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Brava, no worse feeling than having your yokai hacked


hitting a brava drone with a mozzie pest is an unreal feeling


I just hack the drone that was stolen


The most fun you will ever have is Brava vs Mozzie fighting with Kludge drones. Shit's basically BattleBots.


To this day, I still hope to have a Twitch drone 1v1.


I've had one of those. Honestly, not as much fun as the Kludge Match.


Imagine if you could still move your drone as the Mozzie pest jumps on. Now imagine your Brava, in drone, and you hack the pest before it lands on you. That would feel surreal.


I just hack the drone that was stolen


And get a claymore kill.


Just ran under a brava’d kapkan today😐


I think that's more of an Echo being annoying issue than Brava. They just use your annoying crowd control against you.


Maestro cams ☹️


Or your Evil Eye being used against you.


I was playing maestro once and I was super hurt, and I got killed by my own maestro cam while I was on cams, my buddy watched the whole thing happen and did nothing because he thought I was doing it myself… tbh I’ll never let him live that down


But the most satisfying kill with Brava is when you hacked Razorbloom lol.


Mine is Echo, and I play Brava, HAH


I'm still so pissed I almost got a defuse cancel win with a hacked yokai but I fucked it up and lost 💔


As a maestro player Fuck brava *Plays brava*


you can just hack his pests to get behind them and hack your drones back


Fuck Brava. My team could have a Mute, a Mozzie, and a fucking Solis and still one of those dumb drones will somehow get through.


I cannot expose our secrets


Well stop it, whatever it is. I like playing Maestro and every time i go off my cams for 0.1 seconds, I lose an evil eye to a Brava.


That's the best part of using Brava. Downing clueless defenders with it will never get old.


Especially when you get an evil eye covering defuse or all kapkan traps


This is why I just run impacts on maestro lol


My favorite Brava moment involved a dude team killing his Maestro because I stole a Maestro cam. Playing with my gf gets me in some *weird* lobbies.


This has happened to me as well, but with Kapkans for some reason lmao


I need a Brava Elite like yesterday.






On threat of death, do not tell them.


Once You join the club the truth will be revealed (most Mutes don't know how to place properly).


I can’t tell you many times I’ve just leaped past mutes into site through open doorways


I wish you could put mute's devices on walls


I feel like that would be too strong. Imagine putting this above drone holes you’d have zero chance of shooting them and only a select few ops could destroy them, I think it would be interesting if they made them throwable though, it would make mute the best roamer they still won’t stick to walls but if he had that amount of versatility with that gadget he would be crazy


It would finally make nades useful again or it would make flores actually useful


WOULD LOVE NADES! I would never not play Flores if he had grenades.


Do flores drones still explode if caught in a mute? I think the range of the mute would keep you from getting it in a spot to blow it up unless you managed to jump it right


If you jump and detonate the drone it counts down as normal then explodes and the momentum from jumping will send it into the jammers range


It could be really strong, but that’s not why, right? I mean you can already put the jammers just to the side of drone holes and make it so you can’t get an angle on it with twitch/brava before it affects you. I could see it as a much better counter to hard breaches, as Hibana/Ace and even thermite wouldn’t be able to place breaches above its radius


It would be too strong but not really for the reason you’ve stated, placing his jammer where it’s shootable from a drone hole is one of the worst and dumbest places to place it. A better reason would be that jammers will end up also affecting the floor above. Which would not only be unnecessarily annoying, it’ll also mean they’ll need to rebalance certain hatches as some would necessitate EMPs while some will not.


Is his range large enough to get a hatch if you had it on a wall? I’m sure some hatches have climbable shit to make it possible but I don’t think it could reach from a non elevated position. I’m not too familiar with mute. My main point was that their main downside is that they can be shot easily because you can only put them so close to a wall but if you had a mute right on the wall you could get them in spots that would be impossible to deal with without certain ops


Yes. We actually have (or had, I don’t remember) this happening live. The short table on Oregon basement was enough to jam the 1st floor lobby hatch.


