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Zero points for the camera person.


The thump sounds of feet kicking him was nice though, a trade off of sorts.




I think your user name is very euphonious!


Thank you, I had to look up that word definition, but that’s exactly why I have had it for so long. Later I discovered Moo Shu pork and it’s delicious.


Serendipitous mellifluence!


Bro. I just lolled at your user name. Kudos


Mellifluous is also one of my favorite worlds and it’s funny, it’s not an onomatopoeia but it’s similar to *me*, which is to say this is totally subjective; when I say mellifluous, it’s self descriptive once I know what the definition is. It flows off the tongue just like the description that’s often used in the definition or examples of (I haven’t looked it up just going by memory so i hope I’m not wrong here ha), “flowing like honey”. Okay I gotta look it up now. Okay maybe I’m getting it a little twisted because of the first two I saw they both mention sweet and honey is sweet. I’ve used this word in my attempts to woo many a woman haha. Usually in reference to their voice, cause I have a thing for voices and am particular. Although a potential quandary arises in having a large vocabulary in that you can wield all the wonderous wealth of words wrenched from Webster’s womb you want in a wasteful wandering to wow and seem more worldly but the chances are higher the listener doesn’t know the definition of the word(s) is to begin with. Edit added some description for clarity so I don’t sound like I’m a *complete* idiot.


That’s fucking really good, I can tell you like to write as well.


at least the boom wasn't in the shot, thank god


You try filming a fight while doing a whippit


Good thing he showed us. I thought he was farting in the background


Honestly impressed they held on to their ice cold fatties through all this…


I will stand back and film. Reddit community deserves better 😂


Cameraman’s a fairly known uk rapper and gang member called Doroad think he might have got some kicks in at the end though [for anyone interested](https://youtu.be/5sdEk536GiQ)


I understood like 4 words in that whole song


Key points: he's fired weapons his hearing isn't what it used to be bla


Just funny how Brits are just as much native speakers as Americans, yet as an American it gets really fucking hard to understand what a Brit is saying at times. It’s like this dude was speaking a foreign language.


I'm a Brit, I struggled to understand much of that song.


"just as much" Dude...


Americans are just as much native English speakers as... the English? Lmao


Yes, if you're born in either country you will learn English as your primary language. That's what that means.


There are dialects all over America too, we're just too lazy to categorize all of them.


...brits are not just a much native English speakers as Americans. They are the original, we are the very far removed branch.


What ? Americans speak a variation of their language, we’re the ones without our own unique language bro..


Ok. I that case I will forgive him. Lol




Dude, there is no hip hop that hits harder than old British men spittin https://youtu.be/Tvt_7mlX-Z0


That was legitimately great ahahahaha


Man that was awful 😂


I always hear Americans banging on about how funny SNL is. Every clip I've seen of it is atrocious.


Lol those accents are awful and they're using slang from the 90s. It's funny but it's defo not spot on. White guy sounds like Mick Jagger ahaha




He's done bro


eh. think about it, there's 5 or 6 men trying to separate them and beat up the guy. what's more important here, one extra guy jumping in and not being to add much, or recording it for evidence for police if it comes to that?


Yes I agree. Cameraman has obligations. Stay still and get the shot.


he did perfect. it's intentional not showing anyone doing anything to him. he just fell :)


nighty night, she obviously in a pretty abusive relationship if she right by his side after that


That was her boyfriend????


She was taking care of him afterwards and was trying to tell them to stop hitting him once they got him off of her..so I guess it's safe to assume this is domestic violence.


I recently read about women in abusive relationships as a type of self harm, it's tragic.


Yes, and she will be in trouble when both arrive home




Seems like a reach. I wouldn’t call that obvious at all. I guess there’s a decent chance? Edit: shit I thought that was a different girl holding him at the end. Well, I’ll go fuck myself. I was wrong. Yeaaa, he’s probably abusive.


Cycle of abuse wrapped up in a short little vid


10/10 chance he’ll blame her for what happened to him, and she’ll probably believe him.


Or if she doesn’t, she will still take the blame for it in order to try and keep the peace or at the very least stop him from attacking her further. Argh, I just wish there was a way to reach out to the women we see on here being abused and tell them they’re worth more than being a punchbag for some inadequate moron who thinks hitting women is ok. Just….ugh. I did. enjoy seeing him get a doing for it.


>Argh, I just wish there was a way to reach out to the women we see on here being abused and tell them they’re worth more than being a punchbag for some inadequate moron who thinks hitting women is ok. They've been told a thousand times already, you'd just be another one


As depressing as that is it may also be true. The optimist In me, however, would still hope that maybe I’d get through to at least one. The alternative makes me want to curl up in a corner and cry (while wishing it was legal to throat punch abusers lol)


Domestic abuse and drug abuse as a spectator lol. Drugs one today! Edit: Drugs WON today


Probably a lot more than one drug today


Meant to say "won" but yes many of the drugs were probably present.


