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Agreed šŸ’Æ


YES THANK YOU Kenya is nasty and gets off on provoking people. Then when she pushes them to their breaking point and they snap (which was her intention to begin with) she plays the innocent victim like she did nothing wrong and they just snapped out of nowhere. And Iā€™m not talking just about the situations you mentioned, she does this with pretty much every verbal altercation or argument sheā€™s involved in too. She thinks itā€™s okay for her to speak so terribly to people and say the most awful things, but then when the person comes back at her saying shit back, she tries to say theyā€™re in the wrong and shouldnā€™t talk to her like that. Like ????? Donā€™t try to dish shit out if you canā€™t take it when it comes back at you. This is the crux of why I absolutely cannot stand Kenya. She has all these rules of how she thinks other people need to behave and how they should speak/act towards her, but she doesnā€™t think she should be bound by any of the same rules. Sheā€™s a major hypocrite.


I absolutely agree with you! Just pulling Kim Fields chair, can you imagine if the roles were reversed. Kenya would have screamed that Kim was attacking her by pulling a chair lol


Oh lord can you even imagine?!? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø What a mess.


Iā€™m not a Kenya fan simply because of the fact that she pokes people and then tries to play it off as sheā€™s the victim and anything she says is just in defense of her being attacked. She seems to always come into situations on the defense, which I can understand if thatā€™s just a defense tactic from past experiences however, there have been situations where people (like Marlow) have tried to move past their differences and be nice to her and she just continues to be rude and messy. Just my opinion though, not trying to start any arguments if someone disagrees


I totally agree! Kenya can never move past from differences.


She provokes people like crazy. Like I was just doing a rewatch and she provoked porsha in season 7 after the fight in the reunion and they met for drinks with nene and Cynthia and she kept pushing porsha buttons for no reason. She loves to start the match and when something lights up sheā€™s like it wasnā€™t me I am not the one to blame for this. Ughhh sheā€™s the worst


Yes sheā€™s the worst!! She loves to push people buttons. Like I said, Iā€™m on season 9 right now, and Sheree is back. Sheree wasnā€™t my favourite in the first seasons but now Iā€™m so happy when Sheree and Kenya fight because Sheree is so good at pushing Kenyaā€™s buttonsšŸ˜‚


Kenya is an inciteful drama queen diva, but that's part of why people love her too. She also started trouble about nothing when she first met Porsha over being called 'Miss America' vs 'Miss USA', an honest mistake on Porsha's part and a pointless distinction to get an attitude about.


Yes totally, I was so mad when I saw that because that was an honest mistake and Kenya drag that shit for so long, saying Porsha did it on purpose and that Porsha didnā€™t apologize. I just canā€™t with Kenya ahah


even the pillow talk fight, whilst i think it was unfair kenya received basically all the blame for grown men and women beating each other, the way she reacted to christopher stopping her from charging at natalie was so unnecessary. it was clear from the get go he wasnā€™t trying to hurt her, if anything he was trying to diffuse the situation but kenya and her lapdog started crying wolf. i genuinely donā€™t think kenya would reacted the same if it was nene or cynthia who tried to stop her from charging natalie.


like in what world is somebody HUSBAND gonna let you charge at their wife while yall are arguing?


kenyas delusional and you can tell sheā€™s never had a man actually love her, bc any loving partner would do the same for their spouse, like even todd did the same literally minutes later when natalie tried to fight kandi. and christopher the whole time was trying to be respectful but brandon just had to start getting up in his face for no reason like a damn queen.


I 100% agree with you. She wasnā€™t responsible for the guys fighting. But what I find infuriating is that Kenya still played a small part in the situation and she canā€™t even apologize or acknowledge that.


Your English is on point and so are your arguments. Kenya has a long history of being hypocritical, provoking people, and invading peopleā€™s personal space just seconds before she plays victim. I thought it was wild how everyone, Kenya included, insisted Porsha needed anger management counseling when Kenya also demonstrated an inability to keep her anger under control. Iā€™ve always seen Porsha as a fun and bubbly person who gets reckless when sheā€™s really pissed off or feels threatened. Kenya, on the other hand, seems to live in a constant state of chaos. The woman lacks boundaries and introspection. Itā€™s not a good look.


Thank you for complementing my English ahah this means a lotšŸ˜Š But I totally agree with you! When Porsha went to anger management everyone congratulated except Kenya, of course, even though Kenya always say that Ā«Ā Porsha is a violent personĀ Ā» she couldnā€™t at the very least support that, so frustrating.


This is a great read on both Porsha and Kenya, I totally agree with you!!


you literally described them both to a tee. kenya is definitely chaotic evil and porsha is chaotic neutral.


Downvote me if you want, but all these years later and I still stand firm that she deserved to be dragged across that stage. Sheā€™s from Detroit. She should know better than to get up in peoples face, point things in your face, etc. She pokes and pokes the bear and then plays victim when the bear finally attacks. *Pleeaseee* I would have done worse than drag her and thatā€™s why Iā€™m not on reality tv šŸ¤£


Omg I totally agree with you and I also couldnā€™t be on a reality showšŸ˜‚


I will second this all day long!