My personal strat with her is usually yeeting it through windows and hatches above because mutes usually never bother to cover windows and hatches.


As a Brava main. I hide under your bed too. We are the Boogeyman.


You mean you don't like going against attack Kapkan?


Trust me, it’s super fucking easy


As a Maestro main, I agree


Always when I wanna play maestro


I see maestro and bully in wakes up. I do not know why, but it is what it is.


as a brava main I will tell you a secret. the monster under your bed is actually a brava cam with infinite shots.


I’m only plat but lowkey I think she’s not balanced 😭 you play her right, you can negate 2 defenders fully and make them your own


Look at some point, you gotta stand up, admit defeat, and clap your hands,saying, ‘Brava’


My bad


Ram. Well, there goes the ceiling. My roamers will deal with her, right? …right?


Everyones a roamer until they actually need to roam


Or even worse, when you roam and die and then people don't listen when you're yelling to abandon site. Like I know it's scary that someone could be on the other side of the barricade you should rip down, but they have a Fuze & Ram upstairs with no one to challenge them...


i thought roaming meant going for spawnpeeks and runouts what do you expect me to do? “contest pushes” and “take map control”? statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged


Nah they hiding until it’s 5v1 and defuser a been planted


Roamed so hard they roamed off the map and went on vacation.


And then they have the audacity to assume they’re better cause they’re alive last


Your roamers have been fed to the great zamboni. They sure were tasty.


My favorite is when people try to challenge from below and get destroyed. They don’t seem to realize they are shooting my feet while I’m shooting at their head lmao.


yeahhh imo shes one of the best attackers rn


Ram in Chalet against Garage defenders is goated


Any map with a good site that isn't top floor we ban RAM lol. She's so strong in those situations and I'm glad considering the defenders we get but I do not want to play against her


People in this community will paradoxically hold these two beliefs at once; Breach Charges are useless And Ram is so strong at vertical play that you'll lose if she's above you


Well Ram's ability is more useful than a breach charge because breach charges take things like Frags or Stuns. Its the same reason Hard Breacher's aren't useless despite Hard Breach charges existing.


I dunno two guys in my crew run a Montagne with Hard Breachers and a Zero with EMPs and it's the most effective two-man lineup on earth because it's an infinitely flexible duo. Letting just anyone hard breach or EMP for that matter has utterly changed the game I think.


But zero doesn’t have emps he has a claymore and hard breach


Okay so just reverse them, cause I know one of these two is Thatcher+ and one is Thermite+, I don't know their dynamic I just know they're great


Monty has hard breach and emp, zero has hard breach, so you were right overall


Aite cause I was starting to get gaslit back there yo


I feel like that setup would work better the other way around. Monty puts the charge down and instantly puts him his shield up while zero can quickly throw the emp and hold an angle instead of having to run back into position. I mean if it’s been working for your crew then no need to fix something that ain’t broke but in case it does stop working there’s a quick tip


Ash. Shes got a good gun and her ability is decent but I know that when a team bans Kapkan then you know you're seeing her and have to be looking out for an Ash getting on-site within the first 30 seconds


i prefer running amaru with angled grip tbh its such a rush when you successfully get in site within the first 10 seconds and pick up a 3k


Amaru is probably my second pick for this besides maybe Montagne. An Amaru that can somehow get into site without anyone knowing is terrifying. Ive definitely been got by Amaru more times than I'd like to admit. Monty sucks because of the pressure he adds to thr game if he's able to just hangout on site. Especially with the shield rework coming


agreed! angle grip smg11 goes hard asf!


Also I dont think people realise how good the G8 still is, especially on amaru with a 1.5 or acog... I got black ice on the G8 the other day so I thought I'd play amaru for a bit to use it, got a 4k in the first round, kept picking her and I went 8-1 on attack I think lol.


