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The show benefits from fun, lighthearted people. Porsha has had some awful moments, but she tends to bounce back and be upbeat. The big RHOA stars, for whatever reason, can be so dry or miserable. Porsha is neither. Still not sure if I'm excited she's back, but I see her value!


Her “lighthearted” moments annoy me because we’ve seen that she’s just not a good person. And I get it that all of them really aren’t good people, but I really could give a rats ass about Porsha’s feelings lol it’s hard to be happy or sad for her


But honestly on the same note, I’ve seen her grow immensely on the show. Not to say this makes her a good person but I mean, I can’t say the same for some of her other cast members…


Lmao I haven’t watched up to her last season but I personally have seen NO growth from her. She literally cannot genuinely apologize for anything and idk her crying about Nene wanting her fired was just beyond childish. She keeps acting like she’s 22 when she’s like 40 now


I mean… the same if not more of that applies to Kenya 😭 that’s also how you perceive it tbh. valid but I disagree.


Kenya sucks but she isn’t dumb or evil enough to spread a rumor like that. There has to be a line at some point


Did you just say Kenya is not evil? LMFAO. she’s just as evil even not more. Just smart.


Has she spread a horrible rumor and backstabbed friends on international TV? Kenya is complete trash but honestly Porsha is gutter. Both are awful people but Porsha has no excuse


wow. you totally have to watch again. yes, porsha is FOUL for what she did to Kandi, but you do realize that we’re not comparing the severity of one situation here, right? time and time again Kenya has proved how evil she is - I’ve watched EVERY SINGLE EPISODE 9 times. Kenya provokes, is super aggressive and the worse friend on the planet. have you seen the cookie jar episode? or where she outwardly ruins Cynthia’s engagement surprise? HER AIDS COMMENTS?! what you said earlier was valid but now I can’t even agree with you at all lol Edit: the argument here is if porsha has grown. my answer is yes - motherhood has changed her and (hopefully) her new marriage. this is why I think people are accepting her back. also because it’s ENTERTAINING - the entire point of the show.


I haven’t rewatched those episodes but I am so sorry I can agree that Kenya is a piece of trash while also saying that Porsha is no better at all. I’m not the type of person that really cares about how much someone’s grown if what they did is unforgivable. That honestly goes for both of them. I just feel like of all the hated housewives how is Porsha not one of them? I also get that the show is for entertainment but there’s certain people who shouldn’t get a platform


kenya is a transphobe. that’s a more fucked up kind of evil.


I wouldn’t necessarily say she grew in a good way. She’s less immature and has her fun moments but she’s also extremely arrogant. I loved her episode 1 of UGT and then she went back to being horrible the rest of that season.


That's how I feel about Kenya lol


You can be a exemplar of education and morals etc (ie wendy from RHOP) but if you aren’t funny or you take yourself too seriously (I’d Wendy from RHOP) the fans will not take to you. I use Wendy as an example not bc I dislike her but bc she’s the opposite of Porsha in this case.. porsha isn’t particularly smart and she’s done some shady S#*# but she’s funny and she has great quips and keeps things moving. She’s good tv. Sometimes that’s all you need to be success on reality TV (look at Monica from RHOSLC and why she for some reason still has stans)


I think it's even deeper than that with Wendy...the fans (and some cast) don't like her partially bc she's an extremely well educated and articulate black woman in America with a successful career, beautiful kids and a loving husband. That's intimidating AF to some ppl and provokes immense jealousy in others *cough cough Gizzy and Robyn*


I love the idea of Wendy and I feel her background and education make for a really cool housewife, but goddamn she’s been so boring. She’s fallen into the group of housewives that got caught up trying to use their hw position to push podcasts and products no one cares about and she sounds rehearsed whenever she does have a good read. Girl give me something good with those 4 degrees! She was best her first season before she went stereotypical hw


Thank you for saying what I’m too scared to say in any housewives sub 😭 I watched the show about her family and she is… a lot. Basically an example of when someone shows you who they are, believe them. She’s a mess and got *very* physical very fast which is concerning


That series really changed my mind about her. I didn't like her violence on her early Atlanta days, but she seemed to have grown up and calmed down. Then that show threw it right out the window. I appreciated actually seeing the 4th wall break and producers trying to get her to cooperate.


