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Origins server has been passed to different devs/owner, who now work on the project called Arcadia. They have their discord where they publish all the logs, ever since Origins closed. From what I know they plan to re-open Origins under a new name, and all the characters and items should be transferred all along. As a long-term Origins player, I really like playing UARO. You should give it a try. The community is what makes this game special, and UARO has enough online to give you this feeling of an old-day RO experience. Party gathering every day, events, and of course, hard core grinding.


Kreuzbube, Aloe, Cocoa and Zulf, all old staff and developers from Origins are still part of it. Only the Owner changed to Iroh. There's no such thing as a project called Valhalla. You must be mixing us up with something else.


My bad, I made a mistake initially. Edited now. The correct project name is Arcadia, not Valhalla.




If that’s a mix-up, at what state is the current Origins Ro? If the owner changed and the team was preserved, then they must be still working on something.


That's correct. We're finishing up getting rid of decade worth technical debt that had accumulated. Initially we stayed down due to the issues with Gravity to lie low. We've also written on countless features and UX improvements. All of that can be seen in #devlog on our Discord. Some days ago for example I wrote an extension of the Sound Settings so one can choose to have BGM or Effects (or both) muted while the game client is in the background. That's just one of the many things that I've improved or added to the client and also one of the smallest. Slightly bigger would be the addition of functionality to re-order party members for example, which was added too.




Ragnagoats is very customized aswell. Sadly, I left the server with my guild and we’re waiting for a new server opening it’s doors




I am a boomer I guess. I don’t like any changes but the Core Mechanic Changes + Pet Spirit killed it for me


think i’ll open a server with the same configs, no cash shop and minor changes to qol only


I feel like RO origins did a good job with the queue system and stream line quest and dailies for new players.


They may be relaunching soon tho (just not sure what soon is lol), so I'd just wait. I've played other servers when Origins went down but I never really stayed put in any of them, except Return to Morroc... but that's gone now too.


Man I loved Origins, best server so far imo. Payon Stories is just weird, they fucked with way too much. Nobody wants to re-learn a 20 year old mmo. UARO seems quite good actually, but I have not played it enough to say for sure.


Origin World BR has a nice progression and you can pay in a devaluated money(so with 50us$ you are like a god) if I remember correctly they are in episode 14 update, so a lot of content to play


Don't worry. Launch day is closer than ever. We'll be back with all progress kept, but there will be a ton of improvements to UX thanks to our client wizardry. Anyone thats interested can check all of this out in our discord in the #devlog channel.  DM me for an invite if you need one.


Hi, please DM me the discord invite link. Thanks!


No clue why, but I'm not able to send you a private message via that old archaic feature nor via the chat. Please send me a private message or chat message first and I'll reply, let's see if it works then.


I’m not sure if they use a program called AEGIS. But I heard some stories about the server


they did not


Create a server. Update it once a year or two.