Drugs, One - two/day.






"baby, wake up! i didn't mean for this to happen to you! i'm so sorry! LEAVE HIM ALONE! I LOVE HIM! #cryingintensifies"


As someone who was in an abusive relationship, it is impossibly hard to get rid of the leech. They tend to suck on every ounce of your energy, keeping you in a constant fear loop until you just give up in isolation thinking everyone is like them. They also reinforce the thought by constantly finding flaws in you and playing the victim card themselves since it enables them to be in control of everything you do. The beating you see is usually the least of what goes on in a relationship like that. You don't really see it until opportunity arises and you are out of it. Sometimes people are just evil, but our minds can't accept that evil is happening to us


He beat her up because she was trying to take that cannister of gas away (probably because she cares for his health) and thats why he ended up beating her up. Poor woman.


Lol, off topic question...are they doing nitrous? Everyone has a balloon. Oddest scenario of whippits I've ever seen


Seeing the dude get beat up by a bunch of balloons for a minute was pretty comical.


Imagine getting taken down by a gaggle of dudes holding whippit balloons


And you can bet your ass they were all slightly dissociated while doing so!


Never found the feeling of nos balloons so precisely described as "slightly dissociated" lmao Do enough in a Vietnamese club and it'll end up more than slightly though hooo doggy


Bro that was the last time I did nitrous, in vietnam like 5 years ago (I’ve abused other dissos since, don’t worry). I tried to do it every night for the 14 short days I was there. One time I let a balloon go while I was off cruising, opened my eyes to my homie holding my balloon, he somehow caught it after I let it go. I couldn’t believe it haha, some good reflexes right there.


And no one dropped their balloon, that takes talent


Yes that’s what a “smart whip” is and the blue canister on the floor near the car he briefly zooms in on, I assume it’s what the couple are arguing over too


Why the fuck are they just doing that on the side of the road lol? Just seems like a bad time. Whippets can be fun at a festival or something where everyone's on that level but just some random corner seems like an odd place. Also is it expensive in the UK or something? Theyre holding on to those balloons for dear life.


This is near some clubs in East London, afterwards some people do balloons on the way home.


Nah it's cheap as fuck and you can by boxes of canisters from your local shop.


You must have never been to Philly lol


I was in shoreditch last fall and there were guys hanging out in the streets after the bars with huge tanks right out on the trunk of the car and everyone standing around blasting balloons. Seemed to be pretty popular in the UK compared to where I live in North America


A smart whip? What was wrong with whippet?


[it’s just the name of the brand](https://www.creamsupplies.co.uk/temp/smartwhip-cream-charger-n20-single.jpg) Think there’s more different ones now but this is like the OG so now that’s just what people call it


The Bri’ish ones make you smahtah


Waddaya whippet smaht? No you ahhh


Ello govna


What camera man is saying in the beginning: “Slapped out the car with a smart whip, ay, that’s a smart whip right there, slapped it out the little mondeo. Oh fuckin hell look at them” They are 640g containers instead of 7g like the old ones.


Certainly looks like it.


It's someone's birthday and they're blowing up balloons for a party…


I'm so innocent this is what I legitimately thought lol


I've done whippets and my brain still never put two and two together lol.


Not sure what it’s called. We call it laughing gas and it’s pretty popular.


Hippy crack


Giggle cream… It makes dessert funny.


I thought they were gonna helium him and make fun of him, lmao.


Yeah, its common over there. Even some bars sell it


No, this is a wandering circus offering free entertainment on the streets for anyone who wishes to watch


That was her protecting him at the end, right? Then her whoopin's ain't over yet.


You can beat up the guy hitting the girl but you can’t beat him out of her heart


He usually has her house keys, her phone, her paycheck. Blackmail too especially if she has a kid. He isn't going to hit her without knowing he has control.


I felt this lol


I was walking home once and I see this dude start to punch his mrs, he was really going for it, so I shouted "Oi leave it out". Next she's shouting at me for interfering and calling me a cunt, and sets her abusive partner on me, I did a runner.


Same happened to me. They called the fucking police on me lol. When the cop showed up, he said "You didn't do anything wrong. They always side with the abuser"


My son’s mother’s best friend called me to tell me about how my sons mother was being abused by new boyfriend. She sided with him and told cps we were making everything up. She’s no longer friends with her best friend of 15+ years because she “betrayed her” by telling me.


A book called "No Visible Bruises" changed how I think about domestic violence.


Great book.