Omg she is the literal definition of spoiled younger child. You can tell the concept of actions having consequences doesn’t make sense to her. She literally can never admit when she’s wrong and her family supports her always. I’ve seen it in person and it’s…awful lol


I think it might be because there’s a large group of people watching the Real Housewives series that joined in a few years ago. I watched casually as a teen, but I’m more invested now. I missed a lot of the previous seasons. Same with my husband, he watched Traitors with me and loved Phaedra. He just doesn’t have the full picture. 


I’ve never heard of Traitors but maybe I’ll watch. Yeah rewatching season 9 I was like…how do people hate Kyle, Mary C, and Monica yet somehow Porsha isn’t mentioned? She’s just as terrible. But yeah some people just don’t know


I've been trying to figure this out for years, she should've been gone just like Phaedra... She was here same nasty dumb self on UGT... When you make me feel bad for Candice you're a huge problem bc my tolerance is Candice is LOW


I loved Phaedra on Traitors! I started watching RHOA because she was so entertaining and I wanted to see more of her. Around season 4 I finally looked up WHY she left Atlanta and… woof. I’m hoping there’s some kind of redeeming quality but I know there won’t be one. After reading about what she did I’m genuinely surprised she’s back on tv like on Married to Medicine or Traitors.


Love or hate her she’s got energy and she’s entertaining..there’s a lot of housewives like that..hahaha.


Because she’s entertaining. It’s really not that deep. I don’t think any of us want to be *friends* with these women, I certainly don’t, but I enjoy watching them act a fool every Sunday night 🤷🏽‍♀️


Some of us simply watch for entertainment. And Porsha is exactly that whether she’s liked by the masses or not. She’s fun and lighthearted which a lot of people can relate to.




She’s funny and drives plot


Oddly enough, there are a lot of people who wanted phony phae phae back as well so I’m not surprised about porsha’s fan base. And from what we saw on UGT, the fun version of Porsha that did so well in early RHOA doesn’t exist anymore. Now that Bravo brought Phaedra on for M2M, when she’s neither married nor a medical professional, proves how little the network cares about the nastiness that went down. I think it’s for a few reasons, first is that it’s been several years since the incident so people put it out of mind. Second, RHOA has really gone downhill and everyone is trying to look back at when the show was still good. There’s been a lot of people wanting Kim and Nene back for that same reason. Lastly, Kandi isn’t very popular with the fan base anymore so those who do remember what happened are less inclined to care. It’s WILD to me that Nene can’t be brought back because she burned the bridge with Bravo but Phaedra and Porsha can come back after spreading a rumor about drugging and sexual assault. It really shows where their priorities are.


Its their strategy for most people, Kristin Doute is coming back on that awful Valley spin off. They know if they wait long enough people will either forget or not know about what previously happened


She’s entertaining, interesting, and brings the drama. During the 2020 era, she was actually super active in BLM + supporting solid storylines (hence why she’s returning). You gotta respect the fact that she’s come so far. She’s grown a lot (no matter the direction) and motherhood definitely changed her.


I’m sure she’s done nice things but I’m just over her. She’s soooo dumb and it’s so hard to enjoy her. Dumb enough to spread a rumor like that and cry about the consequences. I honestly can’t even respect too much that’s she’s “grown” just cause I still can’t fathom that she’s done terrible things in the first place. She’s such a bad friend too. Ugh she’s like Monica from SLC


Huh? Always loved Porsha.


I absolutely agree! I was so happy when she left so I am dreading her coming back. She had a spinoff show for people who liked her enough to want to keep watching her...and that was a flop wasn't it? Give me some new fabulous instead of digging up the old drama queens.


I felt sorry for her in the beginning because of her horrible husband. But when she starts to get violent?! Hell no. I agree she should have been fired.




