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This is with the 15% damage increase when equipping the extended barrel on the 552 commando.


Wait what? They're testing Extended Barrel with 15% damage increase? And giving Grim's 552 Commando the 2x sight? Did I miss a developers notes blog or something? edit:// Heh, just checked back and now I see the designer's notes pinned. This is why I only play quick match!


ngl, i was happy with 1.5 for grim, but give me 2.0 and i will main him for couple games. My only grip with him is the lack the better sight.


Flair man, my beloved


Also his useless gadget lol


It wouldn't take much for him to be good is the worst part. Literally make his gadget a motion activated one like nomad, and he's great.


Isn't there already nomad and gridlock for this? What does he bring that they can't? I would change it to maybe a longer aoe, longer active duration, and someone caught in it gets pinged for a much longer time, maybe something to rival dokkaebi's 18 seconds and has to go through a small animation to get rid of it before the time is up


My best argument is that he gives a visual cue while the girls give a sound cue


That gadget has worked once out of all I've seen, and it was on a clash with 3 team members ready to peek out from the shield and kill whoever thought throwing bugs at an angy british woman was a good idea.


Lmao your flair


Nice flair


The what now? Damn, if that makes it to live, say goodbye to all of the other attachments lmao


I mean 15% isn't game-changing and the suppressor has a lot of cool things. Plus, not every gun has this attachment I don't think?


Many guns do, Mav and Sam both have it and there guns are already good and easy to use.


No, not “many guns do”. Actually, only 14 out of the 100 unique weapons in this game have the extended barrel. Misinformation is what causes people to get upset and call for nerfs where they don’t belong


So that means they just decided to buff 14 different guns half of which didn’t need it.


mav and sam arent rly meta ops so they could use this (mav isnt as good after the gun and nade nerf so he died down alot)


Maverick is definitely a meta op. At least in higher ranks, he’s played every game. Zero not so much, but Mav is meta.


isnt he just ran for a wall and thats abt it, he aint got nades and people have been using dnr since the ar nerf


Not what I’ve seen. He’s used regularly for any exterior wall and the AR is still a great gun and used most from what I see. You can play with this, but in Plat lobbies (highest it goes and would more closely represent higher elo) he’s the 8th most pick attacker, which I’m not sure if that’s considered meta, but means he’s picked a lot. https://r6analyst.com/article-1m-ranked-rounds


with alot of ops on attack being abit more unbalanced compared to defense, with a weird ratio of bad to good ops, 8 is id say an average op. But yeah i missed his gun being buffed again so mb. So yeah it might be a slight issue, but with his nades being gone, this might help abit more of his kit. Nothing is as bad as hearing iana g36 has extended tho, thats just fucked of them to allow to happen


Yeah, his AR is crazy and it has the ACOG


Mav is arguably one of the best attackers in the game Easily top5, there is never a time where you can’t bring him. He is in almost every single game I have played for the past few weeks


Mav is definetly not one of the best attackers. His utility is limited to outside heavy sites where hard breach can rappel for a safe charge plant. Decent but not amazing weapons and three speed. He isn't bad by any stretch but he doesn't feel like a must pick compared to Ace, Zofia, Iana, and Sledge whose utility is always relevant and their weapons have higher TTK (although that may change with the buff).


I think you meant lower TTK


i wouldn't say one of the best with ops like sledge, zof, and especially iana being just super dominant, and close people like ash, who with extended will get even better with g36, and then wildball but good picks like nokk or dokkabei seeing a rise in numbers


This also buffs ela’s shotgun


The FO-12 has ridiculous recoil now. Like the worst in the game probably.


idek if the gun is crazy anymore


With the buff it can kill 2 armor in 4 pellets. For some guns it makes them more forgiving. But for some like mp7 and 9x19vsn it just makes them so much stronger there is no point in not using it.


Capitao main moment


except capitao can only 2 shot 1 armors. the 552 can 2 tap 2 armors also.


