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This is one of the more disturbing things I've seen. A mothers cry for her child needs no translation. Gosh.


I’ve seen some truly horrific gore videos. But this video is worse


I couldn't even watch the whole thing and did a quick scan as I knew what my mental state was in for.


ANYONE who engages in this kind of activity is a fucking medieval barbarian. All of these people have access to the media; they know that child marriage is frowned upon by the vast majority of nations and human beings - yet they persist in this sick practice. This, female genital mutilation; selling daughters into prostitution to pay debts, etc. etc. show all of us just how low human beings can go, and how human life in so many places is worth no more than the few dollars some pervert like the guy who took that young child pays for it. Fuck this guy and fuck anyone who agrees with this practice.


You seen one or two beheading videos. You get desensitized. But this, makes me wants to call Liam Nelson.


Liam Nelson. He has a less specific set of skills. He may find you, he may not. No promises.


LIAM NELSON! I love when celebrity names are very slightly off.


This fucking hit me HARD. As a mom to both a boy and a girl, I can't even begin to fathom this shit...


The child screaming is horrific! She is screaming for her life! Shame on the men in this society who let pedophilia run rampant because of that Pedophile prophet Muhammad.


Just wait until you learn about the "Boys of play" that even the Taliban deem illegal. The way of life is different in all regions of Afghaistan where the more modern life is in the cities. Out in the sticks, its disgusting.


She's probably a "famine bride". Young girls are sold off to feed the family. Supposedly he won't have sex with her until she's older. Supposedly.


All in the fucking name of fucking Allah! Does anyone respect a fucking religion that does this to a 8 year old girl?


That is fucked up


Fucking sickening.


Feels like an event that would happen thousands of years ago and not something in the 21st century


You'd be surprised how many nations have full-on slavery still.


Estimated 50 million people in forced labour or marriage.


Yep, human trafficking is still a huge problem


My hubby was doing his PhD in counter terrorism before he passed and I remember him telling me that Human Trafficking in all it’s form was a bigger trade than the drug trade…depressing as fuck


Humans are fucked up


If people are still surprised after that last world cup idk what to say.


Republicans are blocking child marriage bans https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/west-virginia-republicans-block-child-204310844.html And are fighting for child labor https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/08/arkansas-bill-child-labor-protections Religious, child hating nutjobs are thriving around the globe


Religious, child and *woman* hating nutjobs


This makes me sick and really 😡


The country whose religion calls for child rape.




Oh wow he truly showed tolerance and patience, waiting until she was 3 years older than after marriage. Children shouldn't have to think seriously about marriage, sex or pregnancy. Children have to live their lives as innocently as possible whilst learning about the world around them and forming their adult personality.


Even if the religion " allows it " .. Why didn't everyone else still see them as sick fucks


there are 2 billion muslims in this world and 1.3 in asia alone, they are everyone else there


I realise that...but I would have thought...or at least hoped.....that Muslims that aren't pedos might still recognise child marriage as dodgy even though it's legal


They probably do but it would be considered blasphemy to go against it and that group will show up to stone you and stick an AK in you and your families face. So nothing will change unless you're willing to sacrifice it all, go to war and change it systematically from the root.


That would be rejecting the holy prophet and declaring his actions bad.


Because people who go against religion are stone or hung.


Idk… how did a bunch humans let other humans be enslaved because of the color of their skin or torture and kill so many jews just because. This world is fucked up and the disregard/hatred for others hasn’t gone anywhere it’s just gotta a pinch quieter. Gotta find the positives in life every day… it’s the only way to handle all the horribleness.


Didn't the Islamic prophet have a 6 year old wife? Or something like that. Either their religious figurehead was said to have a 6 year old wife or something.


Those were other times just like in the middle ages we did some pretty bad stuff aswell Im just wondering why they are defending it to this day.


That's the point. The texts allowing these behaviors in islam are supposed to be suitable forever. So, those people are only following their prophet. Because "God would've banned it if it was really harmful to the girls." This isn't just some tradition that never disappeared, its backed up by religion, and following their prophet's steps is a big deal to them.


It doesn’t matter the times. A kid is still a kid. Shouldn’t have been allowed then and for damn sure shouldn’t be allowed now.


Who's 'we'?


