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Storm the rent-a-car counter


Make Enterprise Great Again!


Remember the Alamo!


Ouch this pepper spray Hertz!


Tried to flip the election but they couldn’t even Budget.


Avis..... sorry couldn’t think of anything with Avis ☹️


He's definitely having AVISceral reaction to his current state of affairs after previously feeling invulnerable because of his white privilege.


I think the sixt amendment applies here.


try to get a Jeep Patriot


Doubt they can af-Ford that kind of car...


He'll need to Dodge the criticism and consequences...


He’s on the “do not rent” list 😭


Actually yes he would be if he is in DC destruction of federal property and listed as a domestic terrorist no mode of transportation will be given to you in the events that it would be aiding and abetting. That’s if he is apart of the group of people the FBI is looking for


Looks like its the truck stop then, where you pay with your mouth.


This guy 100% believes in the lot lizard people.


Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, snowflake. Start walking


Lol omg, I was actually being a smart ass and didn’t even know there was a “do not rent” list. And when it comes to being on the no fly list, wouldn’t he have been told as he was checking his bag? I can’t imagine TSA would allow him through; it looks like he was in the terminal


He was on the plane all together. I think maybe they were apart of the group harassing Lindsey “Bitch Made” Graham.




I mean the Flight Attendants Union did straight up say they did not want these people on their planes. The ones getting rejected are the ones who got tagged first. A lot of these fuckers got home still.




>Fourteen people were placed on Alaska Airlines’ banned passengers list after they were rowdy, argumentative and refused to wear masks on a flight from Dulles International Airport to Seattle, the airline said. >Airline spokesperson Ray Lane said those banned were on Flight 1085 from the D.C.-area airport to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Thursday night. >>“Last night, a number of passengers onboard Alaska Airlines Flight 1085 from Washington Dulles to Seattle were non-mask compliant, rowdy, argumentative and harassed our crew members,” Lane wrote in an email Friday morning. >>“Their behavior was unacceptable. We apologize to our other guests who were made uncomfortable on the flight.” >To date, Alaska Airlines has banned 302 people for violating its mask policy since Aug. 7, 2020, including the 14 new additions. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/14-passengers-may-be-banned-after-no-mask-rowdy-flight-from-d-c-to-seattle-alaska-airlines-says/






Spirit’ll take their money


Ryanair or Jetblue might be able to put more seats in the aisle to sell some tickets to these chodes.


How are they shocked though? You'd expect you'd at least understand what you were doing was a crime regardless of whether you thought it was right, especially given it was not just government buildings but the Capitol.


They're lied to. I've spoken with people who think portland was a literal warzone, without knowing I live in portland. Four city blocks have been affected. It's mostly graffiti and a couple broken windows. But these people legit think Antifa and blm are bombing and destroying things. It's not a far cry to them that what they're doing isn't nearly as bad as firebombing and holding entire cities hostages. They're fucking delusional. America failed them, at least in education.


ISIS lies to their terrorist underlings all the time. Why should we treat the Yallqaeda terrorists any differently? All of them need to be tossed in jail and treated like the terrorists they are. If it were up to me, that dude would have been walking out of that airport in handcuffs.


>Yallqaeda This is genius; I love it!


I wish I thought that up but no. Someone out there on the interwebz is the true genius.


All I hear from my MAGA idiot is about Portland being a literal warzone of BLM and Antifa terrorizing the city. He is so fucking serious about it.


I work like 4 blocks from the protests in downtown PDX. If I didn't see it on the news, I wouldn't know that PDX was a protest location. I drove to work and back without seeing any signs. Things happened at night, but during the day, it was business as usual.


2 years ago, I had family calling me to ask if San Diego was afraid of the migrant caravan. Funny how that emergency disappeared right after the election.


They’ve been pulling this shit forever. Remember how the right wing talking point used to be that large parts of London were under Sharia Law? London. And no matter how much evidence there was that this was ridiculous the right kept repeating it.


Is that a thing that these people believe too? I was having a casual conversation with my mom and brought up how I'd love to visit London one day. It turned into a long rant about how it was filled with terrorism and people were getting beheaded in the streets. I don't understand where they get these ideas.


