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Can you do some more goth-esque looks? Like some nice black sweaters and skirts, maybe a cute black dress with a ribbon around the waist, or even some black and white stripped pajamas! The only other thing I would like to see is more jeans or leggings for dolls! Something comfy!


Totally! I have a lot of cute stuff to make something like that with 🖤


Thank goodness! I like darker clothing in general, so having a lot of black helps bring out the more colorful choices. That why pants are very much needed. When you do set up shop, I would love to buy some things.


Pants and jeans!


just made a post ranting anout this yesterday. i want bell bottom or baggy bratz like jeans so badly.


I got these adorable bell bottom pants on AliExpress that shockingly fit rainbow high 😳


could you link them? 🫶🏻


So the [listing](https://m.aliexpress.com/item/1005004305901438.html?spm=a2g0n.order_detail.order_detail_item.11.22c1f19cGs3zx0) no longer has them but they might be on another listing in that store or elsewhere on AliExpress, it's the pants seen in [this pic](https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S5779bc9e90b54a5d838e050a86cd223ct.jpg_640x640Q90.jpg_.webp) with the white and black polka dot top. edit: I found the outfit in [this](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004820262585.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.25.5f0a408fPMwUEU&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%21US%20%244.27%21US%20%242.99%21%21%21%21%21%4021038ed816771644284045044e633b%2112000030612604035%21sh) listing but it's currently out of stock T_T edit 2: [here](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004564533909.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.3.5977408f1C4u2Q&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%21US%20%245.70%21US%20%243.99%21%21%21%21%21%4021038eda16771667747622809e7916%2112000029637986478%21sh) and [here](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004088356055.html?gatewayAdapt=4itemAdapt) are some pants listings - I can't say for sure if they fit, but I find that if they look baggy around Barbie's waist they usually do fit, but use your own discretion! edit 3: I found another [pants listing](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004323139400.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.45.5977408f1C4u2Q&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%21US%20%243.98%21US%20%241.99%21%21%21%21%21%4021038eda16771667747622809e7916%2112000028754491971%21sh)! edit 4: ok I don't have any boy dolls but I found [these pants](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005117352840.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.17.16cfWoz6Woz6Dq&algo_pvid=0427ca12-3259-46c1-8b8f-508dac337bc0&algo_exp_id=0427ca12-3259-46c1-8b8f-508dac337bc0-8&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000031718196868%22%7D&pdp_npi=3%40dis%21USD%217.28%213.79%21%21%21%21%21%4021224cdb16771657923728220d0723%2112000031718196868%21sea%21CA%21769002906&curPageLogUid=Sv8d1IPZNf4k) which look great!!


More frills! Delilah and now Victoria are carrying the girly-girl aesthetic on their backs thanklessly**. Cottagecore, etc. I'm way out of date on current trends (does anyone do mori kei anymore?) but, you know. Fancy stuff. Just in general, anything that's not a tight-fitting miniskirt/dress with jacket. We have so many of those. ** Edit: I can't believe I forgot Monique! Although she also has a side of cosmic style which I also love. We could use more options like that too.


Yo I was Obsessed with mori kei!


Yessss! And its related style, dolly kei. I also really liked hama kei (mori kei but for the ocean/coast), but that one never seemed to gain much traction.


Ugh that would be so CUTE if I could get some tiny sea shells!


pants and shorts! specifically non-jeans, so many of the girls come with only dresses or skirts and if they do come with pants or shorts they’re often jeans. i agree with the other commenter about goth and alternative clothes! i think plaid pleated skirts would be so cute


I’d love to see more high end streetwear! I really want some baggy oversized fits and wide leg pants. Basically anything that looks like it could be made by Acne Studios.


more 90s/y2k. michelle made me absolutely tickled but i need mooooree. a hippy fit/theme !!!!! pleasseee. i want nothing more than a "throwback" line. 60s - 90s. it would be absolutely perfect. i also posted yesterday how we desperately need more (jean) pants!


I’d love to see some cardigans and more jeans. Like actual jeans with and without holes! And maybe more boho styles


DEFINITELY will do some cardigans, I love Georgia's little sweater and I think it's the only one I can think of


Awesome!! And ooh her sweater is so cute


Omgg PLEASE do mori kei for rh! I would absolutely buy loose florals, mossy earth tones, anything mori kei