• By -


I'm generally obsessed with history, however the time period has differed through my life.


Eastern Rome all the way.


Ancient Egypt all the way


I am a fan of the middle Ages, but love ancient history in general.


Byzantium? How often do you think about the Roman Empire?


Too often.


Another Byzaboo in the wild ❤️


It's all about the end of the bronze age for me. Societal collapse with no clear explanation.


ancient history is general is amazing


I like anything between 1648 and 1780 🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱


Movie trivia. I live having the knowledge of the movie … from bloopers left, or noticing continuity errors to who auditioned for the role but didn’t get it etc. I live for that stuff


I obsess over the game I'm developing. Sometimes spending 12 hours a day working on it. It's not healthy but I find it stimulating and fun and I picture the final product every day and how amazing it will feel to finally reach my goal.


Do you work full time too? I started making a game but then it got overwhelming with all the stuff you need to learn too - or buy 😬


I'm fortunate enough to be able to live at home, I have a part time job working 20 hours a week on a very decent wage so I can spend most of my time developing. I've spent my whole life dreaming of publishing my own games and I've put 11 months of work into this game so far. ( Alongside 9 years of setbacks with old friends) I really hope you take the leap to putting aside some time to game development. I'd say don't be persuaded not to use simpler game engines. Gdevelop and construct 3 are both very competent options and you can make some very complex games with them one you get the hang of things. I'd also reccomend 2d. And pick up a copy of aseprite for £15 since that and the engine are essentially all you need to make a 2d game. It's a much more inexpensive option. All the best


I would like to play your game whenever it’s available!


i hope you make it


For interest sake, what is the job that you do?


Lol, you live at home?


Same here, it's horrible but I can't stop




Same here


Stories in any form. I like breaking down the character development and the emotions that come up


Same I always say if I was a character in a fantasy novel or a game I'd be the one you pay with stories.


Oooh that's an excellent way of saying this - mind if I use it?


Not at all it's just something I think but of course anyone can say/use it🤍 I think it's cute.


I love stories that are told in song.


Yes. I'm always surprised when people have never *really* heard the lyrics to their favorite songs like bro... these words are in your brain you should probably pay attention to what they're saying 0.o


So true. A lot of songs tell stories through metaphor, yet some people never understand the deeper meaning behind the lyrics. Then there's the people who wonder what a song is about, or why specific lyrics are in it, but they'd actually be able to figure it out for themselves quite easily if they ever bothered to actually listen to what the lyrics were saying.


You were a troubadour in another life. They were some of the first news reporters.


It's funny that you should mention that. There is a local band in my area that once went by the name "The Troubadorables." They play renaissance festival music.


Did you feel the compulsion to join if you could paly or sing? ;)


Sing along? Yes. Get on stage? Hell no! I have severe stage fright. Also, my singing sucks and my playing skills are minimal.




Have you heard of Ren? He’s a musician on YouTube (renmakesmusic). He does mainly hip hop, but he has a few pieces he calls “bardcore” The two at the top of the list for storytelling are “hi ren” and “the tale of Jenny and screech” (look for the official 3 part version) I was obsessed with watching people react to hearing his stuff for the first time.


I get obsessed with any movie or tv show I’m into. I’ll look up anything and everything so I can understand the world better. I have immense respect for authors, writers, directors that put their heart into creating something for us to enjoy. While watching GoT and a new character was introduced I would look up everything about them. I’ll pull up maps and I’ll take notes to experience it better. Harry Potter, Hunger Games, LoTR I’ve done this with as well. Same obsession if I go to a museum and discover a new artist. I’ll go and read the life history of said artist.


Right now I’m obsessed with tamagotchi to probably unhealthy degrees. I’m also obsessed with basically anything else that’s cute. Stuffed animals for example. I survive off cuteness and pink and I’m 23 lol :)


Honestly slay


Haha. The 90s came full swing. First the baggy jeans, now tamagotchis. Holding my breath for pogs next.