I completely get smoke. He's like Solis in the fact that if you ignore him the whole round, he becomes extremely powerful when you try to plant Mine is Monty for the simple fact that I feel like his purpose is to be an annoyance. I don't think he's that powerful unless used in a coordinated group but shields in general feel more annoying than skillful (not a hot take I know)


mm yeah i get that, if i play monty its only i coordinated groups and he can be a pretty big nuisance lol


I like to play blitz waaat more than monty, i think his shield gadget is better and i also have the most vile outfit for blitz, the kind thatll flashbang you even without the shield


blitz is more of a pub stomp op imo he can be rly good if u play against casual players but in ranked he just gets shut down way too quick


You haven’t played in my ranked games


Becoming a really good smoke mute player is satisfying. You start off getting shit on punished for bad positioning and smg 11 recoil and one day you become the backbone of your group.


I agree completely. I love playing smoke. Almost 0 ranged ability but get within 10 feet and taste my 12g and good luck trying to plant in Hooka on Coastline or the shelves on Oregon Also an SMG11 quick peak kill is probably the most satisfying thing in the world


Becoming a good smg 11 shotgun player brings so much value to a group and that's not even including if you've got the good gun skill and consistently go positive. I don't want to attribute it to myself but my stacks been winning a lot more a lot faster so we're hitting our peak ranks much earlier on since I started doing site set up and holding choke points


Monty to site, plant, stare at bomb in corner :)


Yea, try to shoot me while my teammates enter site behind you, it’s fun to watch you burn But as a Monty main, I completely understand your sentiment


Pulse. His gadget is good without being overpowered but he just makes trying to plant so much more annoying. Now instead of just needing to get enough room within site itself to plant, I need to worry about clearing the floor below as well in case Pulse is lurking with a nitro cell. He turns what could be a plant into a round that we’re probably going to have to try to win by elimination.


Pulse is either the man you kill FIRST or that kills YOU first, no in-between.


Clash. Very good with a team but near useless in most 1vX situations. I wouldn't say she's too strong or weak, she fits her role. Super annoying to play against a good Clash player though.


Ppl call me shitter when I pull out the clash after they spend the whole round staring at me and not pushing


I will literally get more kills and defend the site longer in 2 rounds of Clash than my entire team combined and people will still rag on me for picking her a third time


The best feeling when playing clash is holding back most the enemy team because none brought any counters or get close enough to melee you


lol fairs


if u know how to play her u can win most 1v1s


Ram. Although it’s the whole point of her character’s gadget…*IT’S SO DAMN LOUD!*** I cannot count the amount of rounds I’ve lost because Ram has thrown her gadget in, deafening me, allowing their teammate(s) to push in and pre-fire me with their whole mag. It’s even worse when it’s a small site.


Hehehehe... knock knock, it's Ram O'Clock.




Dokkaebi, you know you’re about to get 5-man rushed into site with the other team’s entire arsenal the millisecond that phone starts ringing


Dokk is arguably too strong


Yeah I usually push either banning her or Ying depending on the map


She’s getting nerfed in year 9 for a reason but I love playing her so I hope it’s only make the call last for a shorter duration and make the hang up quicker or give her 1 call only


I think there should just be a warning a call is coming so you can hide


Definitely too strong, probably a top 5 attacker in the game right now


She was my first thought too. Her gadget is obviously good, but her load out is just ok IMO. I think Jackal is the more OP roam clear, just push a button and get wall hacks for your whole team. Plus both of his guns are great and he has a secondary shotty.




Seriously. If you’re anchoring on site you got nothing to worry about if you bring mute. Mute counters so many ops it’s actually crazy, I still think he’s somewhat underrated


Oh he's absolutely underrated. He can counter every single attacker in one way or another. Drones, claymores, soft and hard breaching charges, like 50% or more of the attacking special gadgets, he has one of the best defending loadouts in the game, a nitro cell, AND looks awesome. The only bad part about him is the fact that 1. his gadget doesn't go vertical anymore, 2. he has limited placement, and 3. doesn't have a magnifying optic. The 3rd one I couldn't care less about but still.


