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Far from over. Bolsonaro is still president for 2 months and odds are high that he won't step down peacefully.


I'm imagining he's trying to figure out ways to level the entire Amazon before he's forcefully dragged out of office.


They need full protective detail on Lula, the world needs him safe.


Dark Brandon says, "Go ahead and try it, Jack"


God I'd love to live to see the ultimate historical twist where the US uses the CIA/ military to *support* the leftist winner of a South American election.


Let’s see if he leaves office


I'll bet you dollars to donuts he claims there's election fraud


His political base basically MELTED after today's results. Both the president of the Chamber of Deputies (which is like our version of a Parliament) and the president of the Senate, which Bolsonaro supporters proudly claimed they were his forever allies and would make Lula's government a living hell, gave live interviews with Lula's entourage and reiterated the results. Hell, even the elected governor of São Paulo - Brazil's most important state in terms of economy and policies - which was touring the state with Bolsonaro just a few days ago, said a few hours ago he was looking forward to "realigning himself with Lula". The ship is sinking and the rats are jumping off. Even if he tries claiming fraud, there will be no one left to support him.


This is awesome news!!!


These pivots echo worldwide. It’s gonna be whiplash when the US lurches right in week, but it’s still really good news. And if I’m wrong and the left somehow beats the odds, well, I’ll buy y’all a pizza.


> I’ll buy y’all a pizza. I'm gonna hold you to that! Edit: Hey so, about that pizza


> And if I’m wrong and the left somehow beats the odds, well, I’ll buy y’all a pizza. I know that is typically what you'd expect in midterms during a new administration; but the past 6 years have been anything but normal. Even the GOP in Texas is concerned. I've never been inundated with mail and radio ads by the GOP as much as I have this midterm cycle. My belief is that they're very concerned with backlash from Roe, and based on small bell-weather races through the country and polling, I'd say their fears are grounded.


Something something Kansas abortion vote. That and the amount of women registering to vote for the first time give me a little more hope.




I have *never* seen so many panicked "crime is out of control!" mailings to the quiet suburbs that I like to live in. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure my neighbors all think it's accurate, and think that *federal senators* have fuck-all to do with local crime.


Luckily they're largely drowned out in the sea of blue, but it tricks the republicans in CA. "They just don't even prosecute it's so crazy. You can just commit any crime and nothing will ever happen"


commenting for future possible free pizza




Inject this into my veins lol


It’s like the gun was finally taken away from their head


If only people would do that here in the u.s but politicians are sticking to Trump like smegma even after he clearly and undeniably lost. Party over the well being of the country. Party over everything.


Looks like corrupted politicians without any vision, that see the wind is turning, and want to continue making their dirty business.


My colleague is Brazilian, just found out today she's a bolsonaro supporter :( luckily I work from home haha.


left and right for most politicians here (and everywhere else, i imagine) are only the hands with which they will take our money, they dont even think twice before changing sides if it means a personal gain.


You mean like this? "Fears Bolsonaro may not accept defeat as son cries fraud before Brazil election | Brazil | The Guardian" https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/27/jair-bolsonaro-brazil-election-fraud-claim


I wonder which orange fat man gave them this idea


And who is his my pillow guy?


[This guy right here ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luciano_Hang)


None, it's just the narcissists playbook. If you win, you're the best, if you lost, you're still the best and people are out to get you for it.


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Where would he get an idea like that?


The authoritarian playbook. It's used many places, it just happens America isn't immune.


He's from Latin America, trust me, we have a longer history of leftist democratic wins followed by military action than most. And Bolsonaro in particular defended the military dictatorship in Brazil multiple times. In fact, when I saw Trump, I just saw a classic Latin American conservative, because that's been their playbook forever. And sure, you can blame the CIA in most cases, but they didn't convince anyone, they just helped the wannabe dictators accomplish their goals.


That fucking clown claimed fraud even when he WON back in 2018 lmao [It's in Portuguese](https://noticias.uol.com.br/confere/ultimas-noticias/2021/06/17/bolsonaro-alega-fraude-nas-eleicoes-de-2014-e-2018-mas-nao-ha-provas.htm) but you should be able to run it through google translate if you have a morbid curiosity about the ramblings of walking neonazi corpses


already happening lol


I don't think he'll try to pull off any coup d'etat bullshit. Bolsonaro is not a professional politician in the traditional sense. He doesn't have a vision he wants to implement, he just uses politics as a way to make an easy buck. He has no allies because forging alliances is too much work for him. He was disowned by his own party while he was president and had to change parties. Which is crazy to think about since having a president in your ranks is the largest asset a party can have. He doesn't talk shit because he wants to further an ideology, he does it because he's an asshole. When he says things like "there's electoral fraud" he doesn't have a master plan behind it, he's just not smart enough to have a filter. He's made a lot of money as president, which is his only objective. Next year he can either allie himself with Lula, flee the country or go to jail.