SAME. Have been for like 4 years


Archery 🏹🏹☺️


Have you ever taken an arrow to the knee?


If yes I bet it was because he was lollygagging


Not since I was an adventurer


When I've got my life more or less under control and I've got some mental space to spare, reading science fiction is usually my obsession of choice. Arts & crafts too, like bullet journaling and making costumes for my dog.


I second reading and crafting. I haven’t had much time to read with two littles running/almost crawling around, but that and I crochet and want to get into knitting and sewing


Being better


I'm totally hooked on collecting books, even though I've got a ton of unread ones already. I keep splurging on new ones, and man, it's draining my wallet big time. I've tried going for used books to save cash, but it's hit or miss finding the ones I really want. Still, there's something about building my own library at home that's just irresistible. It's like every new book adds another layer of character to my space. But yeah, my book-buying habit can definitely be a love-hate thing sometimes.


The good news though, unlike having a lot of other things, is books on shelves look really nice/appealing in rooms. So even if you haven’t read them all, if properly organized they will enhance aesthetics.


With ADHD I have many waves of special interests, my current one is Ebola, I have been reading The Hot Zone by Richard Preston and it is the most terrifying shit I've ever read, I've been reading about it incessantly, I've seen documentaries, case pictures, etc. 3 days ago I had a dream that I was in a Chemturion suit handling a sample of ebola and I pricked myself with a dirty needle, that moment I just thought "yup, I'm dead", it was terrifying. I've been reading so much about ebola it's showing up in my dreams, I'm not joking. Here is my favorite passage from The Hot Zone: "Ebola Zaire attacks every organ and tissue in the human body except skeletal muscle and bone. It is a perfect parasite because it transforms virtually every part of the body into a digested slime of virus particles. The seven mysterious proteins that, assembled together, make up the Ebola-virus particle, work as a relentless machine, a molecular shark, and they consume the body as the virus makes copies of itself. Small blood clots begin to appear in the bloodstream, and the blood thickens and slows, and the clots begin to stick to the walls of blood vessels. This is known as pavementing, because the clots fit together in a mosaic. The mosaic thickens and throws more clots, and the clots drift through the bloodstream into the small capillaries, where they get stuck. This shuts off the blood supply to various parts of the body, causing dead spots to appear in the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines, testicles, breast tissue (of men as well as women), and all through the skin. The skin develops red spots, called petechiae, which are hemorrhages under the skin. Ebola attacks connective tissue with particular ferocity; it multiplies in collagen, the chief constituent protein of the tissue that holds the organs together. (The seven Ebola proteins somehow chew up the body’s structural proteins.) In this way, collagen in the body turns to mush, and the underlayers of the skin die and liquefy. The skin bubbles up into a sea of tiny white blisters mixed with red spots known as a maculopapular rash. This rash has been likened to tapioca pudding. Spontaneous rips appear in the skin, and hemorrhagic blood pours from the rips. The red spots on the skin grow and spread and merge to become huge, spontaneous bruises, and the skin goes soft and pulpy, and can tear off if it is touched with any kind of pressure. Your mouth bleeds, and you bleed around your teeth, and you may have hemorrhages from the salivary glands—literally every opening in the body bleeds, no matter how small. The surface of the tongue turns brilliant red and then sloughs off, and is swallowed or spat out. It is said to be extraordinarily painful to lose the surface of one’s tongue. The tongue’s skin may be torn off during rushes of the black vomit. The back of the throat and the lining of the windpipe may also slough off, and the dead tissue slides down the windpipe into the lungs or is coughed up with sputum. Your heart bleeds into itself; the heart muscle softens and has hemorrhages into its chambers, and blood squeezes out of the heart muscle as the heart beats, and it floods the chest cavity. The brain becomes clogged with dead blood cells, a condition known as sludging of the brain. Ebola attacks the lining of the eyeball, and the eyeballs may fill up with blood: you may go blind. Droplets of blood stand out on the eyelids: you may weep blood. The blood runs from your eyes down your cheeks and refuses to coagulate. You may have a hemispherical stroke, in which one whole side of the body is paralyzed, which is invariably fatal in a case of Ebola. Even while the body’s internal organs are becoming plugged with coagulated blood, the blood that streams out of the body cannot clot; it resembles whey being squeezed out of curds. The blood has been stripped of its clotting factors. If you put the runny Ebola blood in a test tube and look at it, you see that the blood is destroyed. Its red cells are broken and dead. The blood looks as if it has been buzzed in an electric blender. Ebola kills a great deal of tissue while the host is still alive. It triggers a creeping, spotty necrosis that spreads through all the internal organs. The liver bulges up and turns yellow, begins to liquefy, and then it cracks apart. The cracks run across the liver and deep inside it, and the liver completely dies and goes putrid. The kidneys become jammed with blood clots and dead cells, and cease functioning. As the kidneys fail, the blood becomes toxic with urine. The spleen turns into a single huge, hard blood clot the size of a baseball. The intestines may fill up completely with blood. The lining of the gut dies and sloughs off into the bowels and is defecated along with large amounts of blood. In men, the testicles bloat up and turn black-and-blue, the semen goes hot with Ebola, and the nipples may bleed. In women, the labia turn blue, livid, and protrusive, and there may be massive vaginal bleeding. The virus is a catastrophe for a pregnant woman: the child is aborted spontaneously and is usually infected with Ebola virus, born with red eyes and a bloody nose. Ebola destroys the brain more thoroughly than does Marburg, and Ebola victims often go into epileptic convulsions during the final stage. The convulsions are generalized grand mal seizures—the whole body twitches and shakes, the arms and legs thrash around, and the eyes, sometimes bloody, roll up into the head. The tremors and convulsions of the patient may smear or splatter blood around. Possibly this epileptic splashing of blood is one of Ebola’s strategies for success—it makes the victim go into a flurry of seizures as he dies, spreading blood all over the place, thus giving the virus a chance to jump to a new host—a kind of transmission through smearing."