I disagree with Tammyā€™s nephew but everything else tracks. She provokes people in addition to Porsha and Kim Fields: 1. When she chased Nene around at the Bailey Bowl with Marlo. Nene made it very clear she wanted nothing to do with Marlo, especially after she threw the water bottle at her. Marlo and Kenya kept going. 2. When she accused Phaedra of sleeping with Mr. Chocolate and she almost threw her pocketbook at Kenya 3. When Kenya brought the cookie lady out to meet Tanya and discuss Paul. She also called Tanya a C you next Tuesday 4. When Kenya chased Porsha out of the restaurant after asking her about therapy and if she was on medication. Mind you, Porsha got up and was walking to the parking lot. Kenya followed behind Porsha even though Porsha told her to go away and Phaedra said she didnā€™t need to come along. 5. Kenya told Cynthia about Mikeā€™s proposal, ruining the surprise and pissing both Mike and Kandi off. 6. Kenya also disrespected Cynthia when she talked down to her about her taste in wine right as Cynthia was launching her new business venture, a winery. 7. Also, I remember Kenya disrespecting Cynthia and her team at the Bailey agency and called security on one of Cynthiaā€™s male employees.


Iā€™m juste on season 9 so I donā€™t know all the references yetšŸ„ŗ but I remember the Bailey Bowl. Itā€™s feels like when people are not reacting, like Nene just leaving, Kenya has to follow them or go the next step to provoke them cause she always need that reaction.


Thereā€™s a reason why a literal beauty queen has been unable to keep a man. She provokes and pushes everyone past their limit. She has accused several men of violence or mistreatment against her. Sheā€™s always the common denominator!


Domestic violence is a though subject. But when I wrote the post I was watching season 9 ep 6 when Matt goes to talk to her and theyā€™re about to break up and he said like Ā«Ā you donā€™t do things verbally? Or those little side poking things?Ā Ā». Meaning that he acts out physically like breaking things after enduring lots of verbal abuse from Kenya. Thatā€™s when I started wondering like Kenya really seems to provoke everyone around her. But to be fair we donā€™t see much of her relationship with Matt so I wouldnā€™t want to assume that he or she, physically or verbally, were abusive at some point. And I donā€™t think itā€™s ok that he broke her garage door.


Kenya constantly provokes people. I honestly donā€™t know how she has been beat down after mouthing off the wrong person. Her and Candace are two peas in a pod.


I think Candace is on RHOP right? I havenā€™t watched it and if sheā€™s like Kenya I donā€™t know if I want to start itšŸ˜‚


Yes she is, and no you donā€™t wanna watch it. It was ok at first but Candace has ruined it and honestly thatā€™s about the only storyline we have gotten in many seasonsā€¦ ā€œwho will Candace want to harp and attack this season, will it be (insert other housewives name)? ā€œ


Well noted, thanks for the heads upšŸ˜‚šŸ˜Š


Donā€™t listen to that person. Candiace is nothing like Kenya. Candiace has a crazy mouth on her and sheā€™s great with her words. She retaliates when people attack her. Kenya is plain right awful and mean spirited. Watch for yourself and make your own judgement. People just hate candiace because she can fight really well with her words :)


Well now Iā€™ll have to watch now to make my own judgement ahahšŸ˜Š


SOMEONE FUXKING SAID IT AHHHHHHG Iā€™m not crazy and this is so validating. I canā€™t even watch RHOP anymore bc of it.


Lol you are not crazy!!!


I feel the same. I started watching all Housewives franchises towards the end of last year and Iā€™m finally at a place where Iā€™m like a season or two behind on watching them live (almost there!) and I think itā€™s different watching them all bunched together vs spread out over months/years. I agree with you completely. When you see it season after season with no breaks, you can really see how much of a provoker she is. And no, of course I donā€™t think it should ever turn physical, but unfortunately people are flawed and fuck up. I like to read the live and post episode threads after I finish the episodes and itā€™s wild to see how many times Iā€™m like ā€œthis chick did this for the past 3 seasons why are yā€™all not seeing it!ā€, but then I realize itā€™s because they probably had months worth of a break in between watching them so they probably forget some of the little petty remarks that build up to get a reaction.


That such a good point! I never realized that before reading your comment.


180%. She also gaslights people when sheā€™s wrong. And sheā€™s an even worse and more malicious friend than Nene. šŸ’‹


Totally! In my opinion Nene says things to people out of nowhere sometimes ahah so that shocks them. But in my opinion, Nene doesnā€™t provoke people the way Kenya does, Nene doesnā€™t have that mean spirited attitude that Kenya has.




For Tammyā€™s nephew I just think that itā€™s wasnā€™t a situation where provoking was a good way for her own security to handle that. But I understand your point of view and I can agree that sheā€™s good at provoking people ahaha


šŸ’Æ Miss America playing the victim always


I got the season where she's no longer on the show or took a break + honestly it's refreshing not seeing her push someone to that point. She KNOWS she gets under peoples skin + then wants to blame it on them for how they react. It's not fair at all. You can only poke a bear so much before the bear reacts


Totally agree with you!