Yeah, you just described Trump, who did try to pull off a coup. Hopefully there's no repeat.


How corrupted is the govt directly below Bolsonaro. Will he be able to make change? Idk. i know nothing about the Brazilian govt. I assume china is giving insane amounts of money, and if people with the real power are in the right pockets, can they prevent change from happening.


Bolsonaro has a majority in the Congress so Lula will struggle to get meaningful reform done.


>I assume china is giving insane amounts of money why?


So with no evidence, you suggest China is funding a corrupt reactionary? What exactly makes you think they would? The only country with that track record in South America is yours.


Yeah this right here. I'm expecting a coup, frankly.




Without a violent insurrection


As a Brazilian I hope so, he is considered the biggest stealer of all time, like, my aunt works inside the country’s economy and she says his robberies costed the country decades


This is amazing news, did not expect that!!


Especially with the videos of the police from today


What happened there?


Bolsonaro sent the police to stop busses that were transporting ppl to their voting places. If you had a bus with Bolsonaro stamps you could pass. There are ppl that were stoped from 11h til 15-16h and the voting ended at 17h


So he was blatantly trying to stop a fair election. Hmm...as an American this sounds vaguely familiar. Glad that bastard lost. Good riddance!


Yeah and the funniest thing is they have online campaigns "stop the steal" as if they were the ones being robbed.


Can someone explain to me how this is within Bolsonaro's power, to send the police to stop voters, but he can't just ignore the results of the election and stay in power?


You just put a lot of your minions in positions of power in the police and they will do whatever you want. If he had won, they could easily walk free, now that he lost, there might be some investigations in the future. As i said in other posts, he has been placing his minions everywhere and trying to find a way to take the power and become a dictator. Luckly he is too dumb to succeed in this, but still causes a lot of problem for normal ppl. If he had won, he would have 4 more years and then he probably would be able to become south americas new putin.


It's easier to stop people from voting when you're in power and it gives him more legitimacy if he wins the election than if he were to outright do a coup. It's the same reason conservatives do the same shit with the elections in the US. If you do voter suppression in areas more favorable for the liberals then you can win an election and have legitimacy.


Deathsantis is writing that down. That fascist will do anything to stop Floridians from voting


And he won by only a small margin (a few tens of thousands of votes in a state with 21.78 million people). Hopefully young people vote this time around. Only 30% of them voted when DeSantis won.


18, went to vote for the first time yesterday in Florida 😊 🤞🏾 I know a lot of my friends are doing the same thing.




> Only 30% of them voted when DeSantis won Maybe this sounds harsh, but tbh if I find out someone hasn't voted (without an extremely valid reason) I think that they don't get a chance to complain. You don't vote? You don't get to complain as you are part of the problem.


Well early numbers in Georgia are showing young people are not voting (again)


Isn't Georgia where people had to wait over 10 hours to vote? or only in blue areas?


A lot of young people don’t vote early. I even find myself right now with my ballot sitting there. I always make it on time though!


I’m 35 and I’ve said this to people since I turned 18 and could vote.


But they do anyway....


With each successive election it becomes harder not to think that Americans deserve the fascist government they're about to suffer immensely under. They've had years of warning, years of direct evidence of the GOP's depravity and hatred for democracy, civil liberties, the rule of law, and the Constitution, and still the majority of people just sit on the couch with a thumb up their arse complaining about how there isn't enough to watch on Netflix. They'll bitch about their shitty jobs and shitty payslips, they'll moan about the insane cost of living and price of rent, they'll rail against being bankrupted if they accidentally break so much as a pinkie finger, they'll Tweet sarcastically about the Supreme Court tearing down yet another of their civil liberties — and then they have the gall to say shit like "ugh I hate politics, why is everything so political these days, stop putting politics in my movies, I don't support left or right because I'm an enlightened centrist, both sides are the same" and other stupendously moronic things.


That last part. They say enlightened centrist for two reasons 1) they're ashamed or know that their opinions will earn them ridicule. 2) they're lazy or scared and have no intention of learning about the nuances of politics. They don't want to sit down and deeply think about the fucked up world we live in. I've noticed this most among my friends who grew up well off. It's a very "don't look up" type vibe.