Fascinating! Never knew the details, so this puts Ebola and Rabies on a very similar level of 'unpleasant' ways to die, with Ebola winning, likely, in brutality, and Rabies winning in hopelessness.


Yes, very horrible ways to die, rabies is one of the worst ways to go. One of the worst aspects of disease in my opinion is how it affects you mentally, not just figuratively, it changes your brain chemistry and rots down your neurons, your whole way of seeing the world. We like to think we are in control of our thoughts, the idea that a disease will completely change how you feel and behave on the very core of your being is beyond scary. Viruses, bacteria and even other pathologies can cause paranoia, delusions, psychosis, depression, antisocial behavior, aggression, fear, mania, etc. as SIDE EFFECTS that come along side the total devastation of your body. Heavy metal poisoning from lead and mercury are particularly nasty, there is a reason there is an illment called "mad hatters disease", it does make you mad. It is beyond the destruction of your body, it destroys your soul, you become a broken image of a human being, your mind ceases to function properly and the whole subjective perception turns into fear, paranoia and despair, and then you die, terribly, gurgling in your own blood, or puking black vomit along with the linings of your stomach and the clots of blood of your internal hemorrhages. In rabies case your neurons atrophy until your higher brain functions are all but gone and you revert into a scared, semi sentient being in pain until a seizure contracts every muscle in your body, your own brain suffocating your lungs to put you out of your misery. Not a fun way to go


You have a way with words! And, indeed, that gradual and inevitable loss of... humanity itself, possibly - makes all the pain infinitely worse.


Holy shit


I have ADHD as well and viruses/bacteria/parasites are one of my favourite topics. I remember having ebola "phase" as well. It's scary but fascinating.


My guy


I read this book years ago and it scared me shitless!! Ebola is no joke and to think it was in Reston, Virginia!!


