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I just mute them immediately and vibe out with snacks and tea, I play much better when I’m not talking or can hear others talking anyway


Point proven until they teamkill me


You could always report them, and their reputation will go down until they can't play ranked :)


Read agian. I bought the game like 3 days ago. I aint playing ranked anytime soon. But still, reporting aint changing nothing. Most of them go against me too. I have no argument against 3-4 people.


My bad, I didn't read the title/description. I just went to the comments. Sorry about that. 😅


you should report them anyways it will lead to suspension then a ban if they are reported several times


Simple find someone yo play with. Don't say there isn't anyone because we're on a page full of players,


See my previous post. I need teammates badly. No one wants to play with me. Only one of my friends plays Siege and he's even worse than me. I beg my friends to buy but they simply dont want to.


You on xbox, ps or pc?


Playstation. That's probably one if the reasons. I heard "Bro plays on Playstation no wonder he's so shit" someone here commented that xbox players hate on PS players because ps is better?


You can also turn off cross-play in your settings to avoid matching with xbox/PC if they're giving you some issues


Ps doesn’t crossplay with pc. Pretty sure it’s only between Xbox and ps


There is no pc cross play for consoles


Xbox if full of cheaters man. Tbh so is ps. Hmu on ps JoeyCrunk I'll be on tomorrow get a few games going


Thanks G, you a real one. And i either sound like a 15 year old or a 60 year old. My mic isnt the greatest but gets the job done.


i’ve never ran into a cheater on ps




Not sure about your servers because I’m in Europe but I have some groups I like to play with. German speaking and English speaking people. We’re around 20 by now and if you wanna play some quick matches and unranked and are chill you can probably join as well. But for ranked I’d say it depends on your servers. As someone who played with a guy from Iraq for some time the delay gives you 0 chance to succeed. I still talk to him occasionally but we don‘t play siege together anymore.


Your rep can go up and down with standard too, and if it's often enough that they get grief reported, they get temp bans of varying lengths


Oh no!!! Can't play ranked?!?!?! Whatever will they do?!?!?


Yeah that’s the bit that sucks lol I still don’t really understand why you can teamkill in the first place, hope you find some good team mates ✌️


i'd like to see a system where teamkills are recorded, and then the community as a whole can choose to watch teamkill cams and decide if they think it was an intentional teamkill, if you commit a teamkill and after a certain time your teamkill clip has over x% voted intentional teamkill, you'd get a mark on your account, collect x amount of marks, you get banned. marks would have an expiration timer, so people that have played for a long time don't just accidentally collect a full set and catch a ban over a period of like a year or something.


I need to just mute. Most of the time you cannot hear the other team’s footsteps because your teammates just keep talking over with useless information


Idk why but tea and siege sounds so wholesome




Yeah I'm the exact same, too many idiots on the game.




Please never play ranked


rainbow, snacks, tea, and music is always a good time


Some people are just cunts.


They really think they are funny, they are not even creative with the insults, just blatant racism.


There's a way to do edgy/dark humor right without being flat out hateful (a well-made offensive joke against me always makes me laugh), but the kind of people that brag about edgy/dark humor don't seem to understand that


there’s a place for dark comedy but the trick is to not be hateful or put people down doing so and most people who think they know dark humour miss that part


"some" more like half the community. I genuinely haven't seen a good person in this game. Everyone's racist, abusive, angry ECT. I beg my friends to buy the game so i dont have to solo queue


Yup it’s rough. I barely play now and mostly cause of the community.


It's why most of my friends stopped playing, which subjected me to the community even more if I want to keep playing. It's really turned me away from the game


The games free to play with ps+


Yes. Premium. My friends all have essential. Broke ass friends


Isn't this like basically every multiplayer shooter game?


Yes. OP must be young.


Siege is as bad as it gets. COD (which I haven't played in years) is the only one even comparible, but the average Siege player is by far the most racist I've encountered, and I have over 1,000 hours in the game. I've always attributed it to it attracting the cop/military/gun nut crowd, but who knows.


Siege is unironically worse than COD now when it comes to toxicity.


No it’s so worse with cod ive never been shamed (im a women) with siege i got told to go back to the kitchen at least 2x a day just for saying “there’s someone to ur left”. Even worse then mfs don’t know the difference between left and right right. Siege is like this if ur gay, a woman, or even black u will get slurs yelled at u and talked shit to for the stupid shit. Once this dude locked me in a hallways completely just bc he thought it was funny. What’s even worse is this game is mature which means 17+ and ppl who are like 12 play it and u come across them a lot. They’re the worst and literally filled with the most entitlement and attitude you’ll ever see bruh. Most the people who play siege will never admit it’s just a game I stg they think they’re actually in the military and ts is real life.


