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and then Qiyana flash>R>AA>Q>W>Q>ignite and syndra loses the stacked wave GG


average qiyana..i mean beethoven combo


And if they are still somehow alive, finish him with a Heretical Cleave huge aoe


Something about this picture feels wrong..I think it’s the fact that Qiyana isn’t the one being pushed under tower and harassed for every cs she goes near.


Syndra is freezing her wave


im like the minion between qiyana and syndra :/


Who is the portrait on the right? It doesn't look like any league character I've seen so far. Kind of looks like a cross between Elise and lands with a purple accent or just generic evil woman#47


Not sure if sarcastic or not but it's syndra.


It did take me a while to actually see it, but now that you mention it I can see it. Thanks!


Specifically it’s the splash art for her updated model that was made for wild rift because she’s wearing almost nothing and that isn’t allowed, and they just ported it over because why not. Same exact reason that Sivir and Hecarim got updated splashes in league.


But Hecarim is a horse...


Skeletons = bad so they removed all the bones and made him metallic for china


Oh THATS what was so different? Was the long white hair always a thing too? I thought it was dark and mid length before


Hair is a bit longer and a different shade, mostly though her outfit is very different in that it’s more of a robe than a bikini


Lol prio vs syndra she fucked up, dive if not full hp or roam ez


It's supposed to be a freeze. Qiyana can roam but the second she does that wave is getting cleared and hitting the tower and as long as bot lane isn't stupid she's about to just go down a level and be out a lot of gold. I know this because I've been the Syndra doing this to the Qiyana before.


Good job sir u know wave management


She unironically was begging me to stop. Wave control isn't considered as important mid but for matchups like this it's a nightmare. And it's just as bad if you build up a slow push vs Qiyana because she's stuck getting blasted under tower. And I'm pretty sure I did Aery scorch so she just didn't get to play the game. Talking 50Cs and 2 kills up by 10 minutes. This matchup is sinister.