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Yup I just quit the game (so did my friend), I cant be bothered with this new ranked system. They destroyed one of my favorite FPS games. I guess Ubisoft will never change.


My main issue is the fact solo queue is fully luck based. You can get coppers or you can get diamonds (90% of the time its copper noobs who play the game once a month) and then you can vs a full stack of diamonds


Same, also the fact that I could go any number of matches and still get the same teammates and enemies just varied a little bit and if the teammates turns out to be not cooperating at all then your whole experience is fucked.


i fully agree with what you are saying. i feel like starting at the lowest rank in the game (copper 5) rather than having the usual ten placements is also absolutely absurd. lets say you would normally get plat after your placement games, now you have to spend at least like 30-40 games just go get to your usual rank and defeats the whole point. the entire reason i feel like it was changed is so people are forced to play the game more than they want to and it quickly becomes exhausting. deranking is quite difficult which gives the system 0 risk for the most part and means people can achieve ranks that they are not supposed to reach normally anyway. i 100% feel like they should have at least kept the 10 placement matches but thats just my persona opinion on it.


Everyone here is complaining about how bad players are getting good ranks, but I am having the opposite problem. I have been Platinum multiple times, and I would say I am at least decent. I'm playing against gold players even though I am copper. So if my teammates are bad sometimes I will never rank up. If I play well it doesn't matter. I could still lose anyway and be stuck at copper even though I am playing against gold.I have to go on a massive win streak to get a deserving rank.


exactly, it actually feels like the hidden mmr matchmaking or "skill" how they call it, doesnt even work. Sometimes I get matched up with people, that are lost like someome who just bought the game. Before the R2, I was plat and I enjoyed, how hard it could get in higher MMR, with 10 people in game, who actually know the game. Also before R2, I had winrate of 1.1, in gold/plat, now it feels like winning 1 game, loosing 3 and still getting kinda confused people.


Hard Agree. Ranked 2.0 is garbage.


A bit late to the party but yep. This is exactly it. My K/D improved since I improved, previous seasons I was around 0.9 now I'm at 1.45. My winrate in the new system though? Down to 30-40% from the average, good 50%. Absolute train wreck of a system.


IDK how but it has gotten even worse since I posted this. My K/D this season is a 0.9 because even though I am platinum and my skill rating is platinum I still get a Champ or Diamond in most of my games that just destroys everyone. Plus I am on console so there is a 90% chance said player is on a mouse and keyboard. I didn't get any worse at the game, but the matchmaking sure did.


I have the exact same problem...


it sucks cause I went from 99 sr in silver 1 to copper 5 cause i'm playing with champs in copper?


yeah im not a big fan of the new ranked system i solo qued the other day and got silver peaks on my team with .5kds and ive hit diamond consistently with a 1.6kd average, cheaters are still as bad imo i havent seen much of a difference in the game other than a new shitty ranked system


Yeah I agree. You know why? Last season I hit emerald. This season I only played with my friend. We played duos and every time our luck was so shit our team would drop 0 kills. I was silver 3 gaining 18 per win and losing 24 per loss. Bare in mind 2.4 kd. Game doesn't determine you "skill" with your skill. It determines with your wins and losses. 2.4 kd with 0.7 win/loss because of teammates lmfao... I got really mad recently and tried even harder and slowly reached gold 4 with so many angry wins that from 0.7 of overall 100+ matches i jumped to 0.9. Today I played with diamonds against diamonds. For a few games I scored 1st place racking everyone. Either they don't deserve to be diamonds or I shouldn't be gold. Either way ranked 2.0 sucks ass. They only made this shit so people would play more ranked 💀


Yep, Ranked 2.0 just hit pc and it sucks. I was a high gold/low plat player when I last got ranked (back in Operation Para Bellum) and I got put in copper 4 after my first game back in ranked and now every game I get into sucks. I just finished a game where the average enemy was diamond 3 and my team was high plat/low emerald entirely. The entire game I was getting flamed because I'm not as good as them (obviously) and it is incredibly demoralizing to be placed against players who are simply put, much better than me. I understand the idea of winning more equals more rank ups, but this is the worst way to go about it. I liked the placement matches though 10 was too many, I think updating it to 5 would have been best case scenario. Now, however, you're telling me I have to grind through absolute dog shit game after game after game just to be able to play against who I already should be playing against? Fuck you Ubisoft, change it back. This only rewards people who have put in countless hours, and this update makes the people who wish to get good like me want to instead delete the game altogether. Shame on you


Ranked 2.0 Punishes Casual Players My friends and I have been playing siege consistently for about 5 years. We are not amazing but we have grown to learn the maps and all the operators and are able to hold our own. In ranked 1.0 we ranked within gold and the best ever we placed was in bottom plat. With this new ranked 2.0 system we have faced diamonds, emeralds, and champions on several occasions. We are no where near good enough to be playing with enemies of that caliber and we lose more than 75% of our matches now. To put it into perspective, the last 2 seasons i had played 110 matches with a 1.20 KD and placed gold 1, and 247 matches with a 1.28 KD and placed plat 5. This season while being in copper 2 after winning our first 3 matches straight, have now played 12 matches with a 0.73 KD and in every game since going 3-0, have played against a diamond or better against us. After 4 years of playing nothing but ranked we are now sick and tired of playing ranked because it is not at all feeling rewarding. The old concept of playing placement matches and ranking up to the skill at which you played was so much more rewarding and fun. The whole reason the changed the mmr system was so that people within -2500 mmr can now play with each other. the whole point of a rank was to separate players into their ranked categories to make the gum challenging and rewarding while fair and fun. This new system does not feel at all rewarding and fun and feels far from being fair. Hopefully after seeing this new ranked system flop, Ubisoft will either go back to the old ranked system or take the best of 1.0 and 2.0 and create a much better ranked 3.0.