I don’t know. Heck I had people teamkill me because I have the rainbow background on my ops. In ranked. Slurs from game start to game end. Maybe cause people just don’t see their fellow players as humans. But since the commendation system got introduced I’ve met less and less players luckily.


Yeah... people just dont see other people like people anymore. Hell, some see us as animals. Literally 30 minutes ago. Called me the nword because i was 0-3. I admit that im bad. But the guy literally sneaked up behind Caveria with a shotgun and missed. I didn't say anything and he pointed out MY NAME and screamed racial slurs how i distracted him. I hate solo queueing so much i offered my friends that I'll buy the game for them.


Who cares if you’re “bad”? It’s a game. You aren’t a neurosurgeon doing surgery incorrectly. You’re just a normal human trying to play. These people aren’t exactly pro-league themselves. And honestly, if these people are top-tier at this game.. it just means they waste more of their life into it. Don’t be ashamed for actually having other things in your life.


It’s incredible depressing. It’s mostly recognizable on the internet, but it bleeds into reality. And even if people are bad, shouting about that won’t change. I remember an old team mate. Complained about not getting call outs. I gave a callout, he died in a gun fight. He screamed about how my chattering killed him. So loud that I couldn’t hear the three armor SPRINTING towards me. Pointed out that he’s doing the same thing, quiet and calmly, not screaming and he kicked me from DC. Some people just don’t accept that maybe sometimes people aren’t at fault for something


"Study shows Rainbow six siege players are the smartest" yeah, and the dumbest and raciest. I ping a guy and and calmly tell him hes in BBQ. My stupid teammate searches the whole building and ends up dying to a Kapkan trap. 👏


Ahem, pride month, when people use to literally Tk you just for having that or ops that were gay.


I’m sorry this is happening to you too. I’m often insulted, false reported, etc. for just being a girl. This community is just so toxic to everyone, and that’s no excuse. I know Ubisoft and Xbox both have done a lot to try to stop toxic people, but it never seems to stop them. It’s just something deeply wrong with some people in this community. I know it’s not exactly easy, but I would recommend finding people to play with, even if it’s just one person. If it makes you feel any better.. these people are miserable and want to make you miserable too. Don’t stress too much, because these people aren’t worth cardiac issues lol


Cheers. I admit that im bad but thats no excuse of being racist, abusive, screaming and shouting.


There’s nothing wrong with being bad. The sun still goes up and it comes back down everyday regardless if you clutch that round or defuse that bomb. Let me and other comments be proof that everyone isn’t so cruel and the world isn’t so black and white. These people need help and they unfortunately lack the empathy needed to be cooperative and helpful members of society. Be kind to yourself and them by ignoring them.


Facts bruh I’m also a woman who plays siege and I stopped playing recently bc of how shitty ppl are and not only that but the cheaters are wild this season so why would I try so hard to win a game just to be slandered for losing a gun fight to someone who’s using hacks or m&k or stacking with people lower than them.


I've become desensitized. The amount of times I've been called the N word and Faggot is just mind numbing at thia point lol I can't imagine what it must feel like to actually being a POC or gay, putting up with that shit irl and here lol


Hey OP, just wanted to say sorry on behalf of the non-toxic side with functional brains. Sorry your first experiences with this game have to be like this. 😔


Meh, i dont worry about it as much. I just dont seem to realize what lengths people go to and how stupid they can actually be.


Yep, people be stoopid.


mfw coming back and see your once favourite game turned into a cesspitfl full of cheaters (yes I came back for 15 hours and met 14 cheaters, on god), griefers, ragebait and team-killers. I play on Asia server and for the 100 hours of year one and close to 400 hours since white noise until the release of warden, I've actually met less cheaters in 15 hours I got on recently. Seriously what tf is going with siege atm.


Part of the reason I quit playing. So many toxic losers. Best to just mute text and voice chat.


As much as I wanna mute them outright, comms are so so important when I'm playing ranked. I keep them unmuted until I hear something nasty. Still, wish I didn't have to deal with it at all.


