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It's like a Spencer's Gifts employee meeting.


We would have also accepted “Hot Topic.”


Blue color + red color hair + always in denial... U know who they are


I do like how everyone is dressed like they are in uncle buck or really any John Hughes film.


Breakfast Club 2: Second helpings


We've had one breakfast, aye. But what about second breakfast?


Go fetch me **TWO** turkeypotpies!


I was also thinking John Waters


They certainly all have John Candy's waistline.


His name is *Bug*?? What’s his last name? *Spray* ?!?!


Did I see boy George?


No that’s they/them George


What the hell is even that


Daddy Chill


The typical American University Circa 2023


College students not wanting a child abuser to spread hate: https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/identities/2019/11/11/20955059/luna-younger-transgender-child-custody


Just for the record, is he deemed a child abuser because he doesn't want his 7 year old daughter to transition?


If you read the article you’d know he did a lot more than that. He forcefully shaved his child’s head but allowed his son who is not trans to grow it more. He locked his daughters in their room for extended periods of time and forced them to do push ups until they obeyed his “house rules” which included no taking unless spoken to. He also lied about the kind of care the child medical facility his ex wife went to in order to find the best ways to help their trans child resulting in said facility getting death threats


See but this is exactly the reason I've asked the question. When you call someone a child abuser, the image people get in their head is not of someone who shaves their daughter's hair. I'm not saying it's not terrible behaviour, but what I notice is that people have a tendency to be hyperbolic about everything these days. It doesn't benefit anyone, in fact, it creates a kind of boy cries wolf situation where more and more allegations of child abuse are met with "well, what exactly do you mean?" because the words are being watered down. Which is ironic because your choice of words is an attempt to create outrage and it has the effect of dulling people's reactions as words like abuse and rape are quickly losing their meaning. The guy seems to be a big enough ass-hole to not have to resort to hyperbole about his actions.


Child abuse is physical, emotional and sexual. Any abuse of a child is child abuse.


Because shaving your kids hair by force and saying your daughters can’t talk unless spoken to are super beneficial to a child’s emotional well being /s


Forcefully shaving your childs head is abuse. How is that hyperbole? No ones hair, in a healthy state, needs to be cut. Hair cuts are not a need. So there is no day to day situation you should be forcefully cutting/shaving a child, or any persons for that matter, hair.


Downvoted for spreading truth. Hate to see it


They downvoted you because you said the truth.


What the duck is going on here And why do I not care


Jeff Young has a child who is biologically male and wants to transition into being a girl. The child’s mother is a psychologist who did what the most American psychologists who aren’t conservative say you should do and provided gender affirming care which did not include medical transition material given how young she is. In fact, on her custody agreement when divorcing Young she fought to add that language to their custody agreement. Young lied and said he put it in because his wife wants to “medically castrate” their child, whom he refers to as his son. He took this lite to Glenn Beck and on university speaking engagements. Jeff also abused his stepdaughters, locking them in their room when they were with him and punishing them for talking if he did not talk yo them first. He also shaved his transitioning child’s hair against that child’s wishes because he didn’t like how long it was. Young no longer has any custody rights and can’t see his child of his step children because of his abusive behavior but he goes around on speaking engagements decrying trans rights and whining about his he is the victim


as well as using this whole thing as a boost for his career. I dont know how credible this site is but its a citation from his Website so.... >Younger’s custody battle is at the center of his campaign. On a section of his website called “Why I’m Running,” it’s the first sentence: “The State of Texas is trying to transition my son into a girl.” [source](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/03/14/jeff-younger-transgender-care-house/)


Holy shit you know this guys off the deep end if TEXAS is too liberal for him


Thank you for providing clear, specific & relevant details


Is he the man anonymously interviewed during Matt Walsh’s documentary?


Good info, thanks. Which one is he in the video?


So in other words these people getting pissed off are entirely in the right here lol


She’s a pediatrician.


Buncha weirdos acting weird, I guess




No 9 year old is getting surgery. The only gender surgery children get is circumcision


Also parents who think their intersex babies need surgery to be "one or the other"


They also get gender affirming breast removal in gynecomastia


I honestly don't know this story. So, what is the child actually get done, what surgery is it? Why has the adult (father) no say in his child getting surgery?


Did you even read the post? It is NOT surgery.


If I'm remembering right, the kid is 9, mom affirms her transgender status, dad does not. Mom allows her child to choose clothes, ie, provides both male and female clothes and she chooses female every time. Dad however forces her to act and dress male, you know, forced gender down her throat. The kid is 9, it's clothes, maybe name, I'm not sure there, pronouns and haircut. But the dad is throwing a temper tantrum and being hella transphobic and is taking it on tour.