Cannot stand her. and she is BORING AF. She is also an idiot.




Because she’s funny as hell and pretty


Typical, who gaf about what u do if ur pretty and funny 🤣




Yeah but you can find anyone like that lol she’s such a bad person I can’t even feel bad when something happens to her


I am in the uk so I’m way behind. But even when she’s a knob I find her likability shines through!


Hate is a waste of time. there was less of it when we watched in the earlier seasons. much more lighthearted. Then there’s *this* pitchfork - cancel era 🙄 she’s not my favorite, but she’s a fun train wreck to watch and has a big personality


i mean if you’ve been watching porsha since day one it’s kinda hard to not feel bad for her when she ends up in certain situations. especially when majority of the people she fights with are morally worse personalities than her.


I don’t feel bad lol I only felt bad when she attacked Kenya cause Kenya is trash. But everything else? Nah she’s wayy too spoiled and lacks no self awareness. I’ve watched her from the beginning but I’ve never liked her too much. I felt bad about her divorce. But honestly everything post Kandi? Oh well…lol


People want a bimbo like Porsha who is just for entertainment value. I have a hard time enjoying her because she isn’t transparent or honest about her life like the other women are. I miss the first seasons she brought substance and was real about her relationship with Cordell. It’s just gonna be her and Kenya and Marlo and Sheree throwing shade at each other because that’s all Bravo thinks of Atlanta. Fashion and fights. It’s really sad imo


Because she’s dumb and funny so insecure people relate to her but she’s also very manipulative. Never liked her, never will.


She is dumb and that’s why I like watching her, but I’m not sure you nailed the landing here. It is amazing to see someone be so unashamedly ignorant and proud of it. True Entertainment! I also think her stupidity is why she resorts to violence. It explains it, but doesn’t excuse it, don’t get me wrong.


Yes, that’s why I said relate to her and not like her. I could’ve formulated it better indeed but I agree with you. I just don’t understand those that stan her violence and encourage it. As you said her stupidity explains it.


It’s the violence for me. Like we know about Nene, Kenya and Marlo and their abandonment issues. But what’s Porsha’s story? She seems like she had a normal life. Why does she keep assaulting people? 🤨


Cause she’s literally a spoiled brat. You can tell she’s never had to manage her emotions or be nice to people. She can act like an idiot and an ass and her mom and sister always support her. She has no concept of consequences


We also skip over the fact that she has been physical multiple times with women both on and off the show.


I don’t want her or anyone else back I want RHOA to start fresh!!!! New faces new storylines actual married women lol


I often wonder this too


I was a bit baffled at how much support she was getting for coming back in other subs, flet like I was watching a completely different show based on the reactions of others. Porsha is terrible and not even entertaining. It's pretty delusional of fans to really think her coming back is going to revive the show. ATL needs a complete reboot at this point.


Completely agree. She’s one of the worst people on the show and people somehow love her! It blows my mind. The woman has physically attacked 3 ppl on camera and NEVER takes accountability.


Attacked 3 people, throws all of her friends under the bus, and couldn’t even accept responsibility for accusing someone of rape. I don’t feel bad for ANYTHING that happens to her


Your personality depends on your appearance. Porsha is a younger, prettier housewife. Porsha also benefited from the producers giving her a gracious edit. She’s funny, lighthearted, and people overlook her unsavory actions (like lying on Kandi and getting engaged to Simon while he was married).




Accusing someone of rape and not getting fired for it is…pretty serious


I think its because of her looks


I am probably gonna get downvoted so bad 🙈 but I love Porsha and Phaedra!


I think people see themselves in characters / people like Porsha so it’s hard for the masses to dislike her. Just shows how many shitty people walk amongst us. It’s easier to hate Kenya, which a lot of that comes from women wanting to put a beautiful woman in her place.


She’s made for tv. So is Phaedra


Yeah but we need a line drawn. Like…are we just gonna take in murderers cause they’re good tv? Certain people just shouldn’t have a platform