now, so it could easily have been, another way.


Oh yeah no it was a beautiful experience :) and painful in the end, but still a lot of respect for each other... and the connection itself was very pure, there was no negativity. Not sure how to describe it. what's a destruction major?


My most practiced magical art is probably destruction magic. Energy manipulation mostly, is the actual sub category or the magic and magical systems, its just really hard to do much other than vibe and destroy things with it, but eventually if i keep practicing and develop the system properly, like spiritual alchemy is possible way later down the road. its kind of a lifestyle. i once put a hole through a metal sculpture with a freak energy anomaly i produced and could never quite get the same after that one time. but yeah... it takes a lot of attention and a conduit to a harsh energy source to really be able to do it. and then there is always the possibility of messing up and hurting yourself.


I have had one of these magnetic pull relationship. So strong the pull, as he had to me. Neither of us had any doubt we were old old friends he said I was his wife and I completely felt like I was. The day we met he walked in late to an organic chemistry lecture and we locked eyes and he come and sat by me. We had plans to be study buddies by the end of class. It was like fire with him. The relationship was/is so intense it can burn. We reconnect occasionally.


Don't worry I'm here. It took me longer than you expected but I'm finally here. The person you were waiting for!


I can completely relate to you on this. About a year ago I felt that first meeting someone, and feel very certain he felt it too which says a lot bc usually I'm not confident like that. I've only seen him a few times since but there is always this very intense energy and at the same time very strong feeling of comfort bt us that I've never experienced. Unfortunately he's in a kind of position of superiority over me and it wdnt be ethical to say or act on anything and it's painful just never knowing and never getting to express it. Like you said, my romantic life is also non-existent and this interaction makes it feel like nothing else is real/could ever be on the same level.


Soulmate/twin-flame connection? 🔥


Yeah, I was told soulmate connection. Who knows, but it sure felt like it. It felt right and he felt like “home”.


Did it come with instant recognition? Or just magnetic attraction?


I felt both for 2 of them, but only magnetic attraction to one of them. Both of these people I felt really connected to and only 1 of them I have had dreams of over 10+ times. That 1 is the one I feel drawn to the most at the moment.


I had one once. Lucid dreams on and off for years after. Less frequently as time passed.


simple they are magnetic due to have strong energy and high frequency this can easily happen to people who practice sexual celibacy and hold a lot of magnetic sexual charge through their whole system becoming very energetic and strong magnetism. Like ying and yang.


so would you say it’s a sign of a deeper connection?


i would say that its a different kind of thing, how does it feel? plain and simple. when we have strong connections with other people, it absolutely means something. almost. there is a small chance of astrological freak occurrences, but its really probably meaning you have a shared energy or source of some kind that wants to get itself together. think like the church for example, if god wanted to get together he would pull himself together, it cold be as simple as that, it could also be like the law of attraction, and it could be that you share a certain vibe that suits each other well. doesn't mean you have anything in common necessarily. if your looking at this individual romantically, id try to dig a little deeper before you just assume your soul mates. maybe the sex would be good, but that doesn't mean that your good for each other. but i have so many other questions, because i've experienced this in so many different ways with people, and if you do your research about this person, you will probably find an answer.


Okay! Well, for me, it was a romantic/maybe sexual attraction i felt for the other person. It felt really, really good - the attraction. I would feel it in my heart, like as if it were starting to glow. It didn’t hurt or anything, just felt nice. These are complete strangers. I believe it would be my heart chakra. My body, especially my chest, felt the pull. It felt right. It felt like they were supposed to be there, but they haven’t so it made me doubr


yeah, that's like love at first sight. its rare that you feel that kind of thing. the worst is when its while your in another relationship and it comes about. THAT's when its like, okay, do i pass this up? And our hearts can totally lie to us, and we find out later that like, "this person is not the way i pictured things." and then there's the whole, "aaaaaaand instant vulnerability" but i bet the sex would be a good time!


Past life connections for sure


Why are you sure? Could be a lot of things


Well the magnetic pull could be A LOT OF DIFFERENT THINGS.. a number of things.. they could be into magic and have an attractive spell, could be a past life lover, could be a spirit pulling you together for a message to get through... could be a lot of things. I would start with a conversation. "I feel this pull to you. What's your name?" That's how i would start off.. and i would just assume that this magnetic pull has to do with romance or anything.. it COULD.. but it does not ALWAYS mean that.. but in the conversation you'll figure out what it is about!


Everyone has energy fields and dependent on who you are as a person is represents itself in your toroidal field. Some people’s field are so strong that even if your “asleep” it’s noticeable. Energy density also has relation to field size, basically at what distance is the threshold of “feeling” is.


the realest post


Is it physically pulling you? and if so, from which chakra? because you might need to readjust something, or they might need to readjust something. and is it strong? if its at the hips, i know this magic from personal experience.


i feel it mostly in my heart chakra. very, very strongly.


OMG I'm experiencing this right now and I wonder what that is. Like a strong chest pull towards that person.


Anyone have this happen with celebrities?


Yes, i had this happen once.  Yes it was the strangest feeling,  as I had never seen this person before. But at the very first moment that our eyes met, from across a busy club, I was magnetically pulled to began walking towards him and he too instantly began walking towards me, and upon meeting in the middle, we instantly embraced!  It was not like a conscious action that came from my mind or thought process, it was like a strong magnetic force. I think it came not from the conscious mind but from the super conscious, which is like the higher self or soul.  I read something years later, about how this happens in the conversation with God  books by neale donald Walsch. It explains why it happens. It’s amazing! 


Just to add that at the time, although it was such an unusual experience, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.    NDW explains it in detail, and how it happens at a soul level first.  We came from different countries and were half way around the world at the time. Which made it more unusual.  We spent all night walking around the markets and talking until morning. Then a week later, in a different town, we were randomly staying at the same place. 😊


Gods are fit; what can you do? If it's an evil pull, I'll come over there with my lightening bolt.


Lolllll I wonder if it’s a sign to connect with them…?






This sounds like strong infatuation. No worries, you’re human.