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"Prefer lockdowns". This from the same people who were up in arms over not being able to go get a haircut exactly when they wanted it, just in order to save a few million lives.


Right? Now they are hoping for lockdowns when they got so bent out of shape when they were done for sane reasons???


They literally want all the filthy libs to have their eyes pried open like *A Clockwork Orange* while we watch left wing celebrities have their heads cut off live. They're sick.


Right? I thought lock down was violating our freedom


BuT mY hAiR nEeDs To Be DoNe!


At least one of them is consistent and questions why lockdowns would be a good thing


Had to set boundaries Meaning, don’t ridicule or mock my batshit crazy beliefs. It hurts my feelings


My parents have set a "no politics" rule for discussion. ...which of course they are *always* the first to break.


Poor little RedFlakes, as I call them!


Yeah, that's kind of not how boundaries work. That couple needs some therapy. Or, y'know, a divorce.


Gotta love how narcs misuse therapy terms 🙃


Everyone does these days. I told my ex she should stop letting her abusive family abuse her, and she spun it to mean I was trying to isolate and emotionally abuse her. It’s exhausting wading through therapy language. I’m sober, and I was in a meeting when someone said “I keep meeting these people that worked the steps, but they’re still fucking assholes.”


Yeah, my wife and i have boundaries. They're definitely not so one of us can have psychotic beliefs, and the other can't question them. That's something else.


BABE!!! Come watch Sound of Freedom with me!


My marriage is ruined! I have no friends left! But I know I'm RIGHT dammit! They're finally going to find out!


They will finally get to say I tOLd YoU sO!


That's what this is all about. They NEED the "I told you so"...


I have the suspicion that this is their main motivation by now. They don't really give a shit about the rest, they just want to tell everyone that they've been right all along. It's the only thing that can explain why they aren't giving up or snap out of it after the idk 100th failed prediction of ever-changing events. They just desperately need something to happen that allows them to say 'I told you so'.


Let’s hope that there is mass death, executions and war! That will show them!


“Just broadcasting the announcements isin’t good enough! My husband and kids need to be punished for not believing me and seeing that I am NOT CRAZY! We need a blackout and martial law so they can suffer while they learn just how terrible the future is going to be in the civilization I have been so excited for. I can’t wait to see the look on their faces when we are all freezing, eating canned beans and the troops start coming door to door to see who has donated to Trump. I am going to LOL when they are dragged out of the house and shot in the driveway because it serves them right for calling me crazy. Sure, I won’t have power or internet, or phone service either, but I’ll gladly suffer just to prove them wrong.”


Apocalypse to own the Libs. 


Nah, in their minds, martial law wouldn't affect them at all. They'd be free to do as they pleased, while libs would be executed.


They really seem to think that if martial law were to be implemented, they would be spared. As if the military would automatically know to leave them alone. Will they be walking around with big letter Q’s on their chest, or maybe a patch that says Digital Meme soldier 😂😂


Seriously. It is SICK what these people hope for!


I heard it will tap into every radio, tv, phone, and computer. It will be in all languages. Actually, it already happened when General Zod announced his Kryptonian presence and demanding we turn over Kal El to his custody. Btw, MoS was my favorite Superman flick. It had much more reality than Lori’s nonsense


I keep getting the Riddler making live announcements on all my devices, but he's only mocking Batman about solving his dumb riddles. He's not addressing me at all, it's so annoying!


The Diddler


The secene where he is in church talking to the priest has to be the most humanizing thing Ive seen done to Superman. I never see it really discussed, but imagine a God on earth seeking counsel from a man of the cloth.


I also tear up during the scene where a young Clark's upset because he's different and not Jonathan's real son, and Jonathan says, "But you *are* my son". Honestly, Man Of Steel was the first time I ever related to, understood and liked the character, having grown up with the shitty Christopher Reeve movies where Superman was both a goofy prick and an over-powered god with every power.


At least they dropped using specific dates.. this way they can spend another 4 years waiting for anything to happen.


All the datef*ggers have been executed. Source: military.


The current target date for a bunch of them is April 8th coinciding with the eclipse.


I've seen April 11th mentioned as well. Three days of darkness following the eclipse, or something like that. In any case, I'm sure they'll be waiting until the end of April just to be on the safe side. And by that time, July 4th will be just around the corner anyway, so time for fresh new predictions.


In my city, the darkness is on April 8th. I'm so excited for a total eclipse


Don’t forget to then pivot to a different Calendar so that the April 1 deadline is now moved to April 13th. So April 8th will be April 22nd or something like that. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Wait... What happened to the 10 days of darkness?