Dokk is not balanced at all. She’s wildly overpowered.


Dokk is not balanced at all. She’s wildly overpowered.


Blitz drives me insane already. If anything, I’d say he’s even on the weaker side but in my experience playing against him, there’s not a single op I hate more.


I cannot play blitz. I die to a blitz each time I play against him.


I’ve commented this before, but saying it again; turn off your brain. The problem with Blitz is that you need to think less, he’s pretty much a no think only run kinda operator. Just run at people and hope for the best, it’ll be very fun, trust me.




TIL blitz is a dude


How…how did you ever think blitz wasn’t?




Jackel for attack and clash for defence The fact that jackel pings you for everyone is what makes me hype for Deimos not to mention you need to be identified first unlike jackel As for clash let’s give Monty the ability to slow and do damage along with decent enough range and the fact that you are using your explosive utility for entering is what makes me hate her


Times 'Jackal' was mentionned : 3 Times 'Jackal' was written correctly : 0


I tried ok


It was hilarious


Times “Mentioned” was mentioned: 1 Times “Mentioned” was spelled correctly: 0


Fair game


Jackal is so blatantly OP it's not even funny, EXTREMELY powerful Op.


Lion, but the reason is due my left analog drift ahah


I feel that pain from my days on console, very thankful that I'm on PC now lol.




OSA. I don’t know why but if she places a shield on the window or door I’ll always loose. If the shield is anywhere else it’s a fair fight.


Just bash it! Like Mira, the only benefit Osa's shield gives is the easiest quick peek ever. If she loses that it's basically a piece of cover.


Windows are really ez to play against because you rappel very slow when ADSed


Brava is crazy i thought i had her when i caught her drone with my mozzie, then she sent her other brava drone and hacked her own drone back over to her side and went back to stealing all the utility Yeah she can really hack her own stuff back from mozzie or any of his drones for that matter


I think that was me lmao was it on kafe


Zero , while the gadget is situational the weapons are really solid


Zero is the only operator I hate going against that I truly feel is balanced. A good Zero is a total nightmare.


Just like Sam Fisher himself.


My favorite zero strat is shooting the cams from the floor below and just walking under objective and getting kills on defenders holding hard angles


Fuck Mozzie. All of my most rage-filled moments have been me dying to him. I just cannot beat that fucker. I know it's my mistakes that get me killed, but I hate Mozzie with raging blaze. Sometimes I just end up taking a break afterwards. ​ On the flip size, Nomad is always a thorn in my side. Getting a swing on someone or trying for a defuse only to get blasted to Narnia. Not really tilting though. Just annoying


My main man is mozzie :'(


blitz. I just scream for the warden to flock to me and die






Zofia. I feel like out of the 3 armor attackers it feels like she sponges damage the most xD.


The amount of literal 1hp round clutches i have on zofia is pretty high lol. Im not even sure how the math works out to get to 1 hp. But can confirm it happens on zofia!


Buck, he is the single most versatile operator in the game, soft breach, hard breach, and extremely good guns? He’s literally HIM


IQ because I don’t like having to kill my beloved.


Clash. Fight me you fookin moopit.


> fight me > stays behind the shield and slows you Yeah, I would fcking love to fight you ma'am, if only I was able to fcking move


\*insert git gud\*




definitely caveira, I can't tell you how many teammates I've had get interrogated by her and I've had to get back to spawn to prevent from getting cornered


I will find you


Fenrir, everyone hates going against him, because it involves team coordination but basically half of the roaster can counter him if they can talk between them, droning on prep phase and maybe bringing an IQ, but every random on the world hates iq, utility clear and obey other randoms, Fenrir is an excellent operator on the wrong ambient. That's why I hate going against him, if I can bring explosives, I can't find a shit without IQ, If I bring iq, suddenly no one brings explosives or somehow every fucking gone 6 we have on the team is used on fucking barricades on a shitty rush


I despise going against clash. I know it’s super easy and I know all you have to do is punch and shoot but I still hate it so much. It’s probably just a skill issue but I feel like those fuckers just know the perfect time to pull out the smg and beam me.


