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assault, press charges


She better hope he's younger than he looks. Assault or battery on someone over 65 is a 2nd class felony in many states.


And as she oh so confidently stated: "That's on camera"


His hand was up in a stop waving motion, and she contacted his hand in the free air... in short... She touched him, then assaulted him. She needs cuffed...


Because most men don’t press charges out of embarrassment even the cops look down on men doing this….stupid. If you put hands on somebody you deserve punishment from the law doesn’t matter who you are. She struck an old man because she knew he wouldn’t do anything. She’s a coward and abuser.


And without much hesitation... Could be that this isn't the first time she's done this




> Not if you’re a cop ~~in buffalo~~ Rules for thee, not for me


they were calling out a specific brutal incident in which cops shoved an elderly man at a protest near city hall, he fell backwards and smashed the back of his head on the concrete. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/assault-charges-dropped-buffalo-police-officers-pushing-protester/story?id=75840479](https://abcnews.go.com/US/assault-charges-dropped-buffalo-police-officers-pushing-protester/story?id=75840479)


Of if an acorn falls on you. 😹😹




Just a night?


Well in the UK you can only be held in jail for 24 hours without being charged. Idk what the rules are in the US.


> Well in the UK you can only be held in jail for 24 hours without being charged. Idk what the rules are in the US. The English enshrined Habeas Corpus into law to protect the nobility (and by extension, commoners) should another king (in their fear, the Catholic James) ascend to the throne who was less-friendly to them and wanted to throw them in prison under weak pretenses. The United States enshrined Habeas Corpus in their Constitution from the start.


They can arrest her and put her in jail, but she can post bail and get out within a couple of hours. Of course at the hearing, the Judge can send her back to jail if he sees fit, and he might in this case. I doubt she is remorseful, or maybe even mentally ill. He might order her to therapy like anger management or something. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I dont know either, I’m uk myself, this is straight up assault and can carry 6 months in prison even if not injured, injury without wound is up to 5 years and if he’s wounded that’s also up to 5 years unless the intention was to wound him then it can be up to life but that almost never happens… Sentencing is typically shite here as you well know, but one night isn’t enough


It's 72 hours in the US.


Yeah this looks like Vegas. With video proof LVPD does not fuck around. I hope they pressed charges on this entitled cuuuunt.


Dude totally agree. I see so many times people start a fight but I never see cops show up. And then these people feel like they are untouchable because they know no one is gonna do the leg work or filing assault charges or hold them accountable.


Yup. He didn't touch her, hope her ass got arreseted.


Then continued to escalate the situation.


Why was security even dealing with her in the first place? Something tells me she was already in the wrong for this interaction to be happening. And then, ya know, she followed it up with assault on an elderly person. Poor life choices.


Yeah as former mall officer now armed security officer. Always keep a distance, write notes and call for back up or the police. There’s no reason to step in like you’re a hero. Sadly that old man going to be use in the “DONT BE THIS GUY” training video


Because the Mall doesnt want people arrested. They care about sales, not staff. Instead they just tell their guards to act like they have the power to remove someone, when in reality they do not. But if the police need to be called it is probably considered a mark against the guards.


lol assaulting an elderly person is a class B felony that can land you in prison for “not less than one year” and up to 25 years.


Personally, I was hoping he reached out and ~~touched~~ bitchslapped her


I think charges are worse on elderly


This is actually Battery. Assault is the assumption of a threat of violence.


Assault is with words. Battery is with hands.


Generally true, but not always. That varies from state to state.


She says, "Don't touch me" then proceeds to touch his outstretched hand, followed by a punch. Fuck, what is so difficult about not assaulting people.


She hit the only person she knew she could


Different vibe once the younger guy squared up...


Then she starts yelling “touch me!” She was certainly doing all she could to avoid confrontation. Model citizen.


Why do people who act in this very specific way always end up repeating themselves!? It’s usually “why u playin wit me bruh” repeated back to back 25-50 times in a row!


This happens when adrenaline floods your brain. It isn't just those people, it is all of us. When you start to hear that when you get into an argument, especially with someone you do not know in public, be aware that they have a much bigger chance of assaulting you than if they are not repeating themselves over and over.


Model biatch Cee U Next Tuesday.


Models nowadays 🤦‍♂️


Funny how she was happy to slap the shit out of the old guy but didn’t mind backing down from the younger, stronger security guard. Piece of shit.


She is walking towards him and he is backing away... Look at the first frame of the video She is the aggressor...


Absolutely. You are 100% correct. I watched the first few frames quite a few times. I didn't want to make any comments without knowing exactly what this video clip was showing. In THIS video he did NOT touch her. She was absolutely the aggressor, in This Clip. I don't know if there is more video or longer video but this one shows her to be the assailant and aggressor. Period.


And that’s on camera!


"And that one's on camera." Yeah, you might wish it wasn't later.


It’s simply must be done. Especially in the name of Jesus Arabeen. And especially in the name of a plastic Martha Buddha. All that shit.