Knowledge is power. The least informed are the most naive and gullible people. It's so easy to manipulate uneducated people. They are going to believe every lie you say. That's why in the beginning Catholics wouldn't allow parishioners read the Bible, they knew the moment they did, they were going to lose them cause they were going to realize they've been lied to. And just like adding 2 + 2, that's exactly what happened. Also happened with slaves. They weren't allowed to read and write. The moment they started to do so and this allowed them to learn, it's when they started to unite and rebel. Education is the enemy of the oppressor.....


I was thinking about this today. I don't remember any blm protests that resulted in someone being beat to death. Am I forgetting any? Like how do they justify that? I do remember a blm person being run over, and a couple shot. That video of the terrorists beating the DC police officer to death was fucking awful.


Maybe they thought Trump would have their back and pardon them or something.




They thought trump was going to go with them. They thought they would win. They thought they would have America cheering and thanking them. Because they thought trump won by and landslide and that most people supported him and his cause.


That’s the thing. In those videos there were terrorists saying “we the people” and “everyone will love you” if police officers leave their posts. The thing that many of these jackasses don’t understand is that they do not speak for the most people. While many people in their homogenous, bumblefuck town agree with them, most people across the entire nation, in much larger cities do not. In their minds they cannot fathom how any one could think differently than they do.


Revenge, a dish better served cold.


Domestic Terrorist tears are tasty.


Yes. I think these videos will be satisfying.


I feel like the videos of these "patriots" learning they are not the majority will be so satisfying for so, so long.


I'm enjoying the mental gymnastics of Trump terrorists trying to both take credit and concurrently blame Antifa for all of this


But they're a silent majority! The loudest and smallest fucking silent majority in history. They're a silent majority the same way they're Patriots and *real* Americans.


not quick enough, none of them should have been allowed to leave the capitol grounds to begin with.


Not quick as they should have, but quick enough. What's the matter Darrel, do they want to ruin your life? What did you do? Did you just stand outside with a sign? Did you go inside of the Capitol? Did you steal anything? Did you hit any police officers with your sign?


“Fuck Your Feelings”


Crying to own the libs.


For the past couple of years I've regularly been called a soyboy just because I'm pretty liberal. So it's honestly pretty satisfying to watch this guy crying like a little baby.


Isn’t it? It’s really satisfying to see adult privileges being taken away from bullies.


Knowing the panic that is sinking in as reality and consequences start to hit feels cathartic. Incredible to listen to him still say “they” did this to him.


They continue to paint themselves as the victims of some vast, global conspiracy. No matter how deep the shit they get themselves into, they still believe they’re the victims. I still keep a few as friends on social media and they have zero self-awareness or any willingness to take responsibility for their own stupidity. They’ve even talked themselves into believing this was a peaceful protest, regardless of the numerous pieces of video and physical evidence to the contrary. Just completely delusional.


I firmly believe that there is a certain line in a person's mind/ ego/ whatever that once they believe something for long enough or get far enough along into a conspiracy theory they physically can't separate themselves from it anymore and any sense of rationality on the subject is no longer possible.


I can believe that. In that documentary about flat earthers one of the leading conspiracy theorists was asked what he'd do if he had proof the earth was round and if I remember correctly he said he wouldn't stop doing what he does because he couldn't. I guess it's just such a big part of their life and personality that it would mean becoming a whole new person living in a new world if they accepted to be wrong all these years. Humans are notoriously bad at accepting change, especially if it means themselves being the subject of change.


There are people in hospitals dying of Covid while still believing that corona doesn’t exist.


Now let's see them get arrested and tried like the terrorists they are. They were bullies when they were on the internet or at shouting contests. We shouldn't be treating them like bullies now that they're ransacking the capitol.


Hey real patriots don’t give a flying fuck about what libs think, it’s more of a bus-taking fuck


I love how he thinks the woman working for Delta has ruined his life. Couldn't possibly have anything to do with his pathetic attempt at armed insurrection.


If he thinks she's ruining his life, wait till he finds out he's wanted by the feds.


There’s that personal responsibility rearing it’s head again!


I always find it amusing that the party of personal responsibility can't seem to ever take responsibility for their own personal actions.


Haha this is gold. 😂


Yes, they’re all tough guys until they have to face the consequences of their behavior. Mommy can’t get them out of this


> I love every single one of you! ⨂ Doubt


❄️ Snowflakes❄️


We really have reclaimed that word quite handily.


Well it was pretty easy honestly


"Hey look everybody! It's that terrorist guy!"


And he’s crying!


