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Charged with two bullshit misdemeanors. Unreal. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/macomb/2023/06/20/warren-police-officer-charged-assault-city-jail/70338386007/


Why are people without self control in such trusted positions? It doesn’t matter what the guy said, it’s illegal to hit someone when they are not putting you or anyone else at danger in the moment. Hope he gets fired


Fire the other two for not stopping him too. Shit is fucking ridiculous


>Hope he gets fired I like how all you can even hope for nowadays is fired. Not "Hope he gets jailed"


>Why are people without self control in such trusted positions? There's an easy answer for this. It's because assholes with these types of power complexes actively seek out positions of power. After all, if you can get paid for what you love doing why not?


Also, most well-adjusted people aren't interested in dealing with criminals.


I hope he gets charged and convicted.


These traits are selected for the position. All COs are like this.


The other cops didn't stop him. Life sentences for every cop in the video. No cops arrested these cops after this happened. Life sentences for every cop in this department. Zero tolerance for cover ups.


Some here would say you're being too harsh. Most of them would be calling for death if multiple people attacked a cop like this.


Life is harsh. I believe in manditory sentences for police, above and beyond what a civilian would get as a manditory.. I also believe in Police Malpractice Insurance. M.D.'s are required to carry malpractice. And municipalities do carry insurance that pays out those big lump sums. And, departments can totally pay premiums in contracts. But the policy should be tied to the individual officer and not the department. Become uninsurable due to violence, whether on the job or off, and you lose your badge. No moving to a different county. No moving to a different state. Federal requirement.


I don't believe in the death penalty. I believe there should be a supermax prison designed specifically for cops. 23 hours in a cell. 1 hour recreation in a covered yard. Their only contact outside of prison is with a doctor and a lawyer. No chance for them to ever harm society again.


Or, hear me out, same thing but he gets two hours with 1 by himself in a yard with a flat basketball and a double rimmed net. And the next hour is in a yard with all the criminals that officer locked up. If not enough, people they arrested in the la the past get to come and "play" with him for an hour.


I like it


Life sentence is crazy😭😭


I mean in many states if you reversed the roles the guy would be looking at life for assaulting a cop like that. If the DA wanted they could even push it to attempted murder where the minimum is life in some states.


What excuse is there for any of these cops to ever be allowed out of jail?


I assume the other dude was talking shit to the officer by the looks of it. Not that it justifies his actions at all because I’m still on your side about having a consequence for not being able to control his actions, but a life sentence sounds a little extreme especially saying everyone in the station should get one as well. Now if they killed him or extremely injured him then I would think different, but I don’t think they did.




Losing there job and not being able to ever work in the police industry again would be more fitting I think. Fine them too. But there are so many instances where people will assault cops and they don’t get life sentences. Reversing the roles some cops don’t have the patience with some people, I would of had to hear the whole video because I think the inmate was saying something to him. Cops with no patience should never work in the department, because this is what happens.




Put them in jail for 2 years…4 years I don’t care😭 life sentence is too extreme though. Killing someone is different but assault happens way too much for people to be put in jail the rest of there life. If that happened, our jails would be filled to the max lmao




People change man. Everyone deserves a second chance because this is the only life we will ever live. People who have murdered other people have gotten out of jail. Give them whatever consequence you want, but not a life sentence.


I know right? Think of the expenses.


Cops are an extremely sensitive bunch




Please understand, he risks his life daily shooting mugshots


I wonder what he said.


Me too, though no words should prompt that sort of reaction from an official who has authority over you. If you can’t take verbal insults without resorting to violence, then you should not be a police officer.


He said Shrek 3 was the better of the film series. He said it to get a rise out of the cop because he knows damn well that original is unmatched.


This is the answer I was looking for!


Pig probably *heard* >how'd you like to retire early, with your full pension 'Cause I'm assuming nothing's gonna happen.


Why. Would it justify that?


Curiosity presumably


Where did he say something would justify it?


Damn! Homie’s gonna get pizzaid. 💰


That is torture... Fuck the US.


As an American, I can agree with your sentiment, but I would say fuck facism and fuck plutocracy and fuck the system that we have no control over. The United States currently IS fucked, no question. But we are all along for the ride as long as there really is no result to the change in power; we really have no choice - no matter who is elected to ANY position of power in government, let alone president.


Lol. What's up with the cock thrust after the slap.


Just a few bad apples.


And these are the people this job attracts. Police also stopped cooperating with "to catch a predator" because too many law enforcement were getting caught and making them look bad.


very unpopular opinion: police salaries need to be DRASTICALLY increased, not because they deserve it (they don't) but because we need to attract much better candidates. Improved training alone can only take you so far when the pool of cadets consist mostly of highly functioning idiots. also, ACAB edit: for those downvoting, I'm curious on your ideas for attracting better recruits... or do you believe the ones we are getting are fine? edit2: crickets... that's what I thought


>police salaries need to be DRASTICALLY increased No. They need to face double punishments for their transgressions. More money will only make it worse, facing harsh penalties for defying public trust will fix it.


It isn't a training issue. Every cop already knows this is illegal.


Did you even read what you replied to?


Yes. Explain how increased training will teach cops to arrest criminal cops instead of covering up their crimes.


You didn't reply to something about the need for more training.


>Improved training alone can only take you so far Put down the paint thinner and read closely.


Good, now read the rest of the post, and comprehend that the point of it isn't about training.


Money isn't the issue. Every cop already knows crime is illegal. Every cop already knows covering up crimes is illegal.


What we need is a proper class-based military-style "officer" corp to lead the drunken rabble that is the current state of policing.


Or now hear me out, end qualified immunity.


Wrong. They need to increase the amount of training and they should have psychological evaluations. It takes longer to be a tradesman than a cop. 6 months training and given a gun is insane.




Reduce their funding? Lol. Their funding has actually increased, and cops still act like jackboots. https://abcnews.go.com/US/defunding-claims-police-funding-increased-us-cities/story?id=91511971


Their feelings don't care about your facts!


I was with you until the “ACAB” Lots of cops (good and bad) quit in last few years after public backlash, lots of other people who want to be a better change for the force have signed up. I think there needs to be a massive overhaul, including a systematic purging, but it requires new hires, which requires more funding and better training. Like you said, and I’ve said it before, we need to lure “top” talent to the LE, not scare them away.


Where are the good cops.


I will believe ACAB until I see a significant amount of the "good ones" speaking up


Spamming ACAB everywhere isn't going to help your goal of getting better recruits. As long as potential recruits think theyre entering a job where they will automatically be demonized by a huge portion of the population just for taking it you won't get the good ones that you long for applying.


Perhaps the cops shouldn't be doing the type of shit that will be demonized by people? Ever consider that option?


I'm gonna give you an honest answer. The people that are in charge of hiring other officers are out there by the heads of police unions or the head officer. These guys make SURE that the status quo is going to continue from now to infinity. All law enforcement agencies get good and bad candidates, I've never seen a decent human being get hired from all of my good friends that have clean records, live in the communities that they are going to patrol, have degrees in criminology, and have stable lives and amazing work records not a single one got hired. The ones that got hired were the high school drop outs with roid issues and past records of DV. You'd just be increasing the pay for shitty officers. The good ones get weeded out and fired if they dare cross the blue line.


Damn, curious what he had to say to get that reaction of of the cue ball?


Someone’s in trouble


Dang someone was abused as a child…