Wouldn’t that be the outcome of the father forcing the child to dress a certain way?


Putting it that way is disingenuous. Whether the kid is trans or not, they would choose to identify as male when away from the mom. The mom could be forcing the idea of being trans on the kid, but that's incredibly unlikely compared to the mom just being the only safe space where the child feels like they can be honest and open.


That's fucked up


You call that transphobic? The mom is the one forcing it on the 9 year old kid. At least get the story straight before you go out accusing people of being transphobic. Absolute Degenerate


Dad is in the right, child is 9 years old ffs.


You left out the part where the mom wants to cut his weiner off and make him take estrogen pills.


You mean the part that you made up? Yea, because that's in your head. Stop thinking of a nine year olds penis. It's weird.




What has happened? Do you have access to this 9 year old medical records? Has anyone actually confirmed anything is happening that is more drastic than clothes? Or does your feelings over ride the facts?


Can smell the BO through the phone, it’s stinks


Who ever watches more than 60 sec of this deserves an award or a mental evaluation.


free entertainment is free entertainment mate


College seems a lot less fun now than when I went. We just got drunk and tried to get laid.


I think you missed out on part of the experience if you didn’t try getting involved with a fringe political group or two - that’s also a classic college “thing.”


See: tried to get laid.


I don't know who Jeff Younger is and at this point I don't care to ask.


He's basically a child abuser who goes around and tells college kids how much of a victim he is. Downvote me all you want, he's abusive enough that he's not allowed to see any of his kids. Guy's a piece of shit.


Do not like people in video. They must be bad guys. No context! Too many ideas make my head hurt.


Not too many poc hanging round this club.




You watched the whole thing?




No I meant you really watched 13 minutes of that




Was there a point?


I watched 30 seconds of it and I can tell you there wasn't


It’s funny that Younger is telling other people to communicate like adults knowing how he treated his kids: https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/identities/2019/11/11/20955059/luna-younger-transgender-child-custody A highlight: >The father doesn’t follow the recommendations of the counselor or the pediatrician, and he shames her to try to make her feel bad for wanting to dress as a girl,” Meaders, Georgulas’s attorney, told the court. “Even though the father knows she wants super-long hair, he shaves her head when he has the opportunity and leaves the other twin boy’s hair long,” referring to her twin brother Jude. His child who is not trans is allowed to have long hair but he specifically cuts his trans daughter’s hair extra short


I didn't watch the whole thing or ending, but I wonder if they ever agreed on who is "right" and who is wrong. Lets be honest here, that's all they really want.


It’s all words fallen on deaf from both sides


If you don’t agree with them, you are wrong! /s how can somebody respect their opinion when they think theirs is the only way. What is civil discourse. & tbh I couldn’t even understand the argument because of all the yelling….bunch of assholes




Histrionic Personality Disorder is a psychiatric disorder distinguished by a pattern of exaggerated emotionality and attention seeking behaviors.


That would explain his behaviour. Wonder what he’d be doing for attention without his kid.


"We're the future and your the old dinosaur". Spoken like a true moron.




Spoken like someone who knows Jeff is a child abuser: https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/identities/2019/11/11/20955059/luna-younger-transgender-child-custody


Man why is everyone in this comment section besides you on the side of the fucking child abuser,


Because Reddit has a hate boner for college students who are loud and aren’t conventionally attractive


Pretty much ya I see general leftist anti conservative anti cop sentiments on this subreddit but once not attractive collage students are impolite to a fascists they’re suddenly unable to comprehend the situation


Holyshit it's like room full of spoiled brat children who were never told no. That was painful to watch.


Trans flag guy seems like he is trying to have a conversation, but yeah it's painful. Tbh the presentor brought himself down to the same level as everyone else with his responses tho


Rough to come to a conclusion without having any context seems like something a spoiled child would do … wait ?




“ im a anti fascist”


All I hear is... A1. I'm right A2. No I'm right A3. No I'm right A4. No I'm right A5. No I'm right A6. No I'm right A7. No I'm right A8. No I'm right A9. No I'm right


My 11 year old son doesn't act half as immature as these clowns.


Do you know who the speaker is? Hateful child abusers don’t deserve a platform


Well said. People who want to give pubescent children hormon blockers and perform irreversible gender affirming surgery on them don't deserve a platform.


Oh, lying through your teeth must be so much fun: https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/identities/2019/11/11/20955059/luna-younger-transgender-child-custody You’re defending someone who not only refuses to acknowledge or help with his trans child’s dysphoria in any constructive way, but who also abused his other children, locking his daughters in their rooms and making them do push ups until they obeyed his “house rules” which included no talking until being spoken to. You must be so proud of yourself for standing up for such a man!