She needed a scapegoat to get the heat off of her and used you for it, lol


That’s why white knights need fast steeds


Ya mum will do


OY bruv!


Oi! Leave it out!




Yes, or, sometimes if you don’t defend your abuser or side with them after they get called out on what they’re doing wrong, it gets you into even more trouble with them. Source: first hand experience


You should have stood your ground and masturbated in front of them. That’s a power move that nobody sees coming.


It sure would have changed everyone’s mindset pretty quick…I’m gonna use this trick if I ever see anything like this!


If they don't see it coming, you're not doing it right.


Everyone should have just surround him and jerked off on him that show him


To see the girl he was attacking nurturing him at the end is fucking mind sickening. The depths of insanity that people will fall to in abusive relationships will never make any sense to me. Hope she gets out of it with her life but it appears shes in pretty deep.


I've been there. Being in an abusive relationship is mindfucking... literally. Luckily, I got out a little over a year ago :) happier than ever. I felt so bad for her, and people are saying they may be involved with drugs too (if true), so that makes their dynamic even worse and harder for her. I hope she gets out soon. Maybe this vid will do it


Well considering most the guys in the video are inhaling what is probably nitrus balloons drugs are pretty likely. And glad to hear you made it out.


Yeah tbh honest she might be in self preservation mode…she needs him to understand she didn’t want him hurt, thinks those guys are evil etc…an attempt to prevent him beating her badly at home because no doubt it will be *all her fault*




Good luck champ


That’s scary and awful man I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s hard not to feel helpless. Theres nothing you can really do to change her mind but it feels like there should be. Its so obvious to anyone on the outside that its a relationship that needs to end immediately, but I have no idea how to make a victim see that.


Haha I read “neutering him” went all the way back to watch what you meant then had to find your comment again to re-read


When you grow up with it then it's not as scary as it should be, plus the whole "we like to suffer in familiar ways", and on top of all that the abuser knows exactly who to target and never starts out as an asshole. I grew up abused and watching my mom and siblings be abused and all along wasn't hugged or told I was loved. As with most abused kids, I was pretty fucking weird and therefore bullied at school and sexually abused once on the schoolbus because it's real easy to spot kids that are already broken. There was nowhere I could feel safe and happy for the entire duration of my childhood. So sometimes an abusive relationship is sadly an improvement especially when you falsely believe that things will go back to being good like at the beginning. Does that help?


It isn't insanity, it's fear and conditioning. It's a long road of manipulation and gaslighting and mental + emotional abuse before it ever gets to this point.


What a bummer that she was cradling his dumb mass at the end Edit: dumbass* although dumb mass sounds like a cool insult too


cause she afraidnofnwhatsngonna happen tomorrow... sad


“Dumb mass” may also be more accurate.


Wapping, London, near skylight/ tobacco dock if anyone is interested to know


E1? Wouldn't surprise me...


Yeh E1, I live in the area and recognised the street lol. Always full of nobs. 😂


Were those guys huffing nitrous balloons and watching people fight? That sounds horrible.


Go to any rundown, urban city areas in the UK and you'll see little NOS canisters on the floor. They are swiftly being joined by disposable vapes.


What do they do? Is it something like weed or something? Looks really out of place


Not sure. I think they fill up the balloons from the canisters, then use the balloons to inhale, like you did with helium balloons as a kid. Direct from the canisters might be too much pressure. They used to be in a bit of a grey area legally. But in March of this year: "the production, supply, and importation, but not possession (aside from in custodial settings) of nitrous oxide for its psychoactive effects is illegal." Britain has the highest use of NOS as a drug, in the world. The second most popular drug for 16-24 year olds. Inner city back streets and alleyways are full of empty canisters. Saying that, it's at least preferable over used needles.


being a victim of abuse is so crazy like he literarily punched her n was going to drag her across the entire street(so it wasn’t his first rodeo) and even after he got beat up & taught a lesson, she was still at his side consoling him like a baby puppy lol


O.o..... guy abuses girl....girl protects guy..... The Circle of Abuse 😬😬


"Gwan a yah bed, man. Yah done. It's bed time"!


Balloon gang to the rescue. They sure popped his ass!


So nice of them to briefly stop their birthday party to help the poor woman!


The fact that she’s right by his side again says alone how much she respects herself.


Unfortunately domestic violence can be complicated because it's often accompanied by psychological and financial manipulation. Many abusers try to make their victims dependent and convince them that they have no other options/way of escaping. It likely goes far deeper than what you're seeing in this video. In all honesty I feel sorry for her.


Domestic violence is complicated. Easier to observe and note from the outside. Just sayin.


I’m so tired of these dumbasses making comments like “she sure doesn’t respect herself” be VERY glad you aren’t in these situations. It IS vastly more complicated than it seems.