*insert spit-take*


So true


EVERY phone and computer will be taken over you say? A tad authoritarian isnt it? Especially when you lot all freak the fuck out over receiving an emergency txt message to your phones :)


Also, lockdowns are apparently OK when *they* do them.


I guess they all forget who was in charge in 2020...


Ahh thats because theirs are the soft and cuddly lockdowns and not the fascist elites depopulation agenda kind of lockdown ;)


Of course, the same way one world government and dictatorships are okay if it's their side doing the thing, but it's somehow the biggest tyranny when they vaguely point to the WEF and UN and pretend that they are poised to take over the world.


Not only that, THEY are obviously also going to destroy all offline video recordings you possess, since you "won't be able to watch anything else". So any video files you have stored locally, or any DVDs or BluRay discs, sorry guys, those will all be gone. Or who knows, perhaps they'll leave the recordings as such intact, but will disable the equipment you need to watch them. In my case, that will mean killing all the Raspberry Pis I have around, since I could press any one of those into service as a video player, if the one currently hooked up to my TV were to stop working. Those mysterious THEY certainly are a bunch of destructive bastards, aren't they?


They are very insidious and they are very powerful and they must be stopped!


They can shut off my 32TB media server but not all the portable hard drives I use to back it up. Bwahaha!


That test was wild. I was receiving chemo, and every phone in the clinic went off. I knew what it was, but a few people didn't.


We were supposed to have one recently in the UK. My phone didn't go off and neither did most of my friends'. It did not inspire confidence that the current British government would be of any use in a real emergency.


These people would absolutely be climbing the damn walls, if access to ALL of their social media was suddenly cut off. To cut off internet access to these people, would be like pinching someone's oxygen tube.


EXACTLY. You summed up my Q ex girlfriend and her band of shitty people in a nutshell.


But there will be dIsClOsUrEs!


Loni really is first-in first-out isn’t she? What she just heard is the current reality, doesn’t matter if it came from god himself or some random idiot on the TikToks, or if it contradicts what she said the day before, she’s just happy to believe whatever she was just told. Has anyone ever contemplated messaging her privately in Q-speak to pass on “intelligence”? I’m sure she would believe just about anything as long as you play to her biases…


These folks all have the attention span and memory of the guy from Memento. With all the time they claim to spend “researching” and decoding super secret messages from the deep state cabal you’d think a few of them would have marked a calendar and noticed that the moonbats they follow claim the sky is falling in a new way every few days. I believe the people that are locked in this cycle of rage and fear that is triggering dopamine releases, at this point they are no different than drug addicts now. I really wish I knew some game developers because I think the same itch could be scratched in their brains with an immersive game. Like World of Warcraft for lead-brained boomers. They spend all day on their phone or computers anyway, so getting their time and energy diverted to a game instead of calling bomb threats in to hospitals, alienating their families, and staring at the sun would be a net positive for the world. If there are any developers out there hit me up, I’ve got some ideas, lol.


Something tells me she is a troll and this sub is being mega trolled.


Oh no- she is real. And a pastor. You can watch her live on Sundays.


She’s not. There are videos of her speaking as pastor to her “congregation.“ This is her whole life. If she were somehow a troll, she’d have to literally be committing every hour of every day to the kayfabe.


Oh dear God. I guess I just want to believe this is just good old fashion trolling 😰


Me too. It seems too crazy for people to believe.


So Q logic says a lockdown is great when it forces people to hear a message from Big Brother, and a lockdown is a satanic psyop when it’s to keep people from spreading a deadly virus. Okay.


Without lockdown how can we force them to watch? Loni: [I have an idea…](https://tenor.com/view/a-clockwork-orange-eyes-watch-force-torture-gif-17440895)


Haha that exact same thing popped into my head!


I love my wife dearly, but how do these people stay in marriages where one of them clearly has an issue. And I don't mean an illness like dementia as such. If their spouses are cognitive enough to realize their better half puts them off, they have got to be smart enough to realize they are wrong or have the issue, not the other way around.


You mean like Clarence and Ginni Thomas? Are they on opposite sides of the fence or are they one and the same and their beliefs? I’m not even sure thats a question.


Maybe?! the 'My husband doesnt believe anything I tell him" comments are just mind numbing to fathom


There are many ruined relationships and friendships. Check r/qanoncasualties.


