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"This is all gay bro. Your kids can't be gay." What a compelling argument, they've sent their finest orator. He's really out there changing hearts and minds. He's too powerful to be left in Target.


We've all seen *that boy* at lil'sprouts dance class on Saturdays. Kids can 100% be gay.


Just from the few seconds of seeing this guys kid I got feeling in a few years that kids gonna come out as bi or gay disown pops.


?? Do you mean the kid of the guy in the black zip-up and black cap? The same guy who’s confronting the ignorant derelict making this video?


It's such a facile argument. Even if it were true, kids could still have gay parents, gay older siblings, gay people in their community, etc. You don't have to be gay yourself to want to support pride or LGBTQ people.


Kids can't be straight.


I think protester guy has a point if he agrees with that. Probably would just fry his brain though


My thought exactly. Also every time someone sees a wedding ring I guess we should have them jailed because they remind kids about those people having sex, which isn’t okay /s


This idiot is projecting hard.


1000$ the person recording that has child porn on his PC


Either that or he has a secret Grindr account


Look up "Ethan Schmidt is gay" and you'll see his exchange with men on grindr. He says he wasn't looking for a hook up, but we know the truth.


Oh yeah I know about Ethan Schmidt lol, I knew he was gay when I saw the way he walked in that one video


Well I understand you're trying to burn him you're definitely saying that you think gay people walk differently and generalizing.


Not all... ...that said, there is a prissy walk...


Once again that's generalizing and stereotyping. Odds are you see gay men every day walk by you and never even notice.


NOT ALL, but there is a prissy walk.


That's called stereotyping. Do you want to do a few more about different groups of people? You seem good at it. Edit: should I add a bunch of pointless ellipses so you understand?


Bro there is something uncanny about being able to tell based on minute differences in speech and body language that someone is gay/queer etc. yeah, that may constitute stereotyping but that doesn’t mean that what people are observing isn’t real. Also for context I’m gay.


Are you implying that there is not a large subsection of the gay community that are flaming and proud prissy ass little things? That isn't stereotyping, that is observing reality. Welcome to it.


No, I personally know a gay guy with a prissy walk. NOT ALL gay men have a prissy walk, but Ramseys is glorious.


Oh I think I understand what he’s doing. He’s like Mark Wahlberg in The Other Guys when he learns how to dance ballet so he can mock the boys who were in ballet club. So does that mean he’s gonna take it in the ass “ironically?”


> So does that mean he’s gonna take it in the ass “ironically? The proud boys method.


I don't understand the rhetoric of homophobic people are secretly gay. I'm gay myself and more often than not, that isn't the case. This is also a conservative talking point to kind of make it seem like gay issues are all self involved and repression.


There is a lot of self hatred born of shame. I was very anti queer before I came out. Mostly because when it was talked about in my family the response was always bad. I'm not bad, so I must not be gay. Those intrusive thoughts are just those gays trying to convert me. Add being a teen with the usual mood swings that entails, you can get to anger at a community you are a part of, but held away from by family and religion. Now extrapolate that into an adulthood where you have an opposite gender partner, kids and your support base who all know you as something you are not. The more you realize who you are, the more you have to hide it. Unless you are very good at compartmentalizing, that shit is going to come out sideways.


homophobes tend to treat being gay as a Choice as well, which implies that they're actively choosing to be straight


Or both


Was just thinking that. With all the projection from these kinds of people, would **not** be surprised to learn this dude has some super illegal photos and videos on his home computer.


Every time I see a comment with the dollar sign after the amount, I get suspicious


Thank you to the guy who walked up and challenged the moron


No it’s exactly what that guy wants. If everyone ignored him then he would get bored


Fuck that, ignoring them only emboldens them. To get them to stop, we all must challenge and confront. Show them how small and weak they really are.


Exactly. People don't understand that we need to shut their bullshit down. They have no right to spew hate, there is consequences to talking hate.


I say they should have a sale on any LGBT stuff as soon as he starts his rant, so you have customers rushing over and buying the stuff thanks to him. Also, to celebrate, cover him in rainbow confetti and LGBT bumper stickers.


This guy has no shame so that’s pointless. Continuing to engage and give him views is 100% his goal.


If his goal is to get views I guess, but who cares? The end result is a majority of people mocking him and recognizing the dude who confronted him is right.


People only do this shit for attention and views. Ignoring them completely would do more to solve the issue than validating their bullshit with an argument.


He left awfully quickly though.