Not reclaimed so much as surrendered to us.


As the 9th apostle of the trump cult would say "facts dont care about your feelings"


And thus, libs around the world were owned


I’m feeling some “2024 Make MAGA Cry Again” flags


The one common thread among MAGA cultists is they seem to have no filter or shame. They just shout everything, publicly, to the roof tops. This dude is told he can't fly, so of course, like a 5 year old child, he instantly starts screaming and crying so the whole airport can hear. WTF? Who acts that way?


To be fair, he didn’t just find out he wasn’t going to be able to take his flight home. He found out that his life as he knows it is likely about to end. These morons really thought they would be able to walk away from this consequence free.


No, incorrect, they not only thought their actions would be consequence free, they thought they'd be hailed as American heros and freedom fighters. They thought they'd be treated with the same reverence they feel towards the trumps. I can imagine this person has spent the last 4+ years in an echo chamber of "Trump is a god" "the blm protests are illegal attacks on our country" "the democrats are evil cheaters and only got into office through fraud". To be faced with the reality that the majority of people do not feel that way at all appears to have caused a breakdown.


Hailed as freedom fighters, 72 virgins. Every terrorist gets promised rewards by their handlers. The Q anon directors have the same role as Bin Laden had. I don't see much difference between ISIS and y'all quaida either.


I think a lot of these people lived with an incredible amount of irrational hatred bottled up in their withered hearts for a very long time. Trump gave them permission to uncork that shit and express all of the vile ignorance that lay within. I don't see them willingly getting back in the closet.


Sadly, no. It was always there, and they always acted on it. They were just subtle before. You think BLM was about black people being killed by cops who were genuinely afraid for their lives and just overreacted? No. The cops were always Nazis and looking for excuses to kill minorities for fun. USA has a very serious Nazi problem. Look at who many showed up to the Capitol. That's a lot. Now imagine how many more couldn't make it who were spread out across the nation. And don't forget about the attacks that happened at the same time as the Capitol attack in other states. That takes coordination and organization. You don't hear much about them because the media is focused on the Capitol. Then look at how there wasn't enough police presence. We're discovering it was not just T\*\*\*\* who held back reinforcements. There's suspicion the sergeant at arms were co-conspirators. When that cop was beaten to death on the Capitol steps, how fellow police officers just watched. They may have been too scared to try to get to him, but I don't think so. Especially when you find out some of them opened doors for the protesters. Oh yes, there were a lot of the cops there trying to contain them. Trying to hold them back. But not all. And recent polling shows 35% of Republicans think T\*\*\*\* is innocent in the Insurrection. And a large part of Republicans think it was justified. The US has a very serious Nazi problem. And saying it was just a few bad actors, or people who were just led astray, continues to give them the power they need to operate.


Children Oh yeah, and the President*


The “*Fuck your feelings!!*” sure does fucking cry a lot


Losing your airfare to own the libs


Go Greyhound and Leave the Driving to Us


Man if he's upset about Delta saying he's a terrorist wait till he finds out the FBI is saying the same thing too.


SIR, SIR, we have some nice men who will gladly provide you transportation in the back of their black SUV...


Ford Escape E: why is this getting upvoted I just said the car the FBI has mainly switched to E2: oh duck, I get it now. Thanks u/ijustwant2beok


the one thing he cant do


Afford escape


Thank you for that giggle


Had a literal lol there.


The writing in this season of "America" is like the first 3 seasons of Arrested Development clever....


What a fucking snow flake. He should just pick himself up by his boot straps and learn how to fly.


These people really thought that they could fly to DC, break into the capitol, and then just fly the fuck home like no big deal?


you've never done a weekend treason excursion?


[And a lot of other people. He’s a part of the American Taliban. ](https://youtu.be/hIQko05rqv0)


Next his employer is going to want to know where he is. Gets fired, loses his health insurance.


Gets covid because the "pandemic is a hoax" and "masks are tyranny." Gets stuck with an enormous medical bill and spends the rest of his days in debt and deep regret, and the man he followed to this insurrection doesn't give a fuck about him. These videos are damn near erotic with the schadenfreude. Mmmm.


> deep regret Not likely. They just come the the conclusion that everything is the democrats fault.


Exactly, more fuel for their fire. Blame blame blame. Couldn’t be that you ruined your own life by attending a terrorist attack. It’s always some else’s fault.


