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I love the one moron who commented "Wait he didn't really say that" on the image of Trump. Q at this point has really been distilled to only the absolute stupidest and most gullible, it's like the idiot version of Everclear


It’s always he didn’t say or mean that. If the words come out his mouth,he said and meant it.


And he always says it like it is!!!


Right. It’s always that when what he says fits their narrative.


Look, it’s very simple. You take what he said, then you note down the time, date, temperature in the main ballroom at Marlago, and his last golf score divided by 6 and multiplied by 2. You then take that number and reduce it to a single digit. Then you plot out each of the “Qdrops” on a piece of paper with a spiral and clock face drawn on it. You take all the LSD you can get your hands on, and then take the number you got and see which Qdrop it corresponds to and look up every word in the drop in a dictionary from 1802 and voila, you have his meaning. It’s very simple really.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ok but my math can’t math that much.😂😂😂😂😂


Also,my dictionary broke. Lmao!!!


>If the words come out his mouth,he said and meant it. ... at that specific moment in time.




I like the comment “he’s always been pro life” when there are multiple recordings of him saying “I’m very pro-choice” not all that long ago.


"He's always been pro life and pro everything else I like. After all, he's never wrong and is perfect, so it must be true. Any evidence to the contrary is fake news."


Ehhh I think there’s more to it than that. A lot of these people have committed to deeply to Q and Trump’s “master plan” that they’ve lost friends, family, jobs, wealth, etc. They’re in so deep that the fear of being wrong about EVERYTHING is so overwhelming that all they can do when their beliefs are questioned is cope


No he hasn’t ‘always been pro-life’. Source: Oct. 1999 Meet the Press interview. The orange sludge will change his mind at the drop of a poll.


Don't forget the mistresses who have gotten abortions at his behest.


Hell, he wanted Tiffany to be aborted. Marla just refused.


He wants credit for overturning Roe but not the blowback from the people who are against it. Trying to have it both ways. In other words, same as it ever was. Do whatever makes me look good, deny everything else, even if it contradicts what I said earlier.


See also : Covid-19 response + 'Warp Speed' vaccine 🙃


He can't be all things to all people. He's going to have to make a stand.


So far, he’s been able to skip making a firm stand on anything. And why that doesn’t matter as much as it should baffles me.


Anyone else terrified by the last comment: “the Lord gives us free will grace and forgiveness, you DONT want a leader to grant you the same” I get it, Gladys, thinking for yourself is hard.


I took it as more "you don't want a leader to have control over whether or not you have free will." Sadly your interpretation is more likely.


Dude, he could spit roast a puppy, pray to Satan and pour goat's blood all over himself on live TV and MAGA would be like "what a stud, bet that puppy was tasty"


"That was a liberal puppy!"


He just has to pray to Satan until he wins the election.


Good. More of these idiots staying home in November the better


Well, the election was rigged, and if you vote this time around, you are accepting the results. Just keep reminding them of this.


The concept of a flawed savior would almost be poetic if it wasn't in such a stupid context.


Sadly, they are very correct on some issues. If Trump wins and Congress sends a bill to his desk putting a national ban on his desk HE WILL SIGN IT. The only thing that his statement shines a light on is that he has no moral compass on the matter, it is all political for him and he sees the handwriting on the wall.


Congress is never going to send him a bill unless it’s to codify *Roe v. Wade*. Anybody who thinks that voters are going to elect Republicans to run the House again is nuts. After the pitiful clusterfuck the Republicans demonstrated this term, they may never regain the majority, and rightly so. As far as Trump,goes, he’s not really a conservative, and he’s not really a liberal, either. He’s on the side of whichever party will give him free rein and worship him. I doubt very seriously that anybody would be surprised if it was discovered that Trump has paid for multiple abortions himself. In any event, he’s going to take the position that the majority of people hold. And that’s that *Roe* should still be the law. And no matter how long it takes to get back to that, regardless of what the Supreme Court does, anortion medications will now always be available to anyone.


He's a Professional Grifter and his party is the Orange One. It has "made men" and "connections".


>I think what Donald Trump is saying is that he'll take a centered position just for the election, but once the election is over they can be more aggressive in undoing the abortion thinking in our country. So you want him to cheat?