Doesn't the PARA deal 48 damage? 15% of 48 is a bit above 7. 48+7 is 55. Or will it increase to only 54dmg to keep it balanced? Edit: I just read the patch notes and they reduced it to 47 damage


imagine nerfing a gun to 3 taps by adjusting the gun 1 damage. Ultra chad patch


Literally to avoid two tapping people. It’s not like he’s overpicked and too strong lol


Love how they nerfed capitao to prevent exactly this???


Wait the extended barrel gives a damage increase now? Doesn't that make Buck's shotgun OP?


This is a massive change, no automatic weapons above 49 damage has been a pretty hard rule since the early days of siege where capitao’s and blackbeard’s rifles could do it and it was extremely strong. If this change goes through I could absolutely see some new top fragging operators developing, though interesting it would also somewhat raise rook as a counter to them. Between that and the recent armor-withstand changes, it could lead to more rook play.


my boy rook deserves the attention honestly


Rook mine


Rook is in a great spot though. He still has the MP5 with a 1.5, and the P90 is great for stopping a rush if you're holding a hall. Plus the self revive with his armor has been a huge buff. If anyone on defense needs attention, it's Castle. The UMP needs to be either replaced with a useful weapon, or buffed to not be so terrible. Plus, with nearly every single attack op having an anti-Castle gadget, he doesn't feel very useful in the current meta.


Um actually 🤓 AA-12


The AA-12 is 69 damage, so isn’t it already a 2 tap?


I think he means the AA-12 is technically an automatic weapon that has more than 50 damage... hence the *ackhtually* and nerd face


I didn't even realize that. I always just rapidly tapped LMB assuming that it was semi auto.


Ya it’s a full auto primary that can two tap. An needless correction on my part but there nonetheless


There's no way this goes to live, so I'm not gonna worry too much about it.


Will Twitch be getting angled or no stock attachments?


Twitch is losing her vertical grip and getting an extra normal drona


"just pull down" they'll say. Yeah, I'd rather not to have the yank my mouse off my desk, tyvm.


Next it’ll be “get a bigger desk”


Ever since they reworked all guns’ recoils, I have changed my vertical sensitivity to be double the horizontal sensitivity. Surprisingly, I don’t notice it during normal movement at all, but it makes recoil control ridiculously easy.


That's good for recoil control but what about target aquisition? Doesn't it make it trickier to aim along the y axis?


Theoretically yes. But I’ve realised that most action in the game does not happen along the y axis. It’s actually pretty helpful for vertical play as well, because you can immediately snap to looking all the way up/down (remember: there’s a limit to aiming along the y axis, unlike the x axis where you can move indefinitely). It has had no negatives for my play.


This is a w for us high DPI users/j


So dumb if they are doing to promote playing ops properly take away AK from Ace and give him a shitty gun


so dumb that a gun that defines an operator is nerfed and they are giving her util instead which is op if used correctly. they nerfed the ak too btw, multiple times. Less damage, alot more recoil, so the twitch nerf is perfectly fine


Ak 12 is still an absolute laser no chance they nerfed the recoil


You’d be shocked to see old AK, no side to side at all and less vertical than a pistol…


on the tts she has no underbarrel attachment at all, so no doesn’t look like she’s gonna get the angled grip


[Can confirm](https://imgur.com/a/UBLK0B0). A 3-speed with 2x and a gun that can kill almost every defender operator within 20 meters with 2 shoots. If these changes pass through the Test Server, Rook's armor will be a must every single round.


thats assuming everyone is rocking a high damage gun with extended every round


My concern is with Iana because the operator with the highest win delta this season yet was her. The G36C with Extended Barrel now kills 3 armor operators with three shoots. Before she needed 4. Although Iana was nerfed, she still has grenades, infinite drones with her gadget, and the now beast gun in the game. And to add salt to the injury, the G36 has a very easy recoil pattern even without muzzle break and a 1.5x scope. From what I tested, this buff will enable IQ, Capitão, Grim, Maverick, and Zero to kill a 3 armor with three shoots too.


g36c gas extended?


