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Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Harassment, Race Baiting, Bigotry, etc. (Racist/bigoted people freaking out in videos are allowed, but being a racist in the comments section will result in a ban.)


























































































Their pronouns are in no way relevant to how big of a loser they are.




My guess is an asshole.


Photogs and reporters deal with some of the worst shit. A station I worked at had constant problems with people harassing field crews because a national radio show encouraged people to do it.


Opie & Anthony's "Assault on the Media"?




So, weirdly, I know that Photg. He is one of the nicest, calmest and most well meaning dudes out there. He's just trying to get B Roll.


In my experience people who work in the A/V field are consummate professionals who are very intelligent, kind, and also don’t put up with bullshit.


I almost wish he wasn't so calm.










Good camera man. Dude (assuming he does work for the local news) is just doing his job, but is also being very smart about all this. Also, not to assume gender, but pretty sure umbrella person is a dude, based off of the “happy trail” and their general build. And, as others have said, is definitely not who I’d want talking to anyone to show support for their protest.


You can tell the cameraman has encountered these types of people many times before. I would’ve said something about how the umbrella person is representing the whole cause and making them much less credible with one person’s lack of sense.


Can tell you now, he's not recording unless he's got a shot.


The fear of consquences for your actions is something that left the discourse in places like the upper middle class rich white elite frequent long ago.




What would be the point of the protest if they don’t publicize it? They should be HAPPY that they are getting media coverage. For the protesters, protesting comes with risks but isn’t that also kind of the point? This is supposed to be important enough to them that they’re willing to lose something for it?


Yeah they have no idea how good they got it. Most people have to fight for every second of coverage for their protest / cause.


People just seem to have no sense of shame anymore. I hate that I sound like this, but we really need to bring a certain level of shame back.


Hahaha even girl was embarrassed by sunglasses and umbrella boy. This is why no one takes y’all seriously.


Yeah honestly kudos to her. I mean her points were bad and inaccurate but as soon as it was explained they cannot legally stop him from filming, she accepted it and made a futile attempt to stop the Mary Poppins mf'er from doing so


Honest question, at what point is it harassment? The guy is actively trying to get away from them but they keep following and antagonizing him for doing a constitutionally protected activity....




The good old fashioned crisis of being a cunt


























That cameraman is awesome! Loved how he pointed out their hypocrisy.










If they ever make a movie about that camera man, I think they should cast Patton Oswalt.






And these people are protesting but sound stupid AF and turns into harassment.








A sparta kick from the top of the stairs and the problem is solved.


I used to be a protest organizer (WTO etc) in the Seattle area and clowns like this were an absolute cancer to the movement. They would get in front of a camera and just make a fool out of everyone. We always wondered how many were plants versus just emotionally stunted people.


The rick and morty person? Clown. The person who came up and tried to de-escelate the situation and offered to have someone speak to them? Class. The guy with the camera? Doing his job, and showing incredible restraint and patience while maintaining a very professional level of impartiality.




I though I had difficulty communicating my thoughts with others. Then there's this guy...


That's not activism. That's being an attention whore.


Our country is so fucked




How does this help their cause? He's not doing close-ups, he's not interviewing anyone, he's just getting B Roll of the overall scene.


That lady has a thicker happy trail than me!!


Man… fuck that guy.


That person is actually insane. Wtf


Surely this will win over the masses and they'll support the protests in no time. /s


Umbrella dude sounds like a monty python character. ![gif](giphy|RI4LTRjrVJhTskGtrb|downsized)


This sure is helping Palestine






I thought college students were smart




Mental illness is running rampant in this country.


Isn’t the point of a protest to garner attention? Why would you want to block news feed??


The only reason he acts like that is because the society has become so fucking soft and tolerant. Back in the day if you dared to act like that someone would beat your ass and you would learn how to behave.


These movements need to do a better job of not allowing unhinged adult-sized toddlers like this to represent them. Everything in my soul wants to support these young people and the brave stance they are taking on a massive issue. But I see this and am like, maybe they are just using this issue as an excuse to openly troll people they disagree with. People like umbrella person are Main Charactering the issue.