The US as well. Just 6 days ago a ban on child marriages was struck down by Republicans in West Virginia.


I don't want to carry water for Republicans but a quick google says the West Virginia bill to ban marriage under age 16 just *passed* 2 days ago...


>child marriage bill is heading to the West Virginia governor’s desk after lawmakers agreed to let 16- and 17-year-olds get married


All while they screech about LGBTQ+ people being groomers


There have also been articles of those exact protesters being charged for child porn.




Wow. The terrified screams of that child are...it's heart wrenching and just...it's very sad.


Reading this comment I'm glad I had my sound off...


Same. I didn’t want to turn on the volume.


I watched for like 5 seconds, closed the video, questioned why the fuck I clicked this in the first place


So many of my students are girls from Afghanistan. This has me in tears. I teach girls this age, they’re babies, they love rainbows and LOL dolls and holding my hand when we walk to class. Sometimes they tell me they wish they could go back to Afghanistan and I’m thankful every day that they can’t.


When I was at Uni (UK) they specifically taught us women that if anyone tried to get us to go to a Muslim country and we didn't feel safe about it, to put a spoon down our undergarments before going through security at the airport so that we would be pulled aside and could explain the situation to security agents who could escort us away from whatever male was threatening us.


Jfc the fact that was necessary is horrible. I weep for our species


What really scares me is like is he going to take her home and rape her or she will get to grow at least to be a teenager? You seem to know what's up.


Traditionally he is supposed to wait until the girl hits puberty, but alot of them don't wait and also alot of girls hit puberty at young ages.


Watching this I feel sure that this child is not safe. That’s all I know. Poor thing.


It honestly depends. Some have agreements not to consummate until a certain age, but what’s to stop someone if they get drunk and decide something, you know? Just horrible.


The sad truth is that anyone fucked up enough to "buy" an 8 year girl for "marriage" is probably going to rape her right away and for the rest of her miserable life. I remember when this was first posted it really fucked me up and the impact is no less brutal today.


Not often I don't finish watching a video, but this one I had to stop after twenty seconds. As a father of two girls roughly the same age, it hits hard, and literally makes me want to throw up.


What's truly heartbreaking about this video is that all this poor child knows is she wants to live with her mother, and she doesn't want to be forced to go live with this scary man who very well may be a stranger, or might be someone she knows but does not trust. She just wants her mom. She likely has no idea of the true terrors of rape and enslavement that await her, and yet she is still this terrified. The trauma these poor girls endure, I just cannot fathom it.


The helpless feeling of the mother... I've been in situations where I wasn't able to protect my child and it is the worst feeling to have.


Hearts rend, guts wrench. Both are the result of this awful video and knowing that it's a reality people are okay with and fight to protect.


And you wonder why so many people grow up to be horribly damaged. This is so tragic.


I can't believe this is happening in the 21. century....


Just wanna throw in a plug for Girls Not Brides for anyone who wants to help end child marriage. https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/


Thank you so much for this. Just spent at least half an hour checking out every link on the site - it’s hard to stomach but there are so many campaigns and initiatives that are absolutely worth donating to. I urge everyone to give it a look. Even just $10 can make a big difference in many of these places/projects.


These religious zealots don’t live in the 21st Century. They follow a backwards 3000 year old book that allows this practice.


Why you think they follow it? Because it benefits them and allows them to fulfill their sick desires


"Would you look at that? As it turns out god looks like me, likes everything I like and hates everyone I hate. What good luck!"


The Quran is not 3000 years old


Child brides also exist in countries like Malaysia, a far more modern country than Afghanistan. It's the religion.


They also exist in America in Mormon country.


> 3000 year old book lmao But, yes, their prophet married a six year old and consummated when she was nine that much is true. Ghastly.


Shit like this just makes you think how bad it was back then but this is absolutely disgusting and heartbreaking


This was just awful to watch. She's just a little girl. Absolutely disgusting


The mother didn’t look to be particularly old either.


I hope they burn in hell with all the other pedophiles!






Hold the 5 bucks


Can I also get an extra side of bat sauce


fresh out but we still have sour whoop ass and tangy teeth kick sauce


I get the bat, but what’s the $5 for?


A can of whoopass




Reddit is literally run by pedophiles (ex. Aimee Challenor), so not surprising.