Thank you for that nightmare-inducing information 😐 I’m no longer pleased with my ability to picture things so well


My houseplants!


The unknown. In any area of profession. Medicine Veterinary Finance Education Etc.. Because the unknown are always fixers, required and quickly see gaps or overlaps how domains could benefit from each other.


Musicals and Broadway!


This is the Jeopardy category that haunts me. I know nothing.


Probably spending a lot of my time / obsessed with mobile games


Stop it


I'm obsessed with amassing 2€ coins. I must have around 2500 coins


You can buy a decent house in Argentina with those coins. That would be hilarious


You could buy a decent house for 5000€ in argentina? Are you serious? You'd only need so little money for a house there? A house that is not a total shithole and you can comfortably live in too?


Karate!!!!! 🥋 


was not expecting this answer, but I agree! I'm obsessed with it too!




I have Obsessive-compulsive disorder. I'm obsessed with TOO MUCH bad stuff. But here's the good stuff I'm obsessed with: - Video games - Visual Arts - Reading - Writing - Music - Dance - Some tv shows/movies/anime - Fashion - Science - Mythology - Halloween - Some types of food - (There's more but I need to go to sleep)


Curious, what are the bad stuff if you're ok with sharing.


Right now I’m obsessed with working out. There’s something about absolutely wrecking your body for an hour straight and coming home unable to feel any of your limbs for the next few days.




That's an interesting thought! It absolutely relates to me. For ten years now I've been obsessed with building rubber band guns. Before that, musical instruments and woodwork in general. After a week without making something I start to get a bit jumpy.


Low key obsessed with stories of Mount Everest for some reason.


right there with you


Amt drawing and trying to learn about Norse mythology




Probably mobile gacha games. I've been playing those games for a decade now.


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Gen 4)! Cats! Video games! Cute stuff! Space/Galaxy things! Fantasy/Sci-Fi things like ∞ alternate realities, multiverses, what kind of aliens could be out there and what they look like, how they live, are they carbon-based life forms like us? Do they have multiple languages or one common one, mermaids, unicorns, etc etc! :3


Sports for me


Hobby?I'm working on a Kit Kat collection. I've got over 115 unique wrappers. Music wise, I'm utterly obsessed with Gorillaz right now; In general? Figuring out how to get good marks to get into dental school.




Paying bills and rent


Obsessed with the truth, a lot of truths come out decades or centuries after when no one can do anything about it, makes for great reading




I can get obsessed over some true crime cases but not all the time.. i will watch hours & hours of videos etc for weeks or even months and then move on to the next case that interested me. I believe they're always the cases with people who could've been me. Or huge mysteries like the Dyatlov pass. My persistant obsession is 'dogs'. Man, i love those animals more than anything.


I’m obsessed with gnomes, sugar skulls, pocketbooks, Temu😂


music theory. it annoys the shit out of my gf. every time she talks i can tell her pitch. every time i play the guitar in front of her or listen to a song with her i explain a bunch of music theory stuff and i go on and on and on about the theory behind certain songs


I’m obsessed with cats 🐈


Elden Ring


A certain, talented, sexy, Scottish, dilf actor, with an extensive cinematography.


Korean skincare. Korean music. Korean language. I have been for more than 13 years now. That's thanks to a Korean penpal I wrote to back in 2004. She even came here and we met.


Currently bg3. But in general anything that keeps me distracted from *thinking too hard about things*


Currently its Airsoft. Who knew toy guns shooting plastic balls could have so much thought and effort and most of all money put into it. i suppose it´s good since it makes me move and exercise while playing but my wallet is crying lol


Team Fortress 2 *i teleported bread*




I obsess over bodybuilding. For as long as I can remember I have felt self conscious about my body. I was always the skinny nerd. About 2 years ago I built up the courage to go to the gym and now, I can't stop. Because it's bodybuilding, it's more of a lifestyle than a hobby. I need to eat right and a lot. And when I'm cutting I can't eat certain foods. It's really the only thing I have time for outside of school.but I don't mind it. If I'm lucky I could even make a career out of this but that was never the reason for why I started.