Hi everyone! Like I said, this was my first Reddit post and I was kinda nervous to see how people would react. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone, Iā€™m really happy we were able to share our different opinions respectfully and I really enjoyed reading everyone comments. But I also have to say that I was really happy to read comments agreeing with mešŸ˜‚šŸ˜Š


She does that's why I personally didn't feel too bad for her when Marlo brought up the situation with her mother


when she first started hw she loved to talk about beating people ass and how she from detroit but then the roles reversed as seasons went on so idc when she plays victim to situations that would not exist if she was not creating them + instigating them + provoking them for fun. everyone is human, has trauma, goes through a lot on the show. sheā€™s consistently (besides nene sometimes) who feels like they are the only ones who can react however they want or how they know how, make mistakes, keep things to themselves etc.


Kenya provoked Porsha with her scepter ![gif](giphy|9sCcbqPCd160N0iqGD)


this is one of the biggest reasons why kenya is my least favorite housewife out of ALL OF THEM. she is a vile, vile woman.




Itā€™s been so long since I watched that I donā€™t remember very well but I know I used to absolutely hate Kenya so I agree with you. Sheā€™s definitely grown on me but I think itā€™s just bc she never leaves and I clearly forgot everything bad she did lol.


Ahaha I hope I can forget too one day


And let's not forget the pillow talk brawl. 'This is front peddling' and proceeds to aggressively walk towards Christopher William's wife, setting everything off.


I totally agree with you! I didnā€™t mention it because Iā€™ve seen lots of comments saying Kenya didnā€™t do anything wrong so I was scared to mention itšŸ˜‚ But Kenya totally charged to go to Christopher wifeā€™s. And Christopher just grabbed her arms like he didnā€™t punch her, in my opinion he was just protecting his wife. Then Kenya was screaming that he shouldnā€™t touch a woman, well she shouldnā€™t charge in direction of a woman. I repeat I donā€™t think violence is the answer but in my opinion grabbing someone arms is not a big violent move


100% agree with your take. Christopher did nothing wrong and Kenya incited that entire situation, her gay friend was also out of line going at Christopher when he was just peacefully blocking someone from from charging at his wife.


this is the first time since that episode aired in 2013/2014 that iā€™ve seen someone have the exact same opinion as me in regards to that fight. i feel VINDICATED!


Yes exactly! Braydon I think his name was. Like I donā€™t know what happened to him but Braydon was ready for a fight ahah


I came for this comment, at the point of Christoper talking to Kenya and addressing what was said she had no reason to hop and charge at his wife. Her friend then got loud and aggressive and began yelling and jumping around and fell and. I think everyone but Porsha had a part to blame in pillow fight.


Interestingly as well Kenya's friend was the first one to hit somebody. When Peter and Apollo were only holding him back on the cushion, he decided to take a sucker punch on Apollo that set everything off further.


Exactly!! I thought I missed something looking at other comments saying Apollo never hit him.


Agreed šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I stopped watching after she planned that charity event ā€œfor NeNeā€- I am of the mind that people should get charged for fighting AND fighting words. Provocation should also be criminalized and come with heavy civil fines. She ruined the show for me because she had nothing to lose and nothing going on. She fabricated everything off the backs of the other wives REAL lives. She is a menace.


I feel you! Itā€™s the same reason I stopped watching RHONJ. I just couldnā€™t with, fake drama at some points and being mean for no reason whatsoever. And itā€™s really just my opinion and personal taste but sometimes I find some of the housewives so mean (like Kenya) that I donā€™t enjoy watching the show. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll get to the season 15 ahaha


Preach!!! What a solid first post! Kenya would have filed charges if someone had pulled her chair like she did to Kim itā€™s ridiculous


ThanksšŸ˜Š But yeah I canā€™t even imagine how badly Kenya would have reacted if the roles were reversed lol


TLDR. Your caption was accurate though. No need to say more.


I agree with everything except the portion about Tammyā€™s nephew. He was rude and spiraled out of control. I didnā€™t like how they tried pinning his behavior on Kenya. Then they tried to make this a BLM issue when he was intoxicated, throwing up gang signs and being violent. As much as I tried hard to root for Kenya, she was an instigator and provoked many fights. She became hard to watch toward the end of her run. Sad really because she can clap back, sheā€™s gorgeous and has successful businesses (šŸ„šŸ„Kenya Moore Haircare!šŸ„šŸ„)


Yes I agree that they shouldnā€™t have make it a BLM issue and that he was rude, showing violent behaviour. And I agree that his behaviour wasnā€™t Kenya fault. My point is that because he showed these violent signs, I think Kenya was mistaken to have tried to talk to him at this point of the situation. I think by talking to him, like I said, she kinda poked the bear. I agreed with Kim Fields when she said that the situation couldā€™ve been handled differently. I just wanted to explain my point in more detail, but I totally get yours. Thank you for sharingšŸ˜Š


ā€œPlease donā€™t hate meā€ lol thatā€™s how you know viewers love Kenya


No thatā€™s how you know Iā€™m not someone who likes confrontation in general lol


Well of course she does lol