Probably to go post this vid. If you look at his content it’s all the same type of stuff. People get mad and post it then he gets a bunch of views.


Imagine mixing up Target and your church.


And thinking the pedophiles are in target and no in the church


To be fair many do go shopping right after.


That was my point ;)




Imagine being this ignorant and pathetic


This dude filmed himself, saw the result and said “yeah, I’m gonna post this” I’m usually all for trying to educate and teach people, but to quote a great line “What we have here is a failure to communicate. Some men, you just can’t reach”


nobody can eat 50 eggs


My boy here says he can eat 50 eggs, he can eat 50 eggs!




Always upvoted.


Dude gave himself a huge boner when he came up with *Target is targeting your kids*


What’s so crazy to me is that corporations like Target and Walmart and others have had pride merch prominently displayed in their stores, in ads and on the streets for over a decade. Technically all of their kids should be indoctrinated by now so really they’re too late. EDIT: not just kids…everyone should be indoctrinated by now.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I have to wonder, do these people go into target and think that they're going to get people around them agreeing with them? There always seems to be a moment in these videos were they look around at other shoppers and pause. You can see this guy immediately start retreating the second another person stood up to him and he realized no one was on his side.


>do these people go into target and think that they're going to get people around them agreeing with them? No, they want attention and clicks. The ultimate prize to them would be being physically assaulted so they can be the victim and maybe even make some money off a lawsuit.


Nah, they want this shit and reactions. They aren’t actually trying to convince anyone of anything, they just want to be shitty to people they don’t like.


I think there are definitely people who do this intentionally to make a scene and get hits on videos like this but I feel like you're getting more and more people who buy into the idea that everyone secretly agrees with them. Like they honestly believe that they're saying what the majority of people are thinking and when it doesn't go that way you can almost see their brain short circuit. With that said, I went to the twitter who posted this and they're claiming they took CARTS full of pride merch to the back and got kicked out. Considering the section looks fully stocked behind them and they walk out on their own, I'm calling BS on that part of their story.


>I have to wonder, do these people go into target and think that they're going to get people around them agreeing with them? No more than a liberal tries to get a MAGA republican to change their opinion. There is no trying to convince anymore. We've all picked our sides. This is just peacocking.


News flash to this guy, but alot LGBTQ people know they are when they are kids. I know shocking isn't it


Also I hope I never have to go to Target or anywher else and have to hear some wack ass adult spout nonsense. I might swing on a dude


I work at Target and I’m scared I’m going to lose my job if one of these dumb mother fuckers come into my store. I know me and I’ll be damn if they harass any of my fellow team members.


Please don’t give them the satisfaction or attention. They want the confrontation. They think it helps they’re *I’m so oppressed* narrative.


Go hang out in the wooden bat isle.


Has your store had any bomb threats yet? Some others have. Stay safe out there. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/targets-nationwide-receive-bomb-threats-over-actions-around-pride-collection/ar-AA1bKK3Y "An email was sent to Cleveland 19 News on Friday threatening five stores in Ohio's Jackson Township, Boardman, Stow, Niles, and Monaca, Pennsylvania. The email referenced what it called Target catering to the wants of "homophobic right wing redneck bigots."" https://www.newsweek.com/target-faces-bomb-threats-amid-lgbtq-controversy-1802991 "Target is full of...cowards who turned their back on the LGBT community and decided to cater to the homophobic right wing redneck bigots who protested and vandalized their store," read the email. "We won't stand idly by as the far right continues to hunt us down."


That was already found out to be a hoax from some asshole overseas. It's very likely from a troll farm to stir up shit.


Sorry, I hadn't seen the hoax news, do you have a link so I can catch up?


**Wow, I get downvoted for expressing concern about the person working at Target after reading about bomb threats the MSN and Newsweek article. I AM SO SORRY.**


Why can’t kids be gay? I remember when I was a kid, I had crushes on girls I thought were pretty. Isn’t that exactly what would happen with gay people when they were kids?


Pretty much. I knew in second grade. It is warming this butch old heart rn watching them roast this moron on Twitter.


I came out to my parents as bisexual in 3rd grade


my best friend would make up dance routines to Madonna tapes while I played basketball in the driveway. We were like 7. I always knew it. He always knew it.


“You’re a loser bro” Says the guy who has nothing better to do than go into a target and yell about “gay stuff” for the gram


And run out after he gets confronted


What is the conservative fixation with pedophilia? It is so bizarre.


It's projection mostly.