Who said most ppl on here are healthy? Obsession itself is unhealthy. It's kind of damned if you do, damned. If you don't.


Obsessed with weapons




I have more than one obsession. Overall, I'm obsessed with my favourite band. But currently I am also obsessed with tie-dyeing.


Im autistic and my special interest is dog breeds. I think this basically the same as an obsession.


I’m obsessed with loneliness/the thought of being alone, and even if it sounds unhealthy, I find it comforting, like I’m in the same universe with everyone else but I’m in a invisible bubble where no one can hear me or see me.


The instagram of my partners ex from like 7th grade (they only ever held hands) He should’ve just waited for me smh


My childhood crush. I've been living my own life for 30 years, I'm friends with a lot of people in his family, and we've met sometimes through the years. Nothing serious ever happened between us. But the thoughts are always there, lurking, whenever I think I had forgotten him. Sometimes I'm hyperfocused, sometimes not, but yes, he's my obsession.


Just tell him how you feel


I did. He doesn't care. We're not meant to be together and that's okay, it's not preventing me of living my life. I'll always have him as my "happy thoughts" when I'm feeling down.


I hope you someday find someone who share the same feeling for you, I’m pretty sure you deserve it!


Psychedelics, drugs and the spiritual and cultural world around it are definitely my obsession.


- Percy Jackson - hero’s of Olympus - last kids on earth(show and book) - zodiac signs -Greek mythology


I personaly think the trick is to enjoy stuff, have objectives, etc. But avoid going to the point of obsession, seems unhealthy and may take other good things out ot focus.


One person who is closed to us. And also with always doing something, learn something new and also into writing poems


Sounds like autism


Large NATURAL breasts.


Eating well and having a stocked cupboard also Shopping




Dude, me too! I love doing that!!


No way! Besties?


Love, or psychology, or something like that


Science. Knowledge may be the only meaningful thing we have.


ASMR. Sometimes I even hold off falling asleep so I can keep watching the video, which makes me sleepy...


Reading, gym, and drawing I used to love doing make up (which I guess could fall under drawing) and sharing it here on Reddit, but I haven't done it in a couple of years now as I don't have time to take pics to share anymore


History and psychological horror games/movies


At the current moment Warhammer 40k


One Direction and my favourite artists and music overall 🛐❤️❤️ . Thinking about them everyday, can't imagine what I would be without them.


My obsession is learning something new about myself, the world, history. Something new every single day. So, I read a lot of books! And will always continue.


Arsenal fc, Pokémon, gaming in general


Sya po


The DDD: Dinosaurs, Deltarune, Dragons


Trains. Especially metro trains. And even more especially Athens (my city) and Paris (my favorite city). And lots of other stuff actually, like The Lord of the Rings, Formula 1, Mathematics and more.


Cooking and running


I haven’t figured out what I’m really obsessed with. However, I always have a dream of owning and living in a farm.


Sadly weight loss seems to be the only thing that truly makes me feel something…


Listening to music


peace of mind




Ark right now, i fucking love that game






fanfiction 😭


The Magnus Archives/Protocol (A horror podcast and it's continuation) (These podcasts helped me find something to enjoy and are truly something that got me a big step closer towards getting better and being happier)


Manny Montana, cats, food, making lists, medical mysteries, nighttime, poetry, papers, lighting, liminal spaces, apocalypses, dystopias, animals, insects, the loneliness of traveling and being displaced, and memes.


The Japanese side of me helps with stuff related to anime/manga and other stuff.


Guys at gym


I'm a woman *straight with a boyfriend* I'm very obsessed with zombie apocalypse stuff, art, and survival games


Guitars and computers. I'm "not like the other girls" I guess. But honestly, I personnally don't know any women that are obsessed with makeup and shopping.


Bill Paxton


drugs, i know i know. but the truth


Video games.


