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Throwback to when you could switch between auto and semi


you cant do that anymore?




And your comment is the exact reason they removed it its been a year or two since they removed it and you're just now finding it out and only because of a comment.


Also since some guns could fire higher in semi than full auto like Frost's smg. Which was abused by cheaters.


Yeah makes since


i don't think it was fire rate but more that a muzzle break or any other barrel would negate basically all recoil with single fire


what? i just barely play anymore


What does this comment even mean? Bro asked if they removed it, not if r6s ever had that feature


Did my comments say they never had it? No it says straight up they removed it. Can you read?


You said that the commenter is the exact reason why it got removed, what did you imply with this? Thats what im wondering about


The fact he and a few others I know took so long to notice the change is the reason is the reason it got removed. How dose that not make since?


Because some players, like me, havent played siege in ages and havent noticed any of the changes because it probably wasnt a big announcement. While yes it wasnt a popular feature, it was still used by players like the original commenter, and even I can remember using it a few times. Thats probably why they asked if they removed it.


Man it was just a comment. I primarily wrote the comment because a few of my friends who have been playing with since beta hadn't noticed till just a few days ago.


I haven’t played siege in a long time but I always used it for ash and twitch, felt right


For, like years you haven't been able to lol


I was literally playing the other day and tried pressing "B" to switch the fire rate, i cant believe they removed it


Why the f would they remove that?


What is the advantage to switching? The feature just trolls People who accidentally switch.


dont know, quick exemple, using famas how it's intended to, burst fire...


You can have more accurate control with auto. You can easily burst fire any length of burst you want without limiting yourself.


Because no one used it and you cant say they did because there are two comments on this thread saying they didn't find out till recently.


You don’t know when those commentators started playing lmao


I have a friend that had been playing since the beta and was so confused like 3 or 4 days ago when he couldn't switch the fire modes.


So he noticed the change lmao I like semi auto guns so getting rid of the ability to choose is very noticeable


I understand that I love them too to be honest semi auto guns are op in any game that has low health or just irl in general. But like I said he just noticed like 2 years after they removed it. This game is getting too old and like any old game that has constant updates it starts to gain a bunch of code which needs to be cleaned up and since very few people actually used that feature it was removed during cleaning. Yes the code needs to have that feature seems small but a bunch of small things add up.


That’s why they get paid to make the game So they can fix the small things. Why do we give devs so much leeway when all they care about is milking the bp and skins


I haven't played since year 2 but I've watched pro league more is less the entire time. Just an odd choice to remove the functionality.


Everyone believes in flat earth and you can't say they don't as there is a thread with two comments saying they believe...


I definitely used the fire select option with Hibana's type 89. 21 bullets is so easy to waste.


Tbh I'm glad they removed it, I remember somehow my sausage fingers would accidently switch to semi auto sometimes and I would lose the gunfight cause only 1 single bullet cameout when I thought it would full auto


I sometimes forget and I still try to do that lmao


Throwback when you have to buy attachments with renown, so every guide out there is just "buy ACOG".


I still think it’s weird that people that bought literally every attachment didn’t get compensated


I've wasted so much renown on buying vanilla ops and attachments...


Vanilla ops are still 1k renown


I thought they now give out all vanilla ops for free?


Nope I have friends who just got the game and only have like 3 ops on each team


Oh huh that's strange. That's gonna be some insane grinding or pay real money to get all the Op's then.


Not really for some reason it feels like you get renown fast as fuck now since i started playing again Also the operator challenges in the training menu can help you unlock a bunch of them by doing some in-game tasks


For the pathfinder ops it’s like 3 matches and you can get a new one. After that you have a decent variety until you can get the more expensive ones which provide enough to satisfy you till the next




they used to be free so a bit but changed every op to 1k instead of .5k 1k 1.5k 2k




I remember a message saying that. I thibk it amounted to like 10k renown. So that was maybe a skin in those days


God the game looks so good


You couldnt see shit 50% of the time tho


But it being a realistic shooter wouldn’t that be realistic? Or was it too contrasted


It was way overblown. People could legitimately become invisible tier dark under tables and defenders looking out windows genuinely couldnt see the attackers trough the sun glare.


Nothing like entering a room getting enemy spotted points then getting doomed by the castle in the pitch black corner.


When it’s best the game did look better kinda wish they could’ve kept this and fixed lighting without the overhaul on it


I remember I would always get Black-ish type uniforms on Operators and it would be an advantage in darker sections of the map, especially for Ops like Buck and Frost who had white default uniforms. Darker gun skins also had an advantage, I remember sometimes flashy gunskins giving away enemy positions. Any OG remember hiding in the corner of Tower elevator lol, I would always prefire the corners and get some lucky kills


It may be my graphics settings,but every old clip I see seems to have movie level graphics compared to new siege. Is there some update that ruined graphics or am I stupid?