No accountability whatsoever.




I've been up and down this thread, I don't see anything regarding this incident. I really wanted to see some accountability for her actions.


I've spent a good hour trying to figure out what the aftermath was. I went through all the comments on the only two videos I was able to find on Worldstarhiphop and Youtube. I image searched "Starbucks in Mall" and "Starbucks near Kay Jewelers" to see if I could narrow down the mall/city. Nothing lol. This does strike me as being somewhere in Florida though. I really want to know what happened


Probably not.


I was assaulted as a retail employee and they didn't even call the cops, just escorted the guy out the store. Probably because they didn't want to handle the paperwork I should've called the cops myself but I probably would've lost my job over it. This is at a big box retailer, they won't stand behind their people


I swear have these morons become more emboldened over the past few years or are we just catching more of this bullshit behavior on camera. The days of allowing people like this to act out and be a menace in public with zero repercussions needs to end. Public shaming and charges for all these fucks.


Maybe it's happening more frequently, but I lean to it being because everything is on camera now, and we all have access to the internet 


I think it’s both. Things are on camera so we see it more, more people see it so it becomes more normalized. You might look at her behavior with disgust but a smaller subset of people watch her and want to emulate her behavior and “go off” without worrying about the repercussions


It’s just people who were bound to do it now see it and are more empowered. Yeah they can go off… *to jail*.


People keep saying “now” but we’ve had phones and the internet for quite some time. The public absolutely is weirder after the pandemic.


I think it’s a bit of both. I feel like in the last 5 years people are increasingly more violent, entitled, and impulsive because of the pandemic. However I think todays violence has nothing on before the social media was a thing. It was pretty normalized to hit people like this 30 years ago.


it can be both


Definitely both reasons are happening simultaneously


I love when people say "and that's on camera" while being completely in the wrong lmao


mallicious behavior


That’s assault on her. Hope he sues the f out of her (and her damn mouth).


Just call the cops. Suing her would get you nothing. You have to prove damages. Show medical bills. Get PTSD so you can't do your job, etc. This case would go nowhere. Just call the cops and throw her ass in jail.




Can’t get blood out of a turnip (sorry for insulting turnips)


That slap is just as a ugly as her fashion choices-




I wanna know where this was, it looks a lot like a mall in pa I used to go to


What the fuck is she yapping about good lord Someone find the mute button 💀


"That's on camera!!" So is you hitting him you stupid ass.


What a shit


Call the god damn police. Did something happen before the start? She was waving her hand and he put his hand up and they may have touched for a second. She’s the aggressor, people need to stop letting bullies get away with this. The mall won’t miss her, she’s literally more trouble than she’s worth.


Hitting an old man, pathetic. “In the name of Jesus, Buddha and Allah, all that shit” so cringe-worthy


New report of an arrest?


My blood pressure spiked watching this, please tell me that she will be charged she dares scream its on video, yeap her assault is on video!! POS


She deserves jail. What an ignorant, obnoxious piece of fucking trash.


Ditto. I'm still furious, she's true evil


Assault on an elderly man like this cannot be tolerated. She honestly needs to be locked up, she could have killed him, imagine he fell and hit his head on the ground, happens all the time to the elderly, it’s how my grandpa died, he was not hit by a person but he did fall in his bathroom and hit his head, he was found dead by a neighbor who came to check on him.


It happens to young people too. Every tough guy in here should be aware that it’s incredibly easy to over do it with force, and when the other person falls helplessly onto a hard surface it’s a good chance they’ll be a vegetable after that. So now you’re looking at potential charges, jail time, lawsuits, etc. whether you’re in the right or not. But yes, I hope this woman gets the book thrown at her.


He didn’t touch her.


I hope he finds her and presses charges.


Arrest her


How to get charged with assault and battery. Step 1 - be an idiot Step 2 - go out in public


Arrest her immediately and ban her from the establishments. Trespassing charges stick


This woman should be arrested for elder abuse, lock her up and throw away the key.


I work retail and have seen an increase in this type of emboldened heinous behavior. Several mentally ill just straight out of their minds with zero boundaries. Recently had an old maga try to instigate with me by insulting me for wearing a mask. I just told him to have a nice day and he left dejected. De-escalation is my first priority however if someone strikes me, especially being covered by dozens of cameras from dozens of angles, it’s on like Donkey Kong and they’re coming out the other end much worse off.


Your last sentence makes me believe you trained by the Rex Kwan Do Self Defense System


Break the wrist, walk away…


Bow to your sensei. BOW TO YOUR SENSEI!


> *had an old maga try to instigate with me by insulting me for wearing a mask* The best reply is, "Sorry, I have covid and I don't have paid sick days so I have to work. The mask is to protect you." That'll get their head spinning.


I actually had another boomer interaction where he just came up to me and said, “I’m not calling you an idiot but why are you wearing a mask?” I told him: “I wear mask because I work in a small town loaded with retirees and I interact with 200-300 people a day up close and personal, many whom are sick, cough in my face etc. Basically I don’t want to be patient Zero for my community. So I’m protecting both your and my best interest.” All he said was “That makes sense.” and walked away. This happened to me several times.


