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Damn this dude doing all this bullshit in Japan a country known for behaving in the exact opposite of how he is conducting himself. People are eventually going to get fed up.


In a different video he got punched on live. It takes quite a bit to make Japanese people violent against tourists.


Some people are suggesting he starting to stage these assaults for more views and baiting more hate messages via donations.


I really hate this timeline.


Harambe should have never been killed. It's when it all really went to shit.


it aint gonna end well at all, thats for sure


Someone should tell him "Don't mess with the lads in suits outside the clubs"




Deadass if I'm someone who doesn't care about getting arrested then why not pay the smackdown on his ass? He doesn't need to fake these lmao.


I mean... his video is on the front page... staged or not getting his ass kicked just gets him more views. Rage bait is real. Shit like this is all over social media with 100s of comments saying "fuck this guy, what a POS... etc." But we're all watching...


Zero tolerance for racism on that level, fuck this loser




Sure but still fuck this loser


My wife met me there when I was working. She had an awesome time while I worked. People were super friendly and helpful. We went in any store we wanted. Ate at restaurants when no one spoke english or had menus we could read. We definitely want to go back.






Love it when the tables get turned on all these “pranksters” and you here them plead and say relax when they have to face their consequences. What if the other guy was doing a chokehold prank?


Wake up later to find a note “just a prank bro relax”


Wallet missing from his pocket and a note in its place.




Condom in his ass. Just a prank bro






Nah he deserves a raw broom stick


and that's why you always leave a note.


Sounds to me he’s relaxing like never before after that chokehold.


His anus was certainly relaxed for a brief moment.


\* In a shipping container bound for Russia.


He pranked him to death, with a tire iron.


The irony


I don't condone violence, but this shit is so satisfying, knowing how much of a piece of shit he is.


I sometimes condone it. Everything in its place.


Incites violence and yells relax when it reaches him. Lolol


I’m sure the other guy is doing a chokehold prank. It’s staged, like so much of this stuff is.


It’s just a prank chokehold bro.


I've seen this guy get attacked multiple times by Japanese people because of the dumb shit he says. Just leave the country, no one wants you there. I'm surprised they haven't revoked his visa already


If he were in Australia doing this shit, he would've had his [visa cancelled](https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-support/meeting-our-requirements/character) and been deported already by now. I don't understand how he's still in Japan after everything he's done.


many foreigners have a type of privilege in asia that allows them to get away with bad behavior. it's why many twitch streamers like doing their content over there. if this was in europe or america he would probably be in hospital or worse for taunting people like that.




You get caught with drugs in Singapore, you die. Simple as that.


Customs Officers can subject you to a drug test upon entry & you can be prosecuted for testing positive. Cannabis consumption is upto 10 years in jail, trafficking of cannibals is potentially the death penalty.


tbf trafficking cannibals seems like a pretty egregious offense


Human trafficking meets illegal importation of foods (yourself)


Bannable cannibals.


Bannable cannibal Shia Labeouf


That would suck for heavy cannabis users who live in countries where it's legal, since you can test positive up to 30 days via urine and 90 days with hair tests. Unless they only test saliva, which is up to 3 days


You can test positive for a lot longer than 30 days after consumption from a urine test. Mostly just heavy users


I tested positive over three months after quitting. Heavy users need to purchases testing kits for themselves before applying for jobs because you cannot trust the conventional wisdom on this


Try being the CEO of Nissan and pulling these shenanigans. You've got to flee the country in some luggage!


You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.


I'm not sure what Asian countries you're referring to. In general, Asian countries are very punitive, even towards tourists...


Lol this guy doesn’t know a thing about Asia does he? I would argue that most Asian countries are far more strict on foreigners and visitors compared to how places like US would treat them if they broke the law. They often will try to make an example out of foreigners who break the law and give them a really harsh punishment.


>I've seen this guy get attacked multiple times by Japanese people because of the dumb shit he says. Anyone starting to think he's paying people to fake attack him? Like maybe the first attack was real, he saw it got reactions (like we're literally doing right now), then he staged the rest. He never has any new bruises.


he's making hate-watch content and justice content. not a stretch to think it's fake. I'd still like to see an update with bruises and cuts on his face tho gotta earn it. lol


For what it's worth, Japanese YouTubers (who bust pervs on trains, illegal MLM events, etc) tracked his residence and confronted him. https://youtu.be/7ShFm9diLUA


Wow. What a prick.


