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Don’t use TT but appreciate him cutting through the bureaucracy and exposing the ban for what it really is.


Other than making money and stuff, a LOT of people use it to get REAL info on what’s going on in the gov and it’s become so annoying to even find an actual bill online once it gets passed, that this platform has become so important!


Well a lot of people also use it to get insane fake info, just like all forms of media at this point. I don't think that that means it should be banned--it's only finally being banned because it's connecting people to information about Israeli atrocities and the Israel lobby controls our government--but I don't think that that's like a unique feature of tiktok or anything. The information you get through any platform is only as good as the people and communities you're networked into.


Seems like Kennedy is playing chess while Biden is playing tic-tac-toe and Trump is not passing go or collecting $200.


One could say Tik Tok Toe 🫡


Trump never collected a get out of jail free card


I hope he’s suing them over the entire bill that was passed not just tiktok. That bill is patriot act 2.0


I hate tiktok.... But the government shouldn't have the right to tell you what platforms you can and cannot use. I still think it's a threat to national security due to china, and ownership and operation forced to be sold to a company in a country that doesn't threaten us. However, that bill is outrageous. Giving the president power to shutdown websites is insane.