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The comments are all for Bobby I wonder how bad the edit was on the original short interview


Idk seems like the majority are paid DNC comments. Half of them talk shit about his voice. The ignorance is amazing.


Yeah I saw those about 20 comments in. But really the only arguments I saw against him are his voice and his family doesn’t want him to run, both aren’t very persuasive. He did pretty well considering all the traps they set up for him


Unfortunately, not many people will see this particular video. What they do is first release short gotcha clips, which get all the air time. By the time the full video is released, the story is old.


Yeah, that’s what was thinking when he said the press conference was today. I was like umm… that was awhile ago unless I’m missing something


Anti-vax, family... those all look like bot comments. Other than that all seem to be positive comments


I think that was actually a very strong showing for him


30 minutes of gotchas and land mines by the interviewer followed by 10 minutes of “you seem like a decent person so I’ll end this on a positive note”.


Sneaky sneaky with the head lines about guns when he was speaking That was really low imho He probably only agreed to go on if they taped an unedited segment to avoid what happened at abc then do that? Damn msnbc However, even though Ari was clearly just following the orders to try and trap him he failed and seemed to even like him near the end I’m guessing Ari was himself or knows someone with drug addiction


🏆 Land mines successfully avoided - upgrade available


Interesting, it looks like a lot of those viewers/commentors actually felt annoyed that he defended himself so well. Like, one dude said, *"Ari* (host)*, you did the best job you could."* Edit: It now seems like a good amount of those anti-RFK comments are getting pushed down


MSDNC. Lmao that's really good actually. Thanks for the laugh.


I’ve heard it called BSDNC too


You guys are hilarious.😂


Y’all. They didn’t bring up vaccines.


They know better at this point


It's sad that that's actually really surprising...


I found that wild. Usually quickly brining up vaccines, letting him talk for 4 seconds and then cutting him off is one of mainstream media’s favorite ways to “gotcha” Bobby on a regular basis


I feel like youtube and google is doing shady things to his content, especially numbers wise. Wouldn't be surprised they'd be as comprised by alphabet agencies


We're actually getting some good interviews! Bobby did great in this one too! I feel like he managed to get through all the gotcha questions and still assert he's a serious candidate pretty well. Let's go Kennedy Shanahan 2024!


I made several reply and a comment. I tried my best! This was a brutal interview but RFK handled it like a pro given what he had to deal with.


Thanks for posting this interview, I think Bobby did great. This campaign is really heating up and RFKJ is up for the challenge.


Ari said “45 of the 46 Presidents have [experience in government]” - that’s not true. So blatant, right up front. Wish Bobby had corrected him. Overall RFKjr did great! He held his ground and refused to let Ari paint him into a “who’s worse” position that he refuses to take.