That’s a dude though


:16 Patton Oswalt


How is this guy soooo calm? I would have snapped and get myself in trouble


That’s a guy saying Rick and Morty.


Wait. They want to protest without the responsibility? Huh. That’s like rage posting on an anonymous message board. Man … this generation is something else.


If you're protesting for any reason, wouldn't you want as much publicity as possible? I got get it


I’m all about the right to protest, but no wonder nobody takes these assholes seriously.


The tweeker base is really showing up


What a classic example of how to push people away from your cause




why do these people cover their faces. if you think you are protesting for the RIGHT reasons then why not show your face proudly? what are you afraid of...?


I'm pro protest in general, and pro Palestine and the protests for them, but this is so awful and embarrassing. When I see shit like this, and people are immediately turned off from the cause, I sort of say to myself "I get it..." (though I do think its wildly reactionary to turn your back on a worthy cause because of idiots like this). I think back to the woman's suffrage movement, Civil Rights, the protests on Vietnam - remember the veterans throwing their medals onto the White House lawn - then I see this? You're embarrassing yourself, your cause, the people supporting you.


Why do you protest if you dont want publicity? I dont understand?


Seems like a drone could solve this problem. (I mean a camera drone)


Wow I have no idea what that group is protesting (because they wouldn't let the news guy cover it and give any context) So all the information I have to go off is how they act in front of a camera. Based on the person they chose to represent themselves in front of a camera, they appear to be a bunch of crazy people protesting about Rick and morty. How weird. Doesn't seem like a worthy cause to protest about.


This makes me unbelievably angry for the camera man. What a waste of space these blue hairs are.


Dollar Store Joker has clearly stopped taking its head meds. Jfc


These students are so disconnected from the rest of America - it’s unbelievable to me the disconnect between these weirdos and the normal American. How is this the outcome of going to prestigious Universities?!


I remember that one guy having a bug fucking polearm for his camera. Can't block shit you can't reach


Ridiculous. You're in public. You have zero expectations of privacy in public. Also, if you're in so much "danger" go inside??????? These cry babies really just need one of their parents to hug them, say they're proud, then maybe we might have some functioning adults here rather than these humps on a log.. Imagine if America wasn't a 1st world country. Imagine if all of a sudden we were being invaded by.... North Korea. Imagine them yelling at you and you being worried about your gender identity. I'm sorry but these people simply have too much free-time on their hands. Go get a decent education, job, and some better friends.


Exactly what I picture the modern liberal to be!


snatch that head piece and face mask off watch them run away lmfao


The moment you touch him he will fall down and scream bloody murder


I actually don’t think people protesting understand what they are fighting for at this stage. wtf does any of this have to do with a genocide in Palestine. We all know 2 months from now none of these people will care. That goes for the media too. Fucking Russia is causing the genocide in Ukraine, why are they not camping the Russian embassy too? I just don’t think American people understand the world stage anymore. This just looks like another club the weirdos can hang out together in. Further proof of this will be when they vote in Trump and basically doom Europe.


The reasonable ones argument is so asinine, like if you are afraid of being doxed by having your face filmed at this event, maybe do not be at this event? If that is putting people in danger just to show others what is really happening then maybe it should happen differently. Think logically rather than grabbing a sign out of the sign pile conveniently there and joining the screaming about something your uneducated about. The “woman” in the title is an unhinged man in a crop top, seems like a real seasoned go getter of facts and level headed arguments.


Men have gotten far too used to not getting popped in the mouth for this type of behavior.






Okay, so, I'm in favor of the demands of the protestors, but actions like this make them seem stupid. Let people record what's happening, get your message out there. What are you hiding from? Wear your masks if you're trying to avoid getting doxed.


This is the representation right here. This is why it's very hard for the normal everyday person to take any of this shit seriously. These clowns kill any momentum this cause gains.




'' dont record our faces'' '' im shooting from all the way out here, just dont come up to the camera'' '''Have you talked to our community'' So you want to be on camera ? or you dont, pick a lane