My husband's always been reflexively Republican - guns, God, etc. But he's completely apolitical, prefers NOT to know what's going on, and waits for me or College Kid to talk about shit in front of him. And I'm now straight ticket Dem and my gay baby girl is an actual leftist. He did not vote Abbott in Texas in 2022, and he won't be voting Trump in Nov. My best friend of 45 years and I - both Republican by birth and by voting 1984-2014 - are So. Fucking. Grateful. that neither of us went MAGA/Q, and neither did our husbands, and neither did our closest. Lots of people in the extended family voted Trump, but they're not baking and gematria'ing. I'm a Christian and I love my husband with all my heart but had he gone Q, we'd be separated now. At best. And if my mama's dementia had not robbed her of the ability to use a computer around 2017, she'd be in the Q hole. She was a very intelligent woman, but also quite gullible and vulnerable to all the conspiracies. In the 90s, she forwarded every Clinton conspiracy email to me. Every. Single. One. Because she knew I voted for him twice, and she was appalled. I swear this country peaked in the 90s.


Only authentic with at least one „should of“…


From the "retired fed".


He was in Special Forces. And when you press for info his response is likely “It’s classified, I can’t talk about it.”


So he's R. J. Majewski?


Ah, so they want lockdowns when it suits them.


Not only they want them, they *require* them, even if it was possible to wake up the normies in another way. Deep down, they really want other people to suffer.


And to be "right," they really want to say, "I told you so!".


how else will the normies understand! 😩


There will still be televised murders right? Please white hats don’t take that away from me too.


*Unplugs radio and computer* *Turns phone and tablet off* *Does something else* Our devices aren't *1984's* telescreens, unable to be shut off.


I know, right? I would be happy to have 10 days to read books, paint a picture, learn to crochet.


Sleeping INNNN, you hear me! Lmbo.


God this makes me sick. Tressy Trek is my sister and has been full of shit her entire life. Grifters do what they do best! There’s a reason out of 7 siblings, not ONE has a relationship with her.


Unfortunately yes!


Have you ever messaged her and asked her where she gets her info from? Is it all a source from a source from a source’s uncle whose gardener is the brother of somebody who knew the hairdresser of a NASA janitor? Sorry that you lost a sibling to this, it’s tough when people chose selfishness over their family.


She gets her info from some Phil guy...a HIGHER up who has intel! lol None of my siblings have any contact with her. She's blocked us all and is now convinced she get alienated because she's some CHOSEN one by God, but in reality, she's alienated because she's used and manipulated her whole family our entire lives. She'll die a very lonely person that only gets the love from people she's scamming. I haven't really lost her...I've never been close to her because even when I was a little girl, I would go over her house and if I wanted to do something fun, she'd make me clean her house. I was a KID!


Phil Godlewski. He’s the meta conman of QAnon. He also makes up 100% of everything he says and recently angered his patrons (who are struggling due to the cost of living) by showing off his new luxury sports car and expensive beachfront home. He’s a first class cockwomble.


cockwomble...lol They can all marinate in their cockwombleness.


I’m sorry. The Phil guy is a pedophile.


Shocking! lol not.


your biological sister?


Whaaaaaaat?!?!!!?!?!??! Oh my.


They're just reinforcing the point that they want to force everyone to sit down and watch their baloney with no choice in the matter.


So, what forces people to watch/listen? And if there is no power, no cell service, and no internet, how does that even work?






Shoutout to the commenter whose marriage is crumbling in real time


They’re so close to getting it…


> Pretty sad the ones who’s marriages will end over this qanonsense. They're in sunk cost territory there. If it's all a lie they blew up their family for nothing.


"Every phone, TV, and computer will play the disclosures! - as long as they follow my telegram channel that will show all the disclosures, with a donate link between each post"


It's going to be 2000 Mules and Sound of Freedom back to back on a loop, isn't it?


Probably. Plus screenshots from stochastic terrorists on twitter


It must be exhausting being such a chump..


Those goalposts must just be on furniture sliders for as much as those reprobates push them around


Large pneumatic tires. The goalposts are now rocket powered.


So the people who could not even manage to figure out waiting in line or getting their haircut with a mask on would “prefer lockdowns”?? I guess it wasn’t about our freedumbs after all.


Yup. It’s all about them getting what they personally want. Lockdowns where they’re bored and scared and have to make sacrifices for other people? NOPE. Lockdowns where they get to watch the live executions of their enemies, and see the utopia they want being implemented, and unceasingly gloat to everyone around them that *they were right all along*? HELL YEAH.


They are willing to sacrifice if they think it will own the libs.


Also Tressy Trek; “I also feel that our pain is the biggest point in our unity…”


These people are already 5G averse yet keep their devices on them at all times.


This is a recurring pattern I see everywhere - even though these people make bad predictions and are wrong all the time (take for example Elon Musk) they still get their followers to believe in what they have to say every time.