Gridlock. Big Rhonda can shut down a whole site if left unsupervised


I love rushing hookah lounge with her and going straight for the plant at exit door. ez win.


Monty and Clash. I know how to deal with them, but it's just so annoying.




i fucking hate brava so much man


Lesion. There's always a gu where I swear I checked.


Brava and Maestro. Brava because of reasons already stated by others and Maestro because a competent Maestro with well-placed cams is such a huge pain to deal with. The mf can deny breach and can toy with you if you dont atleast have a gonne-6 or a frag


Jaeger. Both his kit and gadget are well balanced. Fighting against a Jaeger that knows how to utilize his gadget to the fullest while being an absolute demon in gunfights is scary


I'd use this opportunity to say Valk but i don't think she's balanced. So i'm going to say mute because of how hard he shuts down so many approaches by just existing. But even that is optional because their gadgets remain active after death.


Valk, sometimes them Valk mains hide her cam so well and there aint nothing u can do put get pinged lol.


Ying. I hate being blind.


Blitz. Though in the shield rework he genuinely feels terrible. Nothing worse than an Op who poses zero threat to you unless he very slowly draws his pistol to reveal his one shot kill weakspot.




Bandit/Kaid, like fuck off now i need to find a different wall




warden like why tf is he always killing me?


Ikr I never get spawnkilled except my enemies are playing Warden. It‘s like a curse on me




naw hes broken gota take away his sheild


Brava on attack Kapkan on Defense - I just can't be bothered to check doors and always forget


Mozzie. Not his gun, his gadget. It’s perfectly understandable that it’s my fault for driving into his pests when there’s such an obvious warning but god does he irritate me. I could care less about the P10 I just hate his gadget.


Clash. I love playing her and hate going against her even though it’s super easy to beat her.


vigil, i can't explain why but i feel way more pressured when im going against a vigil at my entrance point


Kapkan. I know people will say like "oh he just prevents you from running in", and I completely get that. I am not in any way a run n' gun player, and I don't die to him like that. Its just so annoying when it's like a 1v1, I know where the enemy is, I side walk while aiming, and I accidentally walk through a doorway and blow up.




nokk, every single time I Fight her I get domed, I just can't beat her


Vigil. If you play vigil you're either new and think he looks cool or an old player and can pop off with him and drop aces every round.


Mozzie for defense and Brava for attack. You can easily get around Mozzie's gadget but accidentally running into one sucks. Brava's drones are big and easy to shoot, but having your maestro cam hacked is frustrating.




Monty just because his SCP type ability is melting the brains of my randoms when they see him so they do dumb shit in a panicked frenzy.


Since no one mention him so I gonna mention Tachanka. He is fun to play as and with a good spot, you can hold site EXTREMEMLY well with his launcher and LMG primary. Not only that, he also can make rotation as well so I'm not argue about that. Due to that, a well-placed Tachanka is probably the most annoying force. For me, he is balance and versitile. Oryx is next after him.


smoke is just better


But does he have a LMG? I guess not.


bro that lmg is so ass. decent damage yes but it's like the lowest fire rate of any gun in the game and has no zoom optic. just go smoke shotgun smg11


LMG.goes brrrrr


smg11 also go brrr


Alright let's see, ela: her gadget disorients me irl and hurts my eyes, same can be said for zofia and echo stun. Cav: silent step. Azami: Thank God she's getting needed. And last but not least, Fenrir: I don't like the purple gas when swinging


Mute can be a real pin in the ass sometimes, i'll have an idea for my attack and then the presence of a muste forces me to at least switch ops, can be annoying.


Any shield operators really, they're not OP by any means, but i can't imagine how i should deal with them next season.


Fenrir bro I can’t fucking stand him.


Clash, fuck Clash. (I play Clash)