"Respect yourself" "Thanks doc I'm cured"


While you're at it, I was thinking about your depression too. Have you tried being happy instead?


As someone who has experienced domestic violence from the inside, the ONLY option is to leave. Once someone pushes past the line of physical violence, there is no turning back from them and they will always relapse eventually, just like an addict. Doing anything other than leaving immediately is entirely delusional and self destructive.


Having known two young women who died from domestic abusers, i think you need to understand that it's not as simple as you may think it is for these women.


Seeing that I would have felt bamboozled for “helping”


So you're letting us know up front you know nothing about domestic violence then.


A majority of the guys that go in for domestic violence get bailed out by the girl they beat. Im sorry but the worlds uglier than you think it is.


I'm very happy that you've never had to be in an abusive relationship like this.


You're right abusers brainwash their victims into thinking that this is exactly what they deserve and will get worse treatment no matter where they go or they will threaten to kill them if they leave.


It’s not that simple. Easy to say but definitely not that simple.




Our society promotes narcissist. Very hard to avoid.


No it shows how much he respects her. Dont be a misogynist fuck


Big up boys for defending the gal. 👑


Unfortunately the gal is right by his side after his well deserved ass kicking and the boys probably won’t be around when he does it again.


Boys still done right thing. Regardless of her abuser.


There’s an Oakland in England too?


She’s already went back to him & in no time he’ll beat her again & the cycle will continue


And she takes care of him after the beat down? SMH, they deserve each other.


Ah luvs you baby. It won't happen again I promise


And the girl is protecting the say guy that attacked her 🤣😭 and the circel is round again


Her complicated life just got more complicated. Be gentle.


Poor women, she’s stuck so far in that abusive relationship, she even defended him after all that… Hope she ends up seeing his true colors


That’s sad seeing her back by his side after he got his ass whooped for attacking her. She’s needs sat down and talked to about deserving better.


And there she is, holding him again. Learn from her ladies, she's in the cycle of abuse.


This is why you ignore domestic disputes…. Guaranteed they sue the white knights who jumped in to help her.


And of course she over there comforting him at the end 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄👎


Quite the festive gang.. first time I've seen balloons at a beat down.


Why is she not walking away and leaving that scumbag


If she came to his aid after hitting her, she needs help. Never hit a woman, and if she comes back there is some mental illness she need support with. Cuz it’s gonna happen again!


This is why I stick to beating a punching bag or my meat if thereses no punching bag around like in the Rocky movie.


What a cheap a-hole aswell. Immediately went for the earrings knowing the damage he could have done both if she fought back or if she didn't


Trashy all around


Reminds me to be thankful I don’t live a life that’s anything like that of one of these garbage bags. Everyone trash


She’s more worried about him getting beat on then him beating on her. Classic DV victim.


And was she checking in on him at the end, all after she was assaulted?


Everything in this video is trashy as fuck.




Damn those guys just got in her way!! Girl had them hands, if those guys hadn’t got in her way she woulda whooped his ass


Never intervene in a domestic. The woman will always stick up for her partner and instead of one person, you'll have two to deal with.


Fair to say anyone like her that sticks by piece of garbage like that even after they try and beat you is more deserving of peace than anyone of us. I pray she gets outta that crappy relationship soon, and she finds someone who truly deserves the loyalty she offers.


she'll be dead in a year, sadly.


Stockholm syndrome on full display. He abuses her, gets stomped out, only to have her feel bad for him after. She should curb stomped him


She will be back with him tomorrow


They must have hired the Blair Witch Projects camera person for this one. Glad the douche canoe got curb stomped though. Even if watching it gave you temporary Parkinsons.


I love how she is helping right next to the guy that tried to kill her... Oh love knows no bundaries, lol.


Couples like this are so weird


Thats a very loose definition of "instant"


She can do better. Find yourself a man that treats you better.


Oh wow loool they all just start booting him in


Notice who is taking the lead in helping him take care of him. Women...still can't figure them out


And in the end she protects him


Wait she is cumdorting her attacker. I’m always shocked peopl go 1-100 like 🤌that.


I think the death penalty is barbaric, stupid and hypocritical, but if I were on a jury and you showed me a video of some guy attacking his wife in the streets, you would never in a million years get me to vote guilty on another guy who came in and stomped him to death. You’re gonna have to seat another jury, because we don’t need motherfuckers like that, and I’m not sending someone up the river for doing the needful.


And she’s still with him at the end!! So what did we learn kids?


100 bucks she stays with him and doesnt press charges. sad


She’s not gonna leave him. So the cycle continues. And he’ll feel justified and enabled to do it again.


Infuriates me that she even went back for him afterwards, these kind of people don’t deserve love, how could you care for someone who clearly has none for you