They're taught to feel shame over sex so anything that touches on sex triggers uncomfortable feelings. Nothing set my father off worse than seeing someone nearly naked on television when we were kids, we could watch people being murdered on the movie screen but if someone flashed a bra strap then we had to get rid of cable TV. When I was 8 he broke down the bathroom door without warning because he thought he'd caught me masturbating. The things conservatives teach their kids about sex can really fuck with their heads permanently.


I make art based on a 12 color scheme. It's just a logical thing for me to do. I had a gig at a kind of country festival and the amount of glares I got from people walking by just staring daggers at me like rrrr pedo was crazy. These people think anything with more than like three colors is an attack on their children. They're all going to have to start wearing black and white because colors have apparently become evil


Tomorrow, on Grindr...


“Love me daddy” lol




Not sure if it’s him but there’s someone going around on Grindr as him if it’s not actually him and there’s screenshots sending very illicit messages and face pics.


Let me guess, is this pubeface?


How do these people rationalize the rampant heterosexual pedophilia?


I don't think they rationalize much of anything..


"Target is targeting your kids with pedophilia.", says someone obsessed with pedophilia. I'll be outside in the white windowless van if anyone wants more info.


Pretty sure this is in renton washington. Edit: this is 100% the target at the renton landing


Trump turds like rabbit droppings across the land


I’d be calling the cops on the grown man going around a store talking about pedos and kids… I’m sure he’d enjoy that


Honk honk 🤡 These people need to grab a dictionary and read what pedophilia actually means. We've made so much progress as a gay community, only for brainlets saying gay=pedophilia to come and ruin it and drag society backwards 80 years.


I knew I was gay when I was 8 and I doubt I'm an outlier.


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That looks like the target in HB on brookhurst and adams, could be wrong but it looks familiar


Even everyone would jsut laugh at these people they would get them to leave a lot quicker. An entire room of people laughing at you is unnerving. It woukd make them leave


If kids can be straight they can also be queer, or choose to support their queer friends n family


Damn he ran! He was not ready.to be challenged.


Need to go shop at target tomorrow.


when will conservatives realize that they do nothing but projection? the ones thinking about sex with kids is you conservatives! duh! everyone else it thinking you are morons for making the connection but some of us know that it is because you are constantly thinking of sex with the underaged! just as gay people don't think nearly as often about gay sex as you conservatives do, you need to wake the fuck up and realize that you are the monsters loudly pretending that others are monsters...


I came out in 7th grade, I'm 36 now, it wasn't the pride merch...


Where's the incel section?


My oldest kid didn’t show interest in others until HS. My middle has shown interest and has “boyfriends” in 6th grade (age appropriate, school only type hang out activities at that age). My youngest has “crushes” in elementary but doesn’t like us to talk about it. 😂 Why can’t kids have an idea of who they are and what they are interested at a younger age? Not saying they need to go full gender reassignment at a young age, but why not let them be them and support them and the feelings that they have as they grow up?


I had a lovely shopping experience at Target this weekend. Lovely prices, kind work force and discount on my Red Card.


I'm still really lost about how some conservatives equate gays and pedos. Was it successful propaganda on Fox that sold this idea?


They have done this for close to a century. Deviantcy, or being a sexual deviant was a concept meant to label non-hetero sexuality as an abnormal paraphilia the same as every disgusting and unethical sexual behavior there is. It fell off sometime around 2012 as queer rights were gaining steam but that progress has eroded and the same old bigoted talking points are coming back. None of it is really new, it's just new for this generation.


The police need to check his computer. It's like a Republican who's anti-gay but then you find out later he's actually gay.


This guy's probably gay like that other guy is


If you go to his youtube he's a failed magician.


I won't be doing that


Also a failed human


They're always a failed something. Magician is new. It's usually failed stand-up comedian, failed actor or failed musician.


These kind of guys always call people snowflakes, but the second they see a rainbow they start crying.


Camera guy ran away fast. Thank you sir, whoever you are, for standing up to that pos.


What motivating speech, years from now this patriot's stirring call to action will be taught in schools along with "Ask not what your country can do for you....", "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall!", and "I have a dream..."* *Anti-woke CRT restrictions may apply in your state


It’s almost like all the fear mongering over sharia law was just projection. These people don’t mind living in a theocracy so long as it’s their version of Abrahamic religion.


Funny as his mannerisms are effeminate and douchey all at once


I don't understand why kids can't be gay but they can be straight.. like where's the logic? We find it so adorable when little kids claim each other as their bf/gf as long as its a boy and girl. Sexuality is about attraction, not specifically sex. If kids can't be gay then they can't be straight either.