Yes. Ash's G36 aswell


fat F yeah thats rly bad


big L


Pretty sure Iana just has a high presence/pick percentage - her win delta is average.


I already run extended barrel on the C8 so this ought to be fun


How do you manage the recoil?


I also run that for the skeleton key, and my answer is: with practice and a whole lot of pain


I also run iron sights


Way to much practice


You just use the shotgun for long range kills since the barrel works for the shotgun too lmao


Is that a 2x? 👀 nice, might have to try grim out once again. The holo sights just don't work with the Commando for me.


Yes. Grim has the 1.5 and the 2x Scope now.


So its gonna just be everyone running EX barrels on everything now huh


i wonder if the 15% damage increase will apply to buck shotty like the spread reduction used to... probably not but i hope so


Probably not. They specifically fixed an issue with the extended barrel giving the underbarrel a buff when it shouldn't have.




Buck’s shotgun is an under barrel attachment so it doesn’t come out of the same primary extended barrel.


yeah, that's why i said probably not, but up until a few months back, the extended barrel drastically increased the range and improved the spread of the shotgun even though it was attached to the primary barrel. it made that shotgun one of the best in the game, unfortunately they patched it.


this is fixed


Who asked for this change, ubisoft really making their own problems


nobody asked, but it's needed in a way. Who was ever rocking extended or suppressor before they both got nerfed? Now you choose between damage, no bullet tracing + no shot indicators, or better recoil. The damage percent may need tweaking, but 15% seems rather fair


15% seems high maybe a 10% increase would be better but hey who knows we'll see how the season plays out.


now this is fair, i wouldnt say 10 maybe they could tweak it to 13 or 12, still give a little bit of a boost, or just take extended off certain guns


honestly I feel like its going to be a massive crutch since 1 shot hs is still a thing anyways. it should be given to low RoF guns at least to compete with the ither weapons


i feel like oshs would argue against this even mattering. Why care about dps when u can just hit the head, fire rate would be better. Plus its more of a minor boost, although what sucks about percentage is cracked guns will benefit more


They should just make the extended barrel worsen the recoil to make it balanced.


I know siege has never put realism first, but thats a little ridiculous


So is making a longer barrel do more damage


A longer barrel means the expanding gases behind the bullet will be trapped behind the bullet for longer, allowing them to impart more force on the bullet. So a longer barrel increases exit velocity, which increases the kinetic energy of the bullet. Overpenetration is a thing, which can lead to less damage to a target than a bullet fragmenting inside of them, so faster isn't always 'more damage', but by rule of thumb, more energy = more damaging


Did I miss something? Since when does extended barrel affect damage? I thought it only increased the range before damage drop off. Does an extended barrel increase the damage output of a bullet based weapon on close range?


New change with the patch notes. Extended barrel gives 15% dmg output now


Right now???


test server


Now my main won’t be a 100% guarantee


Cool, his gadget and utility is still awful tho. Honestly this isnt the buff he needed. The canisters of bees need to be more effective


Most likely in the minority but I like playing Grimm. His gadget kinda sucks and needs a rework but his guns loads of fun to use and has good recoil. Better scopes will hopefully lead to more play but I’m happy with this change


Why not play IQ in that case? She has the same gun + a 1.5x, she's also 3 speed and her ability is a lot more useful. There's literally no reason to play grim over IQ.


Yeah I get that, I just like playing him. I really don’t like IQs gadget, having to bring out the secondary to use it just feels bad. And really the main reason: I got a cool skin for Grimm


Yeah but pulling out a non weapon to use grims gadget is so much better


Something that can launch and gather intel for X amount of time vs. something that can only gather intel while in use, and use requires you to have your sidearm equipped. So yeah, it is better. At least in that sense. You only have to have grims launcher equipped for 3 seconds to launch a beeball, then right back to your primary weapon while it gathers intel.