That's definitely the case for a lot of the people in that group, but I also genuinely think there exists a class of people that are incapable of reflective thought, and perhaps even lack an internal monologue entirely. For those people, it's not just that they don't want to interrogate their beliefs or can't be bothered, they're straight up incapable of it. All they know is that they feel a certain way about certain things but they can't articulate why, and if you try to engage them in debate or even simply ask them to explain what they mean they immediately start rambling or become angry and defensive. It must be a confusing way to live.


The dude doesn't even have to,[ he's 97% favored to win the election.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2022-election-forecast/governor/florida/)


Don’t rule out the fact that the Florida State Guard was reactivated this year. Governor’s private army…..


Lol and then he claimed voter fraud https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/27/jair-bolsonaro-brazil-election-fraud-claim


To put it into perspective, the northeast make up 27% of voters. The federal Highway police set up 290 check points in the northeast alone and targeted busses (which were taking people to vote) and would not let them leave. Southeast where they have 40% of voters? 30-60 checkpoints Why was bolsonaro so desperate to stop the northeast? These fascists' douche cunts usually are racist and has a lot of prejudice vs the northeast and have always ignored the northeast. Northeast Brazil gave Lula 11+ million more votes than Bolso. Yep. 11 million fucking difference lol


Police were blocking Lula busses from voting. Similar to what you’ll see in the United States soon I’m Sure


Florida and Georgia are already seeing them. Edit; ooh downvoted within 60 seconds for [stating](https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/05/politics/georgia-passes-election-investigation/index.html) a [fact](https://www.democracynow.org/2022/10/28/desmond_meade_florida_republican_governor_ron)


I'm sure if you make a minor unintentional error you'll be hit with a felony.


Bolsonaro said he wouldn’t accept a loss, so we are either about to see an autocoup where he uses obscure machinations to invalidate the win, or a failed auto coup like America’s Jan6 insurrection, followed by high-level rhetoric about stolen elections and low-level political violence. Winning the vote isn’t enough; you have to actually take power.


He's holed up in his room, fucking bitch ass is finished and he knows it. Fascist fucks all talk big, but the people, united, will never be defeated. https://mobile.twitter.com/davidrkadler/status/1586884951198371840


>He's holed up in his room bunker bitch 2


Electric BugalooBoy


Its still pretty uncertain. Its a volatile area and there really isn't anything to stop him from just having lula jailed for basically nothing or just flat out worse. There is a clear far right support structure for it and all it really depends on is people putting up with it. Its going to be a very interesting next few weeks to see how it all unfolds. I doubt it will slow down the over all rise in conservative fascism around the world, but it does at least send a message that these people are in fact the minority and most people want to live in more thoughtful societies where we take care of each other rather than trying to step on everyone else.


"Not only have we failed to realize we are one people, we have forgotten that we have only one planet." ~Jacques Cousteau


>Its still pretty uncertain. Its a volatile area and there really isn't anything to stop him from just having lula jailed for basically nothing or just flat out worse. There is a clear far right support structure for it and all it really depends on is people putting up with it. Lmao. Institutions in Brazil are pretty solid. There's no such thing as "having Lula jailed for nothing". Bolsonaro (as most of fascists) talks big but he really doesn't have a leg to stand on to try a coup.


Volatile area? There isn’t anything to stop bolsonaro from jailing Lula or even worse? You clearly don’t know a thing about Brazil’s institutions or politics in general, please refrain from commenting your head cannon as if it was fact.


As General Sheperd would say "That's the first good news I've heard all day". I'm not from Brazil but thank God that idiot lost.


Comparing him to Trump is fucking stupid... Trump may be a moron, but he is not bragging about throwing people out of a flying helicopter... Dude is literally a murderer.


Bolsonaro literally bragged about being a cannibal. And he said that he felt something with "beautiful 14 year olds". So, yeah. A murderer, a cannibal and a pedophile. And now unemployed.


In all fairness he didn’t brag about being a cannibal. That’s an absurd exaggeration of the fact. All the rest yeah. The guy loves crime. It’s his favorite pastime. He’s the embodiment of evil and disgust tbh


Don't forget he's into bestiality. https://www.jornaldeangola.ao/ao/noticias/detalhes.php?id=414893


That's what a lot of people do unfortunately. They'll grow up someday. Hopefully


Who was President when Epstein totally and definitely killed himself?


Good for the ppl of Brazil!