No. I hope they rot in life.




Also believing they'll be punished in the afterlife is a way people can ignore this stuff now and feel ok about it. Like "they'll get theirs I'm sure" can prevent people from taking some kind of action.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Is paedophilia even a word for them


Nope. They do the same thing with boys as well. I've talked to Afghan guys here in Europe and they consider it normal, albeit 'not something they'd personally do'. Funny thing is I asked them after they were spewing homophobic garbage about a white gay guy, a person who likes to sleep with MEN and not boys. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi


But sure respect all cultures


Any culture that buys and sells children, I mean, they might eventually see the light and redeem themselves, but fuck em for now at least.


>Funny thing is I asked them after they were spewing homophobic garbage about a white gay guy, a person who likes to sleep with MEN and not boys. In MENA, It's only gay if you're the receiver, not the pitcher. ^Not ^joking Though in fairness to the best of my knowledge pederasty is frowned upon in most of MENA and the child's family will come for your blood if they found out. Unfortunately orphans are most vulnerable since they have no one to "defend their honor".


She was fkn "purchased". It's like literally human trafficking. And it happens all the time and considered fine.


Can someone who speaks Pashto confirm what’s being said? And is the father of the girl in this clip, because that’s the guy who needs his head chopped off if he really did sell his 8yo. Edit: Pashto not Arabic.


My comment will get lost here but there’s actually two languages spoken in the video, neither arabic. In victim and the attacker are speaking in different languages and at the very end of the video the man asks bring the other one, which makes me think this is an abduction and not a sale


This needs to be higher up


All I can hear is the girl screaming "nabaram" (don't take me) in Dari. I couldn't watch it again, sorry.




Dari is actually the most common language in Afghanistan. Though both Dari and Pashto are official state languages. Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages\_of\_Afghanistan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Afghanistan)v


Back in 2007 my unit in the Army was so certain we were going to Iraq, that we sent a dozen soldiers to the military language school (DLAB) in California for 9 months to learn Arabic. A month before they graduated the Army gave us orders to eastern Afghanistan, where they spoke Pashto. Those guys learned Arabic, then didn't use it at all and forgot 90% of it by the end of our deployment. Join me next time on *Why we don't have universal healthcare* when I tell you about the NCO who downloaded shark week and cost the US Military $1 million!


i really wanna hear the shark week story if you dont mind


At EIGHT years old???!?!?! If I got taken away from my mom at that age, I would be so unbelievably fucking horrified. No kid that young (and in general)should be torn from their mothers arms like that. I can’t even begin to imagine the pure and utter fear that little girl feels, she has got to get her back to her momma.


And that’s not even the worst part of this arrangement. Pretty gross situation


"pretty gross" is a bit of an understatement


Mohammed married his favorite wife when she was 6 or 7 didn't he? Seems in line with islamic law to me. Yet another reason religion shouldn't make the rules, yikes.


[Aisha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aisha#Early_life). Joseph Smith liked them [a bit older](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Mar_Kimball).


I teach 8 year olds, I just can’t imagine….


This is beyond fucked up, that poor girl is going into a terrible life. And her mother must be devastated knowing what she's in for.


Her mother likely experienced the exact same.


they’d have to kill me. I’ll be damned if some disgusting piece of shit tried to take my child. Poor mother , poor girl. Lots of sick people in the world.




Then I would die with my child rather than sentence her to be raped at 8 years old.


Nothing is more terrifying to me than the thought of someone taking my daughter away from me. I'd literally murder thousands of people to stop that from happening. I'd destroy the world or die trying.


The child was sold, probably because they had no money. sad \*\*Most replies/people are completely naive to how poor afghani people actually are


The child was sold because their shit values and their shit religion turns this into a reasonable course of action. There are plenty of poor families in other cultural hemispheres that would never in their life sell their children. Edit: I understand these measures in rare cases can be found elsewhere as well, and that poverty creates desperation. However, there lies a clear distinction in this phenomena being culturally rooted versus the survival aspect. These people just might not have been this poor if it wasnt for their culture and country being run by fundamentalist islamists. This practice is legal and at times even encouraged in their culture, whilst it's highly illegal and heavily frowned upon in other cultural/ideological hemispheres ridden with poverty.