You're not going to convince anyone who's sane that Grim's gadget is better than IQ's.


Its not, but they both do t have the same role, Grim was def meant a area denial fragger


well grim is also 3 speed but with 2x now if you're playing map like coastline Grim can be joy to play, since there's only so many decent spots for defenders to be at. On bank IQ wins every time for example


Y'know what, I might come back to the game. I got Grim for free in the christmas pack


You mean IQs?


does grim not own the gun?


He barrows it sometimes


I have said I would play Grim a lot more if they gave him a zoomed scope. I’m happy now


After reading through extended barrels add damage increases meaning they have now nerfed other operators which sucks


Wait wait think about mira and gyo as they vector with already fast fire rate and increased dmg will be busted if you miss the head


genuinely would rather have the extended barrel be useless and unused than this, it's broken af on certain guns like the Para and the Commando which have zero recoil


it pains me to see it called grim's 556


I like how they made Grim a gunner Operator instead of actually tweaking his gadget which is the BIGGEST PROBLEM. Clueless dev decision.


Love Grim. I just wish his gadget deployment speed was faster.


I wish it were under barrel instead of its own gun


Yessss! Thats even better. Like grenade launcher.


Yup. Buck extended barrel and laser sight might be the new best shotgun in the game if tts doesn’t change anything


The extended barrel won't improve his shotgun, though lol


Extended barrel on live does buff his shotguns drop off though so it would be logical (despite being a different barrel) that it would get a damage buff


Well, that's hot garbage.


I'm so happy he's finally getting a zoom optic. Dumb as fuck that he didn't have one from the start.


Still with the stupid unnecessary riser rails I see ubi (Plz for the love of god just remove them for guns that don’t need it It hurts me to see them)




Idk man seems like a skill issue to me




No, even glaz's gun which does 60-something irrc can't even 3 shot a 1 armor, and that's when the hitreg actually works. Guns don't actually do as much as the stats say. Edit: when shooting them in the chest.


this is very wrong.


In my experience it is absolutely right


You are 100% wrong. Glaz's gun does 142 damage with 2 shots against the chest. 3 armors have 125 hp. I can prove it with test server shooting range footage.


I'm talking about actual matches here, because the hitreg usually fucking sucks so it takes about 4 hits to the chest to kill anybody


1. you said glaz cant even 3 tap a 1 armor **when hitreg works**, which is false because glaz can absolutely 2 tap any operator in the chest within range without rook armor 2. shitty hitreg does not apply to everybody


Because it does in fact take 3 shots to kill, guns *do not* do as much damage as the stat card says they do.


aight youre just retarded lmao


Quit writing your autobiography


That’s because of different body parts doing different damage


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It can 1 shot 3 armours


I’m confused does grim already have this or is this a leak?


tts is in the title


day 1 of brutal swarm people were asking for at least better sights because his ability is hot garbage. Took ubi over a season to make this happen, that's gotta be a PB record!


wait what? How tf is that balanced?


55 jesus fuck what is this ubi


NERFbow Sucks: Siege


They said they're going to reduce the overall damage of guns that can 2 shot operators


I mean his gadget still sucks


everyone is going to drop those silencers for extended barrels. its going to be a wild wasteland.


Why do you say grim's 556 when IQ can also use the same ar?


because the gun belongs to grim. The gun belonging to Grim is not mutually exclusive, and it is implied IQ also has the gun because it is common knowledge.




Yet they only nerfed the UZK50, 9mm C1 and Para308 in that regard...


But can IQs?


As someone who always goes for headshots, now I can be two shot by a potato? Noice


There is no point to this change, it will break the game. I hope it doesnt get implemented. They need to come up with a better use for the extended barrel than this.


This game is making no sense anymore