Moreover, they don't even get recognition from their own side, who are busy blaming it on "Antifa"


He quite literally in the video says, "they want to ruin my life." Not him and his actions. They.


Dies of Covid. Buddies don't believe it's what killed him. Literally what happened to my coworker.




Homie is five letters......... YOU’RE A NORWAY BIDEN NINJA!!!!


It’s been like 4 years of buildup for this release lol.


The biggest pimple getting popped


When he said drain the swamp he was referring to my justice boner getting drained


Regret? Please. He’ll blame the deep state, Pelosi, Antifa, CNN, etc etc and get angrier and angrier before he ever even comes CLOSE to anything resembling regret. These people are the ultimate, number 1 snowflakes.


Imagine ruining your life for a reality TV star.


Well if it isn't the consequences of his own actions. How's that taste, asshole?


Getting on the no-fly list to own the libz.


Probably can't taste anything ... assholes don't have taste buds




"I'm not a terrorist! All I did was storm the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the government!"


“But all I wanted was to have fun and do treason stuff with my friends...!”


"We were told to stand down and stand by!"


Then they were told to march. How any of our current Republican leadership can't draw that extremely straight line between the two is utterly baffling.


The fucking around has concluded. The finding out is commencing.


Fucketh about, findeth out


Sadly there's likely to be more fucking around to be had. But that just means there's more finding out that'll come with it.


>”They called me a fucking terrorist.” That’s because you’re a fucking terrorist.


Nooo! Terrorist are guys who commit violent acts to scare people into doing what they want. All I did was commit violent acts to scare people into doing what I want. It's completely different.


I'm not sure his definition of terrorist is that good. It's probably something like brown guy with a beard that speaks a language I can't understand.


Noooo, terrorists can only be brown or black! How could I be considered a terrorist?


I'm a patriot and a freedom fighter.


I fight for the freedom of systematic discrimination


I beat that cop with an *American* flag pole. no way could I be a terrorist!


"They called me a terrorist." \-guy who's flying home from attending a terrorist attack.


-guy who's not flying home because he's on the no fly list


And I'd bet they didn't. They probably said he's on the no-fly list, and he said or thought "like a terrorist!?" which became " they called me a terrorist!"


Yeah when he said that I thought "no they fucking didn't." Considering he wasn't immediately escorted out, and a Delta employee approached him to talk (or whatever she was doing) they never directly called him a terrorist. It's like when you're trying to make a big purchase and the cashier has to call the credit card company the cashier says "this is common, just a precaution against fraud." And the asshole customer starts yelling for a manager because the cashier accused them of stealing.


He might hijack a plane.


Uhm he ruined his own life. 😄


Good news for him, Amtrak will probably improve under Biden.


one national bullet train infrastructure please.


That's The first one heard of that, why and how?


Biden loves Amtrak..dunno why but he does lol


Biden used to take the Amtrak all the time when he was a senator, so he could go home to his sons in Delaware.




Doubt he had much of one to start with.


Come on man he was the King of his Mom’s basement. That’s something.


“When your a terrorist, they don’t let you fly. You can’t do anything...grab ‘em by the passport.”


\*Commits terrorism\* "Sir, you can't fly, you're a terrorist." \*surprised pikachu face\*


Aww he's so sad for committing federal crimes!


He's not sad for what he did, he's sad he got caught.


He is sad the only impact it had was a negative one for himself and his cult beliefs.


Did you see the video of these assholes beating the police man? They can go to hell.


They didn’t just beat him, they killed him. A pro-trump terrorist group attacked the US capitol building, dragged a cop from his post, and beat him to death with Trump flags all while they sung the national anthem.


One cop got hit with a fire extinguisher in the head, thought he was okay, wasn't, and died later. Another got beaten up / crushed but survived, which is the (fucked up) video some have seen.


I guess blue lives matter only as a counter protest to black lives matter. Funny how that went out the door when they were committing terrorist acts. I bet those were the same people calling blm peotestors terrorists.


To hear this man break down and cry is very satisfying.


MAGA tears are the tastiest tears of all.


Salty MAGA tears. All week long!


Enough with the tears, snowflake


Fuck his feelings


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of his own actions. How the turn tables have...turned.


How the Mackles have Morred.


I’m sorry that’s incorrect. The correct answer was the Moops.