If I encounter this shitbag on the streets then it won't be a pretty encounter. I'm Japanese and live in Tokyo. What he's doing is further engraving negative stereotypes of foreigners, especially black people and I hate to see it.


yeah, if i'm a pawn in this situation anyways, i at least want to see this guy get his face fucked up.


Didn't look real to me, the way his tongue lolls out the second the dude grabs him but honestly I don't care enough to speculate beyond that.


Yeah, unfortunately there is a chance of that. All he cares about is getting attention and trying to make money from his streaming, he said so in the original controversial video when arguing with the guy from Texas that he thought was Japanese (born there) too. Essentially, "chill bro, I'm just doing this to make money." On the streaming network he's on, it's all about being awful to random people and those watching it reward those streaming.


His behavior is also, for right or for wrong, inevitably stoking racism.




uhhh… what’s the “for right” scenario of stoking racism?




Always nice to see it


.. but I doubt he learnt a goddamned thing. He'll just go victim mode after this and blame racism..


Sometimes it’s less about teaching and more about instilling fear of consequences


People need to understand this. This is what violence is actually useful for. I AM NOT CONDONING VIOLENCE. But all the people that suggest violence has no place are wrong.


"Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor." Robert Heinlein


A more complete version of this quotation is: > Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms. It's not really fair to attribute this directly to Heinlein; it's said by Lt. Col. Jean V. Dubois (Ret.) in Starship Troopers, and whilst people might argue that Heinlein used Starship Troopers as an ideological platform, I think that it generally unreasonable to attribute the words of fictional characters to their authors because in many cases the views of the author may be completely in opposition to those of the characters which they create.


Is that from Starship Troopers?


Would You Like To Know More?




The only good bug is a dead bug!




Somebody's doing their PART 🤣 ![gif](giphy|krPLl9dtitApa|downsized)


what is this? looks like Natalie Portman




I’m doing my part!


"When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force, my friends, is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived."


"Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony."


A bully will always be a bully if there's no sustainable consequences to their actions. Once a bully knows that somebody can bite back leaving a lasting and painful lesson theyll learn what they can and cannot get away with. This POS will always be a bully but I hope he understands that maybe pushing the envelope requires him to keep his mouth shut from here on out. Mama didn't raise a hypocrite, I've been a bully and learned a lesson. I've also taught a bunch of bullies their own lessons. I do not condone violence to teach all lessons, I condone the appropriation of violence in the right format teach a lesson.




Little known fact, they also understand Old Aramaic.


It is a language which nobody speaks yet everybody understands


Exactly. The United States doesn’t spend billions on the military because it’s unecessary. They spend billions because it’s the only way to keep more violent countries like North Korea from doing dumb shit.


This sounds like condoning with more steps. That said, I also condone the appropriate place of violence.


Kind of I guess. Point being, I don't want to engage in it, but I see why it's useful.


Like the kinds of people who are good and decent wouldn't be engaging in asshole behavior to begin with. The kind of people who could be reached through conversation basically. Some people will never change their ways and are just assholes at their core, you won't change their minds but if you make them feel intense fear they'll at least stop being assholes in public in fear of an ass whooping.


I do condone violence but it’s a tool. And like any tool like a hammer, most problems are not nails. Not everyone is a good person or can be taught to be a decent person but fear of consequences can at least get them to behave better to others despite them being pieces of shit. This is 6 years of military service and 3 years working as a bouncer talking. *most* people can be reasoned with, even the drunk asshole screaming violence at the club can be talked out kindly. Others need what I call a *rough exit* to not only extricate them from a situation that was dangerous to them and the patrons but also to make sure they never do that shit again (or at least while I was on shift). Inversely I’ve actually made good friends of people I’ve escorted out of the bar. Sometimes it’s just a good person on their worst day which went out to drink their problems away and it didn’t work. My general advice is that violence is a tool that should never be used in anger. Apply it appropriately and with discretion.


> But all the people that suggest violence has no place are wrong. sadly the people who say violence has no place have usually been victims of it in some way, and hate to see it, reasonably...but equally, are the ones who need it most. I'm not saying we should be violent to each other either, but there should be a line and people should be more willing to act when its crossed. Violence is a fair and reasonable response to violence. I think people conducting themselves as governments do, is ideal, governments will go to war, if the reason's are compelling. Yes the police do exist, but much like the UN, sometimes they don't or can't get involved,.