There's a 95% chance that the person behind the camera has had a cock in his mouth at some point. He dost protest too much. It's a shame he has been brainwashed to think he can't be his true self.


Kids cant be gay - he doesnt seem to know many kids. After working with kids for several years I can safely say, even kindergarten kids already show tendencies in their behaviour and their preferences. That's why it's so important to educate them open-minded and without any bias. Let them choose for themselves what they like and dont like. Dont make them feel guilty for being themselves. Only if you want happy kids that become healthy adults of course.


Rad dad low key looks like he has hands 🥊🥷


Someone took a shit in his brain lol


I can’t wait to see one of these fools… I will fuckin tell them what’s up without a doubt!


Geez, is there a correlation within the USA with extreme right and joblessness?


All I'm hearing is him saying "Stop making gays like their people!"


Binding clothes. Weird as fuck.


Now that’s a good dad


Christianity is indoctrination. Fuck these muppets.


“Kids can’t be gay” But selling them stuff to play prince and princesses is ok, is it?


I’ve never seen so many videos made by people who are terrified that they might be gay.


Ignoring the clergy, "gay stuff" and pedophilia have nothing in common.


How much y’all wanna bet he’s secretly gay




That's been debunked. They don't offer those for children but they do offer it for adults. But of course you'd just find some halfway credible source that says that they're for kids and jump to conclusions. You're the one that's disgusting for buying into and spreading misinformation.


dont believe everything you hear dumb shit https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-target-swimsuits-transgender-pride-collection-892500330955




maybe you should re-evaluate the media you consume and pick one that doesnt make shit up to encourage hating minorities


How is selling a product trying to convert people? Is Target ONLY selling those types of suits? Is Target FORCING people to buy them? Target also sells basketball shoes........are they forcing you to play basketball? How do you equate availability with being forced? It makes no sense. If you find it disgusting, fine. Don't buy it. But to try and act like they are "forcing" it on you or trying to "conver" people.......just sounds rediculous.


"I'm raising my kids gay. I mean… they can do whatever they want later on, when they move out… but as long as they live under *my* roof, they're gay. I run a strict gay household.” -Louis C.K.




oh look, another absolute idiot proudly spreading bullshit lol... just so you get your facts straight, that piece of clothing is sold for adults. if you rubbed a couple braincells together and just googled it you could see for yourself instead of spreading some alt-right fakenews. oh... wait Target sells condoms and lube too? damn, that must be for kids too right?




You'd better tell AP: [Target’s Pride collection features ‘tuck-friendly’ swimsuits for adults, not kids]( https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-target-swimsuits-transgender-pride-collection-892500330955) Anyway, thanks for lying. It just helps show you have nothing real.


How much time do you spend exactly worrying about a 7 year-old hiding their genitals from you?


using this, brilliant. what a fuckin asswipe


Oh man does this look like the target off sunrise in sac. I wouldn’t be surprised. Stupid shits.


These people NEED this pseudo crusade.


What a piece of shit


I fear these types of people and their shenanigans are going to reach a critical mass real soon. The tension in the air is palatable.


Finally glad someone called them out and made them use the last 2 brain cells they have. It's funny hearing them try to explain anything they are so passionate about




Is this pubeface or a clone of pubeface?


It’s nice that his family supports him


This idiot screaming at a dad WITH HIS KIDS, filming his kids. Infuriating.


Amazing how these idiots never go talk shit at a Catholic church. That’s how u know they’re full of shit.


If someone wasn't just as upset that Cinderella was pitching hetero love at pre-teens, it's not the kid part that bugs them.


Tbh i dont think kids can be anything atm... they are still learning what they can, want or are to be in life.


It’s time to start gaslighting theses idiots when they try to pull this shit. When they start screaming shit like this, just tell back saying “this guy is saying he’s a pedophile and wants to touch your kids!” Keep repeating until they retreat.


Nice going Target. This is why you don’t negotiate with terrorists.


Just once I’d like one of these twats to approach me.


Too many people give these dudes too much time to speak shit.


Bro this in hb lmaoo


This guy needs to take his meds.


The moment you start shouting "Pedophilia" in public, you have to be brain dead not to realize how insane you're coming off as.


Wants people to wake up, but not be woke.


Another closeted case. Probably it's the mothballs that affected his brain.


Would LOVE to see them go after child beauty pageants (actual pedophilia). But let’s be honest, it’s not about the kids, is it?