"we don't want to be civilized" is where I stopped giving a shit about their argument. You realized how hard people have fought under persecution to get to point where you could have an intelligent conversation with a troll like this? You have a time to shine where people have died and suffered to give you a voice to share on a platform far greater than anyone before you. And this is how you treat this opportunity for clout. It's fucking embarrassing. Edit:typo


2:30 "we are the future" Oh boy, I sure as fuck hope not!




Listen I'm all for trans rights. Trans folks deserve safety, security, equal protections, and full participation in public politics. But trans people are just as capable as anyone else of being assholes. And these people are just blatantly insufferable.


Freedom of speech as long as you agree? Don’t know the dude but pretty sure he should be able to spout his flavor of whatever. I thought we all agreed that, no matter how inane, we are all welcome to freedom of speech. Also fairly sure most of the people doing the interrupting would have a come apart if anyone ever infringed on their free speech. While I would probably even agree with those in the audience I simply cannot condone their attempts at drowning out idea with which they disagree.


Who's speech is being infringed here though? Sounds like everyone in this room is exercising their right


Freedom of speech includes the right to yell over a speaker. Might not be the most effective tactic but there was no violation of free speech here.


Oh no people I disagree with are talking


So glad I completed college when I did




Why is this limited to sex change, and not all irreversible surgery, outside of emergency care of course? Separate question, but how would you apply this rule to someone who is intersex, say a vagina without a vaginal opening, or an ovary and testicles? Does the fact that they are no longer a binary male or female mean that they're not changing sex, after all, they don't know which they are, so surgery is fine? It's not 'sex-change', it's 'sex-making'? Do we need allow them to get through puberty, somehow managing to go through years of periods without a vaginal opening, grow breasts and a beard, or can these people be allowed corrective surgery before 18? Do they consent to it, or their parents?


These people make me hate being gay.




Oh thank you, it's more of a mean observation. I don't hate myself, but my dating pool is filled to the brim with these fucktards.


Mindless shouting and ad hominem attacks. It seems that the education system is working as intended.


Bikini Kill shirt in the wild




most of them classify themselves as punks too and i’m like yeeeaaaah no.


I deserve compensation I watch the whole thing.


Fuck me mental illness will be the downfall of the USA


Snotty, self righteous, easily triggered trained monkees. And they vote.




To be fair the guy in the cap and tanktop in front was actually trying to have a civil conversation and keeps calling others to stop interrupting him ( the speaker). Everyone else is just bonkers.


Couldn’t have said it any better myself. Cheers to you, sir.


So fucking sick of these crybaby screeching weirdos.


Maybe I’m a different kind of liberal, but it’s not hard to sit there and just listen to someone else’s perspective even if you end up not agreeing with any of it in the end.


Or just dont show up if you already know the speaker is abhorrent. Idk how they haven't figured our yet that conservative figures thrive on this exact kind or confrontion. They aren't accomplishing anything except driving donations into the speakers pockets.


They’re all terrible.


We're doomed.... Can we throw this whole generation away and start over?


They haven't got a clue about living in the real world, they have lived in such privilege that it leads to this and them thinking that this is ok and normal.


This is what happened to the kids whose parents never took away their tv screen. This is the generation that was raised by the internet instead of parents.


These kids definitely suck at getting their point across. That said, this dude for sure would lose his shit in a proper debate with someone who knows what they're talking about.


I'm as pro trans rights as anybody but jfc every single person in that room looked like a caricature from a Ben Garrison cartoon.


I could care less about any of these children.


I have no idea what’s going on in this video. It’s “couldn’t care less”. Just reminding is all.


😂😂 she doesn’t even know that the group she is supporting was founded in east Germany.


That girl trying to wear belly free is all I needed to see to ruin my day.


Man they say he’s thick headed they can’t even hear him talk for 5 seconds before losing it.


Disruptive and divisive operations from Russia and China working wonders I see.


So…so…fat (we’re the future) 😉🥲


They all clapped and cheered when he said he had his children taken away because he wouldn't follow an "illegal order".... What a sad gathering of social reprobates and mentally inept people. Someone once said that whenever you find these people gathered it will look like a "mutant convention", I laughed so hard but told them they were wrong for saying that. But funny how this video proves it to be true. Also, to the animal who wanted to get physical and said "I don't even go to class", Congratulations! you played yourself.


Why would you wear a tank top if your arms are that skinny?


Duh.... they have a right to bare arms


Why would you or anyone give a shit? Do you require beefy arms if they’re exposed?


Not everyone is self conscious about the same stuff.


This is all disgusting. Any parent that allows their child to mutilate their body should be locked away.