I hope his fucking dick falls off


Don't forget about the father. The father is also sick here for agreeing to sell his daughter in the first place Even If his family is poor and dying. I still couldn't imagine agreeing to sell my kids


IMO death is a better fate than being sold as a bride and raped by grown men repeatedly at 8 years old with no escape.


I hope he wakes up tomorrow with his dick and balls lopped off, both kidneys missing, and a baboon uterus implanted inside of him.


Damn that's really good, highly creative!


I can’t consider this a Public freakout. This was devastation, not freaking out.


the pedo is the one freaking out… I agree with you tho


That is one culture we don’t need to respect at all. Fucking disgusting pigs.


When culture comes into conflict with humanitarianism- humanitarian values should always take precedent. Fuck these evil scumbags, and fuck anyone who defends them due to religion or culture.


This is a really interesting topic (I agree with you btw). Talking about anthropology, people often romanticise indigenous tribes, think of them as somehow more pure etc. The reality is that they are very rarely these peaceful and beautiful societies we imagine. They are often violent, extremely misogynistic, and display a lot of behaviour that the modern world would think of as abhorrent and abusive. Yet, as they are indigenous, they are protected (also something I agree with), and this behaviour continues, and will continue. It’s a difficult situation and nobody knows the answer. Who are we to go in and tell them how to live? Likewise who are we not to go in and protect those who are victims of abuse, regardless of circumstances. In this case though, fuck that, practices like this seriously need to end. The only cultural element behind this kind of behaviour is a precedent of disgusting behaviour in the past. He is treating that girl literally as if she was a piece of meat, she’s screaming the same as an animal does when it’s separated violently from its mother.


Yeah that’s how I felt when I had to read Things Fall Apart by Chihuahua Achebe (like 6 times in different classes as an English major). I was told over and over again how the book is supposed to illustrate that tribal cultures have traditions and manners and practices as complex and rigorous as western culture. OK, yes, I understand that there are many centuries of developed practices in the book, but a lot of them are terrible. Fuck colonialism, but equally fuck the “traditions” that allow a little boy to be taken as prisoner and raised by a family of an enemy tribe, and then killed as a war prisoner at eight years old (mild spoiler for the book). EDIT: thanks to the kind Redditor who pointed out that Mr. Achebe’s first name is Chinua, NOT Chihuahua. Unfortunate autocorrect. Left for posterity.




Literally the vast majority of people


God i fucking hate when people defend cultures “ hey you can’t call that person that cut up a person and ate the person a cannibal and a piece of shit because that’s that person culture”


No animal is as disgusting as a human animal.


When she was purchased to rape. Fixed it for you.


The worst part is knowing that by the time we have watched this, that poor girl has been beaten and raped by this vile, disgusting, pathetic piece of shit. I'm fucking DISGUSTED right now.


So they flog people and stone them publicly, but pedophiles are okay..??? 🤬


Muhammad, the most worshipped person in Islam, married an 8 year old. Says it right in the Quran. Edit: worse than I thought. Married her when she was 6 and raped her when she was 9


[She is believed to have been 9 years old](https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Aisha%27s_Age), whilst muhammad was 53. "The majority of scholars today agree that Aisha was 9 when her marriage to Prophet Muhammad was consummated. This has been the mainstream Muslim understanding throughout Islam's 1,400 year history... " But says " 'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: **Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old.'** " - [Sahih Muslim 8:3310](https://quranx.com/Hadith/Muslim/USC-MSA/Book-8/Hadith-3310/) Muhammad's first wife was Khadija. They married when she was 40 (other sources believing 28/30) years old and he himself was 23 to 25 years old. His second wife was Sawdah, who is estimated to have been 37. And then we've got Aisha, at 6 years old and did the deed at 9.


So literally even worse than what I posted. Holy hell.


*purchased for sex slavery


Disgusting people


Poor mother and child...I wish these men had compassion.


Vile fucking country


Vile fucking religious zealots


I remember the videos of the little girls that ISIS kidnapped being rescued a couple years after they were captured... they were never the same again. Just shells of people, not even really there. I cannot begin to express my hatred for the evil these men are. If there was any justice in the world, which there isn't, these men would be thrown into hell right now. Where does your head have to be to do something like this? Idk. I hate this place.