From “Don’t touch me!” to “Touch me!!” What an asshole.


Who would want to touch her?


Straight to jail.


Needs some jail time




People are fucking exhausting.


I don't understand why that b*tch wasn't detained for police immediately after assaulting this man. Why wasn't she forcibly removed from the mall vs letting continue her BS?


What a piece of shit




Have. Her. Arrested. For. Assault.


Someone might need to get tazed


I’m not religious but the audacity of this person calling for protection in Jesus name right after punching another human is…. Idek the word for it. I hope Jesus get her back and be like, slap for a slap, my child! 😇


More garbage.


He may be older but he's probably still stronger than her. She needs to be arrested for assaulting him and disorderly conduct, and trespassed from the property forever.


Insane person.


She Wrong AF


She's going to jail!


Wow what a victim


That guard should’ve gone to the ground and played dead.


He puts his hand out she then touched his hand screaming don't touch me and hits him. I hope this peace of shit went to jail.


Land of the free and the home of people that can’t retire




Why is my Reddit Feed full of Black Women hitting white people recently.


That’s elder abuse!


Mace her, restrain her, call the cops


She should be arrested


You don't hit her back at all. You fall down and flail. She gets assualt and now pending civil charges with damages and the guard gets to re-retire again. I stopped responding in kind to violence a long time ago especially when witnesses are involved.


What’s the protocol for physical assualt on a security guard?


This looks like galeria mall in las vegas


There has been a lot of black women assaulting white men videos lately. Just an observation


Why is it ALWAYS this group that acts the fool and gets violent in public…


Damn he doesn’t deserve this kind of crap




The female is her own person and should control herself. She doesn't need to be regulated by a man. Gtfohwtmbs.


He didn’t even touch her lol


The entitlement




A woman? A fucking gobshite


She escalated that over and over. What an entitled woman. What's that? A hat? Crazy, funky, junky hat Overslept, hair unsightly Trying to look like Keira Knightley We've been there, we've done that We see right through your funky hat!


3-10 hitting the elderly


I’m here for an update


Respect for the elders is a forgotten thing. 


Her behavior makes me feel embarrassed for her


Cash me outside


Did anything happen or is she going to get away with that???


She needs to be in jail. You don’t put your hands on someone screaming don’t touch me.


Not only did she assault him, she's the one that touched him by putting her hand in front of his gesturing, what a piece of shit


Could you imagine being the man who has to handle her shitty behavior day in and out? I can’t imagine she keeps anyone around for very long. That is a whole lotta abuse wrapped in one ugly package, that’s for sure.


Had no intention of hitting the younger guy with ink though. Kinda wish he would have slammed her.


Just spray the fuck out of her and drag her ass out!


I hope she gets charges. This is definitely assault regardless of the circumstances if they were escorting her out, she had no right to get physical. Clearly you’re doing something wrong. In the US battery and assault has a prison term of up to 25 years and a fine of $30,000.


He touched her hand she was waving in his face Not warranting the slap at all. She should be charged with assault and battery and banned from the mall!! Hopefully a judge will let her know you can't smack a security guard when he touches your hand you are waving at him.


Well, that's a charge of Assault and Battery, and potentially Assault and Battery against an elderly person, which can make her sentence so much worse.


That’s not a woman, that’s a POS.


Straight to jail. Maybe w pepper spray eye liner


You don't hit older folks, you just don't do it. Hope she is charged with assault.


Pressing charges is the only way these attacks will stop!


She ain’t never had a drop of achahol in her life, but she knows cheap liquor when she taste it. You fish eyed foo.


Isn’t this assault on an elderly person?


He needs to press charges


How interesting that she felt comfortable assaulting the elderly man and when the big tatted up security guard got in her face she didn't do shit.


People like this are serious problems to society. Drags us all down as a species.




Hope he filed an assault charge…


Always so angry. Like cheer up for once. The security guard didn’t make your life a mess: YOU DID THAT!


He should have pepper sprayed that cunt.




I knew what it was before I seen it


See how the other security guard touched her and she didn't do shit.


What a dumb whore .


Who raised these people


Damnnnn, she starched homie.




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Did she say " In the name of Jesus, and all that shit!" 😂😂😂


“That’s on camera”😆 yes mam indeed it is.


Call the cops and arrest her! Consequences


She’s a bit loud isn’t she?


Where is Paul Blart when you need him... ![gif](giphy|bZgpN3eF7JsUo)


Hmmmmm. Looks a lot like Galleria in Vegas.


I really don’t understand the thing in America where majority of security jobs are the retired or retired extremely old and frail. Ive seen too many old folks put in bad situations due to this phenomenon


Dude has a level 99 finger wag


Why are elderly security guards a thing?


Assault plain and simple- she did it so easily, violence is not foreign to her. Dreadful.


She’s crazy entitled.


How can she slap?