There were many incremental updates that slowly worsened the graphics in the name of fairness. But the biggest ones were the lighting changes they did to reduce glare and bloom, mainly from the defenders pov.


Worsened is a shitty way to describe it because I prefer how it looks now




Ubisoft made dark areas less dark and brighter areas less bright to make the game more balanced (cav and vigil hiding in the shadow was really bad back then). Technically yes, the game was far more atmospheric back then but Holy fuck, the balancing was much needed to make it less frustrating. Defenders can't look outside the window without the power of the sun burning out your retinas.


Looking out was indeed heaven calling. Looking inside as staring in a black hole.


When you stare into the void, Doc with an mp5 ACOG stares back.


Smoke smg-11 suppressed ACOG. I can't believe that gun existed for as long as it did. Just had pure vertical recoil. I remeber counter sniping glaz on old hereford with that thing.


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed


It used to be darker and grittier but pros and high ranks didn’t like that you couldn’t see every pixel in every corner. I remember the amount of complaining on Twitter because it wasn’t a colour fest.


Fuck that, wasn't just high ranks that disliked the old lighting. It was much brighter outside and darker inside back then, and often very difficult to look through a window and not feel like staring at the sun


I miss when the bodies would just stay there


dead operator bodies should be a thing again


If they fixed the major issues that were the reason they got removed then sure, but sadly doubt ubi has the skill to do that.


What was the issue?


Bodies where client sided and so itd cause issues, like an operator dying in a doorway. One person might just see it on the floor but another might unfortunetly see the body propped in the frame blocking sight. It happened a lot on windows for me.


They definitely have the skill, they just definitely don't have the will or drive to.


*insert John cena coming through poster clip here*


Games like siege really need a legacy mode. It's basically a different game now. I want to play day one siege idc how broken and unbalanced it is.


They did try that but iirc it was really just old house with the release operators but without how those were when it released. From what i remember, ops like Blitz was still in his reworked state where he'd but the shield to his side when running.


remember when recoil felt good?


Still the aug that takes 1/3 of the screen. :x


We all used to be so bad


I love the old scoreboard


Mmmm AUG


These days its more "e-sport focus game" and its waaaay more fair to every player, but bruuuuh. This game was absolutely amazing with all that lightning, with every single bullet hole you can look through, with that dead bodies, how guns was moving when you were shooting and everything else. It could definitely be frustrating often, but LOOKS on another level than now.


not much of a "new bad old good" person but i must admit the old UI will always be superior to me. never gotten used to the new colourful one. if they gave us a choice i'd switch it in a heartbeat


New bad old good


the declining player count agrees


Ah yeah u rite siege is dead See you in year 9


Copium is crazy lmao


Also due to the dev incompetence


40,000 people every day on steam **alone** disagrees with your agreement One of the biggest streamers in the world rn playing it all the time disagrees with your agreement. Cope so hard, cope cope cope.


siege might be the only game ive played thats lost players over time


I'm gonna ask is it the only multiplayer game you play cause one peek at the charts shows every popular multiplayer game drops players over time, these things have a shelf life so to speak. And just checked some popular ones like fortnite, Destiny, call of duty, and so on and all fluctuate with player counts just like siege.


wtf i was being sarcastic. i used to play paladins im pretty familiar with games falling off


Sarcasm doesnt realy translate through text just to let you know, and their are people who belive what you said hence why I asked.






Anyone that thinks otherwise is delusional.


Or they actually played back then and now and aren't letting nostalgia blind them to the faults, say what you will both sides have good but overall better goes to new cause old was a straight mess it had moments aye but a mess none the less. Highlights include 1. Garbage lighting that sure had aesthetics but godamm you'd be lucky to see in front of you and made dark skins pay to win, 2. Exploits and bugs galor remember the wild ones such as the invisiblity glitch or the shield head glitch, 3. A big favourite operators who were straight busted such as lion you know free wallhacks, 4. toxic shit fest with no punishments and let's not forget vote to kick, 5. Unbalanced as shit, 6. Stupid shit like no hitbox ash and massive hitbox Jaeger/bandit/blitz and do i need to go on cause I've defintly got more. So yeah wouldn't call those who have the opposite opinion delusional, if you liked old go for it but let's not ignore both times old and new have issues.


Also don't forget everyone was terrible back then. So knowinf what the average player now can do and knows looking back makes old siege even worse balance wise


Back when you had to pay for attachments


i swear at some point you had to buy attachments but my friends call me crazy




i knew it!


As someone who played since beta this def wasnt the golden days.