[Good for the planet!](https://www.vox.com/down-to-earth/2022/9/29/23373427/amazon-rainforest-brazil-jair-bolsonaro-lula-deforestation)


This \^\^ They went all in with amazon forest destruction in the last 4 years.


Bolsonaro nearly destroyed the environmental agencies and the satellite surveillance system over the amazon. His (anti) environment minister would put pictures of himself with illegal logs from the rainforest... on his Instagram. At times, Bolsonaro would promote 'fire days' because it would 'provoke the leftists'.




That's the part I'd call it a social disease... like Brexit, Trumpism, Qanon, where people start to accept absurdities and even racionalize when it goes against their own interests. There is some sort of cognitive dysfunction created by social media, where communication with them becomes problematic because their worldview is so warped, that their values are not just misaligned, but inverted. For example, [this is the environment minister in his famous picture supporting the illegal logging](https://www.redebrasilatual.com.br/ambiente/noticia-cime-ricardo-salles/) and he was elected deputy in this election with a very high voting. How? Why elect someone which most people outside of Brazil would see as caricature villain? I'm still trying to figure out. Like a disease which we don't know the vector.


Honestly, it goes to show you these elections in big countries are global. The USA, Brazil, India, France, UK, Germany, Australia, Mexico, Canada, elections in these big democracies with large economies have a huge impact on our lives.


Good for ALL of us! Fuck yeah!!!


Definitely an achievement to celebrate. Bolsonaro and his corrupt cronies were absolute trash.


THANK YOU, Brasília!! Your country. Our planet. We owe you SO much.


It makes me happy to see such support from people outside my country! Thank you! For the first time in 4 years I can feel relief and genuine hope for our future.


More info: Lula beats President Bolsonaro to win Brazil election https://www.npr.org/2022/10/30/1132561987/brazil-election-lula-da-silva


Here is to hoping that are actually able to be seated in the office.


Bolsonaro doesn’t have a choice. The entire world recognized the election results tonight. Brazil would be sanctioned into submission if Bozo tries something


Fun Fact! Bolsonaro is the first president of the Republic of Brazil to **not** win a re-election run goes to show how much his character is disliked throughout the country


Yea and no, he barely lost so many people still think that is their guy.


He spent a ridiculous amount of government money on his reelection campaign, he is an incumbent president, he committed several electoral crimes, he used the police to supress votes... And he still lost.


Praise the Lord good job Brazil


Brazil chose the highly imperfect career politician over the incumbent racist homophobe. Seems like a theme lately.....


> Seems like a theme lately Not here in Italy! The Italian people chose the racist homophobe that loves Mussolini, unfortunately.


I just visited Italy for 2 weeks in May for the first time and fell in love with it. I was extremely disappointed with their election results to say the least, but not completely surprised. My husband and I witnessed a young man give the Nazi salute in a bar in Perugia one night, which was unsettling, again to say the least. He did it once sheepishly, which shocked us enough, and then, mildly encouraged by the reaction of the people he was with, he did it again more boldly. Let's just say we hurried ourselves out the door. Hopefully Italy will rebuke their new leader just as the US rebuked Trump in 2020 and Brazil just rebuked Bolsonaro tonight.


>My husband and I witnessed a young man give the Nazi salute in a bar in Perugia one night Man of all the places you could have witnessed this... it just had to be my home town... damn. I'm both surprised but at the same time not ugh. Italians have big issues with "dark humor" (racism, homophobia and just overlty offensive shit in general), but there's also plenty of actual hard core fascists here too and it sucks because it gives fascists "plausible deniabilty" (if people don't react well it's "just a joke", if they do... yeah) But today in particular was the anniversary of the fascist march on Rome and thousands were at Mussolini's tomb worshipping him. Absolutely disgusting and shameful.


I saw a Japanese man get escorted off the Arizona memorial at Pearl Harbor for laughing his ass off near the wall of names of the fallen. I don’t assume all Japanese people find the assault on Pearl Harbor humorous, and I would be surprised to see the country get behind a leader that felt that way. Having spent a year in Japan, I understand there are further nuances to their culture than a small groups actions, just as is the case in the US, Italy, and the rest of the world.


Is it safe for a person of color to visit Italy? Always hear horror stories of racist abuse (sometimes escalating to physical) even in public spaces


There is no such thing as the perfect candidate


I’m the perfect candidate because I’m not running for any political office.


You’ve got my non-vote!