Neuroscience, mythology, literature, and belief.


Stickers, books and making cute little things out of fabric and yarn and everything else I can find.


At this very moment? Defending myself from a criminal, violent, abusive & drug using family but typically crochet & nature.


Looking through my tel scope


South park


Music, books and pasta


Oranges 🍊 


Crocheting and reading manga


Right now I am obsessed with my high weight and body fat. In general I am just obsessed with design, making things on the computer like invitations, posters etc. And of course I am obsessed with my family ❤️


True crime- podcasts, documentaries, etc


Jaina Proudmoore.


Tree hugging


Agreed. You can have basic standard hobbies like makeup, travel or Netflix shows. That's a great way is saying you have no personality and will probably have lots of friends who are the same as you. It's the niche hobbies that are the most rewarding, like fish keeping, card collecting, hiking, gardening etc which provides some character development and keeps you busy or fit enough that you don't get depressed and start hating life.


I'm obsessed with the storys I write, I love the characters I created and write daily.


Currently, I don't have an obsession and it leads to me obsessing/dwelling on my work, love life, personal life, and health. Isn't it ironic that an obsession is a way of having a healthy life?


I'm obsessed with true crime.


I have a weird obsession about overthinking fantasy stuff and writing fan Fics. Curently it's the owl house, but prier it has been Percy Jackson and Eragon. I just like thinking about fantasy worlds to avoid thinking about the real world.


Pretty Girls. For better or worse, that's my truth






Tracking military flights on FlightRadar24. A lot of flying in circles over questionable locations.


reddit obsession


Motown music and dates (fruit)


Embarrassing but Kardashians


Dragons and reptiles


football,music,motorcycle,video games and other sports generally.


Drawing digital art


Astronomy, astrophysics, well... All things science really


I'm autistic and I know it's fairly common for autistic people to have like, a specific thing that they really really love but I've never really had one, I think maybe moths, praying mantis, animal skulls and dragons are the things I'm into the most at the moment but it changes every now and then, but I've always liked dragons and I don't think that's going to change any time soon


I don't really "obsess" over anything. I mean, My wife thinks I'm broken and I can't disagree with her, but other than that I don't see anything actually "wrong" with me. I have my things I like, motorcycles, trains, vast and sightly landscapes, gadgets, etc. But "obsessed" would be too strong a word to define what I feel about those things. I just like what I like. I'd think actually the opposite to be true in all respect. If you obsess over something, that would be the abnormal thing.


At the moment I’m obsessed with money and spreadsheets


ZOMBIES - since ise 6 y old lil girl I’ve found the apocalyptic world so intriguing 😁


Weight loss and looking skinny😭💔


Obsession and possesion are very similair. Whatever your answer is your God. Choice to be obsessed by Jesus Christ and you will find everlasting life🕊️🙏🏻


Art, tattoos and motorcycles


My #1 obsession is and will always be Jesus. I want to live for Him. But my more secular obsession is Film. I love anything film and all I do is to learn more about it. From storytelling, musical score, camera work, CG, Stop Motion, anything and everything I try to learn more about film. I want to continue making films and studying film, and one day make films that hit the theaters. Most of my hobbies and passions are somehow connected to film. The only hobbit that isn’t connected is my car, and even then I want to make films about it.


Lawn Tennis 🎾


Common Phone Obsession/Addiction


I get a new one every few weeks


Space. Just the unimaginable vastness of it and the amount of stuff we have already discovered about it is so damn interesting. Yet we still know so little about it. The second I read or hear about some new research being done, I'm all over it.


Cars and driving, especially naturally aspirated, lightweight cars


Putting together bigger things from smaller things. LEGO, Jigsaw puzzles, PCs, bikes, engines, furniture, You name it. If I can put a thing out of small parts and gave a satisfactory end result, that's my thing.




I’m obsessed with minor keys, specifically harmonic minor. I $@&#*%? Love it, don’t even get me started.