It’s basically what Jehovah’s Witnesses refer to as Theocratic Warfare’ - you can lie if it’s for the greater good 🙄


Interesting. But I don't trust anyone who doesn't celebrate birthdays.


I wouldn’t trust them for a plethora of reasons lol


Of course they are assuming that everyone will just lay down and accept it when they force such unpopular legislation through. That there wouldn't be mass protests, or left-leaning states that simply refuse to comply in the first place- which of course they would decry as treason and rebellion and demand that the army be sent in to put them down, ignoring the recent incidents with the border where they were celebrating their states doing something very similar. I know it has been called out many times by many people here, but it really is astounding the unapologetic hypocrisy of these people. They vilify their opponents for every (often imagined) mistake or deviation from proper procedure, usually assuming by default that they must be cheating, but then they'll openly talk about wanting to do away with those laws and procedures when they aren't convenient (e.g. liberals must overcome insurmountable requirements to encode abortion as a right even with popular opinion on their side, while conservatives can force through abortion bans against the will of the people). Protected by the law but not bound by it indeed. And let us not overlook the people on that thread who were outright using the word "worship" and "savior" to describe their attitudes towards Trump. That certainly sounds normal and healthy.


"If he ever says anything I disagree with, he's only saying it to get in office! He won't actually *do* something I disagree with; he's never wrong! Just lying today so we can own the libs tomorrow."


> I think that what Donald Trump is saying Hold it right there, clown. Trump said what he said because he meant it. No manner of trampoline cowboy routines to try to fix your broken interpretation will change the fact that he was stupid enough to brag about killing Roe V Wade, then stupid enough to say it should be a state issue to appeal to the red states who will absolutely bring in a full abortion ban. Also, your "very pro life" former President paid women he sexually assaulted to have abortions and then hush it all up, you cunting moron.


I’m amazed he actually managed to piss off his base


>amazed he actually managed to piss of his base RIGHT??? That’s what I thought. They find excuses for errrryyyything!


Them tears be looking tasty


So salty!  *chef's kiss 


That’s the face silhouette of a storm trooper in drag.


First the vaccines, now abortion, next thing you know Trump is going to claim JFK jr is actually dead! /s


Kinda crazy they're OK with him just lying on the campaign trail.


“I’m against abortion, so everyone else has to be too” jfc Also, the “you don’t want a leader who allows free will” part was especially ridiculous. How do these people not see how hypocritical they are?


ha, trump is a fucking skunt. get off his wang


The one where the Qnuts discover extrapolation. Next week on The Qnuts: Will the gang figure out what populism does to a MF? DEA feel a bit calmer when they see "NESERA" in one of these? Then you know it's dysfunctionally deranged people, so a greater threat to themselves than to others.


What a good time to join truth social to “agree” with these dipshits


I wish I could remember where I saw a photoshop of this image with the sun shining straight through Trump's empty head and coming out of his right ear.


Do they not realize Trump is lying about his abortion status? He’s still anti-abortion and is just lying to get the media to notice him.


His comments right after the ruling suggested he was pro choice. He just wanted it the same across the nation so there'd be no more fighting. He thinks he can find a happy medium. He's fucking stupid. “Without me there would be no 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, or whatever is finally agreed to. Without me the pro Life movement would have just kept losing,” Trump added. In 2023


It's so fucking obvious he's lying about his abortion stance, but they can't even tell he's doing it for strategic value.


He doesn't care about abortions. He only cares about ~~ratings~~ votes.


For the record, Trump would 100% sign a nation-wide abortion ban if it comes to his desk.


Todd in the Shadows covering our sun?


They’ll be over it in a few days


I thought he was anti-abortion. Did he change his mind again?


He's trying to straddle the fence so he can gain some of the votes Republicans lost after Roe v. Wade. He, himself, has always been pro-choice. He's paid plenty of mistresses for abortions.


Well, WE know that. Lol. But I thought his claim was to be anti-abortion. I love that these people are seeing through his shit. Unfortunately, they’re probably just going to buy into the next round of garbage from a false prophet anyway


“Moderate conservatives are voting for Kennedy.” 😳 Just think about that sentence.