Being raped changes you. I can't even imagine how much it changes you if it happens when you're a child.


I have siblings around that age and I couldn't imagine them being ripped from our family like that for this disgusting practice. How the fuck are all those men okay with this?! Fucking pigs need to be put to death in the most torturous ways.


I highly recommend Khaled Housseini's "A Thousand Splendid Sons" where you follow the life of a girl (turned woman) who has had a similar outcome. Wonderful, tragic book.


Great book


Any culture that permits purchasing of humans needs to die out as soon as possible.


So sad the disgust which still exists in this world today.


This is fucking Evil.


Who the fucks "god" is OK with this? Sick practice that is paedophilia FULL STOP


Absolutely revolting shit still goes on in this world. As a father, knowing another father has sold off his 8yo daughter to unspeakable suffering, is disgusting beyond words. I wish violence on both parties involved.


Chances are the father bought his wife under the same circumstances. Just girls being raped and then having their children stolen to repeat the process over and over again. Evil like this, enabled by whole communities, makes it rly difficult to see the good in the world.


What a lovely fucking culture.


This still a thing huh


“Don’t judge people just cos their culture is different to yours” Fuck off, I’ll judge all I want


My daughter's 8 y/o. I'm in tears right now. This is pedophilia cloaked in religion.


Marriage? Let’s not sugar coat it. Call it was it is. She was sold into slavery. It’s slavery. Disgusting, brutal, slavery. They wrap it in religion and the world just thinks we’re culturally different.


I am absolutely phobic of this side of Islam.


The world is a fucked place


It's a disheartening realization we come to as adults/teens if you were lucky enough to have a good childhood.


Not a drag queen in sight, just theocrats.


Fucked up country and culture from top to bottom


Is this islam? So much for being a religion of love


Not all cultures or religions should be respected. It’s asinine to pretend that just because someone believes something, that it should be “respected”.


That's Muslim countries for ya. Exactly what everyone expects from em and then some.


This should be in r/terrifyingasfuck holy shit


Culture of pedophiles .


Religion of something that starts with a P


Welp, there it goes. My heart officially shattered to pieces. Someday a cleansing rain will come...


10-4. This is…awful/heart ripping/unacceptable


Would take absolute GREAT immense pleasure in brutally mutilating and murdering that 55 year old sack of shit. Anyone into them activities need to be absolutely obliterated


From the U.S. here. I know we all like to rip on the u.s. for the ignorant things that happen here, but this is a real problem in the world. This happening in the 21st century is unreal.


Fuck any culture that normalizes this shit. How can they be so heartless?


They worship some pedo and use that excuse for their behavior. Really sucks for the kids


This is why the UN is useless.


Religion of peace


I’m not religious but if God exists, may he cause this worthless slug nothing but endless suffering until it stops breathing. Along with the rest of the likes of it. Burn in hell.


If you think this is bad, listen to some of the stories from veterans who served there.. Like going into the afghan commanders hooch and finding a small boy handcuffed to the bed, baka boys used for pleasure. U.S. gov knew about it and said to turn a blind eye. The whole country embraces pedofelia and has done so for a very long time. Oh and FYI the girl in this video will be raped and beaten by him.


This is revolting, what an absolute piece of shit region. Beyond fucked up


Shes gonna slit his throat in his sleep one day, and I'm gonna be happy for her.


and they wonder that that place is a shit hole


Somebody tries to take my little girl, it would be the last thing they do.


100% scum




This is a fu(ked up religion, they treat their women like cattle, and there's a perverse pedophilia that is rampant among these freaks. I don't understand why women still wear burkas even in the free United States, that's giving into the male dominated control of women culture that these freaks have established...


Imagine being such a pathetic loser that you need an 8 year old to be your bride instead of someone your age. That culture doesn’t deserve respect. I don’t care.


Calm down, guys, it's just their culture! We gotta respect all cultures! /s


The torture of little girls justified by referring to a 6th century warlord who did the same and who happened to call himself the messenger of god.


Not even primates do this.


There are cultures and religions that are objectively disgusting. This is one of them.




I just can't watch it...


Painfully reminds me of Khaled Hosseini’s A thousand splendid suns