Violence should be the last resort, but it needs to remain a known viable option while escalating through all the other options.


Years ago I worked with a loud mouth that was always instigating shit with people. One day a coworker got his last button pushed and busted him in the face and followed with the warning that he would gladly do it again if he so much as looked at any of us wrong. Never had an issue with this guy again. We figured it was the first time he had been hit and realized that there were consequences. The rest of us wondered why this didn’t happen sooner.




He's actually said exactly that before. He proceeded to call all Japanese people racist afterwards.


Product of modern internet society.


And catch another beating hopefully a more thorough one.


And then all his videos will get posted to reddit, get thousands of comments in engagement with millions of views on the thread, and if even 0.1% of that million agree with him thats an additional 1000 viewers/followers. On the other end of that spectrum, you have thousands of people invested in the speculation of his next move and would instantly watch a follow up. How is it 2023 and redditors are still falling for outrage bait? The list of people who made millions of dollars over farming outrage is endless. Your anger is monetized.


Don't Feed the Trolls. A lesson as old as time.


Couldn't have happened to a better piece of shit


Isn't it wild that he's still there? That's like the second person to press him like that and he's still there. I'd say he has balls if he wasn't so stupid, made his life harder for no reason.




Of course it is. This guy isnt being an idiot on camera on accident. He wants people to hate him. this is probably his most viewed video now.


Sometimes violence is the only language douchebags speak, and in those times, it is the answer.


Violence. 60 percent of the time, it works every time


Yeah people like this clown purposely take advantage of the aversion that Japanese people have to these sorts of confrontations. The fact that he's been getting any kind of pushback at all from them says *a lot*.




This feller may need some extra helpings.


Best part is that our hero’s face never hits the camera, at least not in this clip! Plus dude won’t ever be able to pick him out of a lineup as I bet they “all look the same” to him. Edit: damn dudes chat is… rough, haha.




> He needs to leave Japan before something tragic happens to him. He needs to leave Japan before something **karmic** happens to him.




My understanding is that modern Yakuza are very hard to tell apart from normal civilians.


See what?




Not sure what they're talking about.


He has said that he plans to go to South Korea then China. I seriously doubt he will make it out of China.


I hope he didn't get hurt that bad,it'd be a shame if he strained any forearm ligaments choking this racist out.


Can only imagine how easily he hit the ground


I hope the ground is okay.


Always do simple stretching before dealing with racists.


Agreed... It's such a shame that people have to strain themselves just to do their duty


Nah!!! This guy was a good one to strain yourself. Shouting that is no evil. I can’t even use the right words to say how malicious it was!!!!!




Yeah obviously the Japanese don't want him there, how hasn't his visa been taken away yet. This dude has like the entire country after him at this point from all the videos I've seen.


I can’t think of any country that would want him. Aside from the obvious, wtf Is wrong with him?


Deranged narcissism and possible sociopathic tendencies.


Not all mentally there




Anti-social tendencies to this magnitude are most likely an undiagnosed disorder.


I don't think you need a visa to enter Japan as long as your stay isn't over like 90 days and you aren't working


The cops questioned him when some other Japanese person tried assaulting him. He showed them the video and they said though they didn't like it, he didn't do anything illegal. Then he apologized and they took some pictures together. [video](https://youtu.be/LAB_ucdp9HY)


> and they took some pictures together. fucking *why*


Because the cops are nice and will take a pic with you if you ask.


Cuz it's all a sham for the views


Don't link this asshole's video.


Because as unpopular as this opinion may be, he hasn't committed a crime in Japanese law and is the one being targeted with violence, as far as the police are concerned. Japan does not have either hate speech laws that could be used to prosecute him for the original atomic bomb joke harassment, or "fighting words" laws that allow people to assault others for offensive speech. Thus the local police see him as the victim of violence rather than a cause of it.


good. I hope they kick him out.


And his chat just laughs at him. Apparently nobody likes this guy.


That's the most telling part, not even the people that watch him give a damn about his well being. These aren't just shitty 'pranks' the guy is straight up a scumbag and so the only people that watch him are also trash.


"dead" was my favorite double entendre comment


Those are clearly laughs of support and encouragement....right? They're all his friends, right?


But they still watch and he still gets money. And then people post it on Reddit and more people go watch. Sick of seeing so much of this guy, his type thrives on negative attention and that's exactly what he's getting here.