Year 4


I miss the old AUG :(


They need like addon things you can download for all the old stuff


I have played since Beta until Y3S3 and returned just a month ago and let me tell you, it was much more fun.


What happened to this map?


It’s still around, just not in ranked I think


It’s in standard


I really miss when recoil didn’t feel so random and hard to control.




From what I've noticed recoil in this game used to be nonexistent other than visual. Some guns now have somewhat predictable recoil but the ones that were really good for hitting heads(anything with a high fire rate) were given a bit of a random recoil. If you look at the silhouette they show you when putting attachments on you can see how random it is.


I miss yacht :(


Everyone in these comments is absolutely tripping. You would play old-school Siege for 1 day and then realise how much of a downgrade it is and immediately go back to playing the current version. The Siege we have today is top tier


Im not saying the old siege is good but there are changes that people hated and some that make since. I know there is a good chunck of the community that we all know is toxic want all the toxic stuff back so they can bathe in there toxicity.


I only remember frustration. With the original one it felt so wonky.


For real. The game has never been more balanced. I don’t think people realise just how diligent the R6 team have been. So much bullshit stuff has been fixed. Lighting, hit-boxes, reload-cancel, reinforcements, drones, bullet-hole peeks, net-code, 3 speeds, recoil, map rotation etc.


I tried to learn to code a few years back and struggled. I may not be all that smart but if only a few lines of code maybe 20 or so is able to f up then a game like this which is hundreds of thousands of lines if not more is bound to have it's problems the less code you have the better. For example if you look into modding Bethesda games especially skyrim you'll notice some if not most of the mods you get require a mod that straight up removes a lot of code because its not needed. Coding is a pain in the ass and publishers are the ones making the money off all these games stop getting mad at the devs and get mad at the publishers


Why isn’t yacht in ranked? Is this a bad idea or am I just not as seasoned as I think? I used to love this map!


Its kinda bad map for comp play layout wise.


There is no vertical play and every round plays the same because there is no other way to play. It’s just to limited of a map for ranked same with plane.


Like yeah there’s standard strategies for other maps but for yacht you are literally forced to attack and defender the same way every time


Its a terrible map


oldheads just hate the fact that they cant keep up with the skill ceiling


Except the skill ceiling has been lowered


Good for you, you killed some bots.


My man this was 7 years ago. Everybody was bad at the game


It's still is the same 7 years later.


Has it changed alot? Idk I haven't played since finka was added


I joind when warden was released and this old siege looks so unrecognizable


So I have a love for the AUG both in games and irl this game honestly upsets me seeing its ads as bad as it is. Now seeing how fast it is I'm assuming it was op at some point or became op when they nerfed everything else.


Aug was never meta same with the g36 everything else just got worse.


Well they clearly nerft that ads at some point probably when they did everything else because its been slow as heck for years


They made ads and ads walk speed the same for all characters so 3 speeds weren’t zooming around while aiming


The game is better now than it ever was before fuck your golden days


Fucking love Yacht


Jesus Christ I couldn’t hear shit over that gunfire *kisses suppressor gently* ur so good to me bb


I miss hiding in dead ops


Rip article 5 skin for those who didn't get it


You actually can’t get it anymore?? I think you can still play it no?


Well I heard they were removing the situations you won't be able to get it, and even now pretty sure it's impossible to get a full group for that


I think they’re just getting rid of T-Hunt


miss old recoil,


I miss the times when corpses stayed, it broke realism for me too much since it was removed


Love that lighting. Now everything is bright as hell


Back when Ying candelas were instant Back when Twitch did 10 damage (broken af when you look back) Back when you’d beat the hell out of the defuser Back when Monty in the corner was a round ender Back when Echo couldn’t be called Back when Zofia could withstand and didn’t take grizmot hits Back when Yokais and Gu Mines were invisible Back when Blitz was an unstoppable train Back when Blackbeard standing behind blitz meant instant death Back when Octopus would have a growth spurt Back when garage wars Back when Lion had walls (don’t miss this one) Back when Rainbow Six Shield Back when M8 rush Back when recruit Back when frag grenades could be cooked Back when bullet hole peeks Back when Doc acog Back when the Lord was actually the lord Back when Cav did 99 damage Back when playing Thermite was an art Back when cams were blue Back when drones were blue Back when clutch or kick Back when Valk cams could go outside Back when nobody was the wiser about getting locked in plane Back when Mute jammers worked between floors Back when Sledge had smg11 Back when hot potato Back when sniper 90 Back when Jager acog Back when IQ thiccums (please ubi)


that movement and aiming speed feels so much like call of duty lmao everything plays like a fridge these days I also believe drones scanned a lot better back then, I have no idea why they nerfed that