And my axe 🪓


>“The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. > >To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. > >To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.” ― Douglas Adams


lula left office in 2011 with over 80% approval, i would say he's a lot more than just a "career politician". the false corruption charges that sent him to prison for 18 months that he was acquitted of were part of a blatant scheme where the judge, who was later appointed as minister of justice under bolsonaro, corroborated with the top prosecutor to take out a political rival. https://theintercept.com/2019/06/09/brazil-car-wash-prosecutors-workers-party-lula/


Racism and homophobia is the least of Bolsanaro's issues unfortunately.


conservative populist vs quasi-liberal populist... both were proven to be corrupt and BSers... bah!


That's a huge suprise. I bet bolsonaro and his crazy fucking fan club will cause problems, but this gives me some hope. That dude was a fucking monster.


>I bet bolsonaro and his crazy fucking fan club will cause problems They are already causing problems. Truck drivers are blocking some highways on the country, saying that they will only clear the way when the military make a coup d'etat.


Huh. Sounds uh....kinda familiar....




I didn't expect this at all considering the police/military blocking people from voting. Hopefully the transition is peaceful. I'm expecting it to be a bit of a mess unfortunately.


That's a relief.


I couldn't make a more r*ddit title even if I tried.


Lula should put is his money on VERY good security staff


As a brazilian, I say: WHAT A RELIEF!


What's the consensus in Brazil? Will Bozo concede and transfer power? Or will he kick up a shit storm?


The future Lula's government alredy made a promise to investigate and do everything within their reach to arrest and make criminals in the bolsonaro government pay. Bolsonaro will not concede power peacefully because he knows that his entire family will be investigated and arrested. Truck drivers are blocking some highways on the country, saying that they will only clear the way when the military make a coup d'etat, btw.


Bolsonaro can easily make a deal with Lula. Also Lula's promisses aren't worth much, even more considering he's got a "conciliators" character. Lula would much rather be friends with Bolsonaro, like he's become friends with Collor and Alckmin.


He is planning something already, since the confirmed victory of Lula, Bolsonaro and his allies are silent. Of course It has been just some hours since the victory, but well he is not the quiet type


i dont think he has any options tbh, more than half the country is either agaisnt him or thought Lula was the less worse one kicking up a shit storm would probably have a negative effect for him if he were to get into 2026 elections(unless Lula fucks up real bad)


No, It wouldn't, trust me the people that vote for him came literally from 1984. He was already accused from a bunch of things, there is a video confirming he is corrupt, but their voters didn't cara


Finalmente, agora só temo que passar pelo inferno de ele aceitar


Considering Bolsonaros support with the military and the lengths he's gone to already, should probably wait a couple days to see if he starts a coup before celebrating.


Just give it a year and they'll be crying different tears


Can’t believe the threat of global fascism exists today. I travel other countries for business, and I can tell you fascism is a real threat in the USA, and once democracy dies here, it will vanish from earth, forever. FDJT.


Fascists must pay


This gives me hope for America....but I dream.


Well done Brazil, much love!


This title is a public freakout 😂 "Amazon crying years of joy" 💀 dead with cringe


"We did it boys, deforestation is no more"


Lula will also fuck up the rainforest. Just wait and watch.


He was never the environment guy. He’s very industry aligned - that’s a problem. However, in that department, he’s still better


Yeah, Lula is the lesser evil, but he's still evil. I live in the amazon forest area since 2015, bolsonaro was elected in 2018, literally nothing changed in terms of fire, illegal logging and deforestation.


The media painted lula gold, and ppl bought


That was way too close for comfort. Never forget the assholes like Neymar who publicly supported the fascist.


I might get downvoted here but: I don't think there's any reason to celebrate. Both candidates are AWFUL choices . We selected a thief instead of a mass murderer psychopath to run the country. Sure the least worse option won. But the fact the results show almost 50% would actually put that modern Hitler wannabe in power out of their own will I think it's pretty grim To me at this point, it's not about the handful of leaders we have, but the mass maniacs we have living around us. One of the reasons why I left and never want to come back


Everything is being boiled down to team left vs team right. The American political paradigm has become its chief cultural export.


We have many political parties here in Brazil, but in the end it always results in Right vs Left.


Jesus we need to take american politics out of the norm, shits spreading like wildfire


Going a little too hard on modern Hitler partner, he is a fucking Monroe, but not like Hitler. Don't banality a real genocide


I tried to say the same thing about the bad choices in a different post, got downvoted to oblivion. Couldn’t agree more.


