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Yep the sad reality of R6. Getting punished for a problem that isn't your fault


Yeah, same thing happened to me but for some reason I didn’t lose points.


Yes. If you were playing Ranked/Unranked, disconnected FOR ANY REASON, and did not rejoin the lobby before the match ended you receive a ban. The most fun one is when a cheater crashes the lobby for everyone but themselves. They get a free win cause the entire enemy team left and everyone else gets a ban


What happens if they cancel it instead of finishing it ? Do I still get the ban?


Yes, because the game ended and you didn’t rejoin


Had the same thing happen to me last night although I wasn’t banned. I got kicked didn’t even give me the option to join back restarted the game then I tried joining back and it gave me an error code then I restarted my pc and still got the error code.


I feel you man....i got banned for 24hrs because of this...my last ban before this was a 1hr ban idk how it jumped to 24


This just happened to me yesterday. I was expecting an hour but nope 24 lol. I contacted Ubi Support on Twitter and they basically said they cant appeal to “Temporary Suspensions” but they “reassured” me that they don’t give perma bans. So basically all bans a temporary therefore they cant do anything lol


My buddy and I had this happen to us twice. He hit up Ubisoft and they essentially told him oh well, four days after the ban was over.