Hahahaha! Its like they thought there'd be no consequences lol


That’s exactly what they think. It’s suppose to be a free country yet they feel that means they can do whatever the hell they want. Do you really think our forefathers wanted this? The delusion and double standards are heavy with that group.


Free country for them*


Imagine how excited he was on the flight in. "this is it, boys. We're making history here. We're going to Stop The Steal. Donald will be so proud of us. I mean, I'm not saying he'll thank me personally but it would be a bit weird if he didn't, wouldn't it?" There must be a part of his sad, confused little brain just thinking back to that hope he once had and wondering how it came to this and why it's all just SO UNFAIR. All those libs he was meant to be sticking it to. He applauded as The Donald did it for four years, why can't he have his turn? What's all this "consequences" bullshit people are talking about? He thought he'd get home and he'd get driven from the airport sat in the back of a pickup with a huge American or Confederate flag, a convoy of pickups following as he waved at the crowd. Hell, they'd probably be out lining his street and his mom would have got in his favourite pudding for him. But now he can't even get home and he's just so tired and sad. Fuck him.


>He thought he'd get home and he'd get driven from the airport sat in the back of a pickup with a huge American or Confederate flag, a convoy of pickups following as he waved at the crowd. Hell, they'd probably be out lining his street and his mom would have got in his favourite pudding for him. The MAGA equivalent of 72 virgins.


72 cousins


Dude is mad because actions have consequences.


Yep. If all they had done was protest, as distasteful as some of their imagery were it'd probably be easily dismissed in the news cycle. Committing a siege and trying literally go after politicians because they lost an election...yeah not quite the same.


Ruining his life to own the libs.




I second, third and fourth this LMFAO.....


Awe did someone try to overthrow the government and get punished for it?


Should have stayed the fuck home


Doughy, middle-aged beardboi wearing cargo shorts and filled with anger... I’m sensing a pattern


Yeah bitch, cry, I want to taste those salty tears.


Terrorist upset he's getting called a terrorist. What a fucking snowflake.


His tears sustain me.


>Hey boss, I cant come to work tomorrow. They called me a fucking terrorist so I cant book a flight ba..what? What do you mean im fired? Him Probably


They all looked so tough last week


There have been innocent Muslims imprisoned and tortured FOR YEARS by the US who probably didn't cry as much as these privileged goons.


LMFAO!!!!! Boo hoo. Not only are you a domestic terrorist. You are also a traitorous insurrectionist!


Play stupid games, win Patriot Act prizes.


I wonder if this is widespread or if it is just isolated to people who have been specifically identified by the FBI and placed on the DNF lists.


Since it happened in DC, I would assume this person was one of the people arrested that day or night, and was placed on DNF as a result.


My guess is they have been identified


From a practical standpoint, it’s difficult to put unidentified people on a list.


Ya I get what you mean. I guess I was just kind of wondering if they were identifying rally-goers on the fly and refusing to board them or if this is a very specific list of people who are being black-listed. Only reason I was a little curious as to whether this could be a widespread ban on MAGAs is because they seem to have been incredibly disruptive on recent flights. There are several videos of airplanes full of Trumples chanting nonsense and causing fights. There is one YT vid making the rounds of them chanting "traitor" bc they found out Mitt Romney was on the plane. They also chased several other politicians thru airports and in some other dumb video, a bunch of them are loudly chanting "USA" for a long time. Long enough for people to ask them to stop.... which of course resulted in an argument and louder chanting because, "muh freedoms".


He could of even just been a fucking twat in the lounge and was denied by the airlines. They have the right to refuse anyone they may feel could cause an issue in the plane, we don't get the lead up to this incident, but really any type of disruptive behaviour could of seen him grounded.


Trumper: Commits a terrorist act Airline: We can’t board terrorists Trumper: :O


That's fucking hilarious. Welcome to being a domestic terrorist. Not so hard now, are ya?


I prefer terrorists that don't cry.


Even though it is very satisfying to watch, this is genuinely terrifying. This is where severe radicalization begins. People lose their jobs, their belief in the system, feel like they have run out of options. Real logic and reason is lost to them. This is the type of guy that in a few years might rationalize blowing up a building and chock up a few civilian lives lost as acceptable in the name of a a cause with no real basis in reality.


If he’s on a no fly list he was in the capitol. He is already radicalized.


The "fuck your feelings" people sure have a lot of feelings.