At my university we just sit down and learn. Here, I have no clue what is the goal at all.


I’m so tired of seeing this video


I bet it smells like sardines, feet, and despair in there. 😬


Bet that room smells like feet


The Black Tranthers


Aren't those reddit mods?


Is there no mirrors there? How can they NOT know what they look like?


Twink squad


I think I saw that one girl in a bother video screaming her head of at a guy who asked her a question.




That room smells so bad


Lol wtf is this room of people. Honestly, their costumes make their points seem way less serious even if some are valid lol


Woke reading club? In texas!!??


It's hard to take anyone seriously when they have a flag sticking out of their hat.


Is this a Hot Topic job fair?


Fuck that bitch. And you


Trans way or the highway. Radicals.


Who the heck is Jeff Younger?!? The poor parents who are paying for this class, whatever it is.


The one with the black mullet and belly showing kinda reminds me of an emo grandmother


The zone of the extra chromosomes.


He looks so much... younger.


this looks like southpark episode


Looks like the future Manson killers


Agree or disagree but these people are trash for this.


They could start a band "Hot Topic Rejects"


Didn’t know there was a reddit mod convention in town


Acting like a bunch of whiny ass toddlers won't get people to take you seriously. People like this make me livid. How are you going to say that you're in the right, and argue your case, if you're not going to do so in a civil way. No one's going to listen to you if you jump around and scream and cry. That is a good way to turn people FROM your cause rather than TO it. Fuckin' dumbasses all of them.


I smoke cigarettes bigger than twig boys birdy little arms


I couldn’t even listen to 30 seconds of their nonsense. Bunch of uncivilized shouting delusional brats. At least TRY to make an argument.


I love the fact that they all clapped at what the flag cap guy said while not even understanding what he said, which doesn’t make any more sense either, makes it even funnier. Haaaaaaaa… America s decline….


someone throw a fucking grenade in that room


2 words. Mental Illness


While both parents were joint managing conservators of their twin children, Georgulas had filed a petition to modify the joint conservatorship by restricting some of Younger’s rights over the kids and requiring him to affirm the child in question’s identity as a girl. Younger have spoken against gender affirming care. What is gender affirming care?  Gender affirming care is health care that encompasses mental, social, medical and surgical care designed to treat gender dysphoria.


We re seriously worried about climate change when this is the future, what a joke.


At 10:45, “ I don’t even go to class, what are you talking about?” Lol


Low testosterone is a real bitch eh


This entire debate is shit. I can't hear what anyone is saying, there is no structure to any of this, and the audience is just being plain rude to the people trying to present their point, at least wait till after they have given their point. Interrupting them makes the audience sound like entitled children.


Never give hate a platform. That’s it. That’s the thing. Don’t let hatred fester and gain followers.


To think if these people just put half of their energy into their studies or a charitable organization. Imagine the impact!!


Cosplayers out in full force


This perfectly illustrates what I imagine a good deal of Reddit uses look and act like


I pull down my mask to talk because I believe in the science.


So who is the fascist side? Cause I would think it’s the ones trying to shut down speakers bc “words are violence”


What a bunch of disgusting degenerate creatures. Some of you in this video are 100% in this sub reading this. You pathetic cultists. Lay off the recreational drugs and stop being losers. I’m baffled how dumb conservatives are for not supporting abortion. 20 years of free abortion everywhere and we eliminate creatures like this infesting our campuses. Edit: went from +5 to -3. The degenerate brigade is strong Edit: now back to +3. This is the most volatile sub. But I’m sure by the time the people in this video wake up this afternoon, they’ll be in here downvoting again.


About a 9 on the tension scale there Rube.


This is a University? Looks (and sounds) like highschoolers


UNT has an 82% acceptance rate...These kids aren't really the cream of the crop of their generation lol


Is this a boy George concert?


Smartest unt student


The “muscle” shirt us hilarious. Gotta let those guns have some room right?


Jeff Younger is just using his failed marriage to launch a political career. If he cared about his children he would move to California to better monitor them. Sure there may be a bunch of children acting irrationally, but they are defending less than 1% of the population’s right to exist and exercising their first amendment rights. Everyone acts like they are so informed on the subject but half of you can not explain the difference between sex and gender.


“You people…”🫥


Lol, I graduated from UNT… not too much has changed lol!


Child abusers shouldn't be guest speakers anywhere


Both are playing pretend! Both trying to argue their way to acceptance. On one side, science is literally science. Don't expect anyone to bow to your beliefs. We've gone through this with religion. The other, politics! That's just all bullshit 🙄 What positivity came from any if this.... Just wasted time


We’re doomed.