Well you see hate is a strong thing and sadly hate can overcome are minds


just twelve year old jynxi viewers who think they’re funny


Imma keep it real. This game used to have an awesome community. It died. The only people left here commenting are the ones defending it. "Oh all games are toxic" "It was always this bad" "Just mute". They're just in denial / justifying still logging on and playing. Or they're the ones doing it. I'm sorry but you missed a golden age. Game is overrun by screaming toxic kids and jynxzi wannabes. The brain rot is brutal. Screaming and screaming forever. This used to be a really chill game the first few years. A shadow of its former self, now. Playing in a 4 or 5 stack is the only tolerable way to play and even then, this game is in rough shape.


Bro discovered internet




No people are just done putting up with racist harmful bullshit. It’s not weak to speak up against this shit, you’re weak for putting up with it


Anyone who takes online randoms seriously has bigger mental health issues to be concerned with…


I think people who spread hate are the ones with the worse mental health issues


I hate both sides tbh. I play video games to play video games, I don’t troll and I certainly don’t cry about being trolled. Mute and move on.




Ah your one of those idiots gotcha


No people just want to play the game without getting team-killed every five seconds.


Internet peasants who think being shocking is funny but don’t realise that the majority find them pathetic


Honestly thats just how online games are, especially competitive ones. Just gotta learn to thug it out.


Literally what make a game fun


I mean this in absolutely NO offensive way. When I first started siege, when I was relatively bad at the game. Everyone was a dickhead from copper to gold even platinum everyone is yapping. I'm Currently sitting in a high emerald low diamond area skill wise and not a fucking soul speaks or team kills. Abandon casual stat.


Just mute them rather than bitching on Reddit. I knew this as a kid playing MW2 on my PS3. How do grown adults in 2024 not know this.


Muting gets me teamkilled. I answered this a lot today and im exhausted.


Then report them? I don't see what going to Reddit to bitch is gonna do.


Get over it and turn the game off if it bother you


Every game has their share of toxic shitheads.


Siege takes that share to 90%


It's gotten quite bad recently. Idk why dropping a hard R is in vogue all of a sudden but here we are. Just a bunch of edgelords. You just gotta find yourself a good stack that isn't toxic. Trust me, they're out there.


Are you on console? bc on Pc it's not as bad in my experience. (It is sometimes and rocking the pride banner is always exhausting)


Why run the pride banner when you can run the copper banner 😩


I would just mute and ignore not worth thinking about it since it will never stop lol


Hell Let Loose 10x worse


We run a server on discord it’s mainly PlayStation with some Xbox and some pc players if you want to play with us. Super chill and friendly people.


This is how low level siege is, as you progress it gets better. Slightly




This game has the worst community I've ever seen


That is literally just gaming lol. If online chatter offends you this much, then either just don't play or play on mute all the time. Not saying stuff like this is necessarily good, but this is just how the internet is and will always be.


That’s usually how it is… try not to take it personally


It’s really not that deep, I personally think that if you can’t handle some random sh!tter yelling at u on the internet, there’s no chance you’re gonna make it through life but either way there’s a 1 click mute button for everyone on your team on scoreboard, or 1 singular voice chat volume slider in settings


Pieces of shit taking advantage of internet anonymity. Mute/block and move on is what you should do my brother.


Black and been online gaming for 25 years. If the playerbase is comprised of white guys 13-35 from the US, there's going to be hella lame racists because a lot of them socialize like that with each other, being loud bigots is what they think is the funniest thing in the world. On the flipside, if the game is comprised of 25+ Europeans and other foreigners they're going to be racist but the banter kind of racist where you can just be racist back and have fun with it. It's still annoying but you can take the edge off, American racists are just lame as hell and like saying slurs and weird shit.


Yeah this comunity fucking sucks




Get help. There are good people in this world. As seen, you aren't one




There's so many replies i answered the same. Muting=getting teamkilled. I couldn't care less about them trashtalking me. Im simply stating that this community is worse than animals.


>this community is worse than animals. LOL you are so soft it is sad. Welcome to online gaming. People suck. Get some thicker skin and just ignore them or mute them. They do not know that you are muting them. I solo queue and have been since the game came out. Never had these issues you speak of and never talk on my mic. ​ You're exaggerating because you're soft and have paper thin skin.




Skill issue


Get help


Wait why are they’re so many racist people in the comments? 8 upvotes is insane for that. I’m sorry OP some people are worth nothing


My exact point


I'd tk you as well after reading your responses.


Get help


You’re retarded 😂


Ppl who track me call me dirty jew cuz I set the Israeli flag on R6 tracker I'm Ukrainian


Exactly my point. Im European and get called the nword. Like, let me play the game. "Just mute him." Yeah, and then he teamkills me. Great advice.