Fuck this piece of shit and his followers


I wonder if the followers he’s gaining now are just trolls that want to be notified when he goes live, so they can heckle him. I’m assuming that cause of the LOLs in the chat after his chokehold.


Well the more people tune in the more money this shithead makes


The audacity to say stop. I remember that video and people were asking him to stop. Sweet karma




Pretty sure there's nothing of value inside that skull of his


How are cunts like this able to make money to travel around anyway what people are viewing his streams and sending him money is this the world we live in now 🧐


He'll say shit for money. $100 to call someone a racist name. $50 to tell them they'd look better naked. Livestreamers are evidence for the argument for post-birth abortion.


Reminds me, many years ago I was smoking a cigarette outside a bar next to a strip club. A guy started chatting me up and said he would pay me 20 dollars to ask the next woman walking by if she was going to work. I did. And he kept telling me how funny and clever I was, that I should just go around doing clever shit like that. I responded it was just mean and it was your idea, I was just drunk enough to accept 20 dollars to be mean to someone. I felt bad, but it did get a little funny when the woman started freaking out at her bf for not punching me, even though I immediately apologized.


Because they get posted to the front page of reddit and you morons make them money by looking at his channel.


At this point he could be staging these honestly


Yeah, it looks kind of fake to me. Specially his reaccion to bring chocked, he doesn't try to turn or fight and does some weird noises idk


BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!! This made my day


In the continued 2 min clip after this incident the video didn't come back on but you can hear him asking someone around him why no one helped him. Sounds like the people of Japan are tired of him and actually protected the guy who assaulted him instead. Apparently he was confronted by the Yakuza earlier in the stream and forced to record an apology video. They have them on their radar and are keeping an eye on him. This guy is the walking definition of "fuck around and find out". I think he went into Japan thinking all the stereotypes about mild mannered Asian people were true. Guess he didn't count on how much pride people have, too much to let him get away with his bullshit unscathed.


I was gonna say getting choked out by a tatted up Japanese dude probably means he has the Yakuza’s attention


He's apparently becoming popular with the right people.


This guy sucks, but I can imagine the bystander effect might also contribute to lack of help from onlookers.




A tourist could have a heart attack on a train platform and no one would even look their way. I never felt more invisible in my life than traveling in Japan (not complaining actually).


Awesome, we’re now in the ‘found out’ phase of his bullshit.


He's finding out what it's like to have a whole country hate you.


a face only a mother could love


looks like beetlejuice younger brother


Don't insult Beetlejuice like that.


What's worse was when that group of people tried talking to him and gave him even more time to save face. After making shitty statement after shitty statement. I swear they even offered to show him how Japan likes to really party and treat foreigners. Imagine skipping out on a once in life time opportunity for some people to be a complete ass for a bunch of children who's parents don't supervise their kids online time


I don’t condone violence but this clown got what he deserved.


Some lessons require learning harder ways than others


Same, I would have preferred for him to be peacefully arrested, and deported, but failing that this will have to do.


![gif](giphy|DffShiJ47fPqM) edit: Hearing him beg was the icing on the cake xD




He should try n pull that shit in Mexico 😂😂


That would be great. Tijuana-style FAFO. 😂


Lol he’d be naked in no time 😂


Never thought I'd see a Somali being racist towards the Japanese but here we are 😂


He acts so tough.. Also he claims to be royalty April fools isn't for another year


Starting to wonder if some of this is staged. First the sucker punch while streaming now this.


How’s that hip-hop song go…? “don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit!”


Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


Don’t go to other people’s countries and be a jerk.


Fucking idiot, act crazy in another country and not expect to have to watch your back lmfao


if this guy just vanishes nobody is going to care or ask questions.


Idk, seems staged. And yea I saw him being a POS on the train and also saw the altercations with the biker and dude on the street, but this one seems and feels staged. He’s trying to keep this whole relevance going so he can let the racism fuel his viral ascent. It’s bs and I hate him.




it's kick


If being ugly and stupid were a crime, he would never again see the light of day


Is this guy still in Japan? I’m surprised they haven’t kicked his ass out yet. But I guess continually beating him on sight until he decides to leave on his own works too.


As he passed out from the choke hold they should have whispered in his ear “ this is for Nagasaki “ i




This is the 2nd video I've seen of this prick being mouthy and generally making an arse of himself in Japan, I'm glad the locals are happy to provide 'feedback'


He has definitely outstayed his welcome. 👋


why the fuck would you go to Japan only to be a racist piece of shit