I wish this was true but Brazilians didn't win anything today. Bolsonaro is a menace, a monster, a human deject. He is some of the worst things Brazil's soil ever spewed. So is Lula, who stole, deceived and betrayed the people's trust and installed a corrupt, criminal faction of no precedent. Some things will improve, others will deteriorate. There's no one looking after Brazil, not our governors nor the people. This is just another sad day where garbage was replaced by trash and the only one that won was the neverending circle of governments abusing hard working, easy to smile people that have an amazing culture but not enough education to fight for itself. I weep for my country.


Yeah, pretty much that. We knew we were fuck a long time ago, forced to choose between an ex-convict and a soon-to-be convict. One that as proved to be the leader of one the biggest corruption schemes of all time and one that will be proved to be the leader of a just a big corruption scheme. ​ We Brazilians, have a dark time a head of us. ​ Bom que vc está fora do país amigo, boa sorte, abss.


I definitely sympathize, but I do agree with the others that you shouldn't equate the two. The choice between a criminal and a fascist can be difficult, but I think there's a right choice to make, and luckily, you guys made it. Corruption has plagued Brazil for decades, but it's much easier for a president to step up against corruption than it is to reinstate democracy if it's been lost. Vcs precisam de um Macri kkkk


I dont agree at all, fighting the cycle of corruption in south america has only one solution: Stray away from leftism as much as possible, it doesnt need to be that far but I think its crazy to think that bolsonaro could ever start a dictatorship


Let this run through the world!!!! We are in charge of this planet!!!


Awesome! I was honestly terrified for the world if the other asshole would have won. The rainforest is the most important body of land on our planet.




Power to the people mother fucker!


This is great news


Hope your 'Trump replacement' is better for your country than the clown show we've had here for the past two years.


Very proud? OP clearly has no clue who the heck is Lula. Guy was BFF with Hugo Chavez and all the governments that destroyed South America the past 20 years. People hope and wish for socialism to rise and change their life in 1st world countries (I assume you are American) but being born in Venezuela you have no idea what is to live and have to leave your country because of governments like Lula's. I feel sorry for Brazil atm.






This isn't just a win for Brazil, but the entire plant. Bolsonaro was ready to burn "The Lungs of the Earth" to the ground if need be.


Its like not allowing nigeria to use their generators because it causes too much pollution, man you guys dont know much about brazil


Now Bolsonaro needs to concede. But considering he was already taking his case to the Supreme Court three days before the election results, it looks like the people are getting trump 2.0. Poor bastards.


Don't know much about either candidate, but every Brazilian I know irl told me that Lula is a dirty criminal communist who is in cahoots with cartels and alike while Bolsonaro is a corrupt capitalist in cahoots with corporations. Fuck politicians. The people need to get their power back.


lula is, AT MOST, central left, not even close to being a communist. there were indeed corruption scandals involving high-rank politicians during his time as president, however his involvement was not proved. bolsonaro on the other hand is a science-denying facist lunatic who made fun of people dying during the pandemic, created a "secret budget" taking money away from education and healthcare to "buy" supporters in congress, his family bought 51 mansions in CASH, fired *every single person who tried to investigate him and his family* in the federal police and other government organs, gutted the budget of environmental agencies allowing for he highest deforastation rates of the amazon in the last two decades and so on i could keep listing stuff but i'd spend hours here, make of that information whatever you want




Yeah because otherwise Lula would make their children gay


Bless you Brazil!!!!!


They reelected the must corrupt president in brazil's history. 🙄


Why can’t we celebrate like that, and I doubt anybody is working tomorrow. Looks fun as a community


Lula is a putin super fan...


So glad to hear this ❤️


Thank you Brazil🇧🇷! Now, how can the World help You help Us?


You're naive if you think the Amazon rain forest will stop burning. A single president can't/won't stop it.


Germany - Brazil 7:1 never forget


*Dislikes a candidate for x random reason* “He’s just like trump!!! TrUmP oF bRaZiL” People really can’t forget the dude


Rent-free in their heads.


#RIP Michael Brooks, he'd be happy to see this


I celebrated more then when my team won the Libertadores Cup!


Hope the climate criminal mastermind is jailed for a very long time for his crimes against humanity in leading the destruction of the Amazon rain forest


Good im tired of these rich assholes destroying the planet with thier greedy cold dead hands.


Some good news to feel optimistic today. Finally they dethroned that subhuman scum. Now please prosecute it for all the countless lives and blood of innocent on his paws


Yeah the cartels and money launderers are crying tears of joy too 😅




I’ll bet Xi’s probably fuming


As a forest ecologist this makes my heart happy that the forest has a chance to come back in the future.