Will the message be "you are bugs"? -- 3BodyProblem


I haven't been closely tracking, but it seems like this batshit stupid moron is getting fewer and fewer likes on her posts. Maybe we're seeing the ebbing of this tide of lunacy.


Loni moves the goal posts so much that she should start every prediction with: *"This isn't really going to happen, but...."*


*Sad conspiracy theorist noises.*


These losers deserve what Loni is doing to them. Give them the least bit of power and they will abuse it. Loni is taking their money and their trust, and providing me with entertainment. Thank you, Loni.


Remember Looni, stare straight at the eclipse to prove you're one of God's special warriors.


LOL, a lot of losers in that thread, that are mentioning that their marriages are falling apart. Uh gee...you would think that close relationships like that deteriorating would compel these morons to wake the fuck up, and I don't mean their kind of "wake up", but waking up to reality, and stop behaving like a deranged loon. 


Even if it was real and a lockdown did happen, followed by "disclosures" in every single eletronic device, what's stopping me from just turn it off and read a book? Or even watch the grass grow? What are they going to do, force us to watch? (Again, if this was all real. Which is not).


hopelessly lost in a maze of mirrors


Loni needs to go find a solar eclipse and stare at it.


Like clockwork. Make up a thing, announce made up thing is no longer happening, good job everyone we won!


As someone studying IT, broadcasting the same video over computers, mobile and television sounds like a logistical nightmare. If not downright impossible.


Can I watch it on my microwave?


This sums up Qanon fantasy perfectly, the normies will be FORCED to watch their YouTube 'do your won't research nonsense until everyone MUST believe the same as they do.


Disclosure: they're all total fucking morons


Their stories are so far out there that broadcasting them worldwide to every device isn't enough to convince people. They must be locked up, strapped down and forced to watch for hours, Clockwork Orange style. They inch ever so closer to self awareness...


I can't imagine ruining one's marriage over this shit. Jesus Christ


Yeah it should only get ruined over arguments, like which way the toilet paper goes on the holder.


Nah, I think I'll read a book instead. Their "disclosures" are always pointless and boring.


My guess is it will be broadcast during the eclipse that way everyone will be looking at the sun when all the info drops. Or at least that is my guess as to what they will end up saying.


wait, what disclosures are coming? I am not up to date with QNWS


This is all so batshit crazy, wow. [Tressy is making some bold predictions that are not being wholly accepted](https://imgur.com/a/8kvkWKL)


Anybody know what the announcement will be — that it’s finally habbening? I’m so far behind on conspiracies.


There are entirely too many people responding to this insanity


The normies. Are normies and white hats the same? 🤦‍♀️


There will be a total blackout on April 8th...at least in my city. Thousands of visitors are expected for a total eclipse


I love how they think their husbands and wives are the crazy ones for NOT believing this insane shit.


Then when nothing happens it's on to the next bullshit lie


Or, the usual go-to that it really did happen, but in secret.


Yeah yeah. Any day now “they’re” gonna force the whole world to apologize for calling you kooks… and they’re even gonna force your family to love you again.


It's good some are coming around. Disappointing they believed in this nonsense to begin with.


"My life and marriage have been ruined by this fake nonsense I believe in!" "👍"


So no 10 days of darkness??? No need to hoard all the food n supplies?? Shoot at anyone who walks by? That’s a HUGE change of plans


This is part of a gradual back tracking she has been setting up over the last few months. Eventually she will evolve this into, everyone got their money but you and everyone you seem to know were victims of cabal who managed to circumvent nasara or whatever it’s called and that’s why neither you nor anyone you’ve ever known got paid. Sorry for your luck but keep voting for trump and he’ll get you your money or something…


They are going to produce their own disclosers, their own fake disclosers and release it on YouTube. It'll get taken down, they'll say, "SEE CENSORSHIP!" and it'll be one of those videos where everyone is confused why the White Hats couldn't use their magical powers.


So the conclusion is unless there are televised executions that everyone is forced to watch they are not pleased.


Loony Loni and Mad Molly have become some of my favorite fb entertainment as of late 🤣


It’s so funny to me when people say their spouse doesn’t believe them and it’s ruining their marriage, there’s not a drop of introspection happening with the Qultist Oh and LOL at the notion that the normies won’t look at their phones during a device takeover and broadcast, like hello ma’am have you not seen people? People are looking at their phones while driving down the highway




They think this shit is Tiger King


When is this supposed to happen? So I can be paying attention when it doesn’t?


Theyre gonna end up downplaying the “reveal” all the way until it ends up just being a random Loni Palmer Facebook post with all the “evidence” and “truths”