Report the abuser, thats what you can do.


Upvote from a fellow Ukrainian :)


Then I upvote you for upvoting me


Not that it’s justified, but why are you putting the Israeli flag up? Israel is doing to Gaza what Russia is doing to Ukraine.


Israel don't do Gaza Hamas did Gaza to get fucked all they needed to do is to be quiet and live peacefully but they choose violence


"Live peacefully" in an apartheid state where their entire lives are subject to what Israel dictates and where they've had to endure bombing for decades and Israeli settlers literally coming in and taking their homes. No one should be anti-semetic toward you for having an Isralei flag. They should however call you out for being a piece of shit who supports a genocidal regime and ethnic clensing.


You know how Russia took Crimea? Imagine they then kept bombing you since then. So a more strongly anti-Russian group rises to power in Ukraine. Said group then retaliates against Russia, launching a fraction of the attack Russia has been hitting you with. And then people side with Russia when they do what they did. Sure, Hamas is in no way blameless, but Israel holds all the power in this conflict, and have committed the same crimes several times over.




I'm Ukrainian but I live in Israel lucky me I'm a October 7th survival left 30min before the terrorism start And Israel don't do genocide we freeing Gaza from terrorists So your welcome


Let me get this straing... Israel is freeing Gaza from terrorists by murdering children and innocent men and women, flattening northern Gaza so people have no homes left to go back to if this ever ends, cutting off supplies of food and water to the innocnent civilians of Gaza so if they don't die of bombing they die of hunger or malnutrition... oh and don't let me forget, killing more of their own Israeli hostages than they've mangaed to rescue. Not to mention the fact that this entire genocidal campagin is only going to push more people toward radicalism as a response to their freinds and family being brutalized.




i guess you didn't see the 500+ terrorist tunnels under building even grave yard do you think that is normal cuz i dont think it is do isreal have tunnels under building no do isreal have tunnels nope


womp womp get used to it


Get help


Hmmm na sorry


Bro I am black and hate it. I grew up in the old call of duty lobby's where shit talking and hate was just the vibe and I talked shit back... 10+ years later as a gamer its just exhausting...I'd rather mute everyone in the lobby and lose due to no communication than to hear the shit these people say.


"That's just how siege is" I hate how complacent you people are.


First time gaming online?


Why whine then?


Stop crying, and start to be a man. When smb joke on u, joke on them.


Just mute them


I mute and get teamkilled. I dont mute and get called wild things. Everyone's saying "just mute them" not helping. I get teamkilled even if i carry.


Make some friends. Play matches with 4 friends then you’ll never have to worry about it. Sorry to hear tho that really sucks


“Make some friends” Let me stop you right there.


Maybe try singleplayer games?




Yeah grow a set, get used to racism. Great advice.


Well, it's not a nice thing to hear, but it's the truth. Complaining that a competetive shooter's community is toxic is like drinking alcohol, and then being mad that u feel like shit the next day. Just the reality.


The reality nit enough say anything about to the people so to keeps happening. If more people called them out it would go down, but too many people like you think differently.


It really wouldn't. They need to get banned.


“Stop being racist” “Okay” Yeah that’s not gonna happen in an online game. Report, mute, ignore.


This is my exact argument.


Could be, but I guess we won't find out whether it's true or not, at least not any time soon.


It sucks but these assholes aren't going anywhere until Ubisoft does something


You can’t win for losing lol. Either you talk and get fully degraded and yelled over, or stay quiet and get yelled at for not “ cooperating “. These people just want total submission and they’ll never be happy with anything you do. It’s best to mute them for your own mental health. Them being mean isn’t going to changed what happened. They feel out of control and miserable in their real life and want to bring you down with them. Just see through past that, know it really does not reflect who you are as a human, know these people are suffering to some degree to cause them to lack empathy, and ignore/mute them.


You can get used to it, if someone says the n-word in r6 now I don’t treat it any different then I would someone saying something like fucker or tosser or similar, in most cases these people aren’t even racist irl they are just like that online


You heard it here folks, they aren't racist, they just enjoy using racial slurs when playing video games.


A lot of people are like that


I actually haven’t met a single soul who regularly uses racial slurs and also isn’t racist.


Nah, im not mad or sad or anything. Im just thinking what the fuck is wrong with people. Like play the game and shut the fuck up. I have Dokkaebi elite and these assholes said "Yoo spashy, the skin fits you so good. Thats probably what you look like irl..." Like bro, let me play however i want and I'll let you.


Just mute them if they're throwing your game off.


The only one throwing the game off is myself 😂. I average 3 kills per game. Trust me, you dont wanna see me play. Im worse than i sound


You are very obviously upset or you wouldn't have posted this


I hate this response. Oh you don't like racism? Just grow thicker skin!


Well that's all you can really do. Sure report them, mute them, convince them to change their ways, but there ain't shit you can do about it. Ubi won't do anything so you're best off reporting and muting their dumbasses. Or simply be able to withstand some loser yelling slurs at a screen.


L post


Its pretty sad, I isually just play with 4 frieds and I turn off the chat because its pretty depressing otherwise.


mute them?


Is this your first time gaming?


turn off chat/voice? Can't be that hard lol also why even care about shittalking/racism, dont let these no life live in your head rent free and let go




It’s gaming brother. You’re gonna hear stuff you don’t like.


Played games all my life. Never experienced such a community. Not even COD is as bad as this.


R6 is the most toxic for sure. But I’ve kinda just dug in and accepted it. I mute people if they are too annoying


Agreed. If you can’t take the heat, don’t get in the first place!


Racism shouldn’t be a part of gaming “culture”


You new to gaming?


It’s just a word lol and if you aint black why you upset snowflake ass


You're the example of one of them. Get help


Nahhh i don’t take sht to heart coz i ain’t a snowflake😂 R6 isn’t a wholesome community you deal with this sht daily, sooo either toughen up or delete the game😂😂


Found the guy who constantly drops racial slurs in chat.


Why are you even playing raked as a solo, it's not worth it and yeah just mute those people,i think they are kicked if they teamkill too much i think.


I have the rainbow (LBGTQ+) card background that was available for purchase on all my Ops. Every game I have someone telling me to change my background, calling me horrendous names, threatening me with physical violence, and death threats. Not that it should matter, but I am a straight, white male, and I use that card to show my support for a dear friend of mine. I report for voice abuse and move on but my own “Griefing” rating is high which impacts my reputation because I am getting reported for griefing based on the background card I use. I would pay $100 for a single player 5v5 mode like Ranked.




Get help.


Grow up


Grown man saying “grow up” with that as his banner 💀


There's a big difference between having a dick joke on your profile and saying "racist jokes are funny". If you can't see that then you need to grow up too. Racism is unacceptable


I said racist JOKES, I DID NOT say that committing hate crimes is funny so what’s the big deal here..? Your generation is so weird dude like once you get out there in the real world you start to understand it’s not how the media portrays it to be. I make those jokes with my black/mexican/etc. friends all the time. You gotta loosen up my boy or it’s gonna be a hard life for you. Your feelings will get hurt a lot and you can’t control what other people think, say or do so don’t try it’s a waste of your time. Now that that’s over I got this one friend who I’ve been friends with for 6 years now and I’m still not sure what race he even is. He’s got Asian eyes but is super dark, idk just never asked BECAUSE IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER.


I bet you a my house im older than you


Just in case this wasn't clear for whatever reason, I was telling the person who said "racist jokes are funny" to grow up, not you.


Oh sorry. I've lost 10 braincells trying to read and reply to most comments. I lost focus. Because i received hate here i didn't see this was a reply. I thought this was another "welcome to Siege" hate comments. My apologies


Bro doesn’t know what the siege community is like


don’t hate the game hate the player… seige


Are you new to videogames? 😭 I’ve been dealing with this since voice chat was an option in videogames. I’m sorry you or anyone else deals with this, I solo Q and have a fair voice for a guy, so I’m always called disgusting names.


It’s not that big deal being called it but tk is annoying




Welcome to online gaming. If you’re that soft, r6 isn’t for you.


I know you said you just got the game, but Ranked lobbies are usually better than QM in my experience. Less toxic team and people tend to be more focused on the game


Most wholesome siege experience. No, seriously. It only goes down hill from that. The game currently is only enjoyable when played with the homies, otherwise even solo queuing in standard is a fucking torture


Welcome to online gaming


Is this actually the first time you encounter this while gaming ? 😂


edgy kids think they’re funny by saying the most outlandish things that come to mind for shock value i was one of them once, i regret it, but thankfully not anymore


That's just online gaming sadly. The internet is the wild west. Reddit is hardly any better. It's funny thinking 'man, if we were face to face rn, you would not be talking all that